Bubble Gum Rescue

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Bubble Gum Rescue Page 2

by Helen Perelman

  Cara came up behind her. “Oh no,” she moaned. “More butterscotch! What are we going to do?”

  “I’m going to see if the other fairies have come up with a plan,” Melli said. “Will you be all right?”

  “Yes,” Cara said bravely. “I’ll work on cleaning the birds. You work on stopping this spill!”

  Melli smiled at her little sister. “I’m so proud of you,” she said. “I’ll try to be back soon.”

  Soon, she thought, before this mess gets bigger.

  Melli rushed back to the caramel tree where her friends huddled together. Raina was in the middle of the group with the Fairy Code Book on her lap. Melli hoped that while she had been with Cara the fairies had thought of a plan. This latest burst of butterscotch from the volcano had created even more trouble.

  “We’re in a hot butterscotch emergency,” Melli cried as she flew up to the tree. “Now the spill is even deeper than before!”

  “Take a breath,” Cocoa told Melli. “We can’t panic. We need to focus.” She held out her hand to Melli. “Come sit down for a minute.” She moved over to make room on the branch for her friend.

  Melli knew Cocoa was right, but seeing more butterscotch flow from the volcano was upsetting. “It’s getting worse down there,” she said sadly.

  “More butterscotch?” Dash asked. Her blue eyes were wide and full of fear.

  “But we found something in the Fairy Code Book that might work,” Raina said, giving Dash a stern look. “Remember, we have to remain calm.” She held up the book to show Melli the picture. “We could build a barricade to block the butterscotch from spilling out into Chocolate Woods,” Raina said slowly. “The idea is from this story about an overflow from Chocolate River.”

  “A barricade?” Melli said as she studied the picture.

  “You see, Chocolate Fairies used bark and branches from a chocolate oak tree and tied them together,” Cocoa explained. “The bundle blocked the flow of chocolate coming from the rising river.”

  “The barricade saved Chocolate Woods,” Berry added.

  Melli bit her nails and looked up at her friends. “But butterscotch is much thicker and stickier than chocolate from Chocolate River. Will a chocolate barricade really work?”

  Cocoa put her arm around Melli. “Chocolate Woods is so close. Let’s get some chocolate branches and bark and give it a try.”

  “Chocolate is not the strongest material. It tends to flake,” Dash pointed out.

  Cocoa scowled at Dash. “We should at least try.”

  Melli turned to Dash. Everyone was feeling the pressure of the situation, and Melli didn’t want her friends to fight. But Dash was a master at building sleds. She was one of the fastest racers in Sugar Valley and had even made her own sled and won a medal at the Marshmallow Run sled race. “Dash, do you have another suggestion?” Melli asked.

  Dash looked down at the ground. “I don’t know what would hold the syrup back,” she said quietly. “Especially hot butterscotch.”

  The friends all glanced down at the spill.

  “Cocoa is right,” Melli said, breaking the silence. “Chocolate Woods is nearby and the easiest place for us to get materials. At least we can try to keep the spill from spreading so fast.”

  The fairies nodded in agreement. They flew off to the woods and gathered pieces of bark, twigs, and branches from the chocolate oaks. They put the materials on a large blanket, and each fairy took a corner. Melli flew in front to lead the way.

  For the first time since she had seen the spill, Melli had a feeling of hope. Now if only this chocolate barricade would solve the problem!

  Near the base of the volcano the five friends put the chocolate logs and bark on the ground. When the last of the wood was unloaded, Melli stood back and held her breath.

  “Look!” she cried out. “The barricade is working!”

  Butterscotch wasn’t passing through the chocolate barricade. The five fairies joined hands and did a little dance. But their rejoicing didn’t last long. After a few moments their feet were covered in the thick golden syrup.

  Cocoa hung her head. “You were right, Dash,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

  “We had to try,” Dash said. “I’m really sorry that this didn’t work. The chocolate wasn’t strong or sticky enough to hold back the butterscotch.”

  Melli’s wings fluttered and a smile appeared on her face. “Dash! That’s it!” she exclaimed. Her feet lifted off the ground as she fluttered her wings. “That’s the answer!” she shouted. Her friends stared at her, amazed at her outburst. “We need something that will be sticky and sturdy for sealing the crack,” she said.

  Raina, Cocoa, Dash, and Berry waited for Melli to explain.

  “Bubble gum!” Melli finally exclaimed. She saw that her friends still didn’t understand her idea. “If we can get enough sticky bubble gum, first we’ll seal this crack, and then we’ll be able to plug it up and stop the butterscotch from leaking!”

  Raina considered Melli’s plan. “I think you’re on to something. Bubble gum would be an excellent choice. It’s strong and sticky, and it would fill up the crack. But we’ll need a lot of it.”

  “My cousin Pinkie makes bubble gum,” Melli said enthusiastically. “She can help! She works at Candy Castle.”

  “Well then, let’s go see her now!” Berry said.

  Melli quickly wrote a sugar fly message to Cara explaining that she would be back shortly—with another plan. Melli hoped this time their idea would work. Already there were too many birds harmed by the butterscotch spill.

  “Let’s hope this is a pink solution that will stick!” Melli said as she took the lead and flew toward Candy Castle.

  When the five fairies arrived at Candy Castle, there was a large group of fairies gathered in the Royal Gardens. The guards had just sounded their caramel horns, and Princess Lolli was standing on her balcony. The kind and gentle ruler was trying to quiet the crowd just as the fairies landed in the garden.

  “Look!” Melli said. “We’re just in time for Princess Lolli’s announcement.”

  “Unfortunately, we’ve seen firsthand what is going on in Caramel Hills,” Raina said. “I’m sure that is what she is going to talk about.”

  “Shh,” Berry scolded. “She’s ready to speak.”

  “Good afternoon,” Princess Lolli said to the fairies in the Royal Gardens. “I know many of you have heard about the trouble in Caramel Hills. It is a very sad day.” The princess looked around at the crowd. “There is a large crack near the base of the volcano, and hot butterscotch is leaking out into the hills.”

  Heavy sighs were heard throughout the crowd.

  If only they could all see what is happening there now, Melli thought sadly.

  “The caramella birds that live up in the hills are in the greatest danger,” Princess Lolli continued. “We need to work together to stop the spill and clean the animals that have been covered in the hot butterscotch.”

  “The news certainly has traveled fast,” Cocoa said, looking around the Royal Gardens.

  “We’ll need everyone’s help in the kingdom,” Melli said. “I’m so glad to see so many fairies here.”

  “Sugar Valley is under a Kingdom Emergency,” Princess Lolli declared. “All fairies are expected to help out in Caramel Hills. I hope to have more news for you soon.” The princess turned to her right and waved her hand. Tula, one of Princess Lolli’s advisers, appeared. “Tula will head the cleanup project. Please see her so we can get started as soon as possible.”

  The princess bowed her head and stepped back into the castle. Everyone felt her sadness. Princess Lolli was a good friend to all the creatures in Sugar Valley. Melli knew that this news was weighing heavily on her heart.

  “Come,” Melli said to her friends. “Let’s go talk to Princess Lolli. I want to tell her about my plan.”

  The fairies flew into the castle. They waited patiently while the palace guard asked permission for them to enter the throne room. They found Princess Lolli
near the window, looking out toward Caramel Hills.

  “Princess Lolli, Caramel Hills is so awful,” Melli blurted out. She ran up to the princess. “The caramella birds are trapped in the thick, hot butterscotch.”

  Princess Lolli gave Melli a tight hug. “I know,” she said. “This is very disturbing news.”

  “But, Princess Lolli, we have a plan,” Melli said, brightening. “A plan we think will work.”

  “At first we thought that if we could barricade the butterscotch, we could stop the leak, but that didn’t work,” Cocoa confessed. “The chocolate wood wasn’t strong enough to hold the hot syrup.”

  “So instead, we thought we could seal the crack,” Melli added.

  Princess Lolli turned to face the five fairies before her. Her eyebrows shot up. “Tell me more,” she said.

  “My cousin Pinkie makes bubble gum here at the castle,” Melli said. “If we can help her make enough sticky bubble gum, we might be able to mend the side of the volcano.”

  Princess Lolli smiled. “That is a fantastic idea,” she said. “I am so impressed, and I’m grateful for your creative thinking.” She walked over to her throne and sat down. “I think that is certainly worth a try!”

  Melli was ready to burst with pride.

  “Have you spoken to Pinkie?” Princess Lolli asked.

  Melli shook her head. “We wanted to see what you thought about the idea first,” she said.

  Princess Lolli looked back out the window toward Caramel Hills. “Let’s hope Pinkie can make enough gum.”

  “We’ll help her,” Melli offered.

  “Thank you,” Princess Lolli said. She called for one of the guards. “Please find Pinkie and ask her to come to the throne room at once.” Then she faced Melli. “I must go speak to Tula before she leaves for Caramel Hills. You and your friends wait here for Pinkie. I’ll be back shortly.”

  Melli and her friends looked at one another in amazement. They had been in Princess Lolli’s throne room before, but they had never been there alone. They stood very still, not sure what to do.

  Suddenly Melli began pacing around the room. “I hope Pinkie gets here soon.”

  “She’ll be here,” Cocoa told her. “Don’t worry.”

  A short while later Pinkie flew into the throne room. She hugged Melli and her friends. She had heard about the Butterscotch Volcano disaster but had not realized how serious it had become. When Melli filled her in, her eyes started to brim with tears.

  “And so we need to stop the leak in the volcano,” Melli said. “We thought your bubble gum could be the plug.”

  Pinkie tilted her head and flapped her pale pink wings. “I’m not sure I can do that,” she said.

  This was not the reply Melli had expected to hear. Her wings drooped down to the floor.

  “I only make tiny pieces of bubble gum, Melli,” Pinkie said. She dipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out three miniature gumballs.

  Melli glanced up at her friends. Then her eyes settled on Princess Lolli’s throne. The tall, wide peppermint sticks that Dash had created for the princess made the throne extra-special. Melli thought back to when Dash had been growing the peppermint sticks for the princess’s new throne and training for the Marshmallow Run. No one had believed that Dash could both manage her training and create the large royal peppermints, but she had. Melli moved closer to Dash.

  “When you were making the peppermint sticks for the throne, they were the biggest sticks you had ever made, right?” Melli asked.

  Dash nodded. She reached into her bag for a snack.

  “Did you do anything differently?” Melli asked.

  Taking a nibble of her treat, Dash shook her head. “Not really,” she said.

  “They took longer to grow, but those sticks are the same as the small ones right here.” Dash showed off a smaller peppermint stick in her hand.

  “And I bet those taste the same,” Cocoa said, smiling. She winked at Melli. She knew exactly what her clever friend was doing.

  “Sure as sugar!” Dash exclaimed.

  “You see, Pinkie,” Melli said, jumping up, “it’s still the same bubble gum. You just have to make much, much, much more.”

  “We can help you create the most bubble gum ever,” Raina said. “You can do this, Pinkie!”

  “We’re all counting on you,” Melli told her.

  Pinkie looked concerned, but Melli hoped Dash’s peppermint sticks would inspire her cousin—and change her mind.

  Melli’s wings twitched as she waited to hear Pinkie’s reply. She hoped her cousin would agree to make a superbig bubble gum plug for the volcano. Waiting for her to answer was so hard! She crossed her fingers. Then she listened to her four friends, who surrounded Pinkie.

  “We’re asking for your help for all the caramella birds in Caramel Hills,” Cocoa said.

  Melli shot her friend Cocoa a grateful look.

  “Maybe if you went to Caramel Hills and saw the problem close-up, you’d understand why we desperately need your help,” Raina said. “You could see what your bubble gum will do.”

  Melli was thankful for Raina’s calm and thoughtful response. And it seemed to help Pinkie with her decision.

  The small Bubble Gum Fairy fluttered her wings. She raised her eyebrows and let out a deep breath. “Will you all come with me?” she asked.

  “Sure as sugar!” the five friends said in unison.

  The fairies flew out of Candy Castle and across the kingdom to Caramel Hills. As they flew along Chocolate River, Melli glanced over at Pinkie.

  “I know this seems crazy to you,” Melli said. “But I really think bubble gum is the answer.”

  Pinkie nodded. “I need to see the problem before I try to make a solution,” she said.

  Melli understood. She hoped that when Pinkie saw the cracked volcano, she’d realize why bubble gum was their best shot at fixing the leak. She led Pinkie and her friends straight to Butterscotch Volcano. At the bottom of the volcano Melli spotted Cara and flew down to greet her.

  “I’m so glad you’re back,” Cara blurted out. “The butterscotch is spreading fast—and heading dangerously close to Chocolate Woods.”

  “It would be a disastrous and delicious mess in Chocolate Woods,” Dash said with a wistful look in her eyes.

  Melli knew that Dash often thought with her stomach first. She smiled at her, knowing that she meant no harm.

  “We brought Pinkie here because we’re hoping she can make a bubble gum seal for the leak in the volcano,” Melli told her. She turned around and saw Pinkie with her mouth gaping open.

  “This is awful,” Pinkie said softly. “Show me the crack.”

  Taking her hand, Melli and Pinkie left the butterscotch-covered ground and flew up to the side of the volcano to take a closer look at the leak.

  “Here it is,” Melli said, pointing. “You can see how the butterscotch is pooling on the flat land.”

  Pinkie stared at the volcano for a minute. “Wow, that’s a mighty big crack.”

  “Do you think you can make enough bubble gum for us, Pinkie?” Melli asked. She knew seeing the sticky situation firsthand had made her want to help.

  “I am going to try my hardest,” Pinkie told her. “I’ll need more time and some extra Candy Fairy help.”

  “Take Berry and Raina with you,” Melli said. “They will be excellent helpers. Dash, Cocoa, and I will stay here with Cara.”

  “That sounds like a perfect pink plan,” Pinkie said. “Let’s meet back here before Sun Dip.”

  Melli hugged Pinkie. “Thank you,” she said. “I’ll see you later.” Then she smiled at her cousin. “Good luck!”

  While Berry, Raina, and Pinkie returned to Candy Castle, Cocoa, Dash, and Melli went to see how they could help Cara.

  “Tula just dropped off more supplies,” Cara said. She pointed to a few boxes lying on the ground.

  “I can unpack and organize those things,” Cocoa offered.

  “I’ll start cleaning these little birds ove
r here, okay, Cara?” Melli asked.

  “They’ve been waiting a long time,” Cara said. “They’ll be glad to be butterscotch-free.”

  For the next few hours the fairies worked hard washing caramella birds of every shape and size. When the birds were free of butterscotch, they swooped through the air, happy to fly once again.

  “I’ve cleaned so many birds, but there are still more who are covered in this goo,” Melli told her friends.

  “It’s a butterscotch disaster, all right,” Dash sighed. Then she bent down to dip her finger in the thick butterscotch pool. “But I have to admit, this syrup is really delicious,” she said, licking her finger.

  “Leave it to Dash to still have an appetite even during a full-on Candy Kingdom emergency,” Cocoa said. She crossed her arms across her chest.

  For the first time since Melli had spotted the first butterscotch-coated bird, she laughed. Dash’s stomach was reliable—she was hungry all the time!

  “I’m serious,” Dash said, blushing.

  Cocoa started to laugh. “I know you are,” she said, smiling. “Believe me, I wish I could use all this good butterscotch. What a waste.”

  Melli’s face lit up. “Hot caramel!” she screamed.

  Dash and Cocoa looked at her. “What happened?” they said at the same time.

  Fluttering her wings excitedly, Melli flew up in the air. “Nothing happened,” she explained. “Except that you both gave me a sugar-tastic idea!” When she saw that her friends still looked confused, she said, “The butterscotch is delicious, and it is a shame that fairies can’t use the syrup. This is an awful waste.”

  “Why is she saying what we already know?” Dash whispered to Cocoa.

  “Because you’re right!” Melli exclaimed. “We need to store and save the butterscotch. Let’s get those big barrels from Candy Castle here and fill them with butterscotch.”

  “Sweeeeet!” Dash cheered.

  “Maybe that would lower the level of the syrup pool here too,” Cocoa said. “Look how high the butterscotch is now.”


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