Dark Corners - Twelve Tales of Terror

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Dark Corners - Twelve Tales of Terror Page 24

by Bray, Michael

  Nervous and not wanting to show it, Victor sat and sipped his double scotch whilst he waited for Wang Li to arrive. His people had shown up early to inspect the ship, and satisfied with the arrangements had cleared the meeting to proceed. Three guards from each family were stationed in the hall of the meeting room to deter any conflict that might arise. There were more men from each side stationed on the dock, watching one another carefully. Secretly, Victor had positioned a sniper on the large crane directly across the dock in the event that things went south. Although there was no line of sight into the meeting room, the sniper had instructions to kill Wang Li as he exited the vessel, should Victor give the signal—which would be sent via the red panic button under the conference table.

  Victor sipped his drink thoughtfully as Salvatore ducked his head into the room.

  “He’s here.”

  Victor nodded and drained his glass.

  “Show him in.”

  He looked even older in the flesh as he shuffled into the room. He was walking with a cane and his hand shook with the effort of supporting himself. Victor suppressed a small smile as Wang Li was assisted to his seat by one of his aides who then left, closing the door behind him. Victor looked Wang Li in the eye, and was met with an equally icy stare that made him uncomfortable. He was used to people breaking eye contact, too intimidated by Victor’s reputation. Wang Li folded his hands on the table, and Victor fought the urge to grimace at how thin and wiry they were.

  “Welcome, Mr. Li,” Said Victor sincerely.

  “I am happy that you agreed to this meeting, Mr. Mallone. As you can see, I am quite unwell and desire a quick end to this matter.”

  “If what you said in your message is true, then I’m sure we can come to an arrangement.”

  Wang Li smiled at this. Victor couldn’t imagine him having very many years left. He looked frail, weathered. He thought this would be an easy negotiation.

  “Mr. Mallone, you are no fool, and neither am I. I desire an end to this pointless battle. For many years, we have fought over territory, over business dealings, and both of us have lost people we care about.”

  Victor nodded, although he personally didn’t care about those he had lost. Sure it was an inconvenience, but there was always a good turnover of down on their luck, willing to do anything scum looking to join his organisation. He said nothing and allowed the old man to continue.

  “I no longer desire these things, Mr. Mallone. I am too old, too tired. I’m sure you have noticed my health is poor.”

  Victor nodded. Indeed, the old fuck looked like he was ready to drop dead at any second, but he wouldn’t say that. Not when it looked like he was about to inherit a huge stake of territory without lifting a finger. He lived for days like this.

  “Mr. Li, I don’t believe in extended negotiations or wasting people’s time, so I will tell you exactly where I stand and we can make this deal happen. I’m sure you are aware of the dangers to us both in meeting this way. Now—in regard to the condition of retaining your staff, I am prepared to accept this. But my concern is their loyalty.”

  Li looked offended, but only for a second.

  “Mr. Mallone, the loyalty of my men is unquestioned. They will do as I instruct them.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment, but how can I be certain that when you have retired they will remain loyal... and do as I tell them?”

  Li smiled and sat back in his chair.

  “If I command it, they will do it. Let me give you an example of their unquestioned loyalty... Two years ago, I needed a transplant—my liver was failing me. Of all of my men, only one was suitable; but he himself was in excellent health, a young man of just twenty-two. He gave me his life, Mr. Mallone. Without my asking he committed suicide, demanding that his liver be given to me. That is loyalty that you cannot buy.”

  “Loyalty to you, Mr. Li. Not to me.”

  Wang Li leaned forward and appeared angry, but then smiled.

  “Mr. Mallone, there is no question that they will do as you ask, or they will answer to me.”

  Victor decided to let the point go. The bottom line was, if they didn’t do things his way, they would disappear never to be seen again. It was crunch time. Victor wanted to see if the old man was genuine. It was time to put the cards on the table.

  “Ok, Mr. Li, I think we have a deal.”

  “Very good. You will assume full control of my business assets and my territory upon the transfer of three hundred million U.S. dollars into my account.”

  Victor chuckled, but then saw that the old man was dead serious. He licked his lips nervously.

  “Uh, Mr. Li, I was under the impression that no money would be changing hands in this deal. I assumed you were looking for someone to take over for you.”

  “Indeed I am, Mr. Mallone. But to simply give away everything I have worked for? Oh no. That won’t do at all.”

  “Then we have nothing further to discuss,” Victor said and stood.

  The old man laughed.

  “Victor, my friend, sit your fat, greasy ass down and listen to what I have to say.”

  It was like someone flicking a switch. Gone was the frail appearance, the shaking hand. He still looked like hell, but he had an air of supreme authority about him that made Victor’s confidence falter. Shocked, he sat back in his chair as Li leaned close, spitting his words venomously.

  “I have something to show you, Mr. Mallone.”

  Li shouted over his shoulder in Chinese and the meeting room door opened. Victor could see his men, or what was left of them, smeared over the walls. He wondered how they had managed to be so quiet. They were all dead apart from Salvatore, who was on his knees, hands behind his head and mouth gagged. Their eyes met for a split second before the door was closed. Lei Ling, the courier, brought in a laptop computer and set it in front of Mallone, then opened a video on screen. Victor glanced over to Wang Li, who looked on expressionlessly.

  The video was shot in Victor’s house, but it wasn’t the pristine and clutter-free space he would have expected to see. The walls were riddled with bullet holes and a thin haze of smoke drifted across the screen. There were three chairs lined up in the centre of the frame, and tied to them were Victor’s wife and two daughters. Victor glared at Wang Li, who was now smiling.

  “Your home is very well protected, Mr. Mallone. My men had some trouble gaining access.”

  Victor felt sick, but kept his expression neutral. He knew that if he had any hope of escaping this boat alive, he would have to be at his absolute best. He discreetly reached under the table and pressed the panic button.

  “Mr. Mallone, the sniper has already been taken care of. It is now just you and I, so please, relax.”

  Victor slumped back in his chair and glared at Li. He was suddenly hot and the air felt thick and heavy. His eyes drifted back to the jittery video of his family. He could see his cousin Francisco lying face down on the crème rug, his throat cut and pooling blood.

  “I must say, I’m surprised you fell for such an obvious ploy, Mr. Mallone. When you actually agreed to this meeting I almost felt sorry for you.”

  “You fucking chink! You never planned on making a deal!” spat Victor, finally losing control.

  Wang Li smiled.

  “Actually, you are wrong. The deal still stands, Mr. Mallone. I’m retiring and will be leaving once you pay me for my territory.”

  “I don’t have that kind of money, you dumb chink!” roared Victor.

  “You lie, Mr. Mallone. Between your various accounts you are worth two hundred and ninety-seven million dollars, which you will transfer to my account using the computer in front of you.”

  “Are you fucking insane? That would wipe me out, leave us with nothing.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about that, Victor,” said Wang Li with a cruel smile. “I would worry about where you intend to find the remaining three million dollars to complete the transaction.”

  “Are you insane, you old fuck? There is no deal!”
/>   “You have already agreed. To change your mind now would be very disrespectful. I urge you to think carefully about your next words.”

  Victor bit his tongue and folded his hands on the table.

  “Fine—let us negotiate. But I ask you to let my family go, Mr. Li. I have acted in good faith in arranging this meeting.”

  “Apart from the sniper on the roof, of course.”

  “Yes…but still...”

  He trailed off, trying to think of a way out. For him it was all about self-preservation.

  “How about this, Mr. Mallone: for the outstanding balance of three million, I will allow you to pay by other means.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want your family. More specifically, your wife and two daughters.”

  Victor could no longer hide his terror as he glared at his nemesis, then back to the grainy video of his wife and children.

  “There is no way. Surely you understand that. Family means more to me than anything in this shitty world, you old prick!”

  Li continued, acting as if he hadn’t heard Victor’s protests.

  “I think it’s a fair price, Mr. Mallone. Three million for three human beings... Though it is a higher price than you typically charge.”

  “Fair price? I’m supposed to sell you my fucking family?”

  Wang Li chuckled and shook his head

  “Don’t preach to me about family, Mallone. You have no concept of family values. You have no honour, no respect, and this time it’s going to cost you.”

  “How about we negotiate, come to some arrangement...”

  “No. The time for that has passed. The offer is non-negotiable.”

  “Then there is no deal. You will have to kill me.”

  “I don’t want to kill you, Mr. Mallone. What would I want with a fat, greasy shit of a corpse like you?”

  Victor lurched to his feet. “You fucking prick!”

  Wang Li didn’t move as the door to the meeting room opened, and three armed guards burst through, training their guns on Victor.

  “Sit down, Mr. Mallone, before you get yourself shot. A man of your size is hard to miss.”

  “Why my family? What do you want with them?”

  Victor flopped into his seat, wiping his arm across his sweaty brow. His eyes darted around the room, scanning for a way out. He realised with dismay that his attention to security meant he had inadvertently trapped himself. Wang Li motioned to Lei Ling and whispered something in her ear, then turned back to Victor. She left the room and closed the door, leaving two armed guards flanking Wang Li’s seat.

  “In my culture there is a legend, Mr. Mallone. A story that my family has told for generations. I want to share this with you now, and please listen, for you are the first person outside of the Li family to hear it.”

  Victor remained silent and Wang Li continued.

  “Sometime in the early sixteenth century, my ancestors found a way to enrich their lives by the drinking of human blood.”

  A chill ran down Victor’s spine as he watched the old man. He tried as best he could to ignore the intensity of his twisted stare.

  “It is not unlike the basis of the vampire legend, but not as dramatic, I’m afraid. The legend says that he who sacrifices and drinks from the body of another will earn the years that they themselves had yet to live...”

  Wang Li leaned forward, watching Victor carefully.

  “... and it is said that the blood of a rival’s family, his immediate family, is the most valuable of all... You, Mallone, are indeed my greatest rival.”

  He knew he had to act, to call the old man’s bluff. The only thing left was to go all in.

  “I’ll tell you what I think, Mr. Li...”

  Victor stood, and although Wang Li’s guards sprang into action, he held them off with a wave of his hand as Victor continued.

  “I think this is all bullshit. More to the point, I think YOU are full of shit. You think I was born yesterday, Chinaman? Well let me tell you right now: that old wives’ tale bullshit doesn’t scare me. Now I am going to leave this room, get my brother, and get off this boat. Then I’m going to bring the hammer down on you and every other slant-eyed gook in this damn city.”

  Although he had intended to walk around the table and leave, he knew his legs wouldn’t allow him to. They felt like jelly, and it was taking all of his effort just to stand upright. Wang Li simply looked on with his knowing smile.

  “A fine speech, Victor, but pointless all the same.”

  He barked a command over his shoulder in his native tongue and Salvatore was bundled into the room by Lei Ling. His nose was bloody and Victor could see defiance and fear in equal measure on his face.

  “It is unfortunate you have chosen to respond to my offer with your typical narrow-minded arrogance. Now it will cost you your brother’s life.”

  Victor watched as Wang Li stood, no longer frail or slow-moving. Salvatore was forced to his knees and Wang Li moved beside him, placing a bony hand on his bald head.

  “Out of respect for you as a rival, Mr. Mallone, I’ll give you one last chance to agree to my proposal and save your brother’s life.”

  Victor forced himself to meet Wang Li’s gaze, but couldn’t help glancing toward Salvatore, who was watching him with a pleading look in his eyes. Victor was sweating now, his heart thumping so hard he thought everyone in the room could surely hear it. He licked his lips and then smiled, showing his slightly yellowed teeth to Wang Li.

  “Fuck you, Chinaman.”

  “Very well,” said Wang Li softly as his guards held on to Salvatore, who was now struggling to free himself. Wang Li reached into his mouth to remove his dentures, and as he did so, Victor nearly screamed aloud.

  Wang Li’s teeth, his natural teeth that is, were sharpened into points. He was grinning now, showing as many of the horrific, bony daggers as he could. He licked his lips, his tongue looking incredibly bright, incredibly vivid as he began to salivate, the spit dribbling down his chin. Salvatore tried to push himself away, but was held securely in place as Wang Li crouched and grabbed his head, trying to get at his neck. Victor knew it was now or never. Willing his legs into action, he launched himself across the table, tackling one of the guards. He slammed his elbow into the guard’s throat, wrestling his gun free. With a roar of fury, Victor rolled onto his back and sprayed gunfire towards Wang Li, peppering the walls with bullet holes as his intended target threw himself to the ground, narrowly avoiding the storm of bullets. Salvatore had rolled out of the line of fire, but Lei Ling and the second guard were both shot dead. Only a few seconds had passed, and the guard on the floor, although wheezing from his damaged throat, was again wrestling for control of the weapon, trying to pry Victor’s fingers away.

  Victor managed to turn the gun towards the guard’s face, and seeing the terror in his eyes, managed a smile.

  “Fuck you, gook!” he roared as he squeezed the trigger. An explosion of blood and bone erupted as the guard’s face disintegrated. Victor’s triumph was short lived however, as he felt Wang Li leap onto his back, sinking jagged teeth into his shoulder. Throwing himself backwards, Victor smashed Wang Li against the edge of the table, but like a rabid dog he wouldn’t release his grip, shaking his head from side to side as he sunk his teeth deeper. Victor cried out in pain

  He slammed his head back in blind hope, and felt it connect with Wang Li, who let out a surprised grunt and released his grip, allowing Victor to roll free. His shoulder burning in agony, he whirled around to see the Chinaman crouching on the floor, his lower face now covered with blood. Wang Li was babbling in his own language and glaring at Victor, but Victor wasn’t looking back. His eyes were on the discarded semi-automatic machine gun lying on the floor. He lunged for it and a split second later Wang Li did the same. Victor’s hand momentarily touched the metal casing before Wang Li’s fangs sank into his forearm, tearing away a huge flap of skin. Victor screamed, still groping for the gun. As he found a grip he rolled to the left
, whirling and firing blindly toward where he thought the Chinaman would be, but he missed his target. Wang Li leapt over the table to the other side of the room as Victor emptied the magazine.

  So much for being a frail old man, Victor thought to himself as he tossed the empty gun to the floor. He struggled to his feet and staggered for the door, glancing down at the ugly tear in his arm. He could hear Wang Li scurrying unseen around the underside of the table, but Victor’s main concern was getting out of there. He was almost at the door when he tripped over Salvatore’s leg—Sal who was still incapacitated and moaning softly. Victor felt his ankle twist under the full weight of his three hundred plus pounds. He crunched to the floor, smashing his head against the polished wood and almost knocking himself unconscious. Exhausted, he rolled onto his side and could see Sal looking at him—afraid, pleading. Victor froze as Wang Li spoke, unable to spot him from his prone position.

  “You know this is pointless, Victor,” came the soft voice. It sounded different somehow, yet more natural. Victor knew he was vulnerable and exposed, and wiping the sweat from his brow he saw that his hand was covered in fresh blood from where he had hit his head on the floor. It was then that he saw Wang Li, naked and crawling on all fours around the bottom of the table. His wrinkled old body had the leathery appearance of a mummified corpse as he snaked his way towards Victor, grinning his horrific red dagger smile.

  “I’ll give you credit, Victor, you put up a good fight.” He was by Salvatore now, and rested on his haunches, arms in front of him, fingers splayed out on the floor.

  “You know it’s too late, don’t you Victor? For your family, I mean. They are already dead.”

  Victor said nothing. Deep down he knew it to be true. If their positions had been reversed, it was exactly what he would have done. Victor struggled up to his elbows, panting and staring at Wang Li with a defiant look. He spat on the floor, and despite trying his best to hide his fear, there was a definite tremble in his voice as he spoke.


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