Brothel: The Magnolia Diaries

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Brothel: The Magnolia Diaries Page 1

by Anthology

  An Anthology

  The Boss

  The D

  The Schoolgirl

  The Ice Queen

  The Lucky Charm

  The Pussy Cat

  The Specialist

  The Madame

  The Boss

  Written by Stella James

  Copyright © 2017 Stella James

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons living or dead, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Chapter One


  I sit at my desk and stare at the sleek business card placed neatly beside my keyboard. The card is blank except for the creamy white lettering on the front and the phone number on the back. The Magnolia House. I found it by chance two days ago while I was standing in line at the coffee shop next door. I was about to approach the front counter and place my order when I looked down and saw it discarded on the floor. It stood out among the scuffed up tile and before thinking much of it, I picked it up and slipped it into my pocket. A quick internet search later that afternoon told me that The Magnolia House is in fact a high end pleasure for purchase business. I clicked through the website like a child devouring her first ice cream cone.

  Respectable twenty-four year old women like me shouldn’t look at such things. Nice, serial monogamists like me shouldn’t care to know about places like this. But the truth is, I need money and I need it now. I make a decent wage as a receptionist for Marcus Devereux at Devereux Incorporated but the twenty-five thousand dollar credit card debt that Simon left me with is a dark cloud that constantly looms over me.

  It’s been two weeks since I last saw my boyfriend of two and a half years and discovered that not only was he cheating on me but that he had been using my credit cards behind my back. Judging by his disappearing act, I think it’s safe to say that he has no intention of actually paying the bill. The funny thing is, I don’t even care that he’s gone. A true testament to just how serious we were, I suppose.

  I glance back down at the card that has been taunting me for the last two days. Can I really do it? Can I sell my body to make a buck? A girl like me who has no savings to fall back on and a stack of bills to pay doesn’t exactly have a lot of options. I can’t deny that a part of me finds the idea of pleasure in exchange for money oddly arousing. When I think of the type of men that must frequent an establishment such as this, I can’t help the shiver that such a thought sends down my spine. Rich. Powerful. I’d be a sacrificial lamb among wolves. I tuck the card into my purse and place it in the bottom drawer of my desk. Enough day dreaming for now, my lunch break is over and I need to focus on my current job.

  I glance at the clock and right on time the elevator chimes and out steps Mr. Devereux. Tall, dark and wearing his impeccable suit with the confidence of a man who can cause even the most prominent citizens in the city to tremble with fear. My boss is a walking, talking, rags to riches story. He built his company from the ground up and is one of the most influential men in his field. Of course, gossip follows close behind. No one really knows how he came into the funds necessary to form the most successful investment firm in the city. Some say he has ties to the mob and others say he dabbles in underground gambling. It doesn’t really matter though, I’ll never be privy to such information. Mr. Devereux is well-mannered yet curt and impersonal. I am his employee and nothing more. A fact that he is happy to remind me of when he approaches my desk to collect his messages.

  “I want you to move my three o’clock meeting to tomorrow, Jane. I have some personal business to attend to and I’ll be leaving the office early today,” he says. His voice is like bourbon and honey and every other guilty pleasure combined and then poured over gravel.

  “Yes of course, I’ll take care of that right away.”

  He pauses before heading through the massive oak doors that lead to his office. I can feel his eyes on me as I bring up his schedule on my computer. Any time I find myself under his scrutiny, I feel the same blush creep up my neck. I can’t help it that my thoughts instantly turn lustful and curious. I wonder if his piercing green eyes darken a shade or two when he’s aroused. I wonder if the dark scruff along the sharp line of his jaw would make me giggle or make me moan. He clears his throat and shakes me from my inappropriate thoughts.



  “Are you alright?” The concern on his handsome face makes my heart beat faster. I think this is the most personal he’s ever gotten with me and I’m so stunned that I can’t do much more than squeak my response.

  “I’m fine,” I lie.

  “Very well,” he says and walks into his office.

  I take a few calming breaths and pull my purse from the drawer. I dial the number on the back of the card before I lose my nerve. I resign myself to the fact that money doesn’t grow on trees. It grows in a fancy whorehouse on the edge of the city, and I’m about to offer myself up on a platter for a piece of that pie.


  I walk into the salon and I’m surprised to find that I don’t feel nervous but rather I feel excited. I placed two phone calls yesterday afternoon. One to The Magnolia House to set up an interview and one to the small spa down the street from my apartment. The woman I spoke to told me that my interview would be based on my physical presentation and a brief Q & A, all with the owner of the establishment. Apparently, he likes to get the first impression on any potential new hires and if he approves, he then sends you to the Madam of the house for guidance and a proper orientation.

  For a brothel, I must admit that it seems very professional. I give my name to the girl at the front desk and take a seat in the waiting area. I have a full body exfoliation and a Brazilian wax. I don’t know what the norm is as far as grooming habits for a working girl, but I like the feeling of being bare against my panties. My interview is tonight at eight o’clock which I guess makes sense for this line of work. A car will be picking me up, which I consider a perk since I won’t have to waste time leaving early. I can take my time getting ready and making sure that I’m presentable enough for this elusive owner.

  Chapter Two


  I walk through the front doors of the secluded house and am greeted by my other receptionist, Nicolette. The entire foyer, as well as the long desk she sits behind are immaculate. I run a tight ship at both Devereux Incorporated and The Magnolia House. Appearances are everything.

  “Good evening Mr. Devereux,” she says curtly.

  “Nicolette,” I nod. “Is M in yet?”

  “Yes, she arrived about an hour ago. Shall I call her?”

  “No, that’ll be fine. What have we got tonight?”

  She runs through the list of clients that are currently on the premises and updates me on the general goings on of the last couple days since I was last in. I spend the majority of my time running Devereux Incorporated and leave most of the business pertaining to The Magnolia to M. I’ve been selling sex and entertainment for the last ten years when I inherited the house and its employees as well as its clients from my mentor. I stumbled across this place when I was eighteen and coasting through existence. I was a nobody who came from nothing until the night I was busted trying to steal a car. I was given a job instead of a date with the police and I never once took that for granted. I learned all there was to learn about the business of selling pleasure and when I took over officially, I use
d some of that capitol to start a legitimate investment firm on the side. There are two things I enjoy in this world and that’s money and fucking.

  “We’ve also got an interview coming in tonight at eight o’clock,” she says. “I’ve gone ahead and prepared your room but before you head there you should stop by the parlour and give your regards to the district attorney.”

  “Thank you Nicolette, please bring her to me when she arrives.”

  I pass by the parlour and give Mr. Ellis an acknowledging nod as he watches two of my girls finger fuck each other on a plush red chaise. My personal quarters are located down a softly lit hallway in the east wing of the expansive property. I close the door behind me and head straight for the ensuite. I shed my clothes and turn the faucet on in the glass shower until the water is as hot as I can stand it. When I step under the spray, the water not only thaws the tension in my shoulders but helps to clear my head. I wasn’t expecting an interview tonight and the anticipation has my cock twitching.

  As owner of The Magnolia, I need to be sure that the girls I hire are of the upmost quality. There’s no better way to assess that than by fucking them myself. I turn off the shower and dress casually in black slacks and a crisp white shirt. I roll the sleeves up my forearms and don’t bother with at tie. Just as I begin to pour myself a drink there’s an efficient knock at the door. I stand in front of the large bay window, watching a pair of taillights fade down the gravel road when I see Nicolette’s reflection as she opens the door and steps through with my appointment.

  “Will there be anything else Mr. Devereux?”

  “No. And see that we aren’t disturbed.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  She exits the room and shuts the door firmly behind her. The girl she brought in simply stands and stares at my back as I continue to sip my drink.

  “There’s no need to be nervous.” The lie slips easily from my lips. I can tell by her reflection that she’s petite but nicely curved. My favourite. My cock begins to swell with the knowledge that I’ll soon be burying every inch of myself inside of her tight little body.

  “I’m not nervous,” she says. The notion of familiarity has me turning around to face her. Things just got considerably more interesting.

  “Hello Jane.”

  Chapter Three


  I knew the minute I saw him standing there that I was in the company of Marcus Devereux. I’ve spent countless hours admiring him in his entirety and I would know the broadness of his shoulders and that slight southern drawl anywhere. A million questions flood my mind but I forget every single one of them the minute he turns around. His eyes inspect me slowly as he sips his bourbon. I’ve replaced my typically sensible shoes with chic black pumps and instead of my conservative office attire I’m wearing the tight-fitting maroon cocktail dress that I bought this afternoon. My honey brown hair is hanging loose just past my shoulders in careless waves and I’ve done my makeup with the intention of bringing out the flecks of gold in my brown eyes. Judging by the thickness that sits heavy in the air between us, I think I’ve hit the mark.

  “Well this is a pleasant surprise, I must say.” He sets the glass tumbler on his desk and saunters casually to where I’m standing. I don’t know why, but I wait for him to come to me. Something about the way he watches me has me completely mesmerized and I find myself unwilling to move until he says that I can.

  “I could say the same,” I reply. He walks a slow circle around me and trails his finger down my bare arm, eliciting not only a shiver but the beginnings of a gentle throb between my thighs.

  “Do you know where you are Jane?” He continues to appraise me and when I bring my gaze to meet his he pauses in front of me.

  “Yes, I know where I am,” I say, licking the dryness from my lips.

  “And how does your boyfriend feel about you auditioning to become a whore?”

  “I wouldn’t know, we broke up.”

  “Hm, is that so?” He steps behind me once again and brushes my hair off my neck, placing it over my shoulder. “And do I not pay you enough Jane?”

  “You pay me just fine, but I’ve come into some unexpected debt and I need a second job.”

  His knuckles dance along my spine and I know that the next time I speak, my words will likely falter.

  “Don’t lie to me little fox,” he says. “There are plenty of ways to make money. You’re here for more than just an extra paycheck, aren’t you?”

  “Y-yes sir,” I whisper.

  I can feel the scruff on his jaw brush against my cheek as he brings his lips to my ear.

  “Say that again,” he rasps against my skin. I don’t giggle and I don’t moan. But a gasp does cross my lips and there’s no denying the wetness between my legs.

  “Yes sir.”

  He unzips my dress and lets it fall to the ground, pooling at my feet. I’m not wearing anything underneath and the deep groan that I hear behind me indicates that he must approve.

  “Get on the bed and spread your legs for me, little fox.”

  I remove my shoes and walk to the massive king size bed that sits on the opposite side of the room. Crawling over the black comforter, I lay down and rest my head on the matching pillows. I place the soles of my feet on the bed, allowing my legs to fall open. I am on complete display for him and loving every minute of it. He strides to the foot of the bed and noticeably inhales.

  “I can smell how wet you are, is that just for me?” He asks.

  My body is thrumming with desire, the fact that he continues to inspect me has me flushing under his watchful eye and I can’t seem to muster much more than a simple nod.

  “I asked you a question little fox, and I expect an answer,” he growls.

  “Yes sir, it’s all for you.” My voice trembles over the words and as he approaches the side of the bed and sits down beside me, I feel as though all the air has been robbed from my lungs.

  “Are you scared Jane?” The fact that he uses my real name does not allude me. I know that this is my opportunity to leave. To forget this whole idea and think of another way to pay my debts. I know that this is my way out and I also know that I won’t take it. Because I am desperate to feel this man inside of me. I look him in the eye and give him my answer.

  “No sir.”

  His lips are instantly on mine, claiming my next breath as if it belongs to him. His slick tongue invades my mouth unapologetically and without hesitation. He’s devouring me and I’m helpless against the satisfaction that it brings me. I moan as he nudges himself between my legs, the hardness of his cock rubs against my clit and I know that I am moments away from falling apart. His mouth leaves mine only to nip and suck a trail over both of my heavy breasts and down my belly. He takes one long swipe along my folds with his tongue and groans appreciatively.

  “Mm little fox, you taste like a fucking dream,” he says.

  “Please, please don’t stop,” I beg.

  He pulls his mouth from my body and looks up at me, he waits until he has my full attention before he speaks the words that nearly unravel me.

  “Rule number one Jane, you don’t tell me what to do.”

  I can’t help the way my hips buck up, I need his mouth back on me. I need him to take away the ache that now fills every inch of my body.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good girl, now keep your eyes on me and watch me eat your pussy.”

  He thrusts two thick fingers inside of me and presses his mouth to my swollen clit. I try hard to keep my eyes on him because I want to please him more than anything, but the sensations are almost too much. I’m so close to my climax that I can’t control the quiver in my thighs or how tightly I grip the fabric beneath me. Just when I feel as though I can’t take anymore, he stands and unzips his pants, freeing his erection and giving it two hard pumps before he’s back between my legs and plunging inside of me. I come instantly and on a strangled moan. His name falls from my lips over and over, he drives into me with such fury that the bed b
egins to shake with every thrust. I have never in my life been fucked this way, and that is exactly what he’s doing, fucking me into oblivion. A second orgasm rips through me and I think I might actually black out.

  “That’s right little fox, you’ll take my cock as hard as I want you to. You are mine right now and I’ll fuck you any way that I want,” he grunts as he continues to ravage me, thrusting in harshly one final time before emptying himself into me. He pulls out as the semen drips from the tip of his shaft and pries my fingers from the bed, taking my hand in his. He swipes my fingers along my swollen sex.

  “Lick your fingers clean like a good girl,” he demands.

  I suck my fingers into my mouth and taste both of us, licking them clean as he’s instructed me to. It’s the single most erotic thing that I have ever done and I know now without a doubt that I am royally screwed.

  Chapter Four


  Watching Jane lick and suck the cum from her delicate fingers is an image that I am likely never to forget. Saying that tonight hasn’t gone according to plan would be a gross understatement. When an interview comes in, I fuck her, decide if she’ll make me money or not and either send her to M or send her home. Seeing Jane spread open on the bed for me like a fucking gift had me instantly thirsty for a taste of her sweet bare pussy. She says she’s here for money but the way that she just obeyed my every command tells me that there is a dirty little girl buried beneath her prim and proper exterior. And I am not even close to being done with her yet.

  I’ve always noticed Jane to be attractive but mixing my legitimate business with pleasure is an iron clad rule that I would never think of breaking. Until tonight. Until she walked into my lions’ den in that tight as fuck dress and squeezed my cock with her tight pussy. There’s no way she’s working for me. There’s no way I’m sharing her. She sucks the last drop from her fingers and looks to me for instruction. I stand and tuck myself back into my pants and pour myself another drink.


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