Brothel: The Magnolia Diaries

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Brothel: The Magnolia Diaries Page 14

by Anthology

  "Fuck you're beautiful." I said it to him once before, but it feels like a different lifetime.

  "Shut up. You are. Look at you. Fuck. So perfect." I smile as his hands skim over my ribs, mine mirroring his movements.

  I trace a tattoo there, and then move over his chest which is defined and tanned. Elijah moves his hands down my arms and I shudder. Then mirror the touch. We do this until we are both breathing hard. The room full of our harsh sounds. Elijah kisses me often. Wet, lingering kisses. My mouth, my neck, the curve of my shoulder. My bicep, my elbow, the tender skin at my wrists. Cherished. That's what each kiss feels like. Like I'm cherished. It's unnerving but for tonight, I welcome it.

  Somehow, we end up naked and his knees press mine open. Then he bends backwards and I frown. When he smirks, shaking the bottle of whisky in one hand, a glass of ice in the other, I shudder. Elijah sets the tumbler on the bed then lowers close. His tongue circles my navel. Watching me with chocolate eyes gone dark, he grins. Dumping the liquid there, he watches it drip as I buck.

  "Mmm you taste good already. Now..." Elijah husks as he leans forward, licking it off.

  "Elijah...don't waste it." His dark brows waggle and we laugh as he licks up every drop.

  "Don't intend to, baby. Open your sexy mouth." I laugh but obey, letting him pour some into my mouth.

  Before I can swallow, his tongue is licking at my lips then he's suckling at my mouth. We share the whisky before he breaks away. Spills some in the curve of my neck. Licks it, biting, sucking, driving me fucking crazy. Then between my tits. Same treatment. Then lower, the dip between my thighs and my pussy. My hips buck when his tongue lingers there longer. His eyes watching me.

  "Another rule to break?" I whisper, my voice not my own as he waits.

  "Mmm, you want me to, don't you baby?" I nod my head. Fuck, yes, I want him to. I don't let clients eat me out. Period. I want Elijah to fucking devour me.

  "I do. Please. Please, Elijah." I whimper as he presses his strong hands to my thighs, spreading me for him.

  "Oh baby, I am. I want to break all your fucking rules, precious. Open for me, Brooke." I shudder as I feel his fingers spread my pussy open, then the splash of whisky. I was already soaked.

  Elijah surges forward, sucking me gently, two fingers keeping me open to his tongue. His teeth. His lips. He kisses my pussy like that's the mouth he wants the most. One hand grips the thick hair at the back of his neck, the other clutches at the sheets. Elijah may be a sweet Tech Boy, but that mouth is filthy as shit. Then he adds two fingers to the party. Then a third, his pinky pressing to the pucker of my ass.

  "Oh fuck. do you...god damn. Yes, Elijah." My hips buck as I grind against his face.

  "Fuck you taste good. Whisky or not. So fucking sweet. Let me see those eyes, precious." I watch him as he watches me, his eyes dark and hungry.

  "I like the sight of you between my thighs, Elijah." He growls and bites at my clit as he pumps his fingers and I come hard and fast, rocking against him.

  "Yes. God damn you're beautiful when you come, baby." I need to say something clever. Detached. Icy.

  "Please....Elijah." Super fucking detached, that needy moan. Fucking idiot.

  I hear the clink of the ice as I ride the wave of my orgasm. Then I cry out when ice hits my throbbing clit. My eyes struggle to focus. Elijah is rubbing the ice over my pussy, those long skilled fingers still fucking me. Then the ice is running over my belly. Skating over my ribs. Circling my tits. Then back and forth, slowly, over my budded nipples. I arch and moan his name, a fucking mess over what he's doing to me.

  "Do you want me to fuck you?" The fingers between my legs are gone as his weight pins me down.

  "Yes, I want you to fuck me, Elijah." I hook my legs at his hips, urging him forward. He relents.

  "Look at me, Brooke." That ice is circling my nipple and I shudder.

  "Elijah..." I catch the softness in his eyes when I do look at him. Huge mistake.

  "Open your mouth, precious." I obey and he slips the fingers he just had inside me into my mouth.

  "See how fucking sweet your pussy is? I could eat that all day, Brooke. If you'd let me. I swear I would." I suck at his fingers and he growls, slipping his hard cock between my pussy.

  "Fuck me. Please. I need to feel you inside me." Elijah groans, nodding his head. Instead though, he presses forward, suckling at my nipple. The other hand circling that ice against the other one.

  "I need it too, baby." Elijah kisses me, a sweet lingering kiss as he presses close.

  The ice is gone yet I'm shuddering. We kiss as my legs hook at his hips, urging him closer. I need him. I don't need to figure it out just now. I just need him. Elijah tangles a hand in my hair and gently yanks my head back. Kissing me as if he knows it’s the last chance he'll get. His cock is hard and throbbing as it slips between my folds, where I'm soaked. We both hiss out a moan as I lace my arms around his neck.

  "Another rule. Elijah," I whisper against his ear as if I don't want anyone else to hear this, "fuck me now. Raw. Just you. Just me. Please. No one else has. I need to feel you." Elijah shudders, circling the tip against my clit.

  "No. I want that so fucking bad, baby. No I won't break all..." I wriggle beneath him, buck my hips and he's inside me. Deep. Throbbing and heavy, hard as steel. I bite into his shoulder to keep from sobbing.

  "Fuck, Brooke," Elijah hisses as he settles deep, fists on either side of my hips to angle him up,

  "Jesus Christ. Do you feel how good this feels? Fuck, baby. Like nothing else. Feels like your pussy was made for my cock. God damn. Fucking perfect being inside you like this. I don't want to move. I don't want to ever leave." I moan as he buries his face in my neck, teeth at my skin. Pressing his weight against me.

  Elijah tells no lies. It's fucking bliss. I know how many men I've been with. Think I'd lose count by now, but no. I don't remember faces or names; I know how many dicks. Not one of them felt like this. Mostly because not one of them went raw. Never. Not the night I lost my virginity. Not with Dash. Never a client. Not ever.

  It's bigger than that and despite my ice-cold heart, I know that. As he begins to move against me, said ice cold heart warms up. All of me does. Elijah kisses me with each thrust deep inside me. Those brown pools never look from mine and I know it's bigger than we can handle.

  Elijah talks sweet but dirty at my skin; one hand presses between us and gently pinches, rubs and flicks my aching clit. His mouth sucks and bites at my flesh, my nipples, and my throat where my pulse hammers. My arms close about his shoulders, fingers lacing in his silky hair. I can't look away even though it's the most intimate I have ever been with anyone. Ever.

  "Fuck, you're so beautiful," Elijah's eyes soften, glistening in the darkness, "even your ugly is beautiful. I want it all even though I know that's a rule you won't break. Give me all of it for tonight. Tell me you feel it too, precious." I hesitate; I know better but then I moan when he stills within me. I need him to chase away the way this feels.

  "I do, Elijah. I don't want to. I shouldn't. I feel it too, baby." I'm out of my fucking mind with it, with him, with how this feels but I shouldn't tell him.

  "Fuck. Yes, baby. Keep those pretty eyes on me. Let me make it different for one night."

  Elijah does. For hours, he takes me and all the fucked-up parts of me. He makes them his own and I know I won't be the same. I come harder and deeper than I ever have. Again, and again. With his mouth on mine, his hands holding me. Those haunting eyes watching me give him parts of me I didn't know were mine to give. They are his to take, though.

  It's sunrise and he's holding me and I feel my chest ache. The whisky bottle is beside the table, less than half gone. I can't blame it on the liquor. Or the money. Which tonight, was a lot. I don't want it. Because it wasn't the money or the booze. It was his silly songs. Those cute glasses; that unruly hair that feels like silk against my thighs, between my fingers. It's him and I don't know how to tell myself after he leaves that it
's not.

  "I don't want to go. Can I book you for always?" Elijah purrs at the back of my neck, holding me close.

  "I wish." It's barely audible but he hears it. I didn't mean for him to.

  "Precious," His voice is full of emotion as his moves, pinning me down, "Let me. Brooke. Let me keep you. Just for me." I let him kiss me, let him nuzzle his face in my neck. Tears prick my eyes but I refuse.

  "No. I said one night. No more. Time is up, Tech Boy." Elijah curses and shoves away.

  "No. No. Fuck, no. It was more than a cash exchange last night, Brooke." I slip from the bed as he yanks at his thick hair.

  "It was. Maybe. Probably. Doesn't matter now. I am a whore, Elijah. I like it. I like getting fucked, fucking whoever I want. Whenever I want. However I want. Don't judge me now." I tug my silk robe around my shoulders but he's there.

  "Not judging you, precious. I knew who you were. I just don't want you to be that girl now. I want you to be mine. You don't need the money. You want me, Brooke." His mouth is at mine, his hands skimming over my skin.

  "I did. Last night. Today...." I wince when pain flashes in his beautiful eyes.

  "Liar." I ache as he backs away, hands dropping from me. Doors closing in his eyes.

  Elijah is gone for six hours before I move. Which I only do because there's a knock at my door. I foolishly find myself wanting it to be him. Coming back. Like Richard Fucking Gere. It's not. Calico smirks up at me as she saunters into the room, her ass shutting the door after her.

  "Morning Ice Queen. Breaking' hearts today?" I offer her a lewd gesture as I crawl into bed.

  It smells like Elijah. I clutch a pillow close and breathe deep. Tears sting my eyes and I bury my face to hide them. What the fuck has that kid done to me? Fucking giggling, crying? What the fuck. I need to get tag teamed; or let Harlow tie me up for a client to fuck in that glass room. For all the world to see. So, they all know what a fucking whore I truly am.

  "No show to put on today, Kitty Cat?" I growl, hungry, hurting and thus Hangry as fuck.

  "Ooh bitchy. Not today, Princess. What's got you so blue, Brooks?" Calico climbs up on the bed beside me, sitting Indian style.

  "The entire world has likely seen your fucking cooter, with how proper a bitch you are." I'm staring said cooter in the face; oh, it's wearing a tiny scrap but I can see all the business parts.

  "Yet you complain when it visits. Shut up. Spill it, Princess." Calico is adorned with so much lovely artwork, I think she considers clothes a crime.

  "Why do you assume I have a morsel to share? Let alone enough for an entire buffet of beaver chat?" Calico rolls her eyes and yanks the pillow from me; I panic because I don't want to lose that smell.

  "Mmm, he fucking smells good. Sweet little Tech Boy. His hands make me wet. Not because they touch me, green eyes," I realize too late I am glaring at her, jealousy coursing through me, "because they're sexy as fuck. I see his marks all over your body. Your mouth is swollen from lips, not dick. Plenty of morsels to discuss, Brooks." I yank the pillow away and twist my back to her.

  "Yeah, yeah. Feast on my pain, bitch." I lay at her lap as she combs through my fuck-mussed hair.

  With painful detail, I divulge my sordid Elijah story. I mean, its Dr. Seuss in comparison to the shit the others gets tangled up in. Still. It's new shit for me and I don't know how to handle it. If I even want to handle it. I like him. Behind the safety of cute texts and flirty calls, I got to know him. I didn't have to talk dirty or pretend I wanted him. I really did want him.

  I was a whore though. Not just by night. I had yet to find someone who scratched the itch that drove me to this. I loved being used sometimes. Loved using them sometimes. I loved that I could pin Calico down and she might let me eat her out. Or fuck her with an audience. I can do what I want. No lies. No hiding. No hearts broken.

  Except I'm almost 25. Do I want this forever? While I get off without issue, lately it has changed. It takes more. Longer. Harder. I don't book as many clients because I don't want to. There was no big aha moment for me. Unless that's what the fuck this is. Elijah changed me?

  "Ice Queen is in love." Calico giggles, slapping my ass and kissing me.

  "No. No. Not a fact. Dr. Calico has me misdiagnosed. Try again, whore." Calico licks my lips playfully then shakes her hair over her shoulder.

  "Ooh, I should play a dirty nurse. You can ask a second opinion, Princess. Same diagnosis. You love nerdy, hot, Tech Boy." I shove off her lap, tweaking her nipples hard. She just moans and wets her lips.

  "Whore. No. No I do not. I barely know the kid." I bit my lip then bury my face into his pillow.

  I mean, really, I do. We didn't just send songs back and forth. We talked. Like, really, truly talked. I told him about my family, where I came from. He told me about his parents and being an only child. Something we had in common. I knew a little about his business, how he works for whoever he wants, like Marcus.

  I know he prefers DC to Marvel, he has four cars and the VW is his favorite. I know he wants to fuck me in every car I own. Because he told me when I described, in detail, the many cars I own. Then he said he'd like to eat me out in his. I know he's sweet and nerdy but sexy as fuck and I want him. I don't love him though. Of course, I don't.

  "No? Then come join me and my client. We can film again; then upload it for Tech Boy to watch. You know he watches every video you post. Prove you don't."

  I agree. I need release. Except, I really don't. I feel satisfied after my night with Elijah. The icy heart beating in my chest forces my hand. I tell Calico I'll meet her at her room at eight. Let her and her boy toy do whatever they want to me. Film it, post it, hurt Elijah. Rinse and repeat if I need to.

  Eight o'clock comes too fast. After Calico left, I refused to move. To shower. To wash the marks and stickiness from the whisky and most importantly, the stickiness from Elijah. I watch the huge clock on my wall tick the moments by. A message comes through at exactly seven forty-five. Elijah. It's a song and I play it loud and cover a smile.

  "Hey lover, hey lover/This is more than a crush/Hey lover, hey lover..." LL Cool J. Elijah, you slick fuck.

  My door swings open as I am listening to the song as I consider how fucking cute Elijah Lamont is. Nerdy and awkward but one of the sweetest, most sincere people I've ever met. I feel Calico climb onto the bed next to me, her hand smoothing over my hip. Then she laughs. Softly, yet it sounds like she knows everything.

  "Should I 86 us making a dirty movie, Princess? Because right now you look like a moony teenager in love with the hot nerd who fucked her better than the hot douche quarterback. The nerds always put it down." Calico sighs as if in remembrance of a hot fling with a nerd.

  "Fuck. I think so, Kitty Cat. I think so. What do I do? How could I do this?" My eyes fall on the bottle of whisky as my heart squeezes.

  "We weren't always whores, Princess. Don't need to always be whores, either. There are no locks in this house for a reason, Brooke. You can come or go whenever you want. It's super simple but I think that is an important detail someone like Trixie forgets. We can stop if we want. Or we can fuck till we die in one of these stupid fucking theme rooms. My worst nightmare would be on the shag carpeting in the Groovy Baby room. No thank you." I laugh and roll on to my back, my eyes trailing over the lines of my massive bed.

  "I don't know if I'm ready to be Trixie. Don't know if I'm ready to be Vivian either." Calico lets out a sigh and lies beside me, bumping me with her hip.

  "I mean maybe he's your Richard Gere. Maybe not. The doors will always be unlocked here. Do what you want; that's the point for girls like us, right? Fuck whoever you want. Whenever you want. Maybe now, it's just Elijah you want to fuck. Whenever you want to fuck him."

  I consider this and sigh, my eyes closing. I see his pretty brown eyes, hot with need as he holds me close and presses into me. I feel his arms as they locked around me in the shower after. How his hands worshiped my skin and he whispered sweet shit I felt he actually meant. How it hurt to
watch him walk out today. My chest hurts because I don't know how to do this.

  How to let someone else in. Because my doors are locked.

  Chapter Five


  Two weeks and hundreds of songs, but no further word from Elijah and I'm a fucking mess. I am at Magnolia house but Nicolette doesn't book me clients. I still Cam and did an interesting film piece with Harmony that was a big hit. Sick amount of views. No dick for me though.

  It's the closest to a monogamous relationship I've ever been in. Elijah and I have not spoken since the night we shared. Just in songs. We speak in music and it's corny as fuck but I feel like it allows me to let him in. I can't say the shit I'm thinking and feeling for him. Janet Jackson can, though.

  Today I sent him not just the clip of If, my favorite song by her. But the hot as fuck video. Then I changed it up. Sent him a picture of me. Lying in bed, panties and bra that I wore on that first night. A glass of whisky in my hand.

  If I was your girl oh the things I'd do to you/I'd make you call out my name, I'd ask who it belongs to/If I was your woman the things I'd do to you/But I'm not/So I can't/Then I won't/But... Janet bring it home, girl.

  "Your idea of torture?" A message comes back and my heart leaps in my chest.

  Several seconds tic past before I can form a response. Which I then erase. I start again and erase half of it before I finally send a response. I regret it the moment I read it back to myself. Too late now. It's in Elijah's hands now.

  "Maybe wishful thinking. I... Elijah I just...I don't know how..." The dots on my phone indicating he was typing danced and I got anxious. Fucking emotions.

  "Come for a drive with me, Precious." I sit up as excitement floods me, nodding my head.

  With shaky hands, I start to agree before I open my schedule to confirm I have the time. Again, I watch as the two regulars I have refused for the past two weeks, but gave in to at last, are wiped out. Replaced again by Elijah. Four times a day, every day for as far as the schedule will let me scroll. Sneaky, nerdy, delicious fuck, Elijah.


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