A Case of You [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations ManLove)

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A Case of You [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations ManLove) Page 9

by Tymber Dalton

  Since they were flying out of Tampa, Brandon opted for them to take his car and leave it in the long-term parking garage. It’d be the easiest option since they were flying home Monday morning. Thursday afternoon they packed, and Stuart almost felt reluctant to leave Jeff behind. He stood in the living room, hugging him long and hard.

  “I’m sorry you can’t go with us,” Stuart mumbled against Jeff’s chest. The girls weren’t home from school yet.

  “Hey, it’s forty fucking degrees there today, buddy. It’ll be in the upper thirties tomorrow, and raining. I looked. I wish I could go with you, but I’m not complaining that I can’t.”

  Stuart looked up into his hazel eyes. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’ll miss both of you, too. But someone has to stay home and keep an eye on the two supervillains. Make sure they don’t poison Gotham’s water supply, or short-sheet our bed.” He smiled. “Go have fun. Enjoy spending time with your sister. Don’t wear Master out too much.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about,” Brandon teased as he stepped in to hug both of them. “I might be begging for mercy by the time we fly home.”

  “You can always safeword,” Jeff reminded him.

  “True, but it’s a matter of pride at that point.” He smiled down at Stuart. “If nothing else, this’ll be fun, getting to spank you in a hotel room.”

  Stuart blushed a little. “Yes, Master.”

  Stuart was looking forward to that.

  Even more, he was looking forward to turning over all worries about the weekend to Brandon, trusting him to make sound decisions about what was happening.

  For the first time in his life, Stuart didn’t feel like he was having to face down his family alone.

  That was…huge.

  He wasn’t scared.

  Concerned? Yes, absolutely. Worried about their reactions? Somewhat, but he knew he couldn’t control what they said or thought and it wasn’t his job to do that, anyway. What they said or thought was a reflection upon them, not him. After his talks with Eileen, at least he knew she was on his side and had felt similarly isolated while growing up.

  He was happier than he’d ever been in his life, living with two men who absolutely loved him for exactly who he was. He had a good job with a boss who was happy with his work, and coworkers who respected him and with whom he got along pretty dang well. Some of them had even become friends.

  They had kinky friends in the Suncoast Society.

  He had two daughters, considering Grace was their bonus daughter. Just like she considered them “bonus dads.”

  There was Tracey, who had finally become a friend, too, now that she’d dumped Pat and was working on rebuilding her life in a healthy way.

  Stuart had no complaints and only wished Jeff had his health back, but that was beyond Stuart’s control.

  After one long, last hug, Stuart stepped back so Brandon could have Jeff to himself for a moment.

  “Don’t overdo things, okay?” Brandon warned him. “Let Em and Grace help out.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Grace had permission from her parents to spend the whole weekend, including Sunday night, at their house. The two of them would be studying for mid-terms, since Emma didn’t have swim practice or meets for a couple of weeks because of Thanksgiving.

  “I’m sorry you can’t go with us, but I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  “It’s okay, Bran, seriously. I’m good. I’m more worried about you two dealing with his stupid brother.”

  “If Eileen’s right, her fiancé’s friends will help keep the peace,” Stuart said.

  “I hope so. I’d hate to have to hop a flight and go kick someone’s ass for putting hands on my Master or my boy.” Jeff smiled.

  “I’m no hero,” Brandon said. “I’ll call 911 and smile as people get led off in fancy metal bracelets.”

  One more round of hugs and kisses and I love yous later, Brandon and Stuart got in his car and headed north, with Brandon driving.

  “If at any time this weekend you feel you can’t deal with them, you say the word and we leave,” Brandon assured him. “I mean it.”

  “I’m not going all the way up there to chicken out.”

  “You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I love you.” He reached over and patted Stuart’s thigh. “This is about celebrating your sister’s wedding, meeting your new brother-in-law and his family, and letting everyone see what a hot hubby you have.” He smiled, finally coaxing a laugh out of Stuart.

  Stuart had never flown before. Brandon held his hand as they sat at the gate and waited for their flight to board.

  “Nervous?” Brandon asked.


  “Flying’s easy.”

  “That’s not what has me nervous.” They were supposed to meet up with Eileen and John that evening for dinner, a chance to see each other and relax, just talk without worrying about their parents.

  Or Jake.

  “The worst your parents and Jake can do are be assholes. Hopefully, your parents won’t be any worse than your mom was on the phone. If Jake tries anything…” Brandon shrugged. “Let me deal with that if it even happens.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  The flight wasn’t bad. Stuart felt too nervous about the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night to really appreciate the view from his window seat. He spent nearly the entire flight holding Brandon’s hand, taking comfort from him.

  Once they landed, Stuart was desperately glad Brandon had come with him. If he’d come by himself, he’d be tempted to turn around and fly home immediately.

  It was fucking cold.

  The miserable kind of damp, biting chill that was lost in memories when huddled in a storm cellar during spring and summer storms and the tornado sirens wailed their deadly song through the air.

  When they left the terminal and headed for their rental car, Brandon stared down at him.

  “This is fucking ridiculous weather. You realize that, right?”

  “Yes, Master.” He shivered. “I’m in no hurry to come back here after this weekend, trust me.”

  After locating their rental car and getting in and letting the heater warm them, Stuart gave Brandon directions to the hotel they were staying at, one just a few blocks from the hotel where the wedding would be held. He didn’t miss how Brandon drove far more conservatively here.

  “Do you want me to drive, Master?” The roads weren’t icy despite the weather being wet and drizzly and grey, although it was possible they could see snow flurries later that night.

  “Believe it or not, this Florida boy has driven in ice and snow before, and it’s not that bad now.”

  “That’s a no, Master?”

  Brandon smiled. “That’s a no, boy.”

  They made it to the hotel and checked in. Once they reached their room, Brandon sent Jeff a text that they’d arrived. Then he took off his coat, kicked off his shoes, and stretched out on the bed, where he crooked a finger at Stuart.

  After shedding his shoes and coat, Stuart walked over and climbed in with him, snuggling close.

  “That’s better,” Brandon whispered. He wrapped his arms tightly around Stuart. “Just breathe for a couple of minutes.”

  Stuart closed his eyes and took a deep breath, holding it for a moment before letting it out again. “How can you feel so calm?”

  “Because I didn’t endure the trauma you did growing up with them. They’re just people to me. Shh.”

  They lay there for a couple of minutes, Stuart’s ear pressed against Brandon’s chest and listening to the sound of his heart pumping in his chest. This was for life. This was real. Every time he ran his left thumb over the wedding band on his ring finger, it comforted him.

  He never let himself think about a distant future where he might lose one or both of them before he eventually died, a fear driven into him the day Jeff had collapsed in the garage.

  He desperately never wanted to think about the distant future, even though he
knew life was one hundred percent fatal.

  What he wanted to do was focus on now, on them, on keeping Jeff healthy and raising Emma.

  And Grace.

  He wanted to focus on their life together, the three of them.

  Brandon nuzzled his forehead. “How long until we have to meet them for dinner?”

  “About an hour.”

  “Okay.” He rolled on top of Stuart, propped on his arms, a playful smile curving his lips.

  Stuart’s cock responded even before Brandon did anything beyond that.

  Brandon noticed and lowered his hips to Stuart’s, gently grinding against him but not anything close to trying to get him off. “After dinner,” Brandon softly said. “I want something to help distract you from your anxiety. Being horny’s always been a good distraction for you.”

  Brandon increased the pressure a little, denim grinding on denim, with Stuart able to feel Brandon’s bulge, too. “When we return from dinner, Master’s going to have some fun and help his boy sleep. For now, you need to get our shirts and slacks for tomorrow, and our suits for Saturday, unpacked from our luggage so they’re not wrinkled.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Even though Eileen had told Stuart with the cold weather that jeans were fine, Brandon had insisted they’d wear suits.

  Had even gone shopping with Stuart to buy him one, since he didn’t own one. Several pairs of slacks and dress shirts and a couple of ties, but he’d never owned a suit.

  Brandon wanted them to look good, as he’d explained.

  Brandon leaned in, mouthing the side of Stuart’s neck, and nipped him. “Who’s my good boy?”

  A pleasant shiver rippled through Stuart’s body. “Me, Master.”

  A sexy, throaty chuckle rumbled from Brandon. “Yes, yes you are. Remember not to call me that in front of others, though, okay? Don’t scare the ’nillas.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good boy.” Brandon sat up on his knees and reached down, palming Stuart’s bulge and squeezing just enough to make Stuart moan, needy, hornier than hell now.

  Jake, who?

  The man was a Master in more ways than one.

  “And I want to talk to you about something.”

  “What, Sir?”

  * * * *

  Brandon had already run this past Jeff earlier that morning, while Stuart was finishing their packing. He’d opted to save it back as another mental distraction for Stuart to focus on. Jeff had been fine with it, eager, even.

  Hopefully, Stuart would be, too, and it’d give Brandon one more weapon in his arsenal of mass distraction for helping Stuart cope this weekend.

  “You two boys seemed to have a lot of fun with the DP training. I’ve decided I’d like to try it, at least once.”

  He watched as Stuart’s green eyes widened, a smile filling his face. “You do?”


  The smile alone told him what he needed, much less added in with Stuart’s happy tone.

  “Yes. Since you and Jeff are now old hands at it, you’re going to need to help me with it.”

  Stuart sat up, kissing him. “Oh, it’s…amazing. I mean, yeah, I agree with Jeff that it’s not something I’d want to do all the time, but…it’s hard to describe how amazing it feels.”

  “I know it’s felt good from the other end,” he teased. “You won’t think it unmasterly of me to do that?”

  Stuart shook his head. “No, Sir! Not at all.” His smile widened to a grin. “Does this mean you’ll sometimes be wearing a butt plug to work?”

  Brandon sighed melodramatically. “I suppose I’ll have to make that sacrifice, won’t I?”

  Stuart let out a giggle, and it was the first sign of true levity he’d seen in his guy in over a week.

  Damn good thing to see.

  “Sir, it’s almost addictive, because the larger plugs are always…there. You’ll feel horny all of the time because of the places they hit inside you.”

  He sucked on Stuart’s lower lip. “Then I guess my boys better keep their asses lubed and prepped for Sir to bend them over and fuck them at will, hadn’t they?”

  The soft whine that escaped him almost sounded like the approach of subspace. “Yes, Sir.”

  Brandon wrapped his arms around Stuart, sliding his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. There, he cupped his hands, holding Stuart’s ass.

  “When we get back to the room tonight after dinner, we’re going to take a long, hot shower. Then we’re going to go to bed, and I’m going to make love to you nice and slow and wear you out.”

  Brandon feathered his lips across Stuart’s forehead. “Tomorrow night, after the wedding rehearsal and dinner, we’re going to come back here, and I’m going to give my boy a long, hard spanking, and then fuck your brains out.”

  Stuart whined.

  Yep, definitely subspace.

  Brandon climbed off him after one final kiss. “Luggage, baby. Take care of it.”

  “Yes, Sir.” His eyes bore the telltale glazed look Brandon loved to see.

  Brandon took his work cell into the bathroom with him to multitask and skimmed through his e-mails to see if there was anything he needed to take care of. Once he’d finished, he returned to the room to find Stuart had done as asked.

  And was waiting, kneeling, on the floor by the bed.

  “Good boy.” Brandon put down his phone and walked over to him, leaning over so he could ruffle Stuart’s hair. “Such a good boy for me.” Stuart didn’t get a lot of “slave” time in at home with Grace and Emma always around. Factoring in Brandon was hesitant to have Stuart doing a lot of kneeling and stuff when Jeff couldn’t, because Jeff would want to try, or feel bad he couldn’t do it, too.

  This weekend, at least, when they were alone, Stuart could be the good boy he longed to be.

  Brandon had an idea.

  He sat on the edge of the bed. “Come here. Stand up.”

  Stuart did.

  Brandon smiled as he reached out, unfastened Stuart’s belt and jeans, and tugged on them. “Just pull them and your briefs down.”

  An adorable furrow creased his brow, but he did it.

  Brandon patted his lap. “Assume the position.”

  Stuart nearly knocked Brandon over in his eagerness to climb onto his lap. But once he was there, head to the left since Brandon was right-handed, Brandon held a fistful of his hair tightly in his left, stroking his ass with his right.

  Then he gave him a fast, hard, and short spanking, one enough to redden both cheeks and tense his entire body across Brandon’s lap, but not nearly enough to satisfy Stuart.

  He squeezed his left ass cheek, then the right. And, like that, he patted his ass and helped him stand.

  Stuart wobbled a little but remained vertical.


  Brandon smiled. “Better?”

  He sank to his knees in front of him, tucking his head in Brandon’s lap. “Thank you for coming with me, Master.”

  Brandon stroked his boy’s head. “I’m not going to leave you to face something like this alone. Never. I promise.”

  Chapter Eleven

  They called Jeff and talked to him and Emma—and Grace—to wish them goodnight before heading to the restaurant. Stuart nervously held Brandon’s hand during the walk across the restaurant parking lot. When Stuart had texted Eileen before they’d left the hotel five minutes earlier, she and John had just arrived at the restaurant.

  Eileen and John stood waiting for them near the hostess station. Eileen smiled and grabbed Stuart, giving him a long, strong hug.

  “Thank you, Stu. I really appreciate you coming.”

  “I wish we’d talked more before. Neither of us would have felt so alone.”

  “Yeah.” She offered him a smile as she stepped back. “This is my fiancé, John Martinez. John, my little brother, Stuart.” He had dark brown, nearly black hair buzzed military short, but he wore jeans, work boots, and a button-up shirt under his jacket.

  Stuart went for a hands
hake, but John pulled him in for a hug. “No, we’re family.”

  Already, this felt a lot different—in good ways—than his own family. When John released him, Stuart introduced Brandon. “This is my husband, Brandon.” Stuart still felt his tongue wanting to stumble over that word sometimes, despite the ring on his finger.

  It didn’t feel…real. He got his happily ever after with not one prince, but two of them. That was still sinking in.

  And he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. He couldn’t be this lucky…could he?

  John hugged Brandon, too. “Sorry your other husband couldn’t make it. Eileen told me he’s sick?”

  Stuart was too pleasantly surprised by John’s response to say anything, but at least Brandon was on his toes. “Lyme disease. It’s chronic, unfortunately. Jeff pushes himself too hard and crashes.” Brandon chuckled. “So we left him at home to fend for himself and wrangle two teenaged girls.”

  John smiled. “Poor guy.”

  They were seated in a cozy booth and after the waitress took their drink orders, Stuart decided to go right for the meat of the topic. “Eileen told me you’ll have a bunch of friends there Saturday?”

  “Oh, yeah. I’ve already warned them to stay alert and to step in if Jake acts up. Most of them will be there tomorrow night at the rehearsal dinner, too.”

  “Have you actually met him yet?” Brandon asked.

  John smiled. “No, but I’ve met plenty of guys like him. I’m not concerned. My family’s ready.”

  “One of your sisters is a doctor?” Stuart asked John.

  “Yes. Lara is a cardiologist in San Antonio. She’s flying in tomorrow morning. Ariana is the engineer, and Miranda outranks me.” He smiled. “She’s taking great pride in rubbing that in. They’ll be there tomorrow night.”

  “We might have to sic Gracie on Lara, then,” Brandon said. Then he clarified. “Our daughter’s girlfriend. She’s thinking about becoming a doctor.”

  Stuart wasn’t sure he’d ever be as smooth as Brandon.

  “That’s cool. Lara’s on Facebook. She can find her through me. Do you have one or two daughters?”

  “Eh, yes.” Brandon laughed. “Grace is Emma’s girlfriend, but we call her our bonus daughter, because she might as well be. If they ever break up, it’ll be hard not to try to get visitation with Grace. She’s been a part of our family for years now. Well, I’ve known her for years. Jeff and Stuart haven’t known her that long.”


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