KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4)

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KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4) Page 19

by Sydney Addae

"I know," Lamia said, her gaze flitting to each person in the room.

  "We had a deal," Agatha said, her voice getting stronger. "I gave you everything you wanted." She glanced at Ivona and then back at Lamia.

  "Yes, I know." She looked at Ivona for a few seconds and then sighed. "She knows you. But you're not her mother, she calls Tara mother, and that one's not good."

  Ivona wiped her face with the back of her hand as she stood with her hand outstretched. "What? How's that possible?" She rubbed her forehead. "My baby, I have a daughter. Daphne's my daughter."

  "Jealousy will make a weak woman do strange things, even take another's child, at least that's what I read about my history." She turned from Ivona and looked at Agatha. "We made a deal and I will grant your request, but I will not remain with you after." She looked at Gem. "I am a free spirit."

  Agatha smiled wide and stepped aside as Lamia walked toward them.

  "Wait," Ivona cried, tears running down her face. "She has my daughter." She looked at Damian. "Everything I did was to get here to find my daughter. Please help me, don't let her take my child."

  Lamia looked at Ivona over her shoulder. "She is not innocent in all of this and you will have many more with that one lying down. This one I will take good care of."

  "No." Ivona swallowed. "Daphne's my baby, she's just starting to live, I cannot replace her. Please, please don't take my baby."

  Lamia's gaze drifted to Damian and settled. "What is La Patron's opinion on this matter?"

  "He's interested in how you'll solve this problem," Damian said.

  "It is an interesting circle," Lamia said. "In order to work, I need a body strong enough to handle my energy. In good faith, a body has been provided and now I must fulfill my end of the bargain, only to discover the acquired body has been stolen and one who claims to be the mother of the child wants the body refunded. Which leaves me where?" She looked at Ivona.

  "Take me, release my daughter and take me instead," Ivona said, walking forward.

  "No," Randi said, looking down at Raoul.

  "Who will protect the child if you are with me?" Lamia asked.


  "Who is that?"

  Ivona's gaze slid from Damian, to Gem and back to Lamia. She took a deep breath. "My mate. He'll watch her until I return."

  "What makes you think you'll return? It's a life for a life," Lamia said.

  "That's wrong and you know it," Gem said, moving to stand next to Ivona.

  "It's okay," Ivona said, stepping aside from Gem. "As long as my daughter is safe, it's okay."

  "No, it's not," Gem said, and Damian stepped behind her to make sure she didn't do something crazy and offer herself.

  Lamia smiled and faced Gem. "What do you suggest I do, Doctor. How can we settle this dilemma?"

  Gem cleared her throat. "How long will it take you to fulfill your contract with Agatha so she won't be killed in her sleep?"

  Lamia looked at Agatha for a few minutes. "One or two days."

  "When you finish, return here and we'll strategize how to make everything work." She paused. "We do this one day at a time, okay?"

  "Is this acceptable to you?" Lamia asked Ivona.

  "Not really. What if she gets hurt? Or is arrested? How will I know?" Ivona twisted her hands so tight she left imprints.

  Lamia looked at Gem with a smile. "Shall I make a promise none of these things will happen?"

  "Yes," Gem said, returning the smile.

  Lamia laughed, turned and walked out the door with Agatha and the others.

  Ivona ran out the door, followed them down the walk and down the road.

  "Think they'll be back?" Randi asked as she watched Raoul.

  "Lamia and Ivona for sure," Gem said looking up at Damian. "Are we going home now? I'd like to see my patients."

  Damian asked La Patron.

  "Yes, he's making arrangements for us to leave. I didn't want to leave you here alone with them, but I need to check on security."

  "Okay, I'll check out the kitchen, grab us something to eat."

  Damian walked downstairs and stared at the security guard sitting in the same chair as before. The steel door remained locked, nothing looked as if it'd been changed. "Did she say anything to you?"

  "Who?" The guard frowned as he looked at Damian.

  "Did you open that door?" Damian pointed to the steel door.

  "No. The way the extra security is set up, it can't be opened for another..." he looked at his watch. "Thirty minutes. It takes that long to reset."

  "Can you see inside the cells?"

  "Yes, you want to look at her?" Security turned and clicked a few keys. He frowned and clicked a few more. "I don't understand; she was there when the doctor left. I saw her, but she's not there or in any of the cells now." He turned and looked at Damian. "I swear she was there before. I couldn't have released her if I wanted to, nobody could."

  Damian glanced at the empty cells on the monitor's split screen and tapped him on the back as he turned to leave. "That's what happens when you're dealing with a spirit, they move in ways we aren't prepared for. Leave it locked just in case our eyes are playing tricks." At least she hadn't broken her promise to not hurt anyone.

  "Will do."

  Chapter 30

  Jasmine sat on the floor of the nursery with Jackie after braiding her hair. What would she do if one of her babies had been taken? A shot of cold dread rolled down her back as she looked at them. David and Sarita were on the computer playing a game. Adam watched a cartoon on his tablet and Renee lay next to Jackie drawing on a pad. Jasmine had done Renee's hair two days ago and it was still neat. The boys would need a haircut soon, she mused, looking at their wavy hair touching their tee shirts in the back.

  After Sarita’s disappearance, they were more vigilant, but the person taking Ivona’s daughter was her mother, someone she knew and trusted. Jasmine couldn’t imagine Renee or Victoria doing what Tara did, nor could she imagine how she or Silas would handle it.

  "When I grow up I want to travel all over the world and learn a dozen languages," Jackie said, flipping through a book with different cultures. Her jean shorts and red checkered top reminded Jasmine of country music. She hadn't liked the outfit when Jackie picked it out, but since she'd ordered Renee an outfit, she gave in. Jackie loved it and wore it once a week.

  "Knowing languages is a great start," Jasmine said, stroking the back of Jackie's head. The child beamed at her.

  "You're just saying that because Jeffrey speaks Spanish," Renee said without looking at her sister.

  "Who's Jeffrey?" Jasmine asked.

  "A new boy at school who can throw the ball far," Adam said.

  "He likes Jackie too. He told her," Renee said.

  Jasmine looked at Jackie, who shrugged and continued flipping the pages. "I like his Spanish, it sounds pretty."

  "But he throws the ball really far," Adam stressed.

  "Really?" Jasmine smiled. "How far is that?"

  Adam turned from the tablet with a serious expression. "Real far... farther than I can throw it."

  "You just need to practice," Renee said.

  "No, he's bigger than me, too," Adam said, with a slight frown.

  "Don't matter how big he is," Renee argued.

  "Doesn't matter, speak correctly," Jasmine told Renee.

  "Yes, mama," Renee said. "Doesn't matter how big he is, if you practice, you'll get better. That's how I do it."

  "Me too," Jackie said. "The more you practice something the better you get."

  "I practice," Adam said, picking up a baseball. "But I can't practice by myself, can I Mom?"

  "I don't know," Jasmine said slowly. "When you say he throws the ball far, is that for football, basketball, soccer, what sport?"

  "Just throwing," Adam said, tossing the ball in his hand.

  "But why? I'm trying to understand what does it matter who throws the farthest if it's not to win a game or something. In sports, there's a reason to be able to throw the ball
far, but there's also a penalty if you throw it too far. You could lose the game."

  "If it's outside the line," Adam said, moving closer and sitting next to Renee.

  "Exactly. I remember watching Rone and Rese play baseball and football when they were younger. They spent a lot of time practicing to throw the ball just right, not too far or too close."

  "Jeffrey throws over the lines all the time," Jackie said,

  "In a game he would be disqualified," Sarita said, leaving the computer and sitting next to Jasmine.

  Jasmine placed a kiss on Sarita's forehead.

  "So it don't, I mean, doesn't matter how far I can throw the ball?" Adam asked.

  "It depends on why you're throwing the ball," David said without turning around. "If you're playing a sport, you need to throw for the rules of the game."

  Pleased they understood, Jasmine nodded.

  "I got an invitation," Renee said.

  "Oh? For what?" Jasmine asked, watching Renee.

  "To go to an art exhibit with the art club." Renee looked over her shoulder at Jasmine. "Want to see it?"

  "Of course," Jasmine said, wondering how this would play out. Renee, dressed in a yellow and white top and jeans always looked polished, which mystified everyone because Renee worked with paint, chalk, charcoal, and other mediums to create her art. She picked her way around her siblings and walked to her personal storage area. When she returned, she handed her mother a colorful postcard.

  Jasmine read the event quickly and glanced at the hopeful expectation in Renee's eyes. The child didn't get excited over much. Renee searched and found beauty in her limited surroundings. She didn't ask to hang out with classmates like Adam and Jackie. Or have a constant companion as David had with Sarita. Renee seemed comfortable being with her siblings and in her own world. Jasmine touched Renee's arm and pulled her on her lap.

  Renee snuggled beneath Jasmine's chin. "You want to go to this?"

  "Yes, if I can, I'd like to go. Twelve students were admitted into the club, we had to submit artwork and mine was accepted. Now twice a week we meet during school and have advanced lessons. I like that, everyone's serious about art and focused on the mediums."

  Since Jasmine gave permission for Renee to be a part of the art group, she knew how competitive it was to be chosen. Numbers instead of names were placed on the submitted artwork so the instructors could choose without bias. After Renee was accepted, Jasmine told Silas, explaining she wanted Renee to be accepted for her talent and not her parents. He agreed, but did say it was okay since it turned out alright.

  "Do you have the forms for me to sign?" Jasmine asked.

  David turned from the computer and looked at them.

  Renee leaned away from her and looked up. "I can go?"

  "Yes, do they need chaperones?" She'd gone on most of the twins’ field trips and planned to go on a few with all the kids.

  "Thank you, Mama. I didn't want to ask because I thought... thank you." Renee stood and went to her book bag, withdrew a paper and handed it to Jasmine. Jackie handed her a pen.

  All five of them stared at her as she signed the permission slip and handed it back to Renee, who stared at it for a few seconds and then smiled so brightly, Jasmine knew she'd done the right thing.

  "Is Daddy going to let her go?" Adam asked as Renee returned the paper to her bag.

  "Doesn't matter, Mama signed it," David said.

  "But Daddy's the Alpha," Adam said.

  "Mama is too," Jackie argued, looking at Jasmine for confirmation.

  "I'm sitting right here," Jasmine said dryly. "Don't talk like I left the room, Adam. If you have a question, ask."

  "Will Daddy let her go? He doesn't let us go anywhere, especially after what happened to Sarita," Adam said.

  Jasmine's arm tightened around Sarita as she thought how best to answer Adam's question. "Yes, he will let her go. Your Daddy is Alpha and a lot of people would like to hurt him because of that. What do you think is the best way to hurt your Daddy?" She looked at each child.

  "Blow up the compound?" Adam said and then made a sound like a bomb going off.

  "Well, that would hurt," Jasmine said, giving him the eye for such a violent response. "I need to see what you're watching on your tablet."

  "That would kill all of us and Daddy wouldn't be hurt no more," Adam said.

  "Hurt any more or any longer," Jasmine corrected. "Let's not go with such a permanent answer."

  "Awww," Adam said, and sat back with his hands cupping his face.

  "Anybody else? What's the best way to hurt Daddy?

  "Mommy and Daddy were hurt when I was kidnapped," Sarita said softly. "Mama cried and she never cries."

  "David cried too," Adam said.

  "We all cried," Jackie said, glaring at Adam.

  Sarita looked at David, who returned her stare.

  "My Daddy would kill anybody who did that," Adam said, his face brightening.

  "Mama too," Renee said while drawing. "That's the reason Daddy don't, I mean, doesn't let us go a lot of places because his enemies might try to kidnap us, and he and mama would do terrible things to them to find us. I'm not sure if those things are good Alpha things though."

  "Would you search for us if somebody took us away, Mama?" Adam asked.

  "In a heartbeat," Jasmine said without thinking. "And I'd find you, too."

  "What would you do to the people who took us?" Jackie asked.

  "They would never steal anyone again." She thought of the child held hostage by the Lamia and witches, and hoped they could do something to help her.

  "It would be better if I could fight my way and kill them on my own," Adam said, kneeling and showing his small muscles.

  "It would be better to not get caught at all," David said. "That's what I want to learn. How to be good enough not to be seen."

  The others looked at him and then at Jasmine. "Can he learn that, Mama?" Jackie asked. "Because I want to learn that, too."

  "Have you found someone who teaches that, David?" Jasmine was certain he'd researched it.

  "There are some fakes, but I'm still looking." He looked at her with a frown. "Does Daddy know how to do that?"

  Recalling Silas' intention to teach his kids, Jasmine nodded. "I think so. Ask him."

  "Daddy knows lots of stuff," Adam said, looking at David. "He's the best teacher, or Rese or Rone. They know how to fight."

  David nodded and returned to look at the monitor.

  "Jasmine?" Silas called.

  "In the nursery, come in here, your children have questions."

  A few minutes later, Silas strolled in the door wearing dark jeans and a fitted shirt which showcased his large chest and arms. Her heart squeezed as she watched him embrace their children. He was a good man and father.

  "Daddy!" Adam, Renee, Jackie and David ran to greet him.

  Sarita watched from her position next to Jasmine. "You can greet him if you want," Jasmine whispered.

  The child shook her head and burrowed closer.

  Holding the girls in his arms while David and Adam walked alongside, Silas walked toward her taking in everything. He placed Renee and Jackie on the floor and sat next to Jasmine.

  "Hello love," he said, and kissed her thoroughly, robbing her of breath. "I like that outfit, the color red looks good on you. Everything does, I'd like to pull this shirt over your head and see your skin. Yes?"

  "Hi," Jasmine said, pulling her thoughts together in front of a captive audience when he released her. "No. Behave your children are watching."

  "As they should. It's how we train our pups to treat their mate with love and respect. Affection should always be shared, and seen. You know this."

  "True, but pulling off my shirt? Sex? Not happening. Find another way to teach whatever lesson that's supposed to be. They are breeds and may mate with humans, they need to understand there may be differences," she said.

  Silas reached around and tickled Sarita, who squealed with laughter. "Hello sprite, give me
some love." With one arm he lifted the child, pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek.

  Sarita kissed him on the cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck for a brief moment before scooting back and heading to sit next to David.

  "What's going on, pups?" Silas asked, placing his arm around Jasmine and pulling her close. "I heard from Damian, we need to talk about our next move to bring our team home."

  "Renee is going on a field trip with her art club," Jackie said.

  "Daddy, do you know how to be good at battle and not be seen?"

  "Can you teach me how to fight your enemies?"

  "We understand why you don't ever let us go anywhere."

  Jasmine chuckled at the surprised look on Silas' face as the questions and comments were thrown at him.

  "Wait, one at a time," Silas said, glancing at Jasmine. "First, what field trip?" He looked at Renee.

  "I'm in the art club, we have a field trip I'd like to go on," Renee said, her tone pitiful.

  "She's going, I signed the permission slip," Jasmine said with finality. "Are Damian, Gem, and Raoul okay?"

  "I know you're in the art club, Princess, and I'm proud of you. Take lots of pictures so you can show them to us when you get home."

  Renee's face brightened and she ran forward, threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you, Daddy, thank you so much."

  "Hmm, I signed the paper and didn't get that," Jasmine said. "I don't think she believed it until you spoke. We need to do something about that. They need to understand that both of our words carry the same weight in this den."

  "Yes, Ma'am. We'll talk later about the particulars." She heard the chuckle in his voice and smiled.

  "Didn't your Mom say you could go?" Silas asked Renee.

  "Yes, she did." Renee hugged Jasmine.

  "Well, there's no reason to thank me, then. You already had permission," he said. "But I always like your hugs, Princess."

  Renee turned and looked at Adam. "Told you." She sat on Silas’ lap with her head against his chest.

  "Ivona shot the witches to save Raoul. Seems you were right; she went to save him. Plus, she claimed him as her mate in front of everyone, which means it's settled whether she understands or not. When Raoul wakes, Barticus will ask if he wants to remain in Europe with his mate to get the child back."


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