Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums)

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Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums) Page 7

by Ryan Erin

  Nothing happened for several days as the Sage disappeared into some private part of the castle to study the copper scroll.

  The goblyn girl commenced with the meticulous process of drawing circles of protection on the floor surrounding the sword, as well as dragging all manner of books and tools into the throne room.

  Largely, Chyra was by herself. She offered to help Gwyra with the set-up procedures, but the girl just said that the Sage wouldn't allow it, and if he caught Chyra helping, Gwyra would be in serious trouble.

  So, Chyra was left to wander the citadel alone.

  It didn't take long for her to realize that the four of them were the only ones on top of the peak.

  The only other body walking around was a large golem made from the versatile clay of the Moondale Shallows. He was tall and stocky, resembling a muscular man from the north, but he was little more than a moving statue. His face, though sculpted with strong features, had blank, expressionless eyes, giving him a creepy character as he moved slowly through the keep.

  The dragon, whom the Sage and Gwyra both called 'Saph,' (doubtlessly short for 'Sapphire' due to the blue scales Chyra found in abundance on the many roofs and balconies of the citadel,) was largely absent. No doubt, he was combing the land for some test subject who fit the Sage's description.

  In the meantime, Chyra found herself spending her idle hours in the garden courtyard at the center of the castle. It had grown wild in the centuries since the place was abandoned, which made the spot perfect as far as Chyra was concerned.

  She would strip down to nothing and lie amidst the massive roots, listening to the few gnarled trees talk about days long past while she read books of maps from the dragon's library.

  But at night, she found herself drawn to the throne room where the sword lay unmoving amidst the growing piles of books and gear. There was a quality it took-on in the darkness that she had never noticed before. Maybe it was the rings of symbols that imprisoned it. Maybe it was just her imagination.

  Or maybe it wasn't.

  By day four, the Sage reappeared from his sanctuary and came into the dining hall. Chyra always ate her breakfast there since it seemed to be the most commonly occupied room.

  Saph had returned as well, and man and dragon looked over a number of their running experiments. The Sage went over Saph's results, and they would discuss the implications together, even laughing once or twice.

  Gwyra would take notes and occasionally add her own opinion, which the two men seemed to regard favorably.

  After an hour or so of this, and a round of Moondale Tea that Gwyra was nice enough to include Chyra in, the Sage, still not acknowledging Chyra's presence, retired to the throne room where the sword waited ominously in the middle of the floor.

  "Have you found a suitable test subject?" he asked Saph.

  "I have my eye on someone. Are you ready for them?"

  "Not yet. We're at least a week away from a live subject. In the meantime...Nas?"

  The golem lurched to attention and walked over to the Sage.

  "Enter the circle."

  The artificial man stepped forward, into the ring of protective symbols.

  "Pick up the sword."

  Chyra watched closely as strong clay hands wrapped around the hilt and raised the weapon into the air.

  "Remove the wrappings."

  Fingers set about unwinding the thick shreds of Sir Aeris's cloak that Chyra had used to protect herself from the naked metal.

  As the scraps fell away to the floor, Chyra noticed Saph move to a new position in the room. He was quietly lining himself up with the golem - probably so that if anything went wrong, he could rush the thing and knock it through the opening in the far wall, dropping it to the world below.

  "Draw the blade," the Sage continued.

  The golem did as instructed, and Chyra watched...

  ...As nothing happened.

  There was no fire.

  There was no possession.

  "I don't understand," Gwyra said between taking notes. "I thought the wielder of the blade was supposed to become a vessel for the demon."

  The Sage slowly paced outside the circle. "For a demon to manifest itself in this world under its own control, it must occupy a living body, using the host's soul as fuel. Nas, here, is neither alive, nor ensouled, therefore possesses nothing for the demon to grab hold of."

  The old man stepped closer. "The make of the weapon is curious. Its form is not practical for standard combat as we are accustomed to in this age, thus making it unappealing as a weapon to anyone who uses a sword for a living. The jewels inlaid to the hilt, however, make up for that, causing anyone with even the smallest amount of greed to pick it up, thus activating the curse. Which is not surprising, considering that this is, in fact, a demonic weapon. It is meant to lure those with selfish intentions...the sort whom make the easiest prey for the infernal powers."

  Chyra couldn't help thinking of Sir Aeris, reaching down to grab the blade in the darkened tomb. He was a paragon of virtue - not the greedy thief that the Sage was inferring. But even a knight is human, and they had all been in that dark place to find treasure after all.

  "The metal is the most curious part. There are scratches, nicks, blemishes...but..." He turned to the dragon. "Saph, if you would be so kind as to bring that anvil over here?"

  The dragon walked over to a massive golden anvil. He picked it up as if it weighed nothing more than a large book, carried it through the outer ring of protection, then tossed it across the inner circle, careful not to cross the ring himself. It landed at Nas' feet with a loud clang, betraying its true weight.

  The Sage leaned forward on his cane. "Nas, swing the sword with all your force against the anvil."

  The golem raised the weapon over its head, and with a blank expression, swung it down. The force of the clang made Chyra's bones ache from twenty feet away.

  The Sage inspected the weapon from safety behind the inner ring. "Not a mark...the scratches must be entirely cosmetic..."

  "Shall I heat it up?" Saph asked.

  "No need," the old man replied. "If it were made to withstand the fire that Chyra has described, then even a dragon's breath shouldn't affect it..." He scratched his grey beard. "...Which would likely make it Myrwysh Steel, Hewnspar, or Arconite." He turned to Saph. "If you're planning on paying a visit to your worshipers below, there are some things they could bring us to test what this was made from." He turned back to the expressionless golem. "Nas, lay the sword on the floor within the inner circle, and remove yourself beyond the far circle."

  "Do you think there's a way to destroy it?" Chyra asked.

  The Sage turned to leave without looking at her. "Everything that is made can be broken. It only requires working backward."

  The door closed behind him.

  Chyra woke with a start in the darkness. It had been over a year since she'd dreamt of Sir Aeris...over a year since she'd dreamt of the horrors from the Conqueror's tomb. The smell of the courtyard trees and the high air helped to chase away the last remnants of the dream.

  Chyra stretched before climbing across the overgrown roots to a spot that was still in the moonlight.

  But then she heard something.

  It was a faint sound, carried along the high mountain wind...

  ...But it was unmistakable.

  Chyra climbed across the outside of the eastern wall. The citadel itself ended far below, blending seamlessly into the cliff, which fell thousands of feet to the earth beyond.

  It would be difficult for a human to scale the surface of the ancient stonework, but for an elf, especially one who was unencumbered by anything more than a shirt, it was altogether too easy.

  She finally came to the window the sound was originating from, and climbed in, silently perching herself in the narrow opening.

  There, in what must have once been a guardroom, was a long table.

  Lying on the table was Gwyra...

  ...Steadily and rhythmically being fuck
ed by the clay golem.

  Chyra had known that it was Gwyra having sex from the rise and fall of her scratchy voice on the wind, but Chyra felt it was perhaps necessary to make sure the goblyn girl was indeed doing it of her own free will, and not being forced by one of her lords.

  Since the clay man was incapable of independent thought or action, it was obvious that Gwyra was commanding his actions.

  "...A little...faster," Gwyra got out between moans.

  The golem increased his thrusting, and Gwyra yelped with pleasure.

  Satisfied, Chyra began to climb back out the window.

  Then Gwyra opened her eyes.

  Upon seeing the Chyra in the window, the goblyn girl screamed. She rolled away, revealing the golem's exceptionally sized penis, something Chyra had not noticed on him in days previous.

  "Gwyra, it's alright!" Chyra said, throwing her hands up.

  The girl looked horrified as she tugged her tunic down as far as it would go. "Why are you spying on me?!"

  "Gwyra, I'm sorry. I heard your voice and wanted to make sure you weren't being harmed, that's all..."

  "Liar!" Gwyra frantically searched for her pants. "Your room is on the other side of the keep! How could you possibly have heard me?!"

  Chyra smiled. "With these ears? And I heard you from the courtyard. The sound of trees helps me sleep, so I've been spending my nights..."

  "Where the HELL are my PANTS?!" The girl tossed a chair away from the table in rage.

  Chyra dropped down from the window and grabbed the soft leggings that Gwyra so frequently wore. Holding them out to her, the goblyn girl took one look, then just collapsed to the floor, exploding into tears.

  Chyra's heart broke for her.

  She walked over and carefully sat down next to the girl, laying the pants on the floor between them.

  "You have nothing to be embarrassed over," Chyra said, staring up at the erect golem.

  Gwyra just cried. "...You're not the one who got caught violating herself with an artificial man..."

  Chyra turned to her. "This may come as a surprise, but...most girls in the world below have horrible sexual experiences. Between lecherous old men, poorly-arranged marriages, pillaging warlords, and just being born into a bad life...they should all be so lucky to have as accommodating a partner as you have."

  Gwyra rolled her eyes through the tears. "...He's not even alive."

  "So what? He looks the part." Chyra climbed to her feet, walking over to the clay man. "May I?" she asked, glancing back at Gwyra.

  The goblyn girl gave a confused look, but wiped the tears away, gesturing that it was alright.

  Chyra reached out to touch the rigid cock.

  A smile came to her lips.

  She had seen a few golems in her life, and even fought one once. The clay they were made from was usually hard and baked in order to give the creature a sustainable form, but Nas was constructed from the clay of the Moondale Shallows. It was rare because it could retain a solid shape indefinitely without being fired. It could also be reshaped as needed and still be just as strong. Nas must have cost a fortune to make, but was well worth it since he was obviously able to reform himself to whatever specification was asked of him.

  The other doubtlessly overlooked benefit was that Moondale clay felt organic to the touch, closely approximating human skin. His hard member felt like flesh...soft, yet to the touch, and yet completely dry.

  "You're a VERY lucky girl, Gwyra."

  "...You''re not going to...tell anyone...?"

  "No, no, never! No, this is...this is really a wonderful, creative application you've come up with for your golem. I couldn't live with myself if I spoiled this for you. And you're very clever, by the way...only doing this when Saph is out of the castle. I'm sure you know that his hearing is far better than mine..."

  "Oh...I know...luckily, he's out hunting some Manticore that's been creeping around here lately...thankfully, it's taking him a while to catch it..."

  "But the Sage's ears are only human..."

  "Yes, there's no way he could hear me, especially since this part of the citadel is the furthest away from his quarter."

  Chyra nodded, walking around to inspect the rest of the golem's body, running a finger along his firm buttocks. "How do you...get him to shape himself?"

  "You just ask. Nas...hide your cock..."

  The erect member began to reform back into the golem's torso.

  "No, no!" Chyra said, laughing. "Don't make him put it away!"

  Gwyra actually chuckled.

  "Make him bring it back!"

  The girl wiped her eyes, a smile taking over her face. "Nas, bring your cock back...full erection."

  The member reformed to its original shape and size.

  "That is marvelous." Chyra turned to the girl. "What have you taught him to do?"

  Gwyra looked confused. "How do you mean?"

  "I mean how extensive are his abilities? For fucking?"

  Gwyra's eyes narrowed. "You...just saw it. Why? What else could there be?"

  Chyra raised an eyebrow. "You poor girl. Come here." She motioned to Gwyra with an outstretched hand.

  It took a moment, but Gwyra's curiosity wound up winning out over hesitation. She climbed to her feet, and carefully took Chyra's hand.

  "Do you prefer to be on your stomach, or your back?"

  "My...back," the girl replied.

  "Alright, come around here."

  Chyra guided her back to the table, and Gwyra sat down.

  "Now, let's get this off you." She began to pull at the girl's tunic.

  Again, Gwyra hesitated. "Wha...why?"

  Chyra was matter of fact with her answer. "Because sex is always better when you're naked."

  The girl bit her lip, but eventually consented. She raised her arms as Chyra pulled the light tunic off over her head.

  Gwyra was completely naked. Her green skin twinkled in the light of the room's only torch. Her breasts were young and full, like a human's, bouncing a bit as she put her arms back down. Her nipples were a beautiful Goblyn green.

  "Now, lay back."

  She did as she was told, her black and auburn hair spreading out across the table.

  "Can I tell Nas what to do?" Chyra asked.

  Gwyra nodded. "Nas...accept suggestions from Lady Chyra."

  Chyra put a hand on the golem's back. "Nas...gently spread Gwyra's legs."

  The golem reached down, placing strong hands on the girl's legs, slowly spreading them to reveal everything she had between her legs, supple and bare.

  Gwyra breathed heavily, tentative.

  Chyra just nodded. "Now...lean in...and touch your tongue to the soft parts between her legs."

  Gwyra's eyes widened a bit at hearing the instruction, but she didn't say anything. The clay man leaned forward, extending a tongue to gently touch her cleft. She breathed in, sharply.

  "Now," Chyra commanded, "slowly...gently...lick."

  The golem's tongue began to move.

  Gwyra gasped.

  "That's add a slight side-to-side motion..."

  The girl clenched her teeth, beginning to claw at the table.

  Chyra smiled, and stepped away from the golem, walking around to the opposite side of the table. "Place your thumbs on her inner thighs, and press ever so gently."

  The golem ran firm fingers up her legs, his thumbs coming to rest on either side of her thighs with just enough pressure.

  Gwyra pounded a fist into the wood, and Chyra climbed up on the far side of the table. "Gwyra," she whispered, "give me your hands."

  The girl flailed her arms up over her head, and Chyra took her hands, intertwining their fingers into gripping fists.

  "Now, Nas...when you feel her getting wet...move your tongue up to her clitoris."

  A sharp moan came from Gwyra's lips, revealing that the golem was already executing the command.

  "Hold it there for another begin to twirl around it."
r />   Gwyra cried out in abject shock, and Chyra smiled as the girl's fingers squeezed tighter.

  "Just keep doing that..." Chyra instructed.

  "Oh, Gods of...ungh...!"

  Chyra suppressed the laugh that desperately wanted to escape her lips.

  Gwyra laughed instead, a mix of shock, embarrassment, irony, and pleasure, and Chyra released her laugh, too.

  "Just tell me when you're ready to move on," the elf said.

  "Move ON! Oh Gods, Move ON!"

  "Nas," Chyra continued with a wide smirk, "stand back up, and slide your cock inside her."

  Gwyra gasped as the tongue left her, trying to catch her breath, but the moment didn't last long as the firm member penetrated her again. A long moan escaped her open mouth and she arched her back, gripping Chyra's hands tightly.

  "Now fuck her like you did before I came in."

  Steady thrusting commenced and Gwyra's gravelly voice rose and fell with the penetration.

  "A little faster," Chyra added. "A little bit more..."

  Gwyra's moaning quickened with the growing rhythm.

  "Now, Nas...continue what you're doing, but I want you to add a second tongue, right above your cock, and I want it to start licking her clitoris like you were doing a moment ago."

  Gwyra's eyes opened wide, staring up at Chyra in disbelief.

  "Trust me," the elf said with a smile, and the goblyn girl's mouth opened with a prolonged cry as the new tongue touched down.

  "Oh Gods Oh Gods Oh Gods Oh Gods...!"

  Gwyra's body writhed across the table, held tight by the golem's grip on her thighs, and Chyra's grip on her clenching fists.

  Chyra felt her own efanwi growing damp from the spectacle, and she closed her eyes.

  "...Are you...are you...okay...?!" Gwyra managed to gasp.

  Chyra nodded, opening her eyes again. "I'm fine, it's just that you two are making me wet as well."

  "...Then get...over here!"

  Gwyra pulled hard, yanking Chyra across the table, practically on top of her.

  Chyra screamed out, laughing in surprise.

  "Nas!" Gwyra managed to gasp out. "Double ambulate...!"

  A pair of new arms formed from the golem's flanks.


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