Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums)

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Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums) Page 12

by Ryan Erin

  -Lord Dorn, Warduke of Valen

  "Armories of the Five Kingdoms"



  The Nymph is an ancient and deadly creature of the Fairy world. Many times confused for an elemental, the Nymph's considerable powers are tied to water. They are predatory in nature, luring victims to their layers through a number of clever means, but usually by taking the form of a woman of unparalleled beauty. Once drawn in, the lucky victim undergoes a life-shattering sexual encounter before drowning. The unlucky are merely killed.

  Nymphs are almost exclusively encountered on the high seas or in rocky coves and coastlines, but have been spotted on occasion in fresh water bodies far inland. Whether there is a difference between those who live in seawater and fresh water has never been determined as there are very few accounts of people surviving an encounter with a Nymph. It is, however, highly rumored that Nymphs are hoarders, and that their immortality has allowed them centuries to accumulate vast amounts of treasure from their drowned victims.

  -Daedra the Elder

  "Elder's Bestiary"



  Also known as the Unified Kingdoms of Man. The five mortal kingdoms to arise after the fall of the Copper Empire are:






  Though smaller territorial skirmishes have dotted its history, none of the Five Kingdoms have gone to war with one another for seven generations.

  By the providence of the heavens, may we live another seven before we again see such devastation.

  -Bro. Jaspen, Master Scribe of Arcolith Abbey



  Over four hundred years have passed since the fall of the Copper Empire. It seems not a decade goes by without an adventurous soul finding some copper relic or burial site that history had forgotten. But one item that could never be forgotten is the Dynasty Scroll.

  Of course, so much time has passed that no one remembers what was written on the scroll, but it was one of the few artifacts the Black Conqueror was unable to find. It has thus become a legendary object, claimed to be many things - a map to a lost treasury, a weapon of destructive power capable of felling entire armies, even a holy document containing the true names of every God in the pantheon.

  Alas, it's fate remains unknown, hidden in some corner of the world, awaiting some careful treasure hunter to excavate it and learn its treasured secrets. Perhaps it will be you?

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  Officially known as the “Ascendant Kingdom of the Stars of Alwyr,” it is commonly known to people of the outer world as “The Sacred Grove.”

  It is the largest of the Elven Kingdoms, and generally thought to be the oldest and strongest. Very little is known of what lies within its wooded borders.

  The last human to set foot inside the Grove died many centuries ago. Folklore tells of villages and cities that are almost indistinguishable from the trees that surround them. Magical streams wind through temples and palaces of the most exquisite architecture. Creatures like unicorns and dragons are said to walk side by side with shining elves, all immortal, and all wielding the most incredible magics.

  However, some several hundred years ago, the elves sealed the borders of their magical forests against any and all outsiders.

  Now an elf is a rare sight in the world. They do appear on occasion, but why remains a mystery. Are they agents on secret missions? Are they outlaws, banished from their homes?

  One thing is sure - the Sacred Grove itself will likely never open to outsiders again until either the world of men ends, or the elves go extinct behind their wooded walls.

  Possible Random Encounters at the Border: Bear, Elven Hound, Guardian Tree, Pixie Snare, Sylvan Sentinel, Elven Fire Guardian

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  A half-day's walk from Aberi Lake, following the spine of the mountains, north, will put one in the vicinity of a ruined fortress which locals refer to as the Highwatch Throne.

  Its location is remote and some maps even put it in the wrong place, leading to rumors of its location actually changing on nights of the full moon.

  No one is sure who built the fortress, nor why it would be raised in such an inaccessible locale. Most details that would shed light on its construction have long since faded, leaving only a mossy, wind-swept mystery in the high forest.

  Adventurers should be warned, however, as the ruins are regularly used by mountain men, bandits, and other dangerous folk as a hiding place on their flight from authority. Visitors are suggested to travel in groups and be at least lightly armed should they wish to discover any of the secrets still held by the lofty keep.

  Possible Random Encounters: Mountain Men, Ur-Goblyns, Bears, Gallowvines, Crag Horrors

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  An attempt to document the full thousand-year history of the Copper Empire has been my life's work, and will be continued by generations of researchers to follow. An attempt to sum up this period in any reasonable way seems ludicrous. However, for the sake of this introduction, we will simply say the following:

  The Copper Empire was the height of mortal man's existence - a time of great learning and culture where all the kingdoms of Lord and Beast were brought under one banner and worked together for a better world. So great were their accomplishments that fate demanded their fall be equally as great.

  The remnants of this shining time can still be seen here and there - a ruined castle in the mountains, a lost statue in the forest, and every so often, a copper coin fished from the bottom of a brook. But for these silent reminders, the true hallmarks of the Copper Empire's passing are the people descended from it.

  The story of the Copper Empire is our story.

  -The Sage of Teewinot Spire

  "A History in Copper - Part 1"



  It is a sign of the age we live in that such proud stewards of the wild should fall to evil works.

  Whereas the old stories occasionally told of a wicked ranger attacking travelers in the wood to appease sinister powers of the deep forest, now the Dark Rangers seem to outnumber their virtuous brethren.

  Though they retain some of their nature-given powers, the more noble abilities become lost to them, replaced instead by magics borne of something darker.

  When asked what evil influence could be claiming these wandering souls, one Master Ranger replied, "A man may only be taken by evil if he so chooses it."

  -Bro. Jaspen, Master Scribe of Arcolith Abbey



  Know a member of the Veiled Host by their dark deed and dark mark.

  A loose brotherhood, unified in sinister purpose by unknown master and secret agenda. Dark Rangers, Fallen Priests, Black Knights and other journeymen, once noble, have broken from virtue to join the shadow ranks.

  -Azmyth Brax, Inquisitor of Highnorne



  A Black Pearl, rare among gems, is a powerful reagent in the repertoire of a spell caster of the natural world. The clam that creates such a pearl is only found in the shallows of west-facing beaches, and only during three days in early spring...the same three days when the eggs of black-finned sea serpents hatch and make their murderous dash for deeper waters.

  It is used in magics requiring darkness, obfuscation, or invisibility, and as a binding agent for spells that require long-term effects or protective magics.

  -Mistress Salamanca, Wizardress of Moondale

  "The Path of Twilight"



  A common reagent used in Wyld magic. Its purple hue adds qualities of charisma and is the base of beguiling charms, compassion magics, and love spells.

  Lavender stones themselves can either be dug out of the bottom of creek beds where unicorns are known to drink, or can many times be found beneath large rocks in the deep forest - where they tend to be hoarded by Gossamyr Glicks.

  -Mistress Salamanca, Wizardress of Moondale

  "The Path of Twilight"



  A poisonous and reeking reagent, it is used primarily in magics requiring fire or incendiary effects. It should be handled with care and stored safely, as its smell can give away one's presence, and even a stray ember on the wind can ignite it to disastrous consequence.

  -Mistress Salamanca, Wizardress of Moondale

  "The Path of Twilight"



  Only once have I glimpsed a leaf of Red Nightshade - dried and in an otherwise empty jar on the shelf of an abandoned Witch House. It is one of the rarest of reagents, but as to its use...who knows?

  -Mistress Salamanca, Wizardress of Moondale

  "The Path of Twilight"



  Not much remains at West Pitch Downs. What was once a tournament field for jousting and feats of martial skill has now become an out of the way stopping point for travelers on the Pilgrim Road.

  The forest has mostly reclaimed the site, but for the adventurer who doesn't mind a five-minute detour midway between Ivydown and Rinsic Township, there is a stone fountain that still gurgles clean water and bears the names of ten generations of jousting champions.

  Possible Random Encounters: Bears, Wolves, Highwaymen, Knighthaunts

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  The mysterious Moondale Wyrm, which plagued the scenic shire with midnight murders and horrific dementia, was found after its death to be a strange cross between a Dragon and a Cockatrice.

  -Daedra the Elder

  "Elder's Bestiary - 2nd Edition"



  Be sure to visit the Buttery Spoon Tavern in Bledsoe. This out-of-the-way quarry village is one of the only stops on the silent road between the Jallum Steppes and the border of Goblyn Country. Though the food at the tavern is mostly meager fare, the village's small orchard yields a surprisingly delicious apple turnover, which can be the last taste of civilization before descending into the Orcan Vale.

  Possible Random Encounters: Wolves, Gobwolves, Highwaymen, Goblynites, Goblyns, Duskcreeper

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  Nestled between the rolling vineyards of the Span, and built around the outlet of a small waterfall is the farming village of Ivydown. Rumored to have long ago been a meeting place of Druids and faeries, it has become a popular holiday spot for the wealthier citizens of Valen. Its wines are said to have rejuvenational properties, and time spent in the varied Inns around the falls are rumored to impart small amounts of faerie magic to help those with trouble sleeping. One popular local legend tells of a Druid Princess who, after having been parted from her fiancé, disappeared behind the falls where she mourns to this day. It is said that she prays for his return in a magical cave, filled with Druid gold. It is tradition to drop a sprig of ivy into the stream below the falls and ask the Princess to grant a wish while she waits for her beloved.

  Many local wines bear names such as "Lady of the Falls," and "Druid's Harvest," and all are worth trying.

  Possible Random Encounters:

  Wolves, Bears, Faeriewing, Crossroad Sprite, Twixter, Shepherd Shade

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  In the eastern reaches of Highnorne, there is a mountain whose peak looms over at such an angle so as to keep the valley beneath completely devoid of sunlight. It is in this permanent shadow that an ancient fortress was erected.

  The fortress was known through most of its history as a cursed and desolate place, haunted by an ancient evil. Within the last century, however, it has come under the management of a mysterious Lord named Krayin.

  Upon his appearance, he officially recognized the banner of Highnorne, and pledged the fortress and all it's assets to King Ganth III.

  Since that declaration, the fortress has officially adopted the name of Shadowguard Keep, (the name used in popular ghost stories of the surrounding lands for years.)

  For the first time, its walls were opened to anyone who wished to make the journey.

  Now it is a popular destination for travelers from all over the Five Kingdoms who have a taste for scares and the macabre.

  Many quarters of the Keep are haunted, requiring a specific charm to keep one safe from wrathful ghosts. Lord Krayin also keeps a menagerie of nocturnal beasts from all over the world, which visitors are allowed to view. The hospitality, though expensive, is said to be the best in the remote region.

  But for all its dark appeal, there is a more sinister element lurking within the shadows of the fortress...on two occasions, Lord Krayin has answered the call to lend troops to Highnorne war campaigns. In each instance, the single legion that arrived to the battlefield...was already dead.

  Possible Random Encounters: Ghost, Road Wraith, Crag Horror

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  Little is known of the Reptilians, aside from their capacity for butchery, as most of their society exists underground.

  Possessed of a similar capacity for learning as we, they have developed language, an understanding of metallurgy, domesticated other reptilian creatures as beasts of burden and mounts, and it is rumored that they even breed humans in their underground kingdoms for food.

  They will regularly come into conflict with civilized societies, but have no head for proper warfare. Instead, they prefer ambushes and night raids to try and terrorize locals into leaving an area.

  Most scholars agree that their minds and motives are so alien as to make them incompatible with human society, and that until a way is discovered to eradicate them for good, they will continue to threaten the Five Kingdoms from deep below.

  -Lord Dorn, Warduke of Valen

  "Know thy Enemy"



  The Bay of Kur is also widely known as "The Bay of Fortune's Grasp," for it is the most accessible route into the uncivilized lands of Kur and the untold riches concealed therein. Walled towns and heavily armed ports sit on rocky islands in the bay where adventurers and treasure hunters can rest and resupply within view of the deadly coast. However, once one sets foot on the black sand beaches, one is in the hands of the Gods...and not necessarily the Gods one brought with them.

  Possible Random Encounters: Lizardmen, Lizardines, Ur-Goblyns, Murk Reapers, Arachnarch, Chittering Swarms, Road Wraith, Corpsers, Crag Horror, Chul

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  The lush farmland of the Crescent culminates in its splendor at the Crescent Downs. Home to a trio of sleepy, picture-esque villages, the low-hanging trees, gurgling water wheels and stonecaded bridges make for a gorgeous stopping point on any trip across the Kingdom of Valen. Of particular note is the Inn of Shropshire, which has excellent food and comfortable rooms.

  Possible Random Encounters: Sheep

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  The vast and fertile farmland of Valen's northern reaches has long been known as the Crescent for the way it is nestled betw
een the Hallowvale and Durgenvale mountains.

  It is a lush countryside bustling with pleasant people, sleepy farms, and excellent food. It takes several days to cross on foot, but the Inns, taverns, and markets make for a comfortable, worry-free journey, and an excellent place to stock up on supplies.

  Possible Random Encounters: Cows, sheep, deer, Spirit Animal

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  Once as fertile as the Crescent, the adjoining Backlands have turned to desert since the collapse of the Copper Empire.

  Whether it was because of a curse, a war, or a plague, almost nothing grows there despite numerous flowing brooks. The ruins of old farming communities, barns, houses, and villages, can still be seen collapsing into the dirt with no explanation.


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