Claimed by Her Bears

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Claimed by Her Bears Page 8

by Doris O'Connor

Goldie hugged her arms around herself as Catalina's smile turned even more chilling. She wished like hell Jacob was still standing next to her. She needed his warmth right now to chase away the goosebumps that spread over her exposed skin.

  “I didn't ignore it—I just didn't hear her straightaway.”

  “Fucking bullshit!” Jason and Jacob swore in unison, and Simon blanched and took a step backward straight into Catalina. Goldie hurriedly stepped away when Cat spun the man around as though he was as light as a feather. Goldie winced at the steely grip Cat had on the man’s balls, and Simon dropped to his knees hard. Panting and in obvious pain, as Cat twisted her hand slowly, his skin color took on an ashen sheen and sweat broke out on his forehead.

  “I told you last time you didn't hear a sub use her safeword that if you did it again, I'd make sure you wouldn't be able to use these—” she replaced her hand with the silver tip of her stiletto heel and pushed down, “for a very long time indeed.”

  Simon squealed liked a pig, and several of the men standing close by covered their balls with their hands. Goldie would have laughed at that, had she not been too busy swallowing to stop herself from being sick. This Simon clearly deserved to be punished. She might be new to the lifestyle, but even she knew that safewords were sacrosanct. To ignore a sub’s safeword—it just wasn’t done. Nonetheless, the mere level of violence she was witnessing turned her stomach. Jason chose that moment to look at her. Goldie couldn't decipher the emotion in his golden eyes, but her body responded anyway. The gold color intensified, and the rest of the room faded away as Jason took several steps toward her. He pulled her into his frame and held her close for a few precious seconds that made Goldie feel cherished, before he released her with a muttered curse and faced squealing Simon again.

  “Is she pack or human?”

  “Human—argh.” There was a sickening crunch, and Simon screeched as Catalina's heel disappeared into his balls. Jason spun Goldie around but not before she saw the blood staining Simon's groin. Bile rose in her throat, and for one horrifying moment Goldie thought she was actually going to throw up in front of everyone.

  “Jacob, get her to our rooms. Get her settled and then come and help us sort this mess out.” Jason framed Goldie's face in his hands and smiled. “Go with him. I need to find this sub and make sure she's okay. This sort of thing does not happen in my club.”

  “It doesn’t?” Goldie asked, and her stomach flipped over.

  Jason sighed and nodded. “Forgive me. This is not the introduction into the lifestyle I'd planned for you. If you want to leave, I understand. Just let me sort this first and then I'll take you home.” The sincere words delivered in hushed tones only she could hear soothed some of Goldie's worries, and she shook her head.

  “I don't want to leave. You do what you have to do.” The brilliant smile that lit up his face, told her she had done the right thing. In truth, she was rather surprised at her reply, but despite everything she had witnessed, she didn’t want to leave. This, right here, in her Master’s arms was where she wanted to be. Jason pulled her in for a bruising kiss that left them both breathless by the time he released her. He ran his thumb over her kiss swollen lips, and his eyes darkened before he handed her to Jacob and walked away. Goldie was dimly aware of Jacob's reassuring bulk at her back as she watched Jason leave, shrugging out of his vest as he went. Catalina and several other men and women followed, and when she finally tore her eyes away, the club had emptied. A few subs remained, no doubt having been ordered to stay where they were by their Masters, and even Simon was gone. Her stomach rebelled anew when she saw the dark stain on the floor, and to distract herself, she looked around the place. Goldie's eyes widened as she took in her surroundings for the first time. Booths were dotted around the open area, interspersed with an array of BDSM equipment. Several St. Andrew's crosses—one of them still had a sub strapped to it—spanking benches, stocks, a suspension kit, and a collection of wicked-looking chairs were dotted around. Jacob swore, following her astonished gaze, and urged her to sit down in one of the chairs. Goldie perched herself on the edge of it, and she eyed the various cuffs and restraints warily. This particular chair had a hole in the middle for God only knew what, and the seat tipped backward. Even perched on the edge, Goldie's bottom slipped backward, and she hastily scrambled off it.

  The next chair was soft and cool on her exposed pussy, but it, too, tilted backward, and Goldie slid down into it with an embarrassingly loud squelch. Once again, she scooted to her feet. Jacob's low chuckle carried across the quiet room, and heat suffused Goldie. His amusement faded when he released the sub from his cross, and the slender man collapsed in his arms. He picked the sub up and deposited him in one of the booths. Concerned for the man, Goldie came closer. She stopped dead when she saw the tender way Jacob massaged the other man's arms and then legs.

  “Where is your Master?” Jacob asked.

  “He left, Sir, to go with Master J. I was staying as punishment. I deserved to stay, Sir.”

  “What is your name, sub?”

  “Andy, Sir.” Andy cast a quick glance in Goldie's direction before he dropped his eyes hastily at Jacob's raised eyebrow. “Sorry, Sir.”

  “When you can walk, go home. Your Master won't be back for a while, and the club is closed for tonight.” He raised his voice. “The same goes for the rest of you. Whatever scene you're in, it ends now. Go home.”

  Goldie sank down onto another chair, and she screeched when the world tilted. Strong hands grabbed her round the waist, and Jacob's amused laughter skittered over her face.

  “Careful, Goldilocks. There is no need to live up to your name.”

  Chapter Eight

  Jacob’s obvious amusement did little to help Goldie get over her embarrassment, until he leaned in and sniffed her in that strangely erotic way he shared with his siblings, and her body reacted instantly to his presence.

  “Why do you keep doing that?” she asked when he eventually let go of her. Jacob gave her the strangest look, and she squirmed inside at the heated intensity in which he studied her.

  “Does it bother you?” he asked, and Goldie got the strangest feeling that her answer mattered a great deal to him.

  “A little,” she said and she could almost see the mask come down over his features. “Only because it makes me wonder if I smell. You know in a bad way. I used to in school, and well, I…” Goldie slammed her mouth shut, all too aware she was babbling, but at least Jacob had lost some of the tension in his big shoulders. In fact she was pretty sure he was silently laughing at her, if the slight tremors that shook his massive frame were anything to go by.

  “It’s not that funny,” she said and crossed her arms under her boobs.

  Jacob sobered and tapped her nose with his index finger.

  “You’re cute when you get all worried like this, and no, you don’t smell, at least not in a bad way. Your scent is all kinds of amazing, in fact, and it makes me go rock hard for you. Here.” Jacob grasped her hand, and a needy moan escaped Goldie when he held the flat of her palm against his groin. Even through the denim covering, the heat of his thick shaft branded her, and his cock jumped under her hand when she rubbed it. A rumble escaped from Jacob’s big chest, and it made Goldie step closer.

  “That can’t be comfortable, Sir. I can take care of that for you, if you’d like me to.” The instant heat in his gaze caused an answering stir in her lower belly, and emboldened by his reaction, she popped the top button on his jeans, intent on getting to her prize. Jacob’s hand on her wrist stopped her.

  “Don’t. There’s no time, and besides Jase would lose his shit if I took you without his permission.”

  “And do you always do what he tells you to?” Where this rebellious streak of her came from, Goldie had no idea, and she swallowed nervously when Jacob growled. In the blink of an eye, he had her draped over one of the spanking benches, and Goldie shrieked at the first few swats on her ass. These hurt much more than the previous ones she’d received, as h
e held her down with one large, heavy hand in the small of her back, while he pummeled her ass until it felt on fire. Tears clouded her vision, and when he finally stopped she lay there panting in need. Strangely enough the pain in her abused butt simply served to pitch her arousal higher, and Goldie moaned long and hard when Jacob grasped her hips, and pulled her backward until he could grind his groin against her butt. The friction of his jeans on her abused backside hurt and sent darts of need to her pussy at the same time.

  “Please, Sir, I’m sorry…”

  As abruptly as he’d placed her on the bench, Jacob yanked her off it, and before she could blink, she was cradled in his arms. His dark eyes glowed in their intensity, and not for the first time she wondered what was in the air out here that made her see things. Sure enough, when she blinked they were back to their warm chestnut, and he smiled down at her.

  “I know you’re sorry, but don’t push your luck again, girl. Now be good and do as you’re told. I do have to go and help Cat and Jase clear up this mess that fucking Simon made.”

  Mention of that man’s name made Goldie shiver, and she snuggled closer into Jacob’s embrace, dimly aware of them leaving the club behind and ascending some stairs.

  “What’s gonna happen to him?” she asked and gasped when he slowly set her back on her feet. They were in an open, airy living area, from which several doors led off. The whole place was huge and must take up the entire upper story of the building. Goldie spun in a circle in utter amazement. A state of the art kitchen made up one side of the large room. A long breakfast counter separated that area from the rest of the space. There was a long oval shaped dining table and chairs arrangement in front of plate glass windows that no doubt afforded an unrivaled view out into the forest during daylight, and the opposite side of this large room was taken up by an oversized and extremely comfortable leather seating arrangement. It was grouped around a massive flat screen television, under which every game console known to men seemed to reside, The consoles made her grin, and when she turned to face Jacob it was to find him watching her from under hooded lids. Right now, he looked so much like Jason it was uncanny, and she offered him a tentative smile.

  “It’s not much, but we call it home,” he said, and Goldie had to resist the urge to roll her eyes.

  “Not much?” she asked, and Jacob grinned at her. “I’d like to see your definition of what is much. I swear you could pack my entire flat into this one room alone.” She paused as his words sunk in. “You said we, as in you and Jason, or—”

  “All of us, sweet thing.” Jacob interrupted her and she swallowed hard. “I’m sure Jason has mentioned that we share everything. We all have our own bedrooms, of course, but I kinda hope not to have to use mine too much in the future.”

  The heated look that accompanied those words sent Goldie’s pussy into spasms of delight, and she clenched her thighs together to relieve some of that deliciously building tension.

  Jacob noticed, of course, and shook his head at her.

  “Careful there, girl. Getting yourself off is not allowed. Have a look around while I run you a bath, and then I’ll have to shift. Cat and Jase will need my help, and to answer your earlier question, that asshole will find himself banned from any respectable club in the country. Hopefully his sub has been found already. The forest is no place for a human to run around by herself, especially if she’s upset.”

  Goldie frowned at his odd choice of words. That’s the second time she’d heard that particular submissive referred to as human. Before she could question him on it, however, Jacob disappeared through a door on the right. What else would the woman be, but human?

  Shoving the disconcerting notion that she was missing something here to the back of her mind, Goldie started her tentative exploration of the triplets’ home.

  Just like Jacob had said she found three bedrooms, each complete with an en-suite bathroom. She could hear Jacob whistle to himself in the one that had to belong to Jason, as she followed him through the door he’d disappeared through.

  Certainly the simple, muted, and extremely masculine design and super queen-size bed screamed Jason Stanhope to her. As did the array of BDSM equipment. Fortunately, among the assortment of toys she'd spotted in the wardrobe, there wasn’t anything too nasty. Certainly no whips, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps whips weren't his thing. They were clearly Catalina's.

  There was no mistaking which room was hers, when Goldie investigated the second door leading off the living area. Catalina had the same large bed, covered in black sheets, but the huge array of chains and whips on the wall meant Goldie hurried out of there, as though the hounds of hell were after her. She had no intention of spending any time in that room, thank you very much, despite what had happened in the hallway of the club. And she wasn't going to examine that too closely either. She'd never been attracted to a woman before. Maybe there was something in the air out here. Yeah, that was it, all this fresh air was going to her head and had turned her into—well, she wasn't thinking about that either.

  The last door she walked through made her smile. Whereas Jason’s and Cat’s room had been tidy to the point of obsession, Jacob’s reminded her of a teenager’s room. Another huge bed dominated this space, but he hadn’t bothered to make the bed. A half-eaten pizza sat in its cardboard box on the floor by the bed, next to a games controller. The flat screen on the wall showed nothing but fuzz, and the collection of games answered her question as to who the gamer in the siblings was. Exercise equipment took up one corner of the room, and she wrinkled her nose at the dirty clothes thrown in another corner.

  “There you are.” Jacob’s amused drawl made her turn round, and she drank in the sight of him leaning against the door frame. He really was far too handsome for her peace of mind, and she seemed to have turned into some sort of raving nymphomaniac, because, right now, all she wanted to do was jump his bones. Jacob inhaled sharply and took several steps toward her, before he stopped, ran a hand through his straggly hair and threw her a lopsided grin.

  “You, sweet thing, would try the patience of a saint, and I’m no fucking saint. Stop looking at me with those ‘come fuck me’ doe eyes of yours, and get in that bath I ran for you in Jase’s room, before I forget all my good intentions and fuck you right here and now.”

  Goldie’s heart rate reached dangerous levels at his growled words, and he shook his head and hitched his thumb over his shoulder.

  “Get, girl, now.”

  He swatted her ass when she scooted past him, and Goldie shrieked. Jacob grinned and muttered something under his breath that she couldn’t quite catch. When she pushed open the door to Jason’s bathroom she gasped in pure feminine delight. The huge bathtub was filled to the brim with fragrant bubbles, and with the lights dimmed it looked heavenly. She hastily shimmied out of her clothes, stepped into the bath, and closing her eyes sank into the soothing waters with a sigh of appreciation. Her sore nether regions protested briefly, before the warm liquid relaxed her muscles, and she gave herself up to the sheer luxury of it all. How long she’d lain there, she couldn’t say, but her eyes flew open again when the door creaked, and Jacob appeared with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. She shrank down into the bubbles, and he chuckled.

  “A tad late to cover up now, sugar. I’ve seen it all before, and you’re stunning.”

  He placed the hot chocolate on the side of the bath and propping himself up either side of the bath, lowered his head until his mouth hovered over hers. He was so close their breaths mingled, and when she tried to close the distance to kiss him, he pulled back with another smile.

  “Such a shame I have to run. We could have a hell of a lot of fun in that bath.”

  He picked up her discarded dress and sniffed it with a wicked smile that did strange things to her insides. Goldie gave silent thanks to the bubbles that hid her body's embarrassingly obvious reaction to his raw masculinity, and she frowned when he tucked the dress under one arm and went to leave.

  “Hey, wh
ere are you taking my dress? I haven't got anything else to wear.”

  “That’s the point, sweetheart. Jase will want you naked while you’re here.” He grinned at her outraged gasp. “Now enjoy your soak. When you get out, there is food on the kitchen table. And some more instructions you'll want to follow. It will make things easier for you.”

  He left, leaving Goldie to wonder what those other instructions were. Having soaked away the unfamiliar soreness in her nether regions, she wrapped herself into one of the huge fluffy towels—going naked was so not happening— and went in search of food. She had to walk past the open door to Cat’s room, and unbidden images of the other woman invaded her brain. There was something seriously screwing with her brain, because she grew wet, remembering the kiss and more she’d shared with Catalina in all its full Technicolor glory. Maybe she was into women after all, which should have been ridiculous, but she couldn’t deny her body’s reaction to those mental images. Well, not women, as such, only Cat, even if she did scare her witless with those whips of hers.

  The huge American style fridge in the kitchen held an assortment of soft and alcoholic drinks, and Goldie grabbed one of the ice-cold bottles of water and held it to her flaming cheeks. Her body didn't seem to be listening to her attempts to reason herself out of her feelings. Instead, she grew ever wetter just remembering that scene in the hallway. She ought to be embarrassed, but the other, reckless part of her, the part she had kept tightly under wraps for longer than she could remember, wanted nothing more than to experience those intense feelings of ecstasy again. Never before had she experienced such a powerful set of orgasms. In fact, she rarely came at all unless she used her wide variety of dildos in the safety of her bedroom.

  Her gaze fell on the bag on the kitchen table, and taking a bite out of the cold chicken Jacob had also left for her, she checked the contents. Her stomach clenched, and she shifted restlessly on the hardwood chair, remembering Jacob's earlier promise to fuck her ass. The assortment of butt plugs and large tube of lube came with clear instructions to use the biggest one she felt comfortable using. She smiled to herself. This she could do and give the men a surprise of her own. Those butt plug days she’d had to endure at work were going to be put to good use. She grabbed the largest plug in there and retreated to the bathroom.


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