Claimed by Her Bears

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Claimed by Her Bears Page 10

by Doris O'Connor

  “Watch it, bro, and y’all didn’t sleep well either. I have sharp hearing you know, and that girl is not quiet.”

  There was a definite sulk in Catalina’s voice now, and Jason was tempted to goad her a little, but that would be counterproductive. He wanted Cat in a good mood when she dealt with Goldie.

  “Yes well, about that. Spurs are playing today, and I thought Jacob and I might go and see them. Goldie doesn’t like soccer, I know that much, so it makes sense to leave her with you.”

  The soft gasp behind them alerted them all to Goldie’s presence, and he frowned when he saw she had wrapped one of the big bathroom towels around herself. The damn thing hung past her calves and it meant only her arms, shoulders, and the lower parts of her legs were visible. His bear growled his annoyance, and Goldie paled, as she stepped forward.

  “Can I have some of that coffee please?” she asked, and when Jacob jumped up and pulled out a chair for her she sat down with a thump.

  Catalina passed her a steaming mug of coffee, and their girl wrapped her hands around it and lifting the brew up inhaled. Neither one of his siblings, he included, seemed capable of tearing their gaze away from the inherently sensual act, and heat stained Goldie’s cheeks when she opened her eyes and noticed them watching her. Catalina’s knuckles turned white clutched around the back of Goldie’s chair, and her eyes flashed to her bear’s, as she seemed to struggle to rein in her inner beast.

  Jacob growled low in his throat, and adjusted himself under the table, and Jason thanked his foresight to pull on loose joggers when he got up. It made the whole teenage boy act his cock seemed intent on engaging in much easier to cope with. He so needed to fuck her again, before he left.

  Some of his thought processes must have shown on his face, because Goldie fidgeted under his gaze, and putting the mug down fiddled with the knot holding her towel up. She flinched when he raised an eyebrow at her and pointedly looked at the offending fabric spoiling his view.

  “Jacob, did you not inform our sub what we expected of her while she was here?”

  Catalina smirked, and Jacob rocked back on his chair and adopted a grave expression.

  “Indeed I did, Jase. I’m as disappointed as you to see her all covered up. I vote for ripping that thing off her, tying her to the table and teaching her what happens to subs who don’t do as they’re told.” He paused for effect, and Goldie did not disappoint in her reaction. Her breathing sped up and she squirmed on her chair, and Jacob laughed.

  “Then again, our naughty girl would enjoy that too much, so I vote for leaving her here and letting Cat deal with her.”

  He winked at Catalina, and Goldie jumped when Cat put her hand on her shoulder.

  “I would be only too happy to help y’all out. Heaven knows, I've got no desire to go watch soccer. I’d rather watch paint dry. Grown men chasing a bag of air about. What is that all about anyway?” She gave an exaggerated yawn, released Goldie’s shoulder, and then stepped back to lean against the kitchen counter to all intents and purposes, as though she didn’t care either way.

  Jason knew that his sister cared very much, however. It was there in every line of her tense body, and she couldn’t hide the longing in her eyes when she looked at their girl. The jury was still out on Goldie, however. She looked among them with a deep frown marring her beautiful face, and when she pushed the now half empty cup of coffee away from her she looked about ready to explode.

  “So, you’re just going to leave me here, while you go off to watch football? Really? I might as well go home in that case. I thought…”

  Her words trailed off when Jason’s bear took over, and the table shook with the force of his growl.

  “You thought what, girl?” Jason stood up and his chair went flying and crashed into the kitchen cabinets, and Goldie’s eyes widened in fear. She stood her ground, however, and stood up, hands on hip.

  “Well, excuse me, Master, but I thought the whole point of this weekend was to spend time with you, and to explore this dynamic between us, and … argh.” Her little speech ended in a screech, when he yanked her toward him by grabbing the knot on her towel, and then wrenched the thing off of her. He growled again when she tried to cover herself up, and fisted his hand in her hair while grasping her chin with his free hand, so that she had no choice but to look at him.

  “Yes, and since when does that dynamic involve arguing with your Master?”

  He knew his bear showed in his eyes, and his voice had taken on even more of a growl, but fuck him if he could bring himself to care about that right now. His bear was as annoyed at her defiance as he was, and he shook off Jacob’s hand when he put it on his shoulder as though to placate him.

  “Jase, take it easy,” he said, and Jason wrenched his gaze away from a still defiant looking Goldie and glared at his brother. Taking the hint, Jacob put his hands up and stepped away. It was with a certain amount of grim amusement that he saw Cat making herself scarce, too. Which left him on his own with his unruly sub.

  “I’m not arguing, Master.” Her voice lost some of her conviction, and she blinked several times, when he turned his attention back to her.

  “Are you calling me a liar now, too, because I distinctly heard you arguing?”

  Goldie paled, and she tried to shake her head, but his hold on her made that impossible, so she whispered her answer.

  “No, Master, I just—” She stopped speaking when he slid his hand down to her throat. He didn’t tighten it, but her breathing sped in time to her heart rate, and the sweet musk of her arousal made his bear damn near salivate. Oh, yes, her fiercely independent and more than capable side, which he admired in the office, might feel the need to put up a fight, but the sweet submissive woman he knew she’d buried deep inside of her, responded to his dominance beautifully.

  “It’s just what, girl?” He dropped his voice further when he addressed her, and Goldie’s eyes filled with unshed tears. “You’re either submitting to me or you don’t. We agreed this weekend, you would, and yet, here you are challenging me at the first available opportunity, and in front of my brother and sister to boot. Do you think that’s acceptable behavior?”

  To make his point further and to see what she would do, he released her and stepped away. Goldie flinched when he crossed his arms over his chest, and raised an eyebrow at her.

  “I’m waiting, girl, because if you think it is, then you’re right. You might as well go home now, because there is no point in continuing this at all.”

  That got through to her, because Goldie paled, shook her head, and after a moment’s hesitation sank to her knees, and presented.

  Jason pulled in a sharp breath, but she wasn’t done yet.

  “I’m sorry, Master. I was looking forward to spending more time with you and Sir, and you’re not going to be here now, so—”

  “You don’t want to spend time with Cat?” He interrupted her, and Goldie visibly tensed. Jason was rather glad Catalina wasn’t here to witness this. It would have broken her heart, for sure, and Goldie’s reluctance didn’t sit right with him either.

  When she didn’t answer him, he pulled her back up to her feet, and sat back down with her on his lap. A shiver went through his girl when he cupped her nape with one hand and put his other one on her thigh, just below her sweet pussy. It wouldn’t take much maneuvering to slide his fingers through her wet slit, and she clearly knew that, as she inched her thighs apart further to give him access.

  Jason had to hide his smile of amusement at her antics. As much as his balls ached with the need to bury himself deep inside of her, this was important.

  Tightening his hold on her thigh he shook his head at her when she looked up at him.

  “I was under the impression you enjoyed the little time you’ve had with Cat already? Or were you just faking your response?”

  Heat spread over Goldie’s cheeks, and she shook her head.

  “No you didn’t enjoy it, or no you weren’t faking it? Which is it, girl? You’re testing
my patience here, and just adding to your list of infractions. I do assume you want to be able to sit down for the rest of the week.”

  A strangled groan was his response, and his bear grumbled his approval. Maybe Jacob was right. Maybe he needed to cement this bond between them, sooner rather than later.

  “Please don’t make me say it.” Her quiet whisper made him cup her chin, so that he could clearly see her expression. Embarrassment warred with fierce arousal in her beautiful eyes, and his chest tightened with the rush of affection he felt toward his little Goldilocks right now.

  “I’ve told you before. There is nothing wrong in admitting your needs, especially not when they involve Cat and Jacob. You know we share, and I know you enjoyed it when Jacob and I co-topped you, so….”

  “But it’s wrong.”

  His bear roared at that quiet statement, and Goldie jumped at that sound. Jason framed her face in his hands.

  “Says who?” he asked

  She tried to shrug her shoulders, and blanched when he let more of his bear show. She didn’t flinch away from him either, however, and his bear positively strutted. With a supreme effort, Jason willed his animal to step down, and forced himself to listen to her hesitant reply.

  “I don’t know. It’s just … I’m not into women … I don’t think.” She frowned when he laughed, and he kissed that grimace of her face.

  “Maybe not, but you’re clearly into Cat, and that’s the way it should be.” Her sharp intake of breath was music to his ears, especially when she blushed again.

  “You truly don’t mind?” she asked, and he shook his head.

  “Only if you end up preferring her over me.” The speed with which she shook her head took some of his worries away, and he grinned.

  “Good, now that we’ve cleared this up, there is the small matter of your punishment to consider.”

  Her answering smile slipped slightly as he got up, and wrapping his hand in her hair tugged her along to his room. She dragged her heels somewhat when he pushed her up against the St. Andrew’s cross, but all the fight went out of her when he crowded her against it.

  “Oh, yes, punishment. You’re mine, sub, and I decide what happens.”

  A groan escaped his girl when he kicked her legs apart, and grasping her wrists, pulled them above her head and fastened them to the leather shackles attached to the cross. Taking his time, he slowly ran his hands down her arms, until he could massage her shoulders. When he brought his hands around to squeeze her nipples, Goldie’s breathing grew ragged, and he allowed his claws to run out. They pierced her skin, and she gasped.

  “Shut your eyes, precious girl, or I’ll have to blindfold you. I don’t want you to see, only feel.”

  “Yes, Master.” Her rapid response made him grin, as did the way goosebumps erupted on her skin, as he ran his claws over her abdomen, and round to her ass. Two sharp swats to the pale globes meant they pinked up nicely, and when he bent to attach her ankles to the cross, also, the evidence of her arousal ran down the inside of her thigh.

  He indulged his bear by licking that honey away, and Goldie yanked on her restraints as much as she could.

  “Oh, no you don’t. This is punishment, remember.” He slapped her ass again, and stepped away. Goldie’s head came up, but she kept her eyes shut as per his instructions, and he picked up the flogger he intended to use to warm her up. The cane would follow, because Jason had every intention to put his point across.

  She visibly jumped when he flicked the flogger through the air, and he put his hand on the small of her back to reassure her.

  “This is a flogger, Goldie. I’ve used this last night. Well, a smaller one of these. This one is longer, and I’ll be able to get a good swing up. Now, just relax, and take your punishment.”


  Relax? Yeah sure, who was he kidding here? The bare handed swat to her ass hurt like hell, and she belatedly remembered to use her words.

  “Yes, Master, I…”

  The rest of whatever she was going to say fled her befuddled brain with the first stroke of the flogger against her skin. It didn’t hurt as such, despite the horrendous whoosh sound that signaled each incoming strike. The dull, thuddy impact was actually kind of nice, and Goldie gulped in some much needed air. If this was punishment she would have to disobey him more often.

  As though he’d heard her thoughts, Jason hit harder, and Goldie groaned when the ends of the flogger hit across her exposed pussy lips. The sharp pain morphed into intense arousal, when he did it again, and again, until she lost all sense of time. All that mattered were the ever increasing hits with the flogger, as he covered her ass, thighs, and upper shoulders, and set her skin on fire. Heat consumed her with every stroke, until her whole body seemed engulfed by it, hovering on the edge and waiting for the next strike. When he stopped abruptly and lifted her head, Goldie had trouble focusing on the sound of his voice.

  It didn’t sound like him, laced with need, and a deep growl that sent her pussy into spasms of delight.

  “That’s my girl. You’re doing very well. Here, drink this.”

  Goldie could no more not obey that command than she could have stopped breathing, and she drank the water eagerly. He claimed her mouth in a heated kiss, when he took the water away, and Goldie blinked back tears as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. When he stepped away she shivered, missing the heat of his body, and then something hard and thin trailed up and down her spine.

  “Now for the punishment part, girl. This is a cane, and yes, I will make this hurt, but you’re going to take this for me, aren’t you?”

  He trailed the end of the thing through her pussy lips, and circled her clit. Her nubbin felt hugely engorged and even this slight contact made her gasp in delight. If only he’d keep that up, she would climax so easily.

  The strike across her ass hurt, and she cried out in shock.

  “I asked you a question, girl. I expect an answer.”

  “Yes, Master, I will.” Another even harder strike across the top of her thighs, just where they met her butt made her screech, and he massaged that pain away with his warm hand.

  “Good girl. If this gets too much use your safeword, baby, okay?”

  The obvious concern and approval in his voice floated over her, and wrapped her in the cocoon of his care. It made her more determined to take this for him, and she shook her head.

  “I won’t need it, Master. I trust you, and I deserve this punishment.”

  The growl that erupted from him shook the floor, and settled straight in her clit. God, she could come from that animalistic sound alone, until the cane hit, and pain zinged through her nerve endings, and brought her arousal down a notch. Jason soothed each sharp cane swipe with his large hands, until Goldie was once again hovering on the brink of coming, and when he finally delivered the last of the strikes, and inhaled against her neck, she groaned long and hard.

  His breath skittered across her sweat soaked neck, as he chuckled in obvious amusement, and then he pushed something cold into her channel.

  Goldie yanked against her restraints, when the thing started vibrating, and she screeched her denial, as her body instantly hurtled toward release.

  “Please, no more.” Goldie sobbed the words, desperately trying to hold off the orgasm Jason's toy sent her spiraling toward. She wasn’t allowed to come without his permission, but, oh, he made this so difficult.

  “Will you listen next time, sub, and do as you’re told?” He molded his warm, naked body to her back, and she groaned anew when he pressed his hard cock into her sore ass cheeks. He must have pulled off his joggers at some point, because, pinned as she was, she could feel the rough hair on his thighs against her smooth ones. His delicious scent increased, and the most curious deep rumble erupted from his chest, and traveled through her. It made her cock her head to give him better access to her neck as he rubbed his beard roughened jaw along the sensitive skin there. When he took her flesh between his teeth and bit down, everything inside
of her stilled.

  God, that felt way too good. He continued his journey south, delivering small bites along her skin. It added to the total sensation overload she found herself in, and she moaned her acquiescence, as her clit clenched in desperate need, and she grew so wet, she was sure she must be leaving a stain on the floor by now. By rights she ought to be embarrassed at her body’s reaction, but in the light of his erection pressing against her wet slit, now, and his harsh breaths ghosting across her skin, she couldn’t bring herself to care. The knowledge that her Master was pleased with her, wanted her as much as she so desperately wanted him—that was all that mattered, and she knew in that moment that she would do anything for this man.

  “I can't hear you.” He growled the words into her shoulder blades while biting along skin, left far too sensitive by his earlier flogging. Goldie tensed when he spread the cheeks of her ass and she felt the invasion of two lubed fingers.

  “Shh, relax, I need to take you here. Let me claim you and make you mine, sweetness.”

  He pushed the toy inside her cunt deeper still as he spoke, and the damn vibrations kicked up another notch.

  White hot need coursed through Goldie, and she thrashed against the restraints.

  “No—I mean—God—no—Jas—Sir—please…” She didn't even know what she was begging for anymore, too caught up in the myriad of sensations that assaulted her body, as she waited for the magic words only Jason could say.

  “You're so hot and wet, Goldie, your beautiful skin red by my hands. Who owns you, sub?” He bit her hard, and Goldie groaned in pain or pleasure, she couldn't distinguish anymore. “Who, Goldilocks? Tell me, or I'll leave you hanging.”

  He rubbed his cock along her slit repeatedly, while his deep voice sank into her soul, and the words came. “You, Master, please take me, make me yours.”

  She sighed in relief when he withdrew his fingers, his voice husky with approval.

  “Good girl. Come for me, then.”

  Goldie erupted with a scream, while his fingers resumed their erotic dance in her ass. They stretched her to the max, and with her still shaking in the throes of her seemingly never ending orgasm, the burn started, as he slid his thick cock past her ring of muscle. The burn and stretch gave way to overwhelming pleasure, as she was stuffed so full she could hardly breathe, couldn’t think, as he sucked the spot on her neck, where she still carried Jacob’s bite mark.


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