High: So what if the steak is green? That’s just extra protein!
Low: You are allergic to oxygen.
Intelligence is a measure of your trained intellectual capacity, logical reasoning and memory. It determines how easily you figure out puzzles and pass tests.
If your Intelligence falls to a score of 0 for any reason, you are incapable of thought and are comatose.
High: “Clearly during the gibbous phase of the moon we would be able to synthesize a matrix from Eigerthorn’s First Principal of Antipathy, cross reference that with the 13th coefficient of Pi, and synergize the result with our own data in order to better refine the oscillating period of Thaumantium.”
Low: “Whut?”
Wisdom is a measure of your innate resonance with the world around you, your common sense, and your associative reasoning. It determines how in tune you are with yourself, others, and your environment.
If your Wisdom falls to a score of 0 for any reason, you are no longer mentally present and are unconscious.
High: When your girlfriend is angry with you, you push cookies under the door until it’s safe to open it.
Low: “I didn’t say the dress made you look fat, I said you’re probably bloated from PMSing!”
Charisma is a measure of your ability to express yourself and communicate on an emotional level. It determines how attractive people find you, how believable you are, and your ability to evoke a desired result.
If your Charisma falls to a score of 0 for any reason, you are unable to exert yourself in any way and are comatose.
High: People just give you things, like compliments, and pictures of you for you to autograph, and sometimes large amounts of money.
Low: Everyone takes everything you say the wrong way, always.
Quests are adventures that allow you to gain levels. Sometimes a single quest will be so challenging that you will gain a level, but usually you must complete several quests in order to gain the experience, insight, and personal growth necessary for a level. The higher level you already are, the more quests it takes to achieve the next one. Levels are usually only granted after you have overcome the challenge and successfully achieved your objective.
Not every quest has only one outcome. Some quests have optional objectives that modify your experience and restrict or open up possibilities for your adventuring career.
Spells are magic in action. Magic comes in two forms, arcane and divine, and those who wield it are called “casters”. Arcane casters are “mages”, divine casters are “divines”. Some people claim that both forms of magic are variations of a singular universal force, the exact nature of which is loudly debated by wizards and clerics in nose to nose shouting matches that frequently end in property damage.
Enervation sucks away at the very life force of who you are, replacing it with negative energy that depresses you stats, hit points, skills, mana and everything else. This energy drain is in the form of negative levels. Weak creatures are slain instantly by an Enervation, but strong creatures may live if they have more levels than Enervation drains away. A creature killed by an energy drain effect cannot be resurrected.
A Fist Full of Sand Page 29