Born to Be Mine

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Born to Be Mine Page 23

by Lexa Luthor

  "They're preparing to land," Magnar called out over the comms.

  Shielding her face with her hand, Charlie turned her head away while the shuttles started descending in the field about sixty paces in front of them. The tall grasses swirled and danced as the vessels sank down into them. Once the wind died down, she looked over at the four long shuttles that could carry at least six or more bodies. Her hopes were dashed that only six or eight Serrato soldiers were meeting them.

  The shuttles' canopy cockpits hissed, then popped and lifted up to allow the passengers to disembark. One by one, the Serrato soldiers unloaded until there were twenty-three soldiers. At the front was Victor, who signaled them to march forward to the meeting spot.

  "We have twenty-three soldiers, including Victor," Charlie reported.

  "I located the Serrato ships," Gerrison called over the comms.

  Charlie frowned and asked, "Did you say ships?"

  "Ja." Gerrison paused, then said, "There are two Serrato ships."

  "Vuk," Charlie hissed and clenched her hand around the lectra gun's handle.

  "That would explain the extra shuttles," Magnar said. "Don't engage the ships, Gerrison. Not until we can get back to the Betty May to assist."

  "Standing by," Gerrison confirmed.

  Charlie flexed her hand on the gun's grip and prepared for an ugly fight ahead. "Raine, get ready." Over the comms, she heard Raine activate the Galactic Hammer. Charlie walked a few steps ahead of the group and greeted Victor in English. "I was thinking you may have backed out."

  Victor wore his typical military fatigues that reminded Charlie of Earth. His olive-colored military beret had the Seal of Serrato on the front of it, and a few pieces of bling were pinned to his chest, including his last name. His blond hair and blue eyes stood out against his darker attire. "The solar storms delayed us." He cut his attention to Starr, who was on her knees in front of Magnar.

  Charlie pivoted and studied Starr pretending to be held prisoner. "I have what you want." She looked at Victor and asked, "Do you have our pardons?"

  Victor reached into a pocket on his pant leg and produced two rolled up papers. "Yes." He withdrew them and said, "But I want a closer look at my property first."

  Charlie didn't care about the useless pardons yet pretended to be annoyed about his demands. She held out her hand toward Starr, welcoming him to look more.

  After a signal, Victor and two other Serrato soldiers approached Starr along with Charlie. His smiled widened as he approached Starr, then he grabbed her by her hair.

  Starr snarled and bared her teeth when her head was twisted up toward Victor. Her razor-sharp canines flashed at him in the morning sunlight.

  "Still as feisty as last time." Victor glanced behind her back, most likely confirming that Starr's wrists were lashed together.

  "Satisfied?" Magnar asked in Jero from her spot behind Starr.

  Victor's attention flickered to Magnar, as if noticing her for the first time. He released Starr, backed away, and turned to the two soldiers. "Get the sedation kit and better cuffs." He went over to Charlie, who remained in the middle ground between her team and the Serrato soldiers. He produced the rolled up pardons and held them out. "In exchange for the slave."

  Charlie smiled and collected the pardons, then tilted her head as her smile darkened. "So I have just one question for you. Do you like Whitney Houston?" In her earpiece, she heard the soft roar, then wind whistled in her ear.

  "What?" Victor's features tightened and twisted as he stared at Charlie.

  "Whitney Houston," Charlie repeated. "She's like the best female singer of all time." At least in Charlie's opinion. She retrieved her techbit and thumbed through the screens until she located the song on her Badass Mix List.

  "What are you doing?" Victor asked, signaling the two returning soldiers to halt behind him.

  Charlie had a wicked smile and replied, "My favorite Whitney Houston song is 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody.'" She tapped the techbit's screen and allowed the song to blast from its speaker. She started to sing alongside Whitney, putting all her heart into it.

  Victor reached for his handgun, gripping it and demanded, "What are you doing?"

  Charlie laughed and pointed up to the orange sky with her free hand. When Victor looked up, she replied, "I'm distracting you, you dickweed." Just then, all the roar and rush in Charlie's ear was above her head; she jumped backward.

  Suited in the Galactic Hammer, Raine landed between Victor and Charlie, then said, "Ready to fly, bro?" She snatched Victor and tossed him onto her right shoulder with ease. "Better clench up, Legolas!" Raine launched skyward with a yell from her new prisoner. "I always wanted to say that line!"

  Charlie chuckled until she focused on the two soldiers in front of her, along with the twenty other behind them. All of the soldiers retrieved their cartridge-filled rifles and swung them toward Charlie and her team. "Shit," she whispered.

  But everyone's attention snapped to the side of the field where a chorus of yells erupted from the tree line. The Kalmar warriors thundered across the sea of tall grasses, cheering in Kalmarese and readying their weapons.

  Reaching into her pocket, Charlie tore out the Grasshopper, flicked the dial up to full power, and aimed at the Serrato soldiers. "Let's dance, boys!" She pulled the trigger and waited for the powerful recoil that rocketed her through the air. With a scream, she sailed for several paces until she collided with a soft but firm body.

  "Got you," Starr said in her ear.

  Charlie found herself nestled in Starr's bigger body instead of swimming in dirt and grass. She whipped her head up and smirked at the Serrato soldiers scattered across the field. The swarm of Kalmar warriors collided with the enemy, then lasers, bullets, and blades blurred in the sea of screams and war cries. Andren and Magnar sprinted forward and joined the fray.

  With Starr's help, Charlie was on her feet, and she put away the Grasshopper. She retrieved the lectra handgun and bowie knife, and as she and Starr hurried to the battle, she ordered, "Nova, play my Fight Playlist starting with 'Centuries' by Fall Out Boy. Volume level fifty!" She hollered again and ducked under a soldier's swing, popped up behind him, spun around, and drove her knife into his back. She finished him with a lectra shot to his lower spine.

  "Playing your Fight Workout Playlist," Nova replied from the techbit in Charlie's back pocket.

  "Charlie, Captain Asshole is secured and being flown up to the Betty May," Raine reported over the comms.

  "Great!" Charlie kicked a charging soldier in the chest, sending her backward. "Now get back here and help us!"

  "Already on my way!"

  "Charlie, Jerrison and I are engaging the two Serrato ships," Gerrison reported over the comms.

  Charlie acknowledged Gerrison's call, looked across the battle and asked, "Laken, how are you doing over there?" She fired a shot at a soldier coming up on Magnar's back.

  "Two Kalmar soldiers down." Laken huffed and growled, then said, "But we're beating them." Her next roar broadcasted across the fight.

  An overhead howl signaled Raine's arrival, and she landed with a soft boom in the center of the battle. In her loudest voice, she said, "Let's get dangerous!" With the battle suit's power, she rolled over the Serrato soldiers without any resistance. She threw two or three of them like a bowling ball into pins. Realizing her threat level, several soldiers attempted to shoot at her, but the bullets bounced off the suit's metal body. Raine's maniacal laughter echoed over the field.

  "We got a problem!" Andren said over the comms. "Several soldiers are retreating to the shuttles." She huffed and continued to slice through the soldiers with her sword.

  "We have to stop them!" Charlie glanced in the shuttles' direction, spotting the three soldiers escaping to them.

  "I got this," Raine said, launching upward with the thrusters. "Oh my god, Charlie. Is that the 'Fight Song' by Rachel Platten?"

  "Ja, I know it's your—" Charlie yelped
after a soldier hit her from behind, taking her down. She rolled to her left before a boot hit her, then fired a lectra shot at him. She blew out a breath and said, "Your song." She flipped onto her feet and looked toward the shuttles.

  "I found out why they call this suit the Galactic Hammer," Raine said.

  Charlie furrowed her eyebrows and gazed up at Raine, who hovered several hundred paces above the shuttle that the Serrato soldiers were running to. She held her breath when Raine hurled downward like a comet. "Oh gods," she whispered in awe.

  A shattering boom erupted through the entire field and tossed everyone onto their backs, ending the battle. After the shockwave faded, the first few people rolled onto their sides and gazed over at the demolished shuttles. Charlie blinked the dirt out of her eyes and gaped at the crushed shuttle in the middle of the other two. Once the dust settled, Raine stood and placed her hands on her metal hips.

  "Wow," Charlie murmured, not realizing what the battle suit was capable of when she bought it from Sres. "Galactic Hammer is right." Getting up, she scanned the field and smiled when the last few Serrato soldiers held up their hands in surrender. Kalmar warriors rounded up both the prisoners and their own injured people.

  Charlie neared Magnar, who hefted her rifle over her shoulder. "Great fight."

  Magnar's toothy smile was bright against her inky skin. "My kind of fight."

  "Gerrison and Jerrison, how are you both doing?" Charlie radioed to the twin brothers.

  "Good and bad news," Gerrison reported from the Four Mag.

  "We could only destroy one ship," Jerrison said. "One protected the other so one could escape."

  "Vuk," Charlie cursed.

  "I attempted chasing it." Gerrison paused, frustrating seeping into his next words. "But its trail cools too fast."

  Charlie grumbled and said, "They use cryosalt to cool their engines. It's difficult to trace them." She heard Gerrison's soft curse. "It's all right. We were pretty lucky as it was with this fight." She looked at the team and said, "Let's get the prisoners organized and get off this planet."

  * * *

  Charlie scrubbed her face after a long but exciting night of celebration from their win over Serrato Corps. After a few hours of sleep, it was time to return to Kander, but she first wanted to check on her prize. She entered the brig and peered over her shoulder, when her four-legged shadow slipped in behind her. She closed the door, then went over to the first cage that held her esteemed guest. "Sucks being on the other side of the bars, huh?"

  Victor paused his pacing and came to the corner closest to Charlie. "What did you do with my men?" He gripped the bars and glared at her.

  "We stripped them of their tech and left them on Eos Minor with the natives." Charlie smirked and folded her arms. "I think the dinos will appreciate the extra meat." She decided it was appropriate for the Serrato soldiers to contend with Eos Minor's hungry natives, much like when Victor's people first arrived on Serrato.

  Victor was breathing harder and his lip curled on one side. "Serrato Corps will search for me, and they'll start with Kander."

  "I know." Charlie tilted her head, gauging Victor from a safe distance. She had minor concerns, considering Kander's satellite system that doubled as a defense weapon. "But I seriously doubt they'll waste too many resources on you." She could bathe in Victor's boiling outrage.

  "What do you want with me?"

  Charlie chuckled and replied, "I was merely hired to kidnap you and deliver you to Kander." She shifted closer to the bars. "You have a date with the High Commander." She leaned closer and whispered, "Then when she's done cutting the answers out of you, you'll be mine."

  Victor lunged and latched onto Charlie's leather jacket. He jerked her forward, but Charlie grabbed onto the bars, holding her ground. "You fucking bitch! I'll—" He was cut off by a hungry snarl to the left, and he looked over with wide eyes.

  Gritting her teeth, Charlie tore herself free and glanced at the locke, who had flaming red eyes and huge canines. She shivered at the animal's ferocity and was relieved it wasn't directed at her. She straightened out her jacket and said, "Losing your cool, Victor?" She went to the sealed door, opened it, and glanced back at him. "Until later." She blew him a kiss and left with the locke in tow.

  On the upper deck, Charlie located Starr, Magnar, and Jerrison preparing to load into the shuttle and return to the Four Mag. She felt her shoulders slump and her lips downturn watching them.

  Starr tossed her rifle Newt into the shuttle, then approached Charlie. "Hey," she greeted in Jero. "I have the blockers you asked for earlier." She offered the small, metal bottle to Charlie.

  Charlie tucked them into her jacket pocket. Last night during the party and libations, she had worked up the nerve to ask Starr about her supply of blockers. Luckily Starr had recently purchased two hundred of the pills and promised a hundred fifty of them to Charlie, after a lot of questions. She had brushed off Starr's attempt to grill her but convinced Starr to let her pay for the pills. If nothing else, Starr had a clue that Charlie was possibly sleeping with a Kalmar.

  "Thanks for this." Charlie had paid Starr last night.

  "If you need more—"

  "I'll contact you," Charlie promised. Then her shoulders slumped now that it was time for farewells again. "I can't convince you to stay?"

  Starr sighed and clasped her old boss's shoulder. "Not until you leave Kander."

  Charlie nodded and grabbed Starr's forearm, gripping it hard. "I have promises to keep."

  Starr smiled, shifted closer, and whispered, "I know you do." She yanked Charlie into a long hug.

  "Thank you for coming and helping," Charlie whispered in her friend's ear.

  Starr nodded, then withdrew and climbed into the shuttle.

  Magnar approached next and said, "I plan to go to the twelfth quadrant and lay low. You better let me know what happens with Victor and the bounty."

  "I will. There was something else I wanted to ask you." When Magnar lifted an eyebrow, Charlie sighed and glanced away before saying, "About the coalition." She grumbled when Magnar bristled in response.

  "Charlie, you know—"

  "I know," Charlie cut off, hissing low and clenching her jaw. "I get it. I made my choices." She took a deep breath to help calm her nerves. "It's not about me. It's about the Sworne."

  Magnar tilted her head and folded both sets of arms. "Starr mentioned that you wanted Victor to find out about the Sworne."

  "Did she tell you why?" Charlie asked and licked her lips after Magnar's head shake. "I think they're coming back." At Magnar's rising tension, she said, "If that's true, it might take everyone in the galaxy to stop them."

  "You think the coalition is going to rally for the Sworne?"

  "If they won't rally for that, then what are they willing to fight for?" Charlie asked. "You might have to be the one to tell them that they're coming back."

  Magnar closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head before staring at Charlie. "I don't know if they'll believe it when you're the source."

  Charlie ground her teeth together and tried to cap her anger, balling her fists in her pockets.

  "You were respected, Charlie." Magnar unfolded her lower arms and placed her hands on Charlie's stiff shoulders. "You were the Galaxy Master and still are to some. But after Ferrafar, you—"

  "I know!" Charlie looked away until Magnar's cupped her cheek. "I'm still the Galaxy Master to many."

  Magnar had a bittersweet smile and patted Charlie's flushed cheek. "You're still the Galaxy Master to me." She lowered her arms and said, "I will attempt to talk to the coalition, but I can't promise they'll listen."

  Charlie nodded and decided it was better than nothing. She exchanged a hug with Magnar and said goodbye to Jerrison. After leaving the bay with the locke, she heard the hissing and hum from the shuttle and knew they were leaving. Looking at the locke, she said, "Come on. We'll go through the garden first, then to the bridge, and finally
chill out in our quarters." She could do with a mental break, but she wanted to get the Betty May underway and back to Kander.

  After letting the locke spend time in the garden, Charlie went to the flight deck and found Raine waiting for her. She took the pilot's seat and helped Raine navigate the ship away from Eos Minor before putting it into leed two when they were clear of the solar system.

  "Did you name her yet?" Raine indicated the locke nestled under one of the empty chairs on the upper level.

  Charlie rolled her eyes and replied, "She'll be gone once we land on Kander."

  Raine smirked and said, "I'm betting the other way."

  "She's a wild animal," Charlie argued. "And giving her a name is just attaching myself to her."

  "She's wild all right." Raine tapped a few things on the screen and muttered, "Wild about you."

  Are we talking about the locke or Kal? Charlie asked herself but ignored her friend's remark. "Thanks for coming on this mission. I know I owe you big."

  "We'll make it eight noreds instead of six," Raine said, her voice filled with mirth.

  Charlie glowered in response and had no intention of staying that long on Kander. At least, that's what she told herself, even though her heart ached at the thought of leaving Kal. Even now, she was antsy to return to Kander and feel her lover's body against hers. Satisfied that they were cruising at a safe speed, she stood up and said, "Don't forget to charge the Galactic Hammer."

  Raine twisted her head around and revealed her appalled expression. "I wouldn't forget to take care of my battle suit."

  Charlie kicked her friend's chair and said, "That's my suit." She shook her head at Raine's devious smile and strolled off with the silent, white ghost behind her. The solitude in her quarters was welcoming, and Charlie stripped off much of her attire until she wore only pants and a shirt.

  The locke sniffed around the room and settled into her nest of blankets. Her big, white eyes followed Charlie around in the quarters. She released a loud sigh after Charlie sat on the bed.


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