Among the Chaos: Book 2 of the Soldiers of Chaos MC Series

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Among the Chaos: Book 2 of the Soldiers of Chaos MC Series Page 14

by A. A. Askevold

  Tex heard the crunch of gravel behind him. The sound sparked a wave desperation in him. Shit. Ahead of him Trace ducked behind the digger. Ten steps. That’s all that was between him and the last bit of cover that would shield their escape. More footsteps on the gravel. He peeked out from behind the pallet of cement he was hiding behind. The car was gone the gate closing behind it. Suddenly the cement bags next his head burst open as bullets ripped through them. Tex couldn’t get back behind his cover fast enough. He heard the shouts that went up around the construction site. Gunfire sounded from in front of him as Trace squared off against whoever was shooting.

  Trace stopped firing and signaled to him to run. Tex stepped out from behind the pallet and a new barrage of bullets sent him back in to hiding. They did not have time for this.

  “Go Brother!” Tex yelled over the noise of shouting and more bullets flying, “We can’t afford to let him get away.”

  Trace shook his head at him. While Tex appreciated the loyalty now was not the time to get all self-sacrificing on a Brother.

  “We don’t have time for this Trace. Think about Rat, Nikki, the club. For Christ’s sake go before we lose him.”

  He could see the look of resignation on Trace’s face as he came to terms with the knowledge that Tex was right. Of course he was right. Club first, always.


  Trace knew Tex was right. This might be there only chance to find Bridges and end this before it really becomes all-out war and costs them more lives. He hated to leave a Brother without back up though. He lifted his chin in acknowledgement of his brother and Tex returned the gesture. Trace turned and ran and he ran hard. Swinging out around the end of the fence and racing for the van. He threw himself into the driver’s seat and brought the vehicle to life.

  If he was lucky his target might only be halfway along the main exit road by now. He took off circling one of the warehouse and pulling back out on to the road. He put on a bit of speed and charged his way through the traffic. It appeared that luck was indeed on his side. The traffic had been blocked off for an oversize truck to make a turn on to the main road. With no alternative route out of there the black BMW had become stuck in the waiting traffic with everyone else.

  Trace hadn’t got a real good look at their man from his hiding spot at the construction site. He’d caught glimpses of the guy, dressed in black and quick on his feet, as he’d bailed up Black for insulting some woman. The references to the woman had been vague but clearly whoever she was she was important to Bridges. Her name would’ve been handy information to know. It was always a good thing to know your enemies weakness.

  Trace kept one eye on his target and one eye on his rearview mirror watching for any sign of Black. The oversize load finally turned off the main exit road and normal traffic speed resumed. A flash of light reflected in Trace’s mirror followed by a distant bang. He had no idea what that was but he hoped it meant that Tex had found a way out.

  He followed the BMW out of the harbor along the main trucking route and into the city. He stayed back as far as he could from the car. Even though the van looked like dozens of other delivery vehicles travelling this route he couldn’t risk this guy getting wind of him. They entered the main hotel and gambling district. The stomping ground of criminals masquerading as legitimate businessman. The traffic became slower and heavier the further in they got.

  The BMW did a U-turn at the lights up ahead. Trace watched as the car came back down the other side of the road. He wasn’t gonna make that light. He gave the van a bit of gas and got up the ass of the car in front of him. He kept flicking his gaze back and forth between his mirror and the road in front of him. He pushed the guy in front of him through the orange light and swung the van around just in time to see the black sedan turning into a hotel driveway. The vehicle disappeared inside the private car park entry of the hotel. He frowned as he read the sign above it. The Mint.


  Tex crept along the pallets to the other end and took a quick peek. From this position he could see the body of the first shooter laying on the ground a few metres away. The second shooter was tucked behind a piece of machinery further down the site from where he was. As he took in the movement further afield he knew the other guards were coming to the assistance of their mate. As he considered the odds he realized just how totally up shit creek he was. At least 5 men armed with automatic weapons. He heard a car start up and saw Black’s BMW escaping through the gate.

  If he was gonna get out of this alive he needed a distraction and fast. He searched the area around him and spotted something that gave him an idea. He rushed back to his original spot and fired a few shots at the second shooter. The guy reengaged and Tex used that moment to make a run for his salvation. Two steps out from the site box the gunfire swung his way. He fired wildly behind him before diving behind the box. A second burst of gun fire came from further around and it told him the guy’s backup had begun to arrive.

  Tex didn’t have many bullets left and not much time to pull off this little trick. He turned to the oxy torch sitting behind the box. He was aiming to recreate a homemade bomb he’d read about on the internet. He had no idea if the damn thing would even work but if he wanted to tip the odds in his favour it was a risk he’d have to take. He used all his strength to undo the nuts on the hoses. The shouts moved closer and Tex leaned out from his cover firing of another volley of shots. He attached the hose of one tank to the other and opened up both valves. A deafening volley of gunfire sounded in reply to his shots as he flicked his lighter open and placed the lit zippo next to the tanks. Now he just had to work his way back toward the water and hope to god his little trick worked.

  Tex waited for a lull in the gunfire to make a run for it but that just wasn’t happening. He’d just have to chance that the rest of these guys were as bad a shot as their friend. He picked out a path to the edge of the wharf and he ran. Bullets whizzed past him as he dodged left and right weaving his way toward the water. He heard the shout go up as the armed men gave chase. Tex fired blindly behind him as he ran. The shouting got louder as the men gave chase. A loud boom followed the flash of light and heat as Tex’s unorthodox acetylene bomb exploded. He flung himself off the edge of the wharf and into the water. He guessed he was living to fight another day. God bless the internet.

  Chapter 13

  Nikki watched Rat’s coffin disappear into the hole in front of her. Every ounce of energy she had she was using to keep her crap locked up tight. Today it was burning her up inside, knowing that somewhere in the crowd of people standing shoulder to shoulder around their fallen brother a traitor was hiding. A wolf in sheep’s clothing or in this case a dog in a man’s clothing. She was antsy as hell and tonight could not come soon enough as far as she was concerned.

  Nikki had felt the boys on top of her all day. She felt like at any second she was going to lose her shit and the smallest things were making her edgy. She needed to put some physical space between her and them. As soon as the service was done she excused herself to the bathroom. She made a beeline for the farm’s main cabin. Her phone vibrated in her pocket as she crossed the yard. She pulled it out of her pocket as she opened the door. Her shoulder bumped into something and her phone went clattering to the floor popping clean out of the case.

  “Sorry sweetheart,” Rose said as she ducked down to pick up Nikki’s phone and case.

  “No it’s my fault I wasn’t watching where I was going,” she replied.

  “Wow. Now this is an old picture,” Rose exclaimed, “Where did you find this?”

  Nikki had forgotten all about the picture she’d tucked in the back of her phone case.

  “I found it in a box of Sheila’s stuff,” she explained, “Actually I’d been meaning to ask you about it.”

  “Really Darlin’? Why’s that?” Rose asked as she unfolded the photo.

  As soon as the edge of the photo came in to view Rose’s body language changed. Nikki could sen
se the awkwardness.

  “I was wondering who this woman was, the one in the background here.”

  Rose sighed, “There’s a long version and a short version of this story and we probably don’t have time for the long one.”

  “So give me the short version,” she prompted gently.

  “She’s an old girlfriend of your father’s. She was more than that really. She was his first love, probably his only love no offence to your mother. She grew up dirt poor and though I believe she loved your father in the end she left him for some rich guy who could provide her with all the pretty things in life, had a kid with him too from memory. This was all well before he met your mother though.”

  “Have you got any idea why she might have shown up at the clubhouse?”

  Rose’s brow furrowed, “No idea darlin’ but she can’t have stuck around for long.”

  “What makes you say that?” Nikki queried.

  “She died around the time you were born. Not sure how though. I wouldn’t let Reaper see this if I were you Sweetheart. Sometimes the past is better left in the past as they say.”

  Amen to that.

  “I better get back and check on Jodie. I’ll see you in a little while Darlin’,” Rose said as she slipped out of the Cabin door.

  Nikki’s phone began to vibrate again and with her thoughts still on the mysterious woman she absentmindedly answered the call, “Hello.”

  “Nikki don’t hang up. We need to talk,” Cole growled his demands down the phone at her and it lit a fire under the monster inside her.

  “I have information. Information that affects the club,” Cole spoke quickly not giving her brain a chance to catch up, “The club is in danger, you’re in danger.”

  The snarling pulsing darkness in her gut was working itself into a frenzy trying to break free of its prison. For her own sake she needed to hang up but for the sake the club she knew she had to hear him out.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” she hissed at him as she shut the Cabin door and moved toward the back of the building.

  “I take it you didn’t read my note then. Did you burn it like you did my flowers?” the incredulity in his voice was obvious.

  “Don’t even start that shit with me Cole. I have every right to despise you,” she spat at him as she struggled to calm the darkness inside her.

  “I’m so sorry Angel,” his tone went soft, “I know those words will never be enough but.”

  Nikki cut him off, “You rang me with information.”

  He sighed, “Yes I did but I can’t give it to you over the phone.”

  Nikki knew what he was doing. He was trying to lure her to meet with him.

  “You can and you will,” she replied with a growl of her own.

  “This is not something we can discuss over the phone. If you want this information you’ll have to meet with me,” he told her.

  “You’re wasting your time. I am not going to fall for your bullshit.”

  This time Cole cut her off, “Et tu Brute.”

  Nikki’s heart stopped at that tiny phrase.

  “What did you just say?”

  Cole ignored her question, “I’ll meet you in the alleyway behind the Mint in an hour.”

  Then the call went dead.


  Tex had endured a long cold swim across the harbour only to have to take along walk to find a working pay phone. At which point he’d tried calling in a pickup from Ace only to have his call declined several times. In the end it was Brodie who’d collected him from the other side of the harbour wet and freezing his damn ass off. He called Trace and then not only was he wet and cold he was both relieved and confused. Trace had managed to follow mystery man and he’d followed him all the way to the private parking garage at the Mint. It seemed like there was more to that place than a casino and a hotel.

  Their mission tonight was to go back there and with Slick’s help find out who this guy really was. Tex would’ve sat on that building all day if it hadn’t been for Rat’s funeral. The man deserved to be honoured by all his brothers and regardless of their current problems the club, the family, came first. As Tex had stood shoulder to shoulder with Nikki at Rat’s funeral he realized this was the first time he’d seen her in a week. And even though she was standing next to him she wasn’t really there. There was something going on with her, something other than the funeral. He just knew it.

  As soon as the service was over Nikki had slipped away from them under the guise of going to the bathroom. Something was off, really off.

  “Are you getting the same vibe from Ace as I am Brother?” he asked Trace.

  “Yeah, something’s not right with her and I think it’s got something to do with Reaper,” Trace replied.

  Tex gave his brother a quizzical look, “What the hell would it have to do with him?”

  “I was talking to Brodie earlier and he was telling me that Nikki and Reaper have been riding out together every night this week.”

  That revelation worried Tex. Reaper was a necessary part of Soldiers of Chaos machine. He did the jobs that no other man was capable of, those evil sick and twisted things that sometimes had to be done to keep the club alive. The man was a natural born killer. He could enter a room full of armed men and come out the other side with barely a scratch, he could move silently and kill just as soundlessly. The man was a ghost, a deadly unholy ghost. He was the reaper in human form, hence the name. The fact that Nikki had suddenly become the man’s shadow was deeply unsettling.

  Nikki reappeared from the cabin and without so much as a glance at anyone she headed straight for the vehicles parked next to the barn.

  “Where the hell is she going?” Trace wondered out loud.

  “I don’t know but you follow her. I’ll take Reaper,” Tex ordered.


  Nikki pulled into the Mint car park her senses on high alert. She knew this was a bad idea. All logic pushed her to turn around and she almost had twice on the way over. This was dangerous ground for her right now. The darkness inside her was quaking with anticipation and that sick need he inspired in her was sitting right below the surface. She needed the information he had, the club needed the information he had. Nikki rolled around to the alleyway behind the club. The memory of the last time she was here drove the tension higher.

  As she stopped her bike halfway down the alley, the door opened and Cole stepped out into the yellow light of the afternoon sun. The minute she laid eyes on him she knew just how much of a bad idea this was. The monster inside her roared with the need to be near that man, for a taste of what he could do for her. She was barely keeping her shit together as it was and when you put him into the equation she knew what little grip she had would fail. She needed to get this over and done with and fast. Nikki avoided eye contact with him as she dismounted her bike leaving her helmet, mask and glasses behind.

  Nikki walked slowly down the alley her eyes flicking back and forth searching for any sign of danger.

  “There’s no one here but you and me Angel.”

  God, that growling voice. Her breathing became slightly more labored at the sound of his name for her rolling off his tongue. She stopped a few feet from him and waited warring with the instinct to kneel before him and beg for relief from this thing inside her.

  “You said you had information?” her voice came out husky and she wanted to curse her traitorous body for the reaction.

  “Look at me Angel.”

  His command rumbled through her body, a wave of heat and darkness. She couldn’t look at him, she knew if she looked at him that would be it.

  She ignored his command, “the information Cole.”

  He took a step toward her and she stiffened. Don’t touch me, was all she could think, please don’t let him touch me.

  “I will give you the information you need but first I want you to look at me.”

  A voice inside her head was screaming no even as her eyes went to his
. The second her gaze met Cole’s she was lost to the darkness inside her, to the darkness reflected in his eyes.

  “Oh Angel. Let me take care of what’s going on inside you.”

  He reached out to her placing his hand on the side of her face. His touch sparked another wave of dark need within her. She wanted to give in. She wanted let him feed the monster inside her.

  “Let me give you what you need.”

  His hand slid quickly into her hair and tightened. The sting from his grip returned her to that room which was just an elevator ride away. She felt the ache build between her legs and the monster inside her smiled with glee. He closed the space between the two of them molding their bodies together. Then he struck.

  Cole pulled her head back and his mouth crashed down on hers. His kiss was ferocious. He ate at her mouth like a starving man offered his first meal just in the nick of time. Nikki lost all sense of herself and her surroundings as she began to respond to Cole. She needed this so badly she was helpless against. Suddenly Nikki found herself pinned against the alley wall both her arms twisted up behind her back Cole’s hand securing them in place. His other hand was buried back in her hair. His mouth left hers and travelled down to the crook of her neck. He stopped kissing her skin briefly then he sunk his teeth into her flesh. Her eyes closed and the moan that left her mouth was pure sin.


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