Among the Chaos: Book 2 of the Soldiers of Chaos MC Series

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Among the Chaos: Book 2 of the Soldiers of Chaos MC Series Page 16

by A. A. Askevold

  “I lost Reaper,” Tex admitted to Trace as he climbed off his bike.

  “Don’t worry because I lost Nikki and I think I’ve lost her more than physically,” Trace replied.

  That did not sound good.

  “What did you do?”

  “Do you want the long version or the short version?”

  Tex didn’t have time for the long version.

  “The short one,” he demanded.

  “I followed Nikki to the Mint and caught her making out with none other than Mister Corporal Punishment.”

  Tex’s blood pressure went from normal to heart attack territory in a matter of seconds.

  “To be honest I think it was him who kissed her and she did chase after me but I ditched her. I was so angry and hurt and I did something so fucking stupid. I slept with Melanie and Nikki walked into the clubhouse as she was leaving and she went off. She made Melanie suck on her gun, then she shot at her as she tried to escape. Then when I tried to speak to her she pointed her gun at me and Jesus Tex I have never seen her so angry in my life.”

  Tex wanted to punch Trace right in his stupid face but he couldn’t. Not too long ago Tex had made the same mistake for the same reason.

  “I’m gonna give you the same advice you gave me Brother. Give her some space. We got shit to do right now and as much as I want to go chasing after Ace to make things right between you two we can’t afford to lose any more time on this new guy. Slick’s waiting for us and hey we are at the Mint anyway so maybe we see that sick bastard while we’re there and maybe we give him a taste of what it’s like to be on the other side of the beating.

  Chapter 15

  In the early hours of the cold dark morning Nikki once again stood outside the Cole’s empire. The building looked ominous against the deep dark stormy clouds hovering low in the sky above. On another day at another time she would’ve seen that as a bad sign. Right now it looked like an invitation and the key card that Cole had left her with his letter was now burning a hole in her skin where it sat. She’d opened the envelope and extracted the card without so much as glancing at that piece of paper. She didn’t need it.

  Nikki had barely made it through the lobby when a familiar voice sounded behind her.

  “Miss Jones?” Roger’s confusion was apparent.

  “Hello Roger. I’ve come to see Cole,” Nikki stated matter-of-factly, there was no need to give the man any hints as to her intentions.

  “I’ll call him down for you,” he offered reaching for his phone.

  “No need,” she replied flashing him the key card,“I’ll meet him upstairs.”

  With that she went straight for the bay of private access elevators and left Roger to make his call.

  As the elevator rose so did the need inside her. The doors opened slowly and a small voice inside tried to tell her she shouldn’t do this bit was drowned out by the roar of the darkness as her gaze fell upon its master.


  “Hello Sir,” her greeting had him frozen to the spot.

  She stepped from the elevator and dropped her jacket to reveal the dress he had left for her in her closet. His eyes grew dark filling with hunger and it sent a shiver right through her. Then the mirrored doors of the elevator closed behind her and his face changed instantly.

  “Oh Angel.You’re back,” he exclaimed the regret in his voice loud and clear.

  This was not what she had come here for.

  “Stop Cole.Whatever you are about to say save it. I don’t want to hear your apologies or your excuses. I didn’t come here for that,” she told him.

  He seemed to shake himself free of whatever had taken over him.

  “What did you come here for?”

  “I came here for you Sir,” she replied and just like that the Dom was back.

  “Oh Angel, what you do to me.”


  Slick had met at the rear entrance of the hotel in the very alleyway where Nikki had been making out with that prick. The thought made Trace’s skin crawl but then so did the way he’d hurt Nikki hours ago. He was such a grade A asshole and he prayed to god that she would be able to find it in her to forgive him. He wondered where she was now and hoped to god she was hiding out at home or riding off her anger.

  “So who’s this guy you’re looking for?” Slick asked as they wound their way through the back halls of the entertainment complex.

  “We’ve got no idea. Like I said on the phone all we know is the guy drives a black BMW and he entered the private parkingarea for the penthouses,” Trace explained.

  “That could be anyone of those rich pricks. They’re all the bloody same,” Slick replied.

  “Hey have you ever seen that guy again the rich boy Nikki hooked up with?” Tex asked.

  “Nah man Sorry. Must’ve been a one-time only thing.We all have them,” he replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

  They both nodded but something told Trace Slick was lying a quick glance from Tex told him that he was thinking the same thing.

  “This place is huge so I’m not even sure where you’d start. You guy’s know what he looks like at least?”

  “Yeah I’d know him if I saw him. The guy looks ex-military. Has that close cropped hair cut, perfectly pressed clothing and moves like an operator. Ring a bell?”

  Slick’s silence was a little too long before he answered,“Nah could be someone from security maybe or some rich dude’s bodyguard.”

  He knew something and he just wasn’t willing to say it. The guy had let them in though and that had to count for something.

  Trace sat watching the lobby for hours waiting for the guy to show while Tex searched as much of the complex as he could. Tex had even tried to get in to the parking garage using the code that Nikki had given them. It hadn’t worked he figured they must’ve changed it since then. The sun was beginning to filter in to the building when he met Tex and Slick in a shadowy corner of the lobby.

  “No luck?” he asked but he already knew the answer from the frustration on Tex’s face.

  Tex shook his head.

  “Might have to just cut and run. Maybe we can chase down Nikki and,” Trace began saying.

  Tex cut him off,“That’s him.”

  Trace followed Tex’s line of sight. The guy had the right haircut, the right build and he certainly moved like he could handle himself.

  “I think you’ve got the wrong man there mate,” Slick replied his brow deeply furrowed.

  “What makes you say that?” Trace asked.

  “Because that man works for Marcus Cole,” he said the name as if they should know who he was.

  “Who the hell is Marcus Cole?”

  “He’s the guy who owns this place.”


  Nikki pulled at her wrists testing her bindings. She was strapped to the wooden cross in Cole’s playroom. Her wrists and ankles bound so that she was displayed in an X shape. He stood before her in just his suit pants. His huge rippled torso was exposed providing evidence of the power within his body

  “You ok Angel?” Cole’s tone momentarily softened.

  She was wet as all hell and ached for him to touch her, to hurt her.

  “Yes Sir,” her voice was husky with desire and his eyes darkened further still at the sound.

  The darkness inside her purred like a cat as she watched him eat her up with his eyes.

  He prowled over to the closet and opened it considering which tools he was going to use. His fingers ran over a range of items his belt on the shelf, the cane the paddle and the cat-o-nine tails. She moaned as his fingers brushed the lather of the whip handle. He turned at her frowning slightly.

  “I think we’ll leave the whips out of it yes?” he said as he eyed her suspiciously.

  “No,” she replied instantly.

  “No?” he raised his eyebrows at her,“You want the whip?”

  “Yes Sir,” again she replied without thought.

  “This is not l
ike the other one. I won’t do that again Angel, not ever. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Cole took the whip down and grabbed a pair of gloves from a draw below. As he slipped his hands into the gloves Nikki caught site of the small metal spikes that donned the palm and fingers of the gloves. She quaked in anticipation of the touch of those spikes and a fresh flood of liquid flowed from her sex. Cole prowled across the room towards her with the whip in hand. The animal in him beginning to surface from deep within. His movements were liquid and predatory. The promise of violence was nearly too much for the monster inside her to take. It urged her to lean forward to get closer to him. She pulled at her restraints again.

  The first flick came, a sharp quick sting on her hip. She gasped as the sting warmed her body. The second one landed on her inner thigh the same light stinging sensation. Two more like the first two and she knew he was holding back. She could see it in his body language. He was afraid of hurting her again. That was not what she wanted, what she needed.

  “You’re holding back Sir,” she chastised him in her breathy voice.

  “Am I just?” he asked her his tone light with sarcasm.

  “Yes you are. I want more. I need you Cole, I need you to make me hurt,” she begged him.

  The feral lust that moved into his eyes only served to make her wetter and drive the ache inside her higher. She shifted restlessly in her bonds trying desperately to gain some kind of satisfaction.

  A deep animal growl erupted from deep in his chest as he flicked the next strike. It bit into her skin like nine tiny little hot needles. The blows came again and again. On her arms, her stomach, her breasts and her thighs. All the while she begged him to go quicker to strike her harder. The monster hit a state of utter euphoria as the last strike fell on her naked sex. The stinging bite sent her spiraling into an orgasm. One she’d barely gotten through before Cole was on her.

  He grabbed hold of her hips and plunged into her in one long stroke. He didn’t stop there again and again he drove deep with blistering speed and strength. Her inner walls pushed and grasped alternately trying to resist his brutal invasion on the in stroke then trying to keep him from retreating on the out.

  Her skin was raw from the whipping he’d given her and everywhere that his body rubbed against hers burnt with pain. The spikes on his gloves felt as though they were piercing her skin, slicing into her. One of his hands wandered from her hip. He grabbed her thigh first the spark of pain sending a flash of ecstasy through. He scraped the spikes down the soft underside of her arm. She moaned at the weird painful yet ticklish sensation. This was what the monster needed, what she needed after all they were one now.

  His hand came up to grasp a fistful of her hair. She knew what came next and he didn’t disappoint. His mouth crashed down on hers with such force that their teeth clashed. His kiss was as searing and bruising as she remembered but it wasn’t enough. She bit his lip hard and he drew back with shocked gasp. She could taste his blood in her mouth as she smiled at him wickedly.

  “Two can play at that game Angel,” Cole quipped with a devious smile of his own.

  He moved his hand down to her breast gripping it with his spiked glove. Those little pinpointed tips felt like a hundred hot knives slicing into her skin. She spasmed hard around his cock and Cole growled ferociously.

  “Not yet Angel.You wait for me,” he commanded.

  “Yes Sir,” she moaned her answer loudly as she desperately tried to get back some control.

  Cole pushed her breast up towards his mouth as he lowered his head. His tongue flicked over it warm and wet. The he struck, his teeth biting hard into her overly-sensitized flesh.

  The pain went straight from her nipple to her brain and back down to her clit travelling straight through the monster’s centre on its way. Her body exploded with an intense burn. Every inch of her felt as though she were being engulfed in some devilish hellfire of sexual desire and pain.

  “Tell me Angel,” he commanded as the burn raged on through her.

  “You own all of me,” she cried out in ecstasy not knowing or caring about the lie coming out of her mouth.

  Nikki woke to the hangover of the millennium. Her whole body ached and every time she tried to move a flash of pain would slice through. So she lay still listening to nothing but the steady heartbeat and slow breaths of the man wound around her. There was nothing else. No restless growl, no persistent hum just sweet silence.

  “Morning Angel,” with those two words reality came crashing back in on her.

  What the hell had she done?


  “Actually it’s more like evening,” Cole replied.

  “Evening?” she yelled the question as she scrambled from Cole’s bed.

  Every inch of her flesh screamed in pain at the quick and exaggerated movement.

  “Slow down Angel. You’ll hurt yourself,” Cole soothed as he too slid from the covers.

  She didn’t need to hurt herself, he’d done all the hurting she needed last night and into the early hours of the morning.

  “I’ve got to go Cole,” she said as she searched the room frantically for her clothes, for any clothes.

  She wrenched open Cole’s draws grabbing the first articles of clothing she could lay her hands on.

  “Why so you can run on back to your traitorous father?”

  His question stunned her, “What did you just say?”

  “I told you yesterday I had information. Information that tells me your father is a traitor.”

  She could not believe what she was hearing.

  “Et tu Brute, Angel,” he said the phrase that had been following her around like the stink of frustration.

  “That was you? Trying to warn me? How? Why?” she asked beyond confused.

  “The how doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you are in danger. Your father is working with Black Nikki.”

  She couldn’t listen to the bullshit, she wouldn’t. Her father had sacrificed everything for the club. He was no traitor.

  “You lie,” she growled at him.

  “I wish I was lying Angel. Did you know he was planning to kill Bull and King? Him and Alvarez. Bull got wind of it through one of his men. He planted a man in the mix and went to King,” Cole explained.

  Nikki’s head was spinning. No, this couldn’t be right. He had his information all mixed up. If King knew about this he would’ve done something, he would’ve told her, he would’ve had Reaper killed.

  “If this is all true why hasn’t King done anything about it?” she questioned.

  “He has. He did the only thing he could, the only thing that wouldn’t alert Reaper to his knowledge of the man’s betrayal, the only thing that would keep Reaper in the game long enough for him to lead the club to Bridges. He gave him the perfect accomplices. Two stupid prospects who don’t seem like they have a brain between them and who he wouldn’t bat an eyelid at for accompanying him in his treachery.”

  Nikki’s stomach dropped. He wouldn’t?

  “How do you know all this?”

  “It doesn’t matter how I know Angel, I know. If you don’t believe call Bull, ask him,” he told her handing her phone to her.

  With shaking hands she dialed Bull’s number.

  “Bull it’s Ace. I need to ask you something and I need you to tell me the truth,” she demanded.

  Bull’s voice was tight as he replied, “Are you sure you wanna hear the truth Ace?”

  That one comment told her everything she needed. There was no reason for Bull to lie to her.

  She asked him anyway, “Is he working with Black?”

  “Yes. It gets worse last night he.”

  Nikki cut him off, “I gotta go.”

  She already knew what he did last night or more accurately she did. How could she have been so stupid? King had given him the perfect accomplices and Nikki, well,she’d given him the perfect scapegoat.

  Chapter 16

  Nikki paced the hou
se restlessly. Her mind raced a million miles a minute as the blackness spread through her. How deep did this run? When the hell had it started? What other things had he lied about? Did he have something to do with Rat’s death? With Sheila’s? Was he really going to throw her under the bus? But mostly her mind screamed, why? Why would he do this to the club? Why would he do this to her? He’d turned her into a weapon against the club she loved. She’d killed innocent men, not just innocent men but members of her club. That traitorous dog.Her anger swelled and the monster began to vibrate with fury.

  “Fuck,” she screamed the word long and loud giving voice to the anger inside her.

  The need for destruction and violence took over. All she could think was destroy, destroy, destroy. She threw her bedside lamp across the room smashing it against the wall. She picked up more items from her dresser, glass bottles and ceramic nick nacks, hurling them at every hard surface in the room reveling in the satisfying sound of shattering as they broke. She swept the rest of the items onto the floor before upturning her dresser. She stomped on the weak backing splitting it into pieces. She kicked boxes across her floor the contents spewing out as they hurtled across the space. She pummeled her cupboard door with her fists and feet until the damn things fell off.

  Nikki’s knuckles burned and her ankles ached. All that destruction and all it did was take the edge off. As she surveyed the state of her room a muffled sound caught her attention. Nikki followed the noise all the way across the space to one of her mother’s upturned boxes. It was a voice talking, a familiar voice. She threw the cardboard box aside and frantically dug through the pile of crap underneath it. As she got closer to the source her mother’s voice came on. Nikki pulled an old mp3 player from a twist of clothing.


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