Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2) Page 10

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  She knitted her brow. "Is this the girl who slept with Xander?"

  He nodded.

  "And then you tried to sleep with after?"

  He nodded again.

  "And did you?"

  He shook his head. "Though I did plan to."

  "Then why did you leave me in a room all night by myself?" the girl shouted.

  "As I recall, I wasn't the one you were expecting to join you up there," said Luka. "You're the one who decided to switch men halfway through the night."

  "Wait, switch men? Which men?" asked Deryn.

  The girl crossed her arms and motioned angrily at Bronson. "Your boyfriend."

  Deryn looked at him and crinkled her forehead. "Seriously?"

  Bronson looked ashamedly to the floor.

  "Was this the alley night?" she asked, glancing between him and Luka.

  Neither answered.

  Deryn rolled her eyes. "You and your games, Bronson!" She marched back over to the dressing room and grabbed the green negligee. Then she went to the register, purchased it and put it in her bag. "The woman in me simply cannot defend the two of you any longer." She looked at the girl and said, "Have at them," before pushing past her and going off to look for any last minute purchases.

  There was nothing else she wanted inside the tram but, just outside of the second to last car, she found a vendor selling mistletoe. The romantic in her simply had to purchase some.

  "I'll take two of these," said a familiar voice from a booth to her left.

  Deryn's heart stopped. She used her peripherals to watch closely as a hooded man handed over some money, taking two bottles of a vicious-looking green liquid in return. She couldn't see him at first, but then he turned to take a good look around, making sure no one was watching him. She gulped.


  He was an old friend of hers, around the same age and from Redwood. They were 'recruited' at the same time, quarantined together, trained together, and Dakota had often referred to him as his 'second best friend'. She being the first, of course.

  He had escaped the day her father and the other Outsiders stormed into Eagle Center and was now active in the Resistance. At least, that was what she'd heard.

  His face was the same as Deryn remembered but, even in the coat, she could tell his body was much leaner, and his eyes were haloed by two dark circles. He was very pale, almost sickly, and something just didn't seem right with him.

  There was an iffy feeling forming in the pit of Deryn's stomach, so when Chace moved she bolted. She headed back inside the closest tram, glancing over her shoulder and not noticing as she ran right into one of the burly men guarding the back car.

  "Sorry," she said, having to tilt her head way back to look into his eyes.

  He made a throaty sound and nodded at her, then stepped aside and held the door open. Deryn stared beyond it blankly for a moment before looking back at the man. He motioned towards the door and said, "Third compartment on the left."

  Well, this was interesting. Deryn was about to turn away when Chace walked right by her, staring curiously into the open door. In a panic she stepped through, jumping as the door shut behind her.

  While Deryn knew Xander would kill her for going anywhere near the third compartment on the left, she had to admit she was mildly curious as to who was back there. And just who was it they were expecting? Surely not her.

  Deryn pushed back her fears and took a confident step forward. The first compartment on her left was empty but the one on her right was selling what appeared to be voodoo items. The vendor had a bone through the base of his nose and gave Deryn a look that sent shivers down her spine. She hurried past him.

  The second compartment on the left had a man selling cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco. Everything Deryn hated. He must have been Bronson's friend. On the right, there seemed to be some shady business deal going on with a lot of shouting. When they saw her, a woman quickly slid the door shut.

  Finally, Deryn arrived at the third compartment on the left. It was a bit dark in there, since the shades were drawn, and a lone person sat behind a counter, writing something in a notebook. There were many artifacts here, all from the outside. A secondhand shop of sorts.

  Unable to make the person out since they had a hood pulled over their head, Deryn stepped into the entrance of the compartment.

  Without looking up, the person said, "Hello, Leon. I was wondering when you were going to turn up."

  Deryn froze.

  The man finally looked up and she was met with the familiar eyes of another fellow trainee from Eagle Center, Neo Boyce. He was not an Outsider. In fact, Deryn was fairly certain he and Xander were friends growing up, but he hadn't been mentioned even once over the last few months. He definitely wasn't a Guardian but, given their group's track record, she very much doubted he was on the side of good.

  "Shut the door, will you?"

  Deryn took a step back, but someone suddenly pushed her from behind and she went stumbling towards the counter.

  "I got it, darling," said a woman's voice. Deryn turned just in time to see Odette Von shut the door.

  "I believe you remember my wife Odette."

  Correction. Odette Boyce.

  Deryn put her hand in her sleeve and pulled out her knife.

  Neo and Odette looked at each other and exchanged a laugh.

  "Relax, Leon," said Neo. "We only want to talk."

  He and Odette both took out knives and guns, and put them on the counter. And not Elements. Ancient, Outsider guns.

  "We won't even ask you to do the same," said Neo.

  Odette took a seat, smiling at Deryn as she patted the empty chair beside her. "Don't worry. We don't bite. Well ... only each other." She looked at her husband and winked.

  Deryn stayed standing and kept her knife at the ready, but she did pull off her gasmask. "How did you know it was me?"

  "Come on, Leon," said Neo. "We trained together for, what, two or three years? Maybe we just recognized you, even with the blue eyes and blonde hair."

  Deryn rolled her blue eyes. "We barely knew each other. And there have never been any wanted posters of me."

  Odette looked at her husband and smiled. "Still sharp. I guess the rumors were false."

  "What rumors?"

  Ignoring her, Odette said, "A friend of ours saw a strange girl here with Xander a couple weeks back. Said there was something almost disturbingly familiar about her, so I went to investigate. Didn't take long since Luka was keeping you busy with his silly tricks with that toy. I watched you for less than a minute before I realized who you were. You can change your coloring all you want, or wear a stupid gasmask, I still know your face. And so would Soren if he was paying you any mind. You're lucky he was distracted by Xander."

  "Who is your friend that saw me?" asked Deryn.

  "That's hardly important," said Neo. "We're here to talk business."

  "Business," repeated Deryn, finally taking a seat but keeping her knife in her hand. "What kind of business?"

  "While we do make quite a bit of money selling the many items you see around you," said Neo, "our primary moneymaker is smuggling."

  Deryn raised her eyebrows. "Smuggling."

  "Smuggling people," finished Odette. "In and out of Utopia."

  Deryn's jaw dropped.

  Odette reached out and nudged it shut for her. "We've been doing it for years but this lockdown and curfew have really worked in our favor."

  "I don't understand. Why -" What was it that Deryn wanted to ask? "Why are you doing this?"

  Neo and Odette exchanged another look.

  "Just after the battle at Eagle, my mom tried to force me to become a Guardian. I hadn't even wanted to be a guard, so I fled," said Neo. "Knowing that Odette's dad was trying to do the same, I went to her and she agreed to come with me."

  "We went Outsider. It was our only option to evade capture and execution. We were in hiding for over a year before our families gave up," said Odette. "It was during
that time that we started the collection you see around you. Scavenging through ancient cities we came across."

  "When we were sure our families weren't looking for us anymore, we came back to Utopia and began selling our items in the Black Market to make a living," explained Neo. "We would often hear stories about people unable to get outside to their families. Obviously the Resistance got in and out, but they weren't exactly keen on sharing their secrets. Not unless someone from the outside sent them in for someone."

  "We already had our own route we discovered when we wanted to come back in, so we began helping them," said Odette. "Before long it became a business."

  "And, as a runaway slave, we're fairly certain you're in need of our services."

  "While I'm sure Xander has been really useful in keeping you alive," said Odette, "I highly doubt he has a clue on how to get you out."

  Deryn's knife hand finally easing, she glanced back and forth between them. "I don't have any money."

  "But Xander does," said Neo with a growing smile.

  "I could never ask him to do that."

  "Why not?" asked Odette. "Do you think keeping you alive has been free for him?"

  Deryn sighed and looked down at the knife Xander had taught her to use. She grazed it with her fingertips. "I'm not interested."

  When she looked up again, Odette was watching her closely. "Is this about Xander and you sleeping together?"

  Deryn turned bright-red. "W-what? I don't know -"

  "There's no need to pretend. I already overheard him and Luka talking about it."

  With a heavy sigh, Deryn stood. "Thanks but no thanks." She turned towards the door.

  "Leon, wait."

  Deryn glanced over her shoulder to find Neo's joking exterior suddenly gone, and replaced with a serious and grim expression. "You can't stay here," he said. "Your dad is waiting for your return to attack and you know it."

  "I don't know that."

  "Then maybe you know this," said Odette. "My sister, my baby sister, was forced to become a Guardian the other day, and I need this war to end before she has to do something she'll never forgive herself for."

  "If you love your sister so much then why'd you leave her behind in the first place?" asked Deryn, looking Odette square in the eye.

  Odette went red. "I was young, and I truly didn't believe my father would force that upon his favorite daughter. But I was wrong and Lona is living with the consequences."

  "So the two of you need me to leave. Is that what you're saying?"

  Odette looked at Neo. He nodded at her and said, "Yes, that's what we're saying."

  "And you had the nerve to try and charge me," said Deryn, putting her hands on her hips. "You two are unbelievable."

  Neo and Odette both smiled and said, "Thank you," in perfect sync.

  "While I feel for your situation, I'm not going to leave Utopia unless Xander comes with me."

  Neo laughed loudly. Odette gave him a sharp look and he quickly sucked it back. "Sorry, but Xander's not going anywhere. Or, rather, he shouldn't. He's the bastard's favorite. If he runs then they'll hunt him down and you can bet his death won't be a pleasant one. And if you're caught with him ... well, I can't imagine your death will be much better. Xander knows this. He's not stupid."

  Deryn sighed. "I know it's dangerous, but there are Guardians who want him dead. I won't leave him behind."

  Odette stared at her curiously again. "Are you two in love or something?"

  This time Deryn didn't even blush, but her eyes grew dim, her heart heavy. She knew she loved Xander, but in love? That was something she simply wasn't ready to admit.

  Without saying anything, Deryn turned to leave again. She put her hand on the door.


  She looked back at Neo. He tossed her something and she caught it. It was an old key.

  "If there comes a time when you need to get out of Utopia quickly, then go to Cherish Lane. It's a small street, only three blocks from Xander's apartment, find the oldest house and use that key to get inside. In the room to the left there's a bookcase. Push it aside and you'll see a tunnel. Don't forget to close it behind you."

  "There will always be a hover-bike waiting. We make sure there is in each of our tunnels," added Odette.

  "If you take it all the way down then you'll come out in the compartment right next to this one." Neo pointed to his left. "An alarm lets us know whenever someone enters it so if we're not here we won't be long. And then we'll take care of you."

  Odette smiled. "But keep in mind that there are no package deals. If two of you show up then we'll charge for two."

  Deryn smiled back. "You're still charging me even though you need me to leave?"

  Odette shrugged. "Girl's gotta eat. It's not like Xander will miss five-hundred coin. That's the price, by the way. Two-fifty each. Really, it's a steal, considering we're risking our lives for you and all."

  "And are most fugitives able to come up with that sort of money?"

  "Most fugitives don't have a rich Guardian aiding them," said Neo with a smile. "It's a case by case basis."

  Deryn rolled her eyes. She pocketed the key and opened the door.

  "See you soon, Leon!" Odette called after her.

  "And tell Xander we said hello!"

  They both laughed as Deryn walked through the tram car, not looking inside any of the other compartments as she headed back through the door. Without stopping, she walked right out of the tram and towards the ladder leading to the Black Market's exit. When she was up, she walked to the hallway they'd come in through and plopped down against the wall.

  Deryn's eyes misted as she took the key out of her pocket and stroked it with her fingertips. She had an out. A way to get to her father, Talon and Dakota. As much as she hated to admit it, she truly believed that Neo and Odette were legit. Xander would be suspicious, of course, but that wasn't saying much considering he'd been suspicious of his own best friend.

  Before long, Deryn zoned out staring at that key. She barely noticed when someone sat beside her, but she didn't have to look up to know it was Luka. He was giving her those pitying eyes she hated so much, probably thinking about the scars he'd seen for the first time.

  "Don't look at me like that, Luka. The last thing I need is you feeling sorry for me."

  "Where'd you disappear to?" he asked, turning his head so he could avoid looking at her completely.


  "What's that in your hand?"

  "Nothing," she said, making a fist and putting the key in her pocket.

  "Right." A long moment of silence passed between them. "So ... those scars of yours. The ones on your side."

  Deryn's breath hitched.

  "You got it from these weird black flames, right?"

  She nodded.

  "I know those flames. I used to have them on my Element. The scars never heal and leave you in constant pain." Luka's face strained, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his coat. "Are you in constant pain?"

  Deryn glanced sideways at him and sighed. "I suppose I am. But I've had them for so long that I think I've gotten used to it."

  "Who gave them to you?"


  "Oh," said Luka. "Makes sense."

  "What does?"

  "Why Xander's been acting so harshly towards her. Don't get me wrong, he's never exactly been nice to her, definitely fucked her and left her on more than one occasion but, even so, they were still friends. He may be an asshole, but he cared about her. Now ... well, it doesn't really seem like he does anymore."


  Luka bit his cheek. "It's not like I'd ever defend Finley or anything, and I don't know when she gave those to you, but she's changed a lot since first becoming a Guardian. She's miserable. And lonely. Some people just aren't cut out for this business."

  Deryn frowned. "It certainly sounds like you're defending her."

  "Yeah, well, we both have shit fathers who put us in shit situations. Guess I have to feel some
sort of kinship with her."

  Luka reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Deryn crinkled her nose. "Don't tell me you've picked up that horrible habit, too?"

  "Really takes the edge off," he said while lighting one.

  "Does it?" asked Deryn, taking it from him and bringing it to her lips.

  "Oh, no!" shouted Luka, quickly grabbing it back. "Xander's already going to kill me for bringing you here. No need to add torture before he finishes the job."

  "Maybe he'd like it if I picked up the habit. That way, he could do it more often."

  "And it's remarks like that that make me wonder if you even know him at all."

  Deryn's eyes misted again. Maybe she didn't really know Xander, but she wanted to. She wanted to know everything about him. But she needed time. Something she was running out of. Especially if he wouldn't come with her when she left.

  "Holy shit, are you crying?" asked Luka, looking panicked. "No, no, no! What did I say?" He tried to replay his words in his head.

  "N -" Hiccup! "N-nothing!"

  Luka sighed. He looked around uncomfortably as he lifted his arm and patted her on the back, knocking her forward.

  "What are you doing?" asked Deryn.

  "Being comforting," he answered, continuing to pat.

  "Well, you're doing an awful job of it." She chuckled through her tears.

  "God, the two of you are so alike sometimes ..."

  Deryn grabbed his arm and moved it so he was rubbing smooth circles on her back instead. "That's how you comfort people, Luka."

  "Hmm ... I can see how that might be more pleasant," he said with a smile. He put his hand back in his lap and took a drag of his cigarette. "So are we done here?"

  "Where's Bronson?"

  "Dealing with that crazy broad. Oh, wait! Is that why you're so upset? Because your boyfriend almost cheated on you?" He smirked.

  Deryn smiled. "What do you mean almost? He did cheat on me. You were there, remember? In the alley?"

  Luka's face dropped. "You better shut your fucking mouth."

  Deryn laughed. "Don't worry. Your dirty little secret is safe with me." She zipped her lips.

  "So if we find him, are we done?"

  "I don't know," said Deryn with a sigh. "I was really hoping to find Xander a better present. I mean, obviously he won't mind Bronson's idea but ... well, it's not very clever. But what do you get someone who already has everything?"


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