The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress

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The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress Page 104

by Stein, Gertrude

  I am wondering whether each one is an interesting thing in being one being living. I am wondering about this thing.

  I am knowing some one wanting that each one is certain that everything is in the world to any one being living. I know another one who is certain that not very many things are in the world to any one being really living. I know some one who asks questions always about these things and I am remembering the words that one is using in asking about everything in asking about anything. That one is wondering whether any one is having anything in being one being really living. I am wondering whether this one is one really being almost now a quite old one. I am wondering just now whether I am not already really understanding all the being there ever can be in any man and any woman. I am almost being certain that I am understanding all being ever having been, ever being, ever going to be in any man, in any woman. I am almost certain I am understanding just now everything about being in men and women.

  I am certain I do not know completely yet all the detail of all the kinds there are of men and women. I am almost certain I am understanding just now all there is of being in men and in women when they are beginning, when they are in middle living, when they are ending.

  It is quite certain that I am realising just now being being in all men and in all women and the way this is in them in each one of them. I am understanding just now very much and I am not just now telling very much. I will soon now certainly be telling very much. Thinking about sense in being in living in men and women, thinking about some being and some not being married ones in being living has been to me a thing I have been very completely enjoying. I am now one knowing being being in men and in women.

  I am thinking about some being and some being not married ones in being living, I am thinking about some being completely not married ones in being living, I am thinking now about every one. I will be telling just now about being being in every one.

  It is a funny thing to me, a peculiar thing that each one is not knowing that living is what is certainly in them and each other one is one being one having it in them that they are ones being living. I know that each one very often is really forgetting this thing that one is one having it that that one is one having being living as being and that every other one each one is one having being in them of being one being living. Mostly every one is sometime forgetting this thing about that one, about every one.

  And so then I am knowing everything because really I am not ever forgetting this thing that I am one being one having living in being and that every one is having it in that one that that one is having living being in being that one.

  I am then one in a way certainly one knowing everything. Some are ones in a way knowing everything. Some are ones not in a way knowing everything. Some are knowing that some are in a way ones knowing everything. Some are never feeling anything about any one knowing everything. Mostly every one is sometime, is sometimes feeling about some one in a way knowing everything.

  Alfred Hersland was the one then Julia Dehning was marrying. She married him as one she was marrying. He was one being one she was marrying, she was one being one he was marrying and each one of them was the one the other one was marrying and loving then. Each one of them was marrying the other one needing that one then and loving that one then. Each one of them then married the other one needing that one then for loving and living and being then being the one they were needing to be being in living.

  Julia Dehning married Alfred Hersland. They were married and living then not very successfully to each of them married living. It is certain that each one of them was needing the other one then for being in living what each one of them was needing for being in living in them. Each one of them was then being in living and was then certain to be needing being in living. Each one of them was succeeding was failing in living. Not either of them had in a way really sense for living in being living. Each one of them in a way would be certain to be going on being in living. Each one of them was going on being in living.

  Julia was one as I was saying one needing to be one being going on being living. Julia was such a one all her living. All her living she was one needing to be going on being one being living. All her living she was one as I have been saying one needing to be one going to be going on being living.

  So then Julia was married to Alfred Hersland. She married him and was loving him and was certain then and not by thinking about this thing that she was one going to be going on being living. This was being in her then. This was always being in her all her living.

  Julia Dehning then married one she was needing then for the being in her that was being one who was needing to be certainly always going on going to be living. This was being in her and she was then not thinking about this thing. Alfred Hersland then as I was saying was thinking about being one being aspiring in being succeeding in living. They were married ones Julia and Alfred Hersland. This is to be now more history of some coming to know them.

  It is not such a very difficult thing going on being living as it seems to be to some thinking about this thing about going on being living. It is quite an easy thing for a great many having living being in them. This is a thing to surprise some that really this thing is not a difficult thing. To some it is quite a difficult thing being one going on being living. To very many, for very many it is not at all a very difficult, to quite some it is not the very least bit a really difficult thing, to be one going on being one being living, being in being living.

  To some it is quite a surprising thing that it is not a very difficult thing to very many, being ones going on in being ones being in living. Julia Hersland certainly all her living was one being one going on being living, as I am saying she was not having it really in her to be from being in her one having really sense in being to herself being in living, in having really sense for living from being in her, from having been in living all her living. She was one certainly though going to be all her living going on being living. She was one really not from being in her being one succeeding in living, succeeding in being living to her inside her, she was one certainly going to be from being in her one going to be going on being one going to be living all of her living, that is certain. When she was ending she would come of course to be one not any longer being in living but that would be simply that she had come then sometime to he a dead one, not that she had ever come to be one not going to be going on being one going on being living. Really then she was one as I was saying needing learning anything because anything could be feeding her to be one going to be going on being living and indeed then she was one needing to be resisting really learning anything to be at all changing attacking being in her which was in her to make of her being one going to be all her living going on being living. This is in a way a full description of her, there can be more description of her. This will be some more description of her.

  Certainly some are in their living married ones. Certainly there are some having it in being that they are ones going to be going on being living and these can have it in them to be in living attacking to be winning, these can have it in living to be learning something. Some of such of them can have it to be learning something more and more in living, some can have it in them to be really learning the same thing again and again. Julia as I was saying really was not learning anything and this is a nice thing to be certain of in thinking out being being in Julia all her living. Julia was then as I was saying one needing being one having it that she was learning anything. She was completely then when she was doing this thing marrying Alfred Hersland. She liked it a little then and then it went on to come to be quite soon a beginning of a long ending, a long dividing of themselves from living with each other any more in being in living.

  Pride and egotism and vanity and ambition and succeeding and failing I like to think about now in each one. I like thinking about pride and egoism and vanity and ambition and failing and succeeding in each one I am knowing because it is very interesting to know these things being in those having these things i
n them.

  I was just telling some one interesting things about each one of them in that family having it in them that egotism in them did not in them make them doing very well the thing they had some talent to be doing. One of these had it in that one to be one having some talent to be working to be interesting in something to every one and this one had it in him to have it that for him in him he was one living in being one needing to have it that he was one being one having pride in having been possibly beginning something and this one was an unhappy one inside him when he was a young one and quite a thin one and then he was one coming to be a rather heavy set one and some thought that then he was coming to be a quite happy one but happiness was not then in him. He knew this then, his brother and his sister all of them were certain of this thing then. One of these had it that she had vanity completely in her as egotism in her and she had then a pride in feeling this to be there concealed inside her and egotism filled this one to keep vanity in her with pride to keep it from being a trouble to her as knowledge to any one of her and this one was one having been going to be and being to herself and some a distinguished woman in being one leading some one only nobody was ever really following that one and this one was one really to herself and to every one one not having it as being to be one going on being living, and this one was dying in having slowly less and less leading in her of some one with not any one following and this one then would have been listening while I was telling her this thing only just then her mind certainly was wandering and not any one then was following this mind in her being then wandering. This is one I will perhaps not be ever seeing again and yet as she might say perhaps I will, who knows certainly then that I will not ever see this one again.

  There was another one of these that had it in her to be one quite ordinarily wallowing and engulfing in loving and ordinary enough in being not a very stupid one and like a good many in being one giving and taking and this one had it that egotism in her was not having any reinforcing for any of this being that was being in her but was in her as being to her that she was one needing to be one doing everything any one was needing and this one was then an unhappy one and a rich one and every one was flattering this one and every one was quite certain that this one would always be living and they would always be flattering this one to keep this one as one going on being living and sometime there will be histories and histories written of these women and these men. One of this family was really succeeding in living having it in him that egotism in him went to make him into complete carrying out power in him to be a busy man coming to be a very rich one and so this one had effective ambition in him and this one was a dead one when he was not a very old one and some were not really very sorry that this one was a dead one although not any one was really very glad that this one was a dead one.

  Julia Hersland and Alfred Hersland neither one of them were at all like the family of women and men I have been just describing. Julia Hersland was one going on being in being living, Alfred Hersland was one not failing not succeeding in living, not having altogether not any sense for living, not having really sense for living, was one who was twice a married one and was one who was sometimes a very loving one. Julia was one who might have been twice a married one but really she was only once a married one and she was in a way a loving one. This is to be now a more detailed account of what happened in their living in each one of them, to each one of them.

  Alfred Hersland married Julia Dehning and was then living in married living in a way in Dehning family living. He had then later help from Mr. Dehning so that he could be having what he knew then he was needing to be one succeeding in living. He was not then succeeding in living and Mr. Dehning came then to be certain that Alfred Hersland was one not honest enough for any, for him, daily living. Julia Hersland had been, before Mr. Dehning was, certain of this thing certain of this thing about Alfred in her married living with him. Mrs. Dehning was certain then that Julia never should have been allowed to be married to him and this was in her then a very certain thing.

  Julia Hersland was the wife of Alfred Hersland and was not coming to having successful married living with him. She had children, two children, she came to know very well David Hersland brother of Alfred Hersland. She did not ever marry again as Alfred Hersland did. She might have done this thing. Now I go on with him, then I go on with her. I am going on with him, then I am going on with her.

  Hersland had not then when Mr. Dehning was helping him, had not succeeded in beginning really successful living, he was then one not to every one failing in living, he was then certainly one having been one, Mr. Dehning was certain any one could be understanding, as not being one honest for daily living in any living any one Mr. Dehning was having with him could be living in, any one Mr. Dehning was knowing in daily living could be having as being in daily living with such a one. Hersland then and Julia Hersland were living then in married living, Mr. Dehning was then certainly not ever seeing Hersland then, he was not ever then entering in any house where Hersland was living then. Did Hersland ever know certainly that Julia would be certain that Hersland was not what Julia was needing for honest daily living if Julia had not been certain by reason of having a father still living in Dehning family living, did Hersland really ever believe this thing that Julia was certain of this and not by having because of her father being one making Dehning living Dehning living feeling of honest being not being in Hersland in some living of daily living in him, was Hersland really not ever in him certain of this thing, of this being certain in Julia that she would not be needing the being in him for any daily living even if she had not then had a father living making Dehning family living, Julia was certain that Hersland might have been certain of this thing, Julia was certain that he would be certain of this thing and that then he would not be saying he was certain of this thing, Mr. Dehning was certain enough that Hersland was certain of this thing, Mrs. Dehning was certain to be talking on and on to herself and to Julia and to every one in Dehning family living who was then not listening and that was every one then about being certain about this thing and David Hersland who was later then talking about this thing to Julia and George and a little sometime to Hortense Dehning was certain that Alfred was one who was not certain that to be dead was to be really a dead one and David Hersland was a young man then and was completely then hoping to be discovering this thing as certain in Alfred Hersland that Alfred Hersland was not certain that to be dead was to be really and truly a really dead one. So then there was then married living and having been having children and a father-in-law and a mother-in-law and a brother-in-law and a sister-in-law both quite young ones and a brother then in Alfred Hersland's living and Julia Hersland and not really failing to every one knowing him then and not really beginning being succeeding to himself then and beginning to know some then who came to see him then and not ever seeing Mr. Dehning then but some seeing of Mrs. Dehning then and some seeing of George Dehning then and some living then in the house with him of his brother David Hersland who was studying in Bridgepoint just then. He came later in his living to know other ones and as I was saying he was not in his living succeeding or failing. To some he was quite a good deal succeeding, to some he was quite a good deal failing, to himself he was a good deal succeeding, sometimes he was telling about being a good deal succeeding in living, sometimes he was to himself a good deal failing in being in living. He knew very well in all of his living Patrick Moore, and later Minnie Mason. Later he married Minnie Mason. As I was saying he was not failing, certainly not altogether succeeding in being in living. Later he had about almost completely an angry feeling in not liking Mr. Dehning and Mrs. Dehning and Julia Dehning, and George Dehning and Hortense Dehning and mostly then he was certain that he had loving feeling in him, that he had and had had and could have and would have some loving feeling for Julia Hersland and her children and he was then needing completely to be one being living loving Minnie Mason who had been a married one and later was one married to him. He was one almost one to him
self, to some, to his brother David Hersland, to several, sometimes almost not to any one having that he had had, did have, would have loving feeling for Julia Hersland and her children. He was one as I am saying who was not ever one having it being needing having ambition in being one being living from the resisting, from the engulfing being that was being in him. He was one having ambition in intention and aspiration from being one having vanity in him from engulfing being that was in him not winning being in living. He was then a man having people liking him in living, having people despising him in living, having some people loving him in living, having some people liking him pretty well, having some people certainly not liking to have him being liked by them. He was one who had married living with Julia Hersland, with Minnie Hersland. He was one knowing very well some men and working with some men. He was one not having enough sense for living for anything really more than being married to Minnie Mason, than for working pretty well sometime with some men, than for being almost persuading his brother David that he Alfred had really some loving being always in him. He had not sense for living enough for having aspiration and ambition and being marrying Julia Dehning and being persuading Mr. Dehning to be almost believing that he Alfred Hersland needed something that Mr. Dehning could give him to be beginning to be succeeding in living and being one making Mrs. Dehning willing to have him be petted by her in Dehning family living and make her later then a very nervous one. So then Alfred lived and went on living and ended one having in him not enough sense for living to be one failing, to be one succeeding in living. He was one ending being in living having loving feeling in him, being a married one, having been really working quite well with some men, being pretty nearly a completely hated one in Dehning family living, being certainly a completely hated one in Dehning family living and being then a tradition as a hated one not honest in daily living in Dehning family living; and then Julia Hersland was dead and I am not finding it very interesting knowing what was happening later to the children of Alfred and Julia Hersland. He did not have any children in his married living with Minnie Mason.


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