The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress

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The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress Page 120

by Stein, Gertrude

  David Hersland was not any longer living and some one had a trunk that he had had and always liked to use it when that one was travelling. Some one was very indignant that he had come to be a dead one and almost went out to where he was not any longer living to complain to some one about this thing. Some one knew only some time later after David Hersland was not any longer living that he was not any longer living and that one felt it to be a completely strange thing that David Hersland was not any longer living and after that it was not a strange thing and after that it was not a real thing as certainly he could not have been one being living, and after that there was another one very much like David Hersland and that one was already not any longer living the one like David Hersland before the one who had known David Hersland knew about this one. There was another one who had certainly been one going to be very sorry if anything happened to David Hersland and that one was sorry when David Hersland came to be a dead one. There was one who was excited about David Hersland having come to be a dead one because David Hersland certainly might have been going on being living if he had not come to be a dead one. This one was excited again and again about this thing. There was one who was tenderly completely a sad one and then always was about this thing about David Hersland being a dead one a tenderly complete sad one. David Hersland then in a way was one having been living in being living. David Hersland was of a kind in men and women. There are many kinds in men and women. Each kind has a way of thinking, of feeling, of experiencing anything.

  Some have babies in being one being living, some do not have any of them, David Hersland never had any of them. Some would like to have them, some would not hike to have them. David Hersland was never really wanting to be needing to have much feeling about having babies in being one being living. He did not have any of them. He did not ever come to have very much feeling about he himself having them. He could come to have feeling about some needing to be wanting to be having some of them, about some needing to be wanting not to be having some of them.

  Some do have many of them. Some do not have many of them. Certainly some completely do not want to have any of them, some almost completely do not want to have any of them, some certainly completely want to have some of them, some certainly completely Want to have one of them, some certainly completely want to have many of them, some almost completely want to have many of them, some almost completely want to have some of them. Certainly very many are interested in some wanting, in some not wanting to have any of them, some are not at all interested in anybody wanting in anybody not wanting to have any of them. David Hersland was certainly not completely, not almost completely interested in anybody wanting in anybody not wanting any of them. Being a baby was not to him completely interesting. It was not to him completely uninteresting, certainly not completely uninteresting, really certainly not completely uninteresting.

  David Hersland was certainly one needing to be saying something about babies and men and babies and women. Babies and men and babies and women were not to him completely interesting. He certainly sometimes was talking and certainly sometimes was listening to talking about babies and women, about babies and men. Babies and men, and babies and women were not to him almost completely interesting. He certainly sometimes and sometimes quite often talked very much about babies and men, and babies and women. Certainly many are talking sometimes and sometimes very often about something and that thing is not to them completely interesting and that thing is not to them almost completely interesting and they are liking very well the talking they are doing about this thing and they are liking very well the listening they are doing to any one talking about this thing. Certainly then babies, having them, not having them was not completely an interesting thing to David Hersland was not almost completely an interesting thing to him.

  Some things were completely interesting things to David Hersland, some things were almost completely interesting things to him, some things he was wanting to be having as completely interesting things to him, some things were almost completely not interesting things to him.

  Certainly some remembered that David Hersland had said something sometimes about any one having, about any one not having, not going to be having, going to be having, having had, not having had, liking, not liking having babies. Certainly some remembered what David Hersland had been saying about such a thing and some were talking quite often about what he had been saying about such a thing and some were certainly talking quite often about such a thing and not then any more remembering very much about what he had said about such a thing and some were not then, some of such of them, remembering that he had talked sometimes about such a thing and some were, some of such of them, were remembering very well that he had some times been talking about such a thing. He certainly had been talking some sometimes about such a thing, he certainly sometimes was convincing some one of something when he was talking about such a thing.

  Certainly every one can have been one, can be one imagining something, some are imagining everything to be anything, some are very carefully imagining something to be anything, some are dreamily imagining something to be anything, some are daintily imagining anything to be something, some are very carefully imagining again and again the same thing to be something, some have earnest feeling in imagining everything to be anything, some have a tired feeling in imagining something to be anything. Some are telling very much and very often the way they were, the way they are, the way they will be imagining anything to be something, some are very much interested in their being one having been, being, going to be being one imagining everything to be something some are very much interested in their own imagining everything being something and in every one else's imagining everything being something, some find it very interesting that every one else is imagining everything being something. Some were imagining some things being some things when they were young ones and then were imagining everything being something when they were older ones. Some are talking very much and very often about being one being imagining in being one being living. Some are very convincing in being one telling about being one being imagining in being living.

  Sometime each one has been telling very much and very often what that one is thinking about that one being one being imagining in living, being one talking in living, being one listening in living, being one succeeding in living, being one failing in living. Sometime each one has been telling very much and very often about living having been, about living being in that one.

  Some have been doing something very often, they have been doing that thing very much and very often and yet they are not then knowing being in being one doing that thing, that is to say some one may be one living all the living of that one doing some one thing again and again with many men and many women and this one then has not been learning anything about how to be one doing that thing* Some one might be one ruining many men and many women certainly was one ruining one and certainly then that one might be one not knowing anything about ruining about not ruining any one, might be one certainly not knowing anything about ruining men and women, might certainly be one not knowing anything of being being in men and women who are who are not ruined by that one, in short it is sometimes surprising how some are not being ones having had experience in being ones doing something when they have been ones doing something. Some have been ones doing something and really then they have not very often done that thing. It is surprising very often how some who have been ones doing something have been ones very rarely doing that thing, and some who have been ones doing something have been doing that thing very often.

  Every one certainly is telling very much and very often everything in being one being living and some are listening to some and some are listening to many and some are not doing very much listening and some are listening more and then are listening less and some are talking more and some are talking less and each one is one being living and then each one is one going on being living all the time that one is one being living, and each one is sometime a young one an
d each one is sometime quite a young one.

  Some are jumping when they are young ones, jumping from a place and are landing way below from where they were jumping and it is a pretty thing to see them doing, and many of them when they are doing this thing are not hurting themselves in landing. Certainly very many when they are young ones are jumping a long distance and are landing somewhere and to some of such of them it is not an important thing at all to be knowing where they are going to be landing when they are beginning jumping. Some are certain that not any one is such a one when they are a young one, some are certain that every one when they are jumping even when they are quite young ones have it that it is to them an important thing to be certain that they can be landing safely somewhere below the place from which they have been jumping. Some are certain that mostly every one when they are young ones are ones jumping and not being ones being interested in knowing that they will be landing somewhere and not be ones having been hurt by jumping. Some are quite certain that being young ones is being in some way in being living, some are quite certain that being young ones is in some one way of being in being living and in others another way of being in being living. Some are quite certain that there are some ways in being living that every one being a young one has then in that one. Some are certain that this is not a true thing. Some are certain that not any one being a young one, having been a young one has been then one saying a certain thing, some are quite certain that mostly every one having been a young one is one then not saying a certain thing. Each one being in being living having been a young one is remembering, is not remembering having been being then. Some are certain that not any one is remembering very much in having been a young one, some are certain that every one is remembering very much in having been a young one. Some are certain that they are remembering completely having been a young one and then some one who was a young one too then is remembering and that then makes it to the first one that that one really is not at all remembering being living in being a young one. Sometimes this is a pleasant thing, sometimes it is a thing indifferent to that one, sometimes it is a thing making that one feel a feeling of being one having been existing without having been one going on in being one being living. Some are not listening to other ones remembering being a young one, some are listening very often to other ones remembering being a young one. Each one being living is certainly one having been one going on being living.

  Many when they are being young ones are talking very much and very often, many when they are being young ones are ones going on being living, many when they are being young ones are sometimes ones not going on being living. Many when they are young ones are being ones going on being living and they are then remembering this thing and they are then forgetting this thing and they are sometimes ones telling something about being ones not going on being living.

  Some are certainly not remembering being ones being young ones, some are certainly remembering and very clearly remembering and remembering completely being young ones in being living. Many are quite certain they are remembering being young ones in being living. Many are completely certain they are not remembering being young ones in being living. Some are remembering some one being a young one in being living, some are not remembering any one being a young one in being living.

  David Hersland in the beginning of his being living was being a young one. There were others then being young ones. Some had then one way of being in being young ones and others had then other ways of being in being young ones and David Hersland was a young one then and later some of them remembered their being in being young ones then and some did not remember much of their being in being young ones then. David Hersland remembered some of them being in being young ones then, something of some of them, a little something of being a young one then, certainly something of being being in him when he was being a young one and sometimes he was one quite certainly remembering being in being a young one and sometimes he was one quite certainly not remembering being in him as being in him in being a young one. Certainly some are remembering better than others being young ones in being living.

  There are such very different ways of feeling any one being a dead one and any one being a living one at different times in being one being living. Certainly to very many being living when they are being young ones being a dead one is a thing that is a thing a little terrifying, not very exciting, quite interesting, not happening, certainly not happening. To some it is a thing completely terrifying when they are young ones, certainly not happening, certainly not interesting, certainly very often being a thing that one is a good deal remembering. To some when they are young ones it is a thing happening, it is a thing terrifying them, it is a thing mostly forgotten, it is a thing quite interesting. To some it is a thing completely forgotten, quite interesting, not happening, might be quite terrifying. To some it is a thing, when they are young ones, needing to be then completely forgotten, sometimes then completely desolating, sometimes then making in that one that that one is wanting to be certain that it is something not happening, is something not happening, is something that that one is finding interesting, is something that that one is then a good deal forgetting. In a way David Hersland was such a kind of one.

  Some when they are being young ones are certainly not certain that anything is not existing and then they certainly are certain that not anything is existing and then they are wanting to be needing that anything being that anything not being existing is a thing completely interesting to them and then it is not really at all then completely interesting to them and these are ones being ones going on being living some of them and David Hersland was one of such of them.

  Certainly there are very many who being young ones are not certain about anything being existing, anything being not existing and are sometimes feeling completely in them about such a thing. There are some who when they are young ones are not certain about anything being existing, about anything being not existing and are not feeling anything at all in them about any such thing. Certainly some when they are young ones are quite certain that everything is existing, certainly some when they are young ones are wanting to be needing to be quite certain that not anything is existing.

  There are certainly very many going on being living when they are young ones, a very great many being young ones are being then ones going on being living. Some are certainly then and later remembering having been ones then going on being living, certainly some then and later are not remembering having been then ones going on being living. Some are remembering then when they are young ones going on being living are remembering it then that they are young ones going on being living and then later are forgetting that they were remembering this thing when they were young ones. David Hersland might have been one of such of them.

  There are a very great many being young ones and there are a great many having been being young ones. David Hersland knew some who were being young ones and he was a young one then, David Hersland knew some being young ones and he was not really being a young one then. There certainly have been and are being very many being young ones. Each one has their own way of having it in them being a young one when that one is being a young one.

  Certainly some are ones having been young ones and ones then having been talking very much and jumping very much and being then being ones almost completely ones certain then that they were ones completely feeling being ones talking and being ones jumping. Very many certainly are not when they are young ones feeling themselves to be completely ones then jumping then talking. Some are ones certainly not altogether completely then, when they are young ones, feeling themselves then in being being ones jumping then, being ones talking then, being ones then completely jumping and talking. Very many later are remembering themselves having been ones feeling themselves being completely one jumping completely one talking when they were young ones. Some are certainly being ones when they are young ones doing very much jumping doing very much talking then when they are young ones, some of such of them are certainly
then feeling themselves to be ones pretty nearly completely ones being ones talking being ones jumping, some of such of them are certainly then not completely then feeling themselves ones being completely ones being jumping, completely ones being talking. Certainly very many when they are being young ones are ones then talking then and jumping then and certainly some of such of them are ones certainly feeling themselves being completely then ones talking, ones jumping. Some and certainly some of them are ones that are not ones anybody would be thinking were feeling themselves being such ones are ones not feeling themselves at all being ones completely jumping completely talking when they were being young ones. In a way Hersland was such a kind of a one. In a way he was one certainly not one completely feeling being one jumping being one talking when lie was being a young one. In a way he was very nearly completely feeling himself being one being talking being one being jumping when he was being a young one. Certainly he was quite a good deal one being one feeling being completely one jumping completely one talking then when he was a young one. Each one certainly is one being a young one when that one is one beginning being living. Some are remembering being one beginning being living, some are not remembering being one beginning being living. Some are ones who might be remembering and were and some are ones who might be remembering and were not. In a way David Hersland was one of such of them. In a way he was one who might have been remembering he was a young one and very much he was one not remembering. He certainly was one knowing very many when he was a young one many who were then being ones being young ones.


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