The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress

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The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress Page 136

by Stein, Gertrude

  Later she quite went on being living and very often then she gave advice quite strongly enough to some one and she did not then think anything of that thing that he, that David Hersland had come then to be a dead one. She was quite enough going on being living then. She was quite enough needing then being one going on living enough then.

  He had come to quite completely not eating anything but one thing. He was strong then, he was strong in completely clearly thinking then. He was completely clearly thinking then. He was strong then in that thing, in completely clearly thinking. He was not then completely going on eating only one thing. He was completely strong then, almost completely strong then in completely clearly thinking. He was then beginning being one going to be succeeding in living. He was then not living in Dehning family living. He was then not living in Hersland living, almost not in any Hersland living. He was living then in being living. He was then not going on being living. He was then being living. He was not then beginning that thing, beginning that thing again. He was never beginning being living in being living, he was never beginning again being living in being living. He was then almost not at all living in any other Hersland living than in the living he was doing in being one then being living. He was not going on being living then. He was then going on in eating almost only one thing and he was always then completely being one completely clearly thinking and he was then being living, completely being living and he was then going on to being coming to be certain that being living is existing. He was then not going on commencing to begin to be one succeeding in living. He was then not commencing this thing not commencing beginning to be succeeding in living.

  He was one who was not completely forgetting anything and he was one who did not remember everything. He was one who did not need that thing did not need being remembering. He did not need to remember anything. He did not need to remember everything. He did not need, to be one being living, he did not need to be remembering anything, he really did not need any such thing. He was not completely forgetting anything. He did not completely forget anything, he did not forget everything. He remembered everything. He did not need that thing, he did not at all need that thing to be one being living, he did not need to remember everything to be one being living. He did not need to remember anything to be one being living.

  He was being living. He was not going on being living. He was not at all needing being one going on being living.

  He did not need to be one being a dead one. He was not at all needing such a thing, needing being a dead one. He could be remembering that he could come to be a dead one. He was almost not needing that thing needing remembering that he could come to be a dead one. He was almost eating only one thing. He could be needing being such a one being one eating almost only one thing.

  He was not really needing anything. He was not needing being certain that being living is existing. He was not needing being one going on being living. He was needing understanding that he was being living. He was almost completely needing being one completely clearly thinking. He was almost completely wanting to be feeling needing that any woman he was seeing was completely beautifully something. He was almost wanting to be giving advice strongly enough to some. He was almost being one coming to be beginning succeeding in living. He was completely clearly expressing something. He was completely understanding any one's understanding anything of that thing.

  He was not really needing anything. He was not needing being one going on being living. He was almost completely needing being one completely clearly thinking. He was not needing being one remembering that any one can come to be a dead one. He was not needing being certain that being living is something that is existing. He was not needing to be remembering anything. He was not needing to be forgetting something. He was understanding that he was being living. He was almost needing to be one almost only eating one thing. He was being living. He was understanding that thing. He was clearly expressing something. He was not forgetting anything. He was not forgetting everything. He was not needing to be one remembering anything. He was not needing to be one remembering everything.

  He was completely clearly expressing something. He could mention this thing, mention that he was completely clearly expressing something. He did sometimes mention that he was completely clearly expressing something. He was completely clearly expressing that thing, the thing he was clearly expressing. He could have been one being one clearly, completely clearly expressing that thing. He was such a one, he was one being one completely clearly expressing that thing the thing he was expressing. He was not completely filling anything in completely clearly expressing the thing he was completely clearly expressing. He could have been one completely filling something in being one completely clearly expressing what he was completely clearly expressing. He was completely clearly expressing something. He was completely clearly thinking. He was almost completely clearly feeling. He was almost completely being one eating only one thing. He was being living and he was not beginning that thing beginning being living. He was not ever beginning again and again.

  He was completely clearly expressing one thing. He was understanding any one's understanding of that thing. He was understanding anything of any one's understanding of that thing. He was sometimes mentioning something of some one's understanding of that thing. He could go on mentioning some one's understanding of that thing. He was completely clearly expressing something. He was not being one going on being living. He was one being living. He was understanding that thing. He did sometimes mention that thing mention understanding being living. He did not mention anything again and again. He did not really mention anything again and again. He did completely clearly express something. He was being one who was completely clearly thinking. He did do that thing. He did completely clearly think about something. He did completely clearly think about anything. He did almost completely clearly think about everything. He did think completely clearly. He did completely clearly express something. He was being living. He did understand being one being living. He did understand any one else's understanding the thing he was completely clearly expressing.

  He was not feeling being one being completely a different one from any other one. He was knowing something of this thing. He was knowing something of being one who was one who was completely a different one from any other one. He was feeling something and there was something in him to be feeling of being one who was completely a different one from any other one. He was feeling something. There was in him something to be feeling. There was in him knowing something of being one who was completely a different one from any other one. He was not feeling that thing feeling his being one being completely different from any other one. He came to be a dead one at the ending of the beginning of middle living. He was not feeling anything in being one being completely different from any other one. He was being this one one who was completely different from any other one. He was not feeling anything in being such a one. He was not living after the ending of the beginning of being living.

  He was not completely forgetting knowing something of such a thing of being one being completely different from any other one. He was being living. He was one understanding being one being living. He was not living after the ending of the beginning of middle living. He came to be a dead one. He was completely forgetting something of being one knowing that he was a different one from any other one.

  He was not feeling being one being a completely different one from any other one. He was knowing that he was being a completely different one from any other one. He was not forgetting knowing that he was a different one from any other one. He was not feeling being a different one from any other one.

  He was not living after the ending of the beginning of middle living. He had come to be a dead one. He had been almost completely eating only one thing. He had been understanding being living. He had not been feeling being a different one from any other one. He had been understanding being one being living. He had been giving advice strongly enough to some. He
had not been needing being one going on being living. He had not been needing being certain that being living is something existing. He had been coming and had then not come to be beginning succeeding in living. He had been knowing being a different one from any other one. He had been understanding something and understanding any one understanding that thing. He had been completely clearly expressing something. He had been almost completely clearly feeling. He had been completely clearly thinking.

  He had come to be a dead one and he was then at the ending of beginning living. He had come to be a dead one and some then were knowing that thing knowing then that he was not any longer being living. Some were then knowing that he was a dead one.

  He was not one who had been one being fighting. He had been one who had been completely eating only one thing. He was not one who had been one being fighting. He had been one coming to be beginning succeeding in living. He had not been one being fighting. He had been one choosing something and not then being one coming to be receiving any other thing to go with the thing he had been choosing. He had not been one being fighting. He had been one not doing another thing than the thing he had been choosing. He had been one coming to be beginning to be succeeding in living. He had been one who could be one completely urging that he was not one needing doing some other thing. He was completely clearly thinking. He was not coming to be one going on beginning to be succeeding in living and he was then not fighting and he was then almost urging being one not needing choosing some other thing and he was then completely clearly expressing something, and he was then going on being one almost completely eating only one thing and he was then one understanding any one's understanding something he was completely understanding.

  He was not going on being living in being living. He was a dead one at the ending of the beginning of middle living. He was being living. He was understanding being living. He was not beginning being living. He was not beginning again and again in being living. He was almost needing being one coming to be beginning to be succeeding in living.

  He was knowing he was understanding being one being living. He was almost completely knowing this thing. He was not completely knowing that he was not completely needing being certain that being living is something existing. He was almost completely clearly expressing being one not needing being one receiving doing some other thing. He was almost completely clearly expressing this thing. He was not completely clearly expressing being one almost needing to be coming to be beginning succeeding in living. He was not being one succeeding in living. He was not one failing in living. He was one not being living when he was at the end of the beginning of middle living. He was then a dead one. He was then not needing that thing not needing being then a dead one not at all needing that thing. He was then being eating only one thing. He came then to be a dead one. He had not been completely needing that thing needing being a dead one. He had not been one needing that thing really at all needing that thing needing being a dead one. He was then understanding something and understanding any one else who was understanding something of that thing. He was then eating only one thing. He was then not needing to be a dead one. He was then not living then when he was at the end of the beginning of middle living. He was then one who came to be a dead one and some were not knowing that thing before he was completely buried there were he had come to be a dead one. He had come to be a dead one. He certainly then had been eating only one thing. He certainly then had not been needing not really needing not at all needing being a dead one. He was a dead one and he had been then one being living and understanding that thing understanding being living in being one being then being living.

  He came to be a dead one and not any one had been needing that thing had been at all needing that thing, had been wanting to be needing that he was a dead one. Not any one had been wanting to be needing that thing that he had come to be a dead one. Some did not know he had come to be a dead one before he had come to be buried there to be a buried one there where he had been a dead one.

  He had come to be a dead one. He had not come to at all beginning this thing, beginning being a dead one. He had come to be a dead one. He had come to be a buried one and some then were coming to know this thing that he had come to be a dead and buried one.

  Some knew he was a dead one after he had been buried there where he had come to be a dead one. Some knew it then and were earnest then in being certain that he could not have come to be a dead one and some of such of them were saying it again and again. Some knew it then knew that he was a dead one after he had been buried there where he had come to be a dead one and they regretted that he had come to be a dead one, they regretted that thing. Some of such of them were interested in any one's regretting that thing. Some of such of them could come to be wondering if he might have been one coming to be beginning succeeding in living. Some who regretted that he had come to be a dead one were wondering if any one would come to know anything about his being a dead one, some of such of them were interested in that thing in some one coming to know something about him as being a dead one.

  Some did not know anything of his having come, to be a dead one for sometime after he had come to be a dead one. Some of such of them were feeling it to be a strange thing that he had come to be a dead one. Some of such of them were hearing something about his being a dead one a long time after he had come to be a dead one.

  He was not living after the ending of the beginning of middle living. He came to be a dead one and was buried there where he had come to be a dead one. This was a surprising thing to some that he had come to be buried there where he had come to be a dead one. Not any one was needing this thing that he should have come to be a dead one and to be buried there where he had come to be a dead one.

  Not any one needed to be one expecting that he should come to be a dead one and be buried there where he had come to be a dead one. Not any one needed this thing, he had not needed this thing, it was not a needed thing. He had come to be a dead one and had come to be buried there where he had come to be a dead one. Some were indignant about this thing that he had come to be a dead one. Some were wondering about this thing that he had come to be a dead one. Some were remembering this thing, that he had come to be a dead one. Some were regretting this thing, that he had come to be a dead one. Some were hoping that there was not this thing, his having come to be a dead one. Some were vague about this thing about his having come to be a dead one and having been buried there where he had come to be a dead one. Some were interested in this thing, in his having come to be a dead one and some of such of them were wondering about coming to be knowing something about him as being then a dead one. Some were not remembering that he had come to be a dead one. Some were not certain that he would have been one coming to be beginning succeeding in living. Some were certain that he might then not have come to be a dead one. Some were quite certain about this thing. Some were not certain that there was any difference in anything in his being then a dead one. Some were certain that he was then a dead one and were certain that it was an important thing. Some were certain that he was then a dead one and were not certain that it was an important thing that he was then one not being a living one. Any one could be one not very constantly remembering his being a dead one, his having been a living one. Any one could remember this thing, his having been a dead one, his having been a living one.


  Any one has come to be a dead one. Any one has not come to be such a one to be a dead one. Many who are living have not come yet to be a dead one. Many who were living have come to be a dead one. Any one has come not to be a dead one. Any one has come to be a dead one.

  Any one has not come to be a dead one. Very many who have been living have not yet come to be dead ones. Very many are being living.

  Very many who were being living are not being living, have come to be dead ones. Many who came to be old ones came then to be dead ones. Many who came to be almost old ones came then to be dead ones.

many who were being living are not being living, have come to be a dead one. Not every one has come to be one being an old one. Not every one has come to be one being almost an old one. Not every one has come to be a dead one. Some have come to be an old one and have come to be a dead one. Some have come to be almost an old one and have come to be a dead one. Some have not come to be a dead one, they are being living. Some have come to be a dead one.

  Some are not believing that any other one can really be only doing the thing that other one is doing. Some are not believing that some one can be coming to be doing every other thing than anything some other one would naturally be doing then. Some then come to be old ones. Some then come to be almost old ones. Any one then comes to be one who is going to be almost any old one. Any one is one not being a dead one. Any one is one coming to be an old one. Any one is one being a dead one. Any one is one being such a one.. Any one is one coming to be almost an old one.

  Any one is one only not needing to be understanding everything. Any one is one who might have been doing the things that one is doing. Any one is one who might do that thing, the thing that one is doing. Any one is one, whom some are knowing, that any one is not believing that that one might be doing what that one is doing. Any one is one whom any one might not be believing to be one who might be doing the things that one is doing. Any one might be one and some might be believing that that one is doing the things that one is doing. Any one might be one and some might be believing that that one has been doing what that one has been doing.

  Any one might be one coming to be almost an old one. Any one might be one coming to be an old one. Any one might be one coming to be a dead one.

  Some one is one whom some one is certain is one going to be doing some one thing. It is certain that all some one knows of some one is that that one will be doing some one thing when some thing has been happening. It is certain that what some one does when something is happening is the thing some one is certain that one will be doing when some thing is happening. All that some one knows about some one is what is true of that one as being one doing what that one is doing when something is happening. It is certain that some one is not believing that some one is going to be doing the thing that one is going to be doing when something is happening. It is certain that some one is not certain that some one could not be understanding something and be then doing something if that one was one being any one being living. Some one is certain that in a way some one is one understanding that any one could be doing something that that one has not been doing if any one is one being any one being living. Some one is certain that some one could not be doing something that that one has not been doing even if every one is one being any one being living. Some are certain that any one is one understanding something, could be one doing something if any one is one being living. Some are certain that not any one is one understanding something, is one doing something, some are certain that any one is one being living.


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