Safeword: Rainbow

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Safeword: Rainbow Page 13

by Candace Blevins

  She got out of her car and walked around to the back door. She went in the front door on the other nights, but Tuesday nights she was property, and owned property didn't go in the front door. She undressed on the back porch, folded her clothes, and walked in and sat her clothes and purse and laptop case on her desk in her office and then walked downstairs to the playroom where Tyler would be waiting for her. She saw him sitting on the leather sofa watching an older gentleman flog a woman tied to the St. Andrews Cross. The woman's back and ass and legs were pretty well marked up already. Viv immediately went to the bondage chair and put a condom on the metal phallus attached to the seat of the chair. Her instructions had been to enter the room and sit in the chair with the phallus in her pussy. She was grateful the instructions weren't to sit with it in her ass. It was very hard to sit on it and make it go up her ass the first thing without being loosened up first.

  As she lowered herself onto the chair and felt the invasion of the phallus, she saw Tyler stand up and walk towards her. Her wrist and ankle cuffs were on the bondage table; he picked them up and when he reached her, knelt and silently put them on her. He then put a penis gag in her mouth, apparently he wanted to make sure she didn't try to argue or talk. And since she was gagged, he put her rainbow ring on her finger. He'd come up with the idea about a month ago. It was a ring with a button on top. She wore it on her right pointer finger, and if she wanted to safeword she used her thumb to push the button, and when she did, it activated a buzzer he'd mounted on the wall. He also had one of the vibrating buttons he could wear in his pants somehow coded to it, so they could also use it if they were away from the house.

  They had also negotiated a number of punishments he could dole out without her having the benefit of a safeword: A caning up to fifteen strokes, a belting up to twenty-five strokes, a pussy whipping with one of the mean whips up to six strokes with her labia held open by clothespins. In all there were about two dozen punishment possibilities he could give her, and she'd agreed to no safeword for them. They had come a long way in a handful of months, but this was the first time that they had involved someone else in their play.

  Once the wrist and ankle restraints were on, Master Tyler stood in front of her. "Viv, Master James knows all of your limits. He is going to finish up with the young lady he is working on and then he will lay her down on the daybed so she can get some rest. Then he is going to play with you. He is an expert at dispensing pain. I'm going to sit right over there and watch him hurt you."

  Master James? Was this some kind of joke? That had been Tyler's name when she'd met him three years ago.

  "In the meantime, he has instructions for how you are to wait for him. Please stand and come with me so I can put you in the bondage he wishes you in while you wait."

  He took her to the new horse that they hadn't used yet. This one wasn't padded. Not only was it not padded, the top was in a triangle shape, so there was an edge at the apex. Not a sharp edge, but an edge. He had it near the ceiling winch, and he attached her wrists to it and then walked to the wall and pushed the button to raise her hands over her head, stopping just before she needed to go up on tiptoe. Then Master Tyler brought the sawhorse up under her, between her legs. It was adjusted low, but he started turning a crank that raised it up. He kept raising it until it was pushing at her pussy lips and he spread her lips apart and raised it a little more so it was digging into that super-sensitive skin and she had to go on tiptoe to escape it.

  She stood on her tiptoes to avoid the pain of the edge digging into her as he walked to the other side of the room and returned with nipple clamps and a strap that was used for cinching things down. He placed the clamps on her nipples before running the strap over the chain that held the clamps together and then under the sawhorse and back up, buckling the strap before cinching it down. He kept going until her nipples were being pulled painfully towards the horse. If she came down off her tiptoes she could get relief on her breasts but it hurt her tender bits, and if she went up on her tiptoes she could get relief on her tender bits but it pulled painfully at her breasts. She tried to bend at the waist while going up on her toes, but the way her hands were pulled over her head and slightly back that didn't really work, either. Her Master ran his hands down to make sure that her labia were pulled on either side of that cruel edge and then went to sit down again.

  She could not see Master James flogging the other woman, but could tell that it was reaching a crescendo. She hoped they finished soon; she didn't think she could stay like this long. As she went from tiptoes to flat feet, it just moved what hurt. She couldn't get relief and she honestly did not know how long she could handle this.

  Master Tyler spoke again. "Viv, you are not being punished tonight, but the safeword rules you used to have for punishment are in place. You are not to safeword for pain alone. You are only to safeword if you feel that your body is actually being damaged in some way. Do you understand, Precious?"

  She didn't try to talk around the gag, and just nodded her head.

  Viv heard the other woman orgasm and thought with relief that this part of her ordeal would be over soon. But the other woman kept orgasming. She must have orgasmed for fifteen minutes before Viv heard the sounds of her being taken down and put on the daybed. Surely it just felt like fifteen minutes because Viv was in such pain. Surely?

  Viv was still going up on her toes and back down. The pain was excruciating, but she didn't feel she was being damaged, so she didn't safeword. Finally, she felt a hand on her ass. "Your master desires to see you cry tonight. He tells me that if I let you go off into subspace that you'll just enjoy whatever pain I give you, so I must keep you from going there. In order to do this I will be stopping and giving you math problems. You are allowed three wrong answers tonight. Once I am done, if you've missed more than three of them, your Master will dispense punishment to you. The type and severity of the punishment will depend on how many you get incorrect. They will not be hard problems."

  He let that sink in a moment and then continued, "I am going to remove your gag. You are not to speak words or you will be punished. You may only respond to the math questions with the answer, followed by a sign of respect. You are free to scream as much as you want, but no words may come out of your mouth."

  Viv's gag was removed, and then Master James said, "I will give you the first math problem now. What is seventy-six plus twenty-three?"

  Viv had to think really hard. He was right, this was going to keep her out of subspace, dammit, "Ninety-nine, Sir."

  He nodded and she hoped that meant she'd gotten it right.

  "Your Master has not given you permission to come. If you come then he will give me instructions as to the punishment. I've been told that I will take your ring off and put a gag in your mouth in order to give you punishment."

  Viv was in agony, as he talked she was going up and down. Up on her toes, down on her feet. She honestly wasn't sure how much more of this she could take when he stepped forward and released the cinch strap pulling at her nipples and then cranked the horse down a few notches. She hadn't cried while it was happening, but the relief of it being over almost made her cry.

  Master James walked over to the wall with all of the implements on it, and Master Tyler stood up and pulled the horse away and attached the spreader bar to her ankles. He removed the nipple clamps and watched her gasp in pain and then said, "Remember Precious, tonight is about me watching your pain. Master James will not harm you, but he is very good at inflicting pain. I want to watch you cry as he hurts you tonight. Some nights being my property means you get pleasure beyond your wildest imagination. Tonight it means pain."

  Viv was scared. Turned on and horny, but really, really, scared. And suddenly she knew why Master James looked familiar. This was James Arrington, he was a legend. She'd even read some of his books. But his legend had to do with the things he did, the pain he inflicted. She thought he'd retired from the lifestyle, and she guessed he'd probably retired from writing books and teachi
ng workshops, but he obviously still enjoyed being in the lifestyle.

  As Master James came back Viv saw that he was holding a tawse and a cane. Neither looked familiar so they must have belonged to Master James. She was terrified of both. Especially the tawse.

  Viv felt the winch above her head letting her hands down. Once they were down to just above her head Master James released her cuffs from the ring but left them connected together. "On all fours, make your way over to the spanking bench."

  Viv hated this, hated trying to crawl across the carpet with the spreader bar on and her hands bound together in front of her. There was no way to do it gracefully. But she made it over there and then Master James gently helped her get her knees on the padded surface and then leaned her over the top part, which angled down slightly so her head was lower than her ass. He strapped her feet down, her knees down, and her back down. Then moved to the front and restrained her wrists to the front.

  "Your Master tells me that during the summer he avoids marking your thighs so you can wear shorts and bathing suits. However, it is late enough in the year that he tells me I am free to mark your ass and thighs."

  And then the first strike came to the back of her right thigh and was immediately followed by a strike to her left ass cheek. The tawse. Viv screamed and her eyes filled with tears. Master Tyler was sitting so he could see her face; he really did want to see her cry tonight.

  And then the blows starting coming again. They weren't in any kind of rhythm, so each blow caught her off guard. There was no pattern to where or when they would land. The pain was unendurable. And then it stopped.

  "What is seventy-six minus forty-three?"

  She couldn't think, couldn't make her mind do math. It was like drinking four mixed drinks and being expected to subtract. She forced herself back into the analytical part of her brain and came up with, "Thirty-three, Sir."

  She saw Master Tyler nod, and then she felt the cane on her ass. There were six strikes, again with no rhythm she could get into. She screamed with each cut and when the blows stopped the tears were streaming down her face and she could feel her nose running but there was nothing she could do about it.

  "Thirteen times four?"

  She couldn't do it. Finally she added thirteen and thirteen and came up with twenty six and then decided two times twenty six was, "Fifty-two, Sir."

  Master James was speaking again, "Tyler, please come take a look and tell me how much more she can take."

  "I'll trust your judgment, James. If you feel she is close to her limit then we'll stop there for now. Otherwise we won't be able to cane her if she needs to be punished later."

  "Very well, her ass has probably about had it then. I'll need access to her breasts for the next phase."

  "The bondage chair will work best for that. I'll let you decide which hole the cock in the chair will go into."

  "Which hole is least likely to cause physical pleasure?"

  "Her ass, of course."

  By now Master James had the straps off of her and the spreader bar removed. He helped her stand up and supported her as he walked her back to the bondage chair. He handed her a condom to put on the dildo in the chair and then handed her the lube and told her to lube the condom up well, as her ass would not be lubed. She took special pains to make sure it was as slippery as she could get it.

  He then sat her on it and she cried out in pain as she slid down over it. She knew it would warm up soon enough, but for now it felt cold. Her legs were pulled to the side of the chair and restrained at the thighs and ankles, and her wrists were attached to the same point as her thighs.

  Master James reached and pulled out a package of black clothespins and began putting them all over her breasts at random. He kept at it until the package was empty. She didn't know how many were in it, but she guessed she probably had twenty or thirty on each breast, with four or five on each areola and one on each nipple.

  And then she saw the squid whip. Surely he wasn't going to whip them off, with that?

  "Fifty-four plus sixty-three."

  Her mind was too cloudy, she did it in her head but wasn't sure, finally she said, "One hundred seven, Sir."

  She heard Master Tyler say, "Oh, too bad. That's one wrong. Try again Viv".

  "Can you please repeat the question, Sir?"

  "Fifty-four plus sixty-three"

  She tried to clear her mind again and broke it apart, fifty plus sixty plus seven, and realized her mistake. "One hundred seventeen, Sir."

  Her Master spoke. "Much better."

  And then the squid whip hit, and kept hitting. Some hits just made the clips move around and hurt, and some of them literally tore them off of her. After about fifteen strikes he stopped. "Fourteen plus twelve."

  Shit. She didn't want to add right now. She had to force herself back into the part of her brain capable of adding – it felt like trying to swim through mud, but she finally found enough clarity to come up with the answer. "Twenty-six, Sir."

  And then the squid whip was at it again. And she needed to get away, she started screaming at each strike and fighting at her bindings even though it made her ass hurt with the metal phallus inside of her, and suddenly the flogging stopped.

  "We need to restrain her upper body."

  "Yes, it would appear so."

  Rope was placed around her torso below her breasts and then above them, looping around her body and the chair. Now she was attached to the back of the bondage chair and there would be no more trying to move around. When the squid started again she felt the tears forming in her eyes. She couldn't move, she could just sit there and feel the pain. The clips hurt, the squid whip hurt, and the squid tearing the clips off hurt worse than anything. There was no comfortable rhythm. She hated that part most of all. He was randomly hitting her breasts, he might hit the left one four or five times and hit the right breast once and then three more hits to the left breast and then nine hits to the right. It wasn't smooth. She best liked to be flogged in time to the music, so she could sink into the rhythm of it. But this was like a train wreck. And it only stopped long enough for those damned math questions.

  "Twenty-three times three."

  Again, she had to dig around in her brain to try to find a place she could figure it out. Twenty times three is sixty and three times three is nine. So, "Sixty-nine, Sir." She hadn't realized how much she was crying until she tried to talk.

  And then the squid whip was going again and now the clips were all off and it felt like he was tearing into her breasts and she was screaming and crying and was about a second away from screaming about rainbows when it stopped.

  She heard Master James' voice as if from a hazy distance. "I'll bind them up tight and then Kirsten and I will sit back and watch as you finish with your lovely lady."

  Viv was relieved to know that it was almost over. He released her upper body from the chair and then wrapped the rope around her torso a few times before he began going around the base of her left breast. She thought she was prepared for this, but he was winding it really tight. She didn't think anyone had ever managed to get it quite that tight before. Oh, god. Had she really thought the pain part was almost over? This fucking hurt. He spent several minutes on her left breast and then moved to her right breast and started on it and she gasped in pain as she felt her eyes watering again. When he was finally done she was in agony.

  "She's all yours, Master Tyler."

  "Thank you, Master James. She's even crying again. You are a true craftsman."

  Her Master released her legs and hands from the chair and helped her up off of the phallus.

  "On your knees. Crawl to the bondage table Viv. And make your tits swing when you do."

  Parts of Viv couldn't believe he was doing this to her. But the other parts of her, well... she was incredible horny. She hadn't been in danger of coming any at all while Master James had worked on her. But now, with her Master giving orders, her juices were starting to flow. She swung her body as she crawled and it made her
breasts hurt even worse. When she made it to the table he helped her up on it, on her back. He attached her wrist cuffs to the rings on the edge of the table straight out beside her and then used the wide straps to run from the rings at the side of the table behind her knees. This effectively put her knees up and out to the outside of her chest, spreading her open. Her ass was hanging off the table a few inches and she knew that meant he was going to fuck her. She was so horny at this point she couldn't stand it.

  "Beautiful, Precious. You are so beautiful. I can see your ass and the backs of your thighs from here, and I can see your breasts. All showing me the marks of the pain you bore tonight. I love you, Vivian."

  She felt something going in her ass and realized it was a plug. She'd been sitting on that damned phallus long enough that she was ready for the size of it, and when he turned it on she immediately zoomed the rest of the way into pleasure. It wasn't going to take much to make her come.

  She heard a zipper and then he oh-so-gently entered her, and oh-so-slowly went in and out. They had stopped using condoms a while back, so there was nothing between them now as he slid in and out of her. He was going so slow, but it didn't matter. She needed to come, and he saw it and gave her permission without her having to ask.

  "Yes Precious, you can come. As many times as you like."

  When she did he pushed all the way in and stopped. She knew he loved the feel of her spasming on his cock. She also knew that in another couple of minutes he'd be slamming into her and out of control. She loved it when he was like that. It was the only time she saw him out of control, and she knew that even then he would still notice if something were wrong and he would stop. But for now, she reveled in the feel of his hard-as-a-rock cock being held inside of her as her muscles contracted around it. He waited until he felt her coming down from it and then he started pumping in and out, relentlessly. She could feel the power in his legs and stomach literally pistoning him in and out of her. And her orgasm built up again and then washed over her again and it was pure bliss. Just as she began to feel it begin to drop down the other side he came also and that brought hers back to the top again and then they came down from their orgasms together. Almost immediately Master James was back and helping to release her restraints and unbind her breasts. Master Tyler removed the plug from her ass and climbed up on the table with her. Viv felt Master James drape a blanket over them and she floated for a little while as her Master held her.


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