Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1)

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Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1) Page 5

by Gwendolyn Casey

Abs, arms, shoulders … it was too much to take in. All my girl parts started to tingle, and I felt my mouth fall open, my lungs suddenly struggling for oxygen. He was the perfect specimen of a modern day warrior. He was ripped without being bulky, like a quarterback, skill and power all in one package. I gripped the bowl in my hand a little tighter, wanting to feel the ridges and valleys of his stomach.

  And his tattoos only added to his badass physique. The Aces logo sat over his heart. But that was just a small one. On his right bicep was an elaborate tattoo of an American eagle. The design covered his upper arm and went onto his shoulder. There was another on the left bicep, but I couldn’t make it out.

  He walked toward the stairs without noticing me. I’m not sure why, but I called out.

  “Good morning.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks and actually took a step back, as if he was about to ward off an attack.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I was just making breakfast. Eggs, toast, and bacon. Would you like some?”

  After the initial surprise, his face fell into a scowl. “No,” he said.

  “Are you sure? I’m making enough for an army, well, the Aces Army.” I giggled but stopped when his expression didn’t change.

  I looked down in embarrassment. Why does he hate me so much? And why am I so determined to change his mind?

  When I looked up, he was walking toward the stairs again.


  I had just finished the last of the toast when I heard feet on the metal stairs.

  “Do I smell bacon?” Duncan said as he came into the kitchen. “Awesome.” He was all smiles as he picked up a plate.

  It wasn’t long before everyone caught the scent and made their way to clubroom. All the members were appreciative. I even got a head nod from Hawk. That was when I decided that home cooked meals were going to be my thank you to the boys during my stay here.

  Jordan was the last member to wander to the kitchen, followed by Tracy. They obviously got up together. Gross.

  Tracy turned her nose up at the food and went to the coffee pot.

  After Jordan filled his plate, he headed toward the offices. I did a little jog to catch up to him. “Hey, Jordan.”

  He didn’t respond. My steps faltered. Maybe he was too busy right now.

  Based on what Amy told me, it was a patriarchal society within the clubhouse walls, and I had to learn to live with it while here. She said point blank that the members ignored the girls’ problems.

  But I need my phone, damn it.

  Before I could overthink it, I ran ahead of Jordan and stood in front of the door to the offices.

  “I was hoping to get my phone back.”

  He stopped finally, his handsome features turning into a glower as he looked at me. Even standing a few feet away I had to tilt my head back to meet his eyes. Everyone in the clubhouse was taller than I was, but Jordan probably had a few inches on Rem. He was also a bit thinner, but his chest and arms still held the curves of a strong build.

  “I don’t plan on calling anyone. I was just hoping to listen to my music,” I said, hoping to head off suspicions.

  His dark eyes continued to glare at me like I was wasting his time. I could tell he was trying to scare me off, but I would not be ignored. There had to be a way to get him to at least respond.

  I took a step closer to Jordan and whispered so only he could hear. “Listen, I know you don’t trust me and that’s fine, but I feel really anxious and music can help me.”

  Jordan leaned away, and his mouth opened in uncertainty. He looked behind him toward the other members, maybe looking to see who could be listening.

  After a few moments, he let out a breath and said, “I’ll find an mp3 player and transfer your music on to it. Okay?”

  “Yes, yes.” I did a little jump and clapped my hands. I regretted the action instantly. I just jumped with glee in front of an outlaw biker. I stood still as I said, “That would be great. Thank you so much.”

  “I’ll have it for you in an hour.” With that, he skirted around me as quickly as he could and disappeared through the door.

  I congratulated myself as I cleaned up breakfast. Jordan was dark, scary, and broody, but he wasn’t completely unfeeling.

  After the clean-up, Sophie took me to the doctor’s office in town, and Skinny followed us as an escort.

  The town of Clayton had all the staples of a small town: a gas station, a pizza place, a liquor store, a hair/nail/tanning salon. My favorite part had been the town square, complete with tall trees, a sweet little gazebo, and a swing set. There was a certain character in small towns that the suburbs lacked, and I was soaking it in.

  The clinic in town had been a single family home at one point. It was charming, but I felt like I was sitting in a stranger’s living room instead of a waiting room.

  On the coffee table there were a couple magazines, I sifted through them and came across Entertainment Weekly with Kit Harington on the cover.

  “Oh, no,” I said out loud. I’d forgotten about Katie and our GoT marathon. Out of habit, I reached for my back pocket but let out a groan when no phone was to be found.

  “What is it?” Sophie asked just above a whisper, trying to respect the other patients waiting.

  “My friend Katie. I was supposed to hang out with her this week. She’ll be wondering why I’m not texting her back.” Not all of my friends at school would think it strange if I don’t text for a few weeks, but not Katie. She would be suspicious if she wasn’t already. “I have to contact her somehow to let her know I’m okay.”

  Sophie bit her lip.

  “Izzy,” a nurse said from the doorway.

  Sophie swept her hand toward the nurse. “You go ahead. I’ll call Jordan and see if we can find a way to contact her without letting anyone know where you are.”

  I nodded and followed the nurse.

  I was shown into a room with an exam table, and the nurse took a blood sample. Then she told me that the doctor would be in shortly. She left too quickly for me to ask if I should remove my clothes.

  Before I knew it, a tall, thin man, probably in his fifties and wearing a white coat, came in and dropped a white bag on my lap. “Prescription is inside with some free samples.”

  “Wait. That’s it?” I asked.

  He gave me an irritated look and kept his hand on the doorknob. “Yep. I know what you girls are looking for when you come in. We’ll call if anything comes up in the blood-work. Be sure to book another appointment for the STD screening in six months.” And then he turned and left, not bothering to close the door. I was obviously being dismissed.

  That dreaded feeling of being judged crept into the back of my mind, but I shook it off. Even if I was only pretending to be a Heart, women have the right to be just as slutty as men. Not that I knew much about being a slut.

  I carried the bag outside where Sophie was waiting by the car with Skinny. The day was getting hot, and the sun beamed down making me squint. My sunglasses were another item left back in Iowa.

  “How’d it go?” Sophie asked.

  “Okay, I think.”

  Sophie smiled and walked around to the driver side of her BMW. “Well I have good news. Jordan said he sent Katie a Facebook message using your account.”

  “So he hacked my account or whatever?” I said as I opened the passenger door.

  When we were both seated, Sophie said, “I guess.”

  “What did he tell her?”

  “Something about an internship in Minneapolis. You applied for it months ago, but the intern fell through and you were their second choice. Think she’ll buy it?”

  I rubbed my head. Jordan should have asked me before sending that message. “Maybe for a little while, but she’ll get suspicious when I don’t invite her to visit me eventually.”

  “Why will she get suspicious?”

  “Katie likes to shop, and what is in Minneapolis?”

  Sophie giggled. “The Mall of America. I doubt Jordan thought of that.” />
  I liked to shop just as much as the next girl but Katie was an expert. Iowa malls didn’t provide enough variety for Katie so we have made the pilgrimage to Minneapolis quite a few times.

  I’d have to help Jordan fix it.

  I felt guilty just thinking about it. I hated lying to Katie. Other than my father and uncle, Katie was the only other constant in my life.

  Nevertheless, I couldn’t tell her the truth. No, it was safer to keep her out of this. I’ll tell her everything when it is over. Whenever that will be.

  Chapter Eight


  You could hear the bikes coming down the street like a thunderstorm, creating vibrations through the air and earth. Skinny already had the gate open for our guests while Greyson and I waited at the front of the clubhouse, the other members and Hearts at our back.

  Greyson told Isabel to stay out of sight for now. It would be better if she came into the crowd tonight, after the bar opened and the mood had settled.

  A stream of motorcycles came through the gate followed by a couple of vans and trailers. It was the Wraiths MC, our allies to the west. Their president, Jackson Wyatt, pulled up to where we were standing while the others made their way to the back lot to set up camp.

  Jackson and Greyson gave each other a manly hug. “You’re early,” said Greyson.

  “What can I say? The boys were eager for the party.” Jackson cracked a smile, his teeth looking perfectly white against his swarthy skin. His Italian heritage made him look like an old time Hollywood lover. We might have called him Valentino if he wasn’t such a cold bastard.

  Jackson offered me a nod as Greyson escorted him inside the clubhouse.

  We offered rooms in the clubhouse to officers, but the rest had to make do with trailers and tents in the field out back. It was a normal to sleep on the ground during these gatherings. The next three days would be a party/orgy with the occasional meeting fit in where possible.

  Within the next few hours, we had our nomads, the Bulls MC, and two Aces charters arrive. I stayed outside to help organize and settle everyone in while Greyson played host inside with the other officers.

  The field behind the clubhouse was filled with trailers, RVs and tents. The clubs had begun to socialize, forming little circles of conversations. The only groups that didn’t mix were the old ladies and the whores. It was rare to see a woman with a property patch standing next to a woman without one.

  I caught myself looking back at the clubhouse quite a few times, at one window in particular. I’m not sure why I was surprised when I glanced up again to see Isabel staring down at me from the window. She gave a friendly wave, but I ignored it and kept walking.

  I approached Duncan and Jackal who were sitting at a picnic table near the club’s boxing ring.

  “Is she hot?” I heard Jackal ask. No doubt, Duncan was filling him in on the girl I just snubbed.

  “Yes,” Duncan responded as I straddled the bench to sit next to Jackal.

  “VP.” Jackal offered a hand for a quick shake. He was young kid in his early twenties, and he decided to ride with the other nomads to see the country a few months ago.

  “Duncan says we have a new toy.” He gave me an ominous grin. Jackal had a thin face with high cheekbones, making him seem almost angelic. But when he smiled it looked a bit evil, hence the name Jackal. There had also been discussions to give him the road name of Hound, since he could sniff out a willing woman wherever we went. Of course the model-like features didn’t hurt. Normally, I didn’t care who he fucked, but Isabel was not going to be another one of his conquests.

  “Just for show. She is under our protection so keep your dick in your pants.” I tried not to snarl as I warned him.

  “I know. What if she comes on to me? I imagine a girl in her situation might need some comfort.” He nodded toward Duncan, looking for back up.

  “I’m going to get us some beers,” Duncan said as he stood up, ignoring the comment altogether.

  “How was Vegas?” I asked, wanting the conversation off of Isabel. I knew he had a great time because he texted me pictures every other day, usually of something that shouldn’t be shared.

  “Paradise. Nothing but booze, cash, and girls named after precious stones.”

  “What about the others?”

  Jackal’s chipper mood vanished, and he shrugged. “They’re all right.”

  He was playing it off, but I was sure the others weren’t the easiest to be around. Legend and Cougar had their own reasons for becoming nomads, and they were not as simple as Jackal’s.

  Legend had lost a young son a few years ago, making it hard to live here with the memories. Being nomad meant he was still an Ace but didn’t have to endure the family atmosphere.

  Cougar was another story. He had been the VP but stepped down a few years ago, leading to my election. He didn’t explain why he did it, but rumor was that Greyson asked him to step down. Ever since then, Cougar was not the nicest guy. He undermined me every chance he got. I nearly fainted in relief when he decided to become a nomad.

  “You should settle in,” I said to Jackal.

  He nodded and stood up. Before he walked away, he asked, “Amy still around?”

  “Yeah, have at it.” I pointed at the clubhouse, happy he was looking for her and not asking about Isabel anymore. Jackal would do Amy right before the night was over.

  I leaned back against the table and looked up at the window where Isabel was standing earlier. I needed to speak to her about tonight, but I found myself nervous to see her again.

  This morning when she offered me breakfast, I wanted to take her up on her offer. Yet, at that moment, my first reaction was to make a mean comment about her new haircut. Not that it was bad, but I didn’t like it. I liked her hair simple, and the red made her seem more … slutty.

  I was incapable of being nice to her. I didn’t know why. The physical attraction was nothing new, but something was different about Isabel. My attraction to her was so overpowering that when I was around her I felt dazed. As a result, my mouth seemed to spout cruel nonsense that I didn’t even mean.

  I had to get it under control if I was going to survive the next few weeks.

  Chapter Nine


  After we got back from the doctor, I was finally able to speak to Greyson about my uncle. He had nothing new to report but told me to be patient.

  “We’ve got it covered, I promise. Your only concern should be blending in here so you can stay safe like your uncle asked,” he said. Greyson didn’t realize that blending in was more than a concern. I felt like I was about to be pushed out of an airplane and no one told me how to work my parachute.

  Now I was hiding in the laundry room, trying to calm my nerves. I paced back and forth with my eyes closed, simply breathing in and out.

  The party had started over two hours ago, and I could tell it was growing by the number of voices coming from the clubroom. I had spent the whole afternoon preparing for this moment, and now I was chickening out.

  Jordan made good on his promise and gave me an mp3 player. I immediately created a Confidence playlist, hoping Beyoncé, Pink, and Lady Gaga could help me discover my inner Catwoman. It was working up until I entered the clubroom fifteen minutes ago. I walked in, and Tracy was sitting at a table nearby with Jessica. The evil blonde gave me a look up and down and then laughed behind her hand. Suddenly, I questioned everything I was wearing and retreated into the laundry room.

  “What are you doing?” a deep voice asked. I opened my eyes to find Jordan standing in the doorway.

  “Trying to build my confidence,” I answered honestly. I knew I was considered cute amongst college guys, but cute was not going to cut it here. “Do I look okay? I mean, I know I’m not dressed like Tracy and Jessica, but do I look like I belong at least?” I had opted for the fishnet stockings with black heeled boots and a purple and silver plaid skirt. Then I topped it off with a black tank top to show my cleavage and a jean jacket with funky black s

  Jordan stepped into the room and looked me up and down, his eyes pausing briefly on my breasts and legs. “I’m going to be honest with you,” he said when his gaze came back to my face.

  “Okay,” I said and looked down at the ground, bracing myself for the words.

  “I want to fuck you.”

  I looked up at him. His face was stoic, but his eyes were fierce. There was no hint of sarcasm, just lust.

  I smiled at him. “Really?”

  “Yes.” He looked down at his crotch. “There is definitely blood flowing.”

  “Oh, that is so sweet. Thank you, Jordan.”

  For the first time since he met, he gave me a small smile. It didn’t reach his eyes, but I appreciated it all the same.

  After a moment, he said, “Lose the jacket though.”

  “Why? It’s supposed to be kind of chilly tonight.”

  Jordan rolled his eyes. “Hearts don’t worry about staying warm. If you’re cold, have one of the brothers hold you.”

  I had a vision of Rem holding me while I cuddled into the strong chest I saw this morning. I think Catwoman purred as I slipped off the jacket. Suddenly, I was ready to go the party. “Uh, I just ask them?”

  “No, don’t ask. Just do it. Put his arm around you or sit in his lap. The brothers know not to take you seriously.”

  Nuts. Catwoman stopped purring. “Okay,” I said.

  “Did Tracy make you feel un-sexy?” Jordan must have read my disappointment as anxiety over the party.

  “Yes,” I said with a little pout.

  “Come here,” he said as he stepped closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I tensed instantly, unsure where this was going.

  “Relax,” he said. “I’m going to touch you, but it doesn’t mean anything. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I responded, but I still didn’t relax.

  He brought a hand up to my hair and tugged my head to the side. He bent his head and began sliding his face against my neck. I felt his bristles scratch her skin. He then pulled my head the other way and did the same on that side. His hands were rough in my hair.


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