Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1)

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Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1) Page 19

by Gwendolyn Casey

  I wiped the tears on my face with my palm. “What made you stay?”

  “Greyson is a good man. He doesn’t always do good things, but at the end of the day, I can’t leave him. Something will always pull me back. So I stopped fighting.” Her eyes were honest and sincere.

  I could only nod.

  “Only you can decide if Rem is worth it.”

  “I know Rem is a good man, and he would never hurt me,” I said, thinking out loud. “I want to be with him, but I’m scared.” I didn’t explain the reasons because I was sure she knew them.

  “You’ll figure it out,” Sophie said. Then she patted my shoulder and left me alone.

  I sunk down onto the floor again. I sat there for a few minutes just thinking.

  I realized that this wasn’t Rem’s fault. He knew who he was as a person. I was the one who couldn’t decide who I wanted to be. I couldn’t decide which emotion to follow.

  Would I let fear rule me … or love?


  A few hours later, Amy and I waited outside the gate for Sophie to pick us up. When she pulled up in her BMW, I saw a teenage girl in the front seat so I opened the backdoor and scooted across the back seat while Amy followed. We both opted for jeans, but I wore a simple t-shirt while Amy chose a low cut tank.

  “Just you two?” Sophie asked.

  I nodded. I had asked Jessica and Tracy if they wanted to come to the Potato Festival, but I got my usual answer, a glare.

  “Hi. I’m Sarah,” the girl said from the front seat. She was wearing an excited smile. “I’m glad you guys are coming to the festival with us. Usually, it’s just me and the parents. Are any of the guys coming?”

  I assumed she meant any of the single guys. “No, I’m afraid not.” Although, I really didn’t ask any of them. I was sure Rem wasn’t coming because he’d left cash for me. I came out of the shower to find a hundred-dollar bill with a note “for the festival” on the dresser. I felt shitty. I was pushing him away and being a crazy bitch, but he still tried to take care of me. I knew it was up to me to change things. I made a vow that the next time I saw him, we would talk. I had to apologize for what I’d done at the very least. We’d see if I have the courage to tell him everything.

  Our first stop when we got to the center of town was the food trucks. Cheese curds were just the thing for my ailing heart. Then a corn dog and an elephant ear followed that. Amy wandered off while Sophie went to meet a few friends. I treated Sarah to a few games and then a ride on the Ferris wheel at sunset. We were on our third time around when the roar of motorcycles overcame the happy circus music.

  At the peak of the wheel, we could see the group of bikes heading toward the festival like a menacing horde. My heart started to jump in my chest as adrenaline kicked in.

  “Do you think Max and Hawk are with them?”

  I looked at Sarah in shock.

  If she knows to ask for them together, does she know how they are with women? Is she okay with that?

  I shook my head. That was Sophie and Greyson’s problem.

  We got off the ride and headed toward the street dance where Sophie said she would meet us. I spotted Amy on the side of the street watching the band. They were performing a mix of country and rock. They started playing “The Dance” by Garth Brooks when I approached her.

  “Hey,” I said. “We saw the boys arrive from the Ferris wheel. Have you seen any of them yet?”

  Amy shook her head, and then her eyes lifted to something behind me. I felt a strong presence at my back and Rem’s scent enveloped me. My heart pounded hard as I turned to look at him. His face was void of any emotion as he looked back at me.

  I was more than a little surprised when he reached for my hand and pulled me onto the street with the other dancing couples. He placed an arm around my waist and took my hand in his. He didn't try anything fancy, just held me close and swayed back and forth.

  I looked up at him, and he stared back at me. It was a strange stand-off in the middle of the street. We were physically close but felt worlds apart.

  I finally broke. I simply closed my eyes and let myself fall into him. "Rem," I said and snuggled into his warm chest. His arm tightened around my waist, and he laid our conjoined hands on his chest. I wanted him so much. It physically hurt to think of us going separate ways after everything was over. In that moment, I knew beyond a doubt that I wouldn’t leave him. The last few weeks had been magical with the fruits of a new romance, but feeling the pain and devastation of leaving him brought everything into focus.

  "Isabel. I know my world is fucked up and a girl like you doesn't belong."

  "Please don't—" I begged.

  "Quiet," he said, his voice fierce. "I know you deserve better and a good man would let you go." He stopped swaying and released my hand to cup my face. I looked up at him ready to beg. "But I'm not a good man."

  I laughed in relief, and he returned the smile. "I'm a selfish, stubborn bastard. And I'd regret not using every ounce of my power to keep you in my life." He brought his other hand up to cup my head and leaned his forehead to mine. "You're the only one who could convince me to let you go. So tell me, Isabel."

  I licked my lips. It was time to keep the vow I made. "I’m sorry for what I said and the last few days. I know I was a bitch, and you didn’t deserve it. But the truth is that you scared the shit out of me.” I shook my head, trying not to cry. “And I didn’t know what to do. My head has been pulling me in two different directions and I wasn’t ready to decide, so I kept pushing you away.” He held me tighter. "But seeing you here, holding me like you are, and saying those things. I’ve made my decision. I know that I have found in you the one thing that everyone is looking for, and I'd be a fool to walk away from that."

  Then he kissed me. It was raw and deep, meant to reaffirm our love. There was silence as the song ended and we leaned away from each other. The band moved on to another rock-dance song. As more people moved into the street, Rem pulled me through the crowd toward the edge of the crowd.

  "Where are we going?" I asked.

  “There is something I want to show you, something that will prove how much I want to be with you.”

  “Rem, you don’t have to—”

  “Fuck, my bike is blocked. Wait here. I’ll get Greyson’s keys for his truck. We’ll have it back before they leave.”

  He disappeared into the crowd again.

  I smiled to myself as I waited. It felt so good to know that things were okay. They weren’t the same as before and there were things I needed to prepare myself for in this life, but I was ready.

  I was so lost in my thoughts that when I was hit from behind, I didn’t even feel the pain before everything went black.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight



  I heard my name, but it was like my ears were filled with water. My head hurt, and I was lying on something hard.

  “Wake up, Isabel.”

  I knew that voice. I lifted my eyelids just to close them against the bright light above me.

  “Uncle Lionel?”

  “That’s right, baby girl.” Hi voice was soft and gentle.

  I looked up again, squinting to let my eyes adjust. He was standing over me. I tried to get up, relieved to see him, but I got dizzy half way there and fell back down.

  “Chico, get her a chair.”

  I heard movement behind me and then someone was gripping my arms and hoisting me up. My ass found the seat, and I fought a wave of nausea, my head protesting the sudden movement. I looked around. We were in the basement of a house. The corners were too dark to see, and I sat under the only light.

  “What is going on?” My eyes went to my uncle. He appeared better than when I saw him last. Instead of pale with worry, he was looking calm and collected. His suit was clean and pressed, and his face was held a smile that was pleasant but somehow ominous.

  I looked over my shoulder to see a Latino man with a cut on. I couldn’t miss the Snakes patc

  “What is he doing here?” I gripped the edge of the chair, trying to steady myself.

  “Relax, Isabel. This is all part of the plan.”

  I kept my head turned so I could keep the other man in my peripheral vision. “How can this be the plan? I thought the Snakes were hunting you.”

  “I know, dear. But the truth is that I have been working with the Snakes all along.”

  That didn’t make any sense. I must be dreaming. I closed my eyes and shook my head, hoping to wake up in bed with Rem, but when I opened them, I was still in a gross basement.

  Lionel went on talking. “They approached me after I did some work for a couple of their associates. It seems I have a knack for money laundering.”

  Money laundering? What? My mouth must have looked like a fish out of water. Uncle Lionel? A crook?

  After absorbing the truth, I realized what that meant for me, for my father. “Where is Dad?”

  He bent down to my level and looked me in the eye, that evil smirk still present on his face. "Let me give you the Cliff’s Notes. I’ve developed a plan to help the Snakes rise to power in the Midwest. I won’t go into detail, but in order for my plan to work, I need the Aces out of the way. And that is where you come in.”


  "We needed a spy in the Aces’ compound."

  My heart stopped beating in my chest. "What?"

  "It’s worked perfectly,” Lionel said, his grin getting brighter.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "The Snakes have been unable to get a prospect or a whore to infiltrate the Aces. Therefore, I suggested a new approach. We send someone in who is clueless about the MC lifestyle.” He stood back up and cupped my cheek gently. “Someone whose ignorance and innocence would fool them into trusting her.”

  I literally felt my insides turn over at his words, the nausea rushing back at me.

  I pushed his hand away as tears flooded my eyes. He used me. He tricked me. Now I had put the club in danger just by showing up at their door. I’m a Trojan Horse.

  “I’ve been studying the Aces for a while now, and the one distinction they have from the other clubs is their treatment of women. Quite a few clubs dabble in prostitution and are even willing to trade women for drugs or services. Even some of their allies in the Covenant are guilty of it. But not them. I knew the Aces would take you in without question. Giving up one of our less productive labs was worth the price of buying you into their world. It was only a matter of time before you had one of them wrapped around your little finger. I was expecting a low-level member or prospect, but my little overachiever snagged the VP. I’m so proud."

  I felt the tears come forward at his praise. He made my relationship with Rem something sordid and dishonest.

  I couldn’t stand it. "It doesn't matter. They don't discuss club business with the women, even old ladies. I don't know anything that could help you," I said, letting my anger flare.

  He smirked at me again. "It’s not about what you know but where you can go.”

  “I’m not going to help you,” I spat and prayed I wasn’t lying. I had no idea what they had planned. Slaps I could handle, but what if they had a torture expert? Would they water-board me? Pull fingernails? Cut off limbs? Scenes from Saw flashed through my brain, making me cringe.

  My uncle just laughed. “Oh, my poor foolish girl. You think you’re tough. You think you’re one of them. It’s adorable.” He bent down over me and grabbed my chin, his expensive cologne filling my nostrils. “But you’re not. You’ve never had to fight for anything in your life. You’re nothing but a pampered princess.”

  I looked away. He was right. My life was a cakewalk up until now. But I couldn’t let this happen. I’d rather die than hurt Rem this way.

  “But don’t worry. I don’t plan on hurting you.” He released my chin and stood up straight, nodding his head toward Chico. The man moved to one of the dark corners of the basement and came back carrying a man over his shoulder. His hands were taped behind his back, and his legs were taped around the knees and ankles. Chico threw the man to the concrete floor with very little care for the man’s body.

  I started crying harder as I saw his face.

  “Dad,” I screamed. His dark brown hair was greasy and lank like he hadn’t showered in weeks. Dried and fresh blood covered his clothes, and his face was swollen and bruised. He blinked up at me. His eyes were red around his brown irises, and the lines underneath told me that he hadn’t slept in a long time.

  When my father finally recognized me, he turned to look at his brother and he tried to scream through the tape. He was screaming something about Lionel being a fucking liar.

  “Shut him up,” Lionel said. Chico stepped over my father to punch him in the face and his head fell to the floor.

  “Now, Isabel. All I need for you is to find out when Rem is meeting up with a man named Damian and plant this tracker on his bike beforehand.” He held up something round and black. It could be a checker piece for all I knew. “And if you don’t, I will kill your father.”

  “No,” I shrieked. “He is your brother.”

  “And he was always the favorite. But now, I have the chance for bigger and better things and I won’t let his weak stomach hold me back anymore.”

  This had to be a dream. Lionel was not this person. I always knew that money was important to him, but this? Betraying his only family for money? This could not be the man who was with us at every holiday, who attended every one of my birthday parties.

  He knelt down in front of me and pushed the device into my pocket. “Now, here is what is going to happen. We are leaving with your father. I have it on good authority that Rem and the Aces are on their way here. Chico will make a show of being scared off and we’ll let your lover think he was successful in rescuing his woman. You will tell them that the Snakes questioned you about my location but didn’t get the chance to torture you.”

  Suddenly, Chico was behind me with a knife to my throat. “And we will know if you tell them the truth.”

  I looked up at the Snake. He was short and slightly rounded with light brown skin, but his face was mean-looking and ugly. His lips snarled as he scowled down at me. He was the type to sample the product judging by the decay of his teeth and his haggard skin.

  I wasn’t sure where I got the balls, but I said, “I thought you said that the Snakes were unsuccessful in infiltrating the Aces.”

  “We have our ways,” Chico said as he pulled the knife away, but not before giving me a little nick.

  Uncle Lionel looked at Chico in confusion. “What was that for?”

  “We need it to look authentic,” he replied and walked around to the front of me. “That’s why I’m doing this, too.”

  I felt that pain through my skull again.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  “Next address?” I asked Hawk as I straddled my bike. The pawnshop we just exited had no proof that Isabel had been there, and I was starting to get fucking pissed. We were systematically checking all the properties owned by the Snakes and its members in the area. It might be a waste of time, but I had to do something. I had to keep moving.

  I knew something was wrong when Isabel wasn’t where I left her last night. She was not the type to wander off when she knew I was coming back. She was obedient like that. I immediately sent up the emergency alarm to the whole crew. By the time I made it back to the clubhouse, Jordan was already deep into Snake records. We weren’t sure that the Snakes took her, but it was our best option.

  Greyson said Hawk and I should start checking out these places now and Jordan could text each new one he discovered. I think the old man wanted me out of the clubhouse seeing how I was driving everyone mad with my pacing and yelling.

  I had just gotten her back to have her ripped out of my hands. Last night after Isabel left for the fair, I couldn’t seem to settle. I was trying to give her space. But all I could think about was how she was there without me. Not only was she
unprotected, but she was unclaimed. Any asshole could talk to her, not knowing that she was my property. After losing a game of pool to Jordan, I broke the cue in half and through it across the room.

  He’d said, “Jesus, let’s go already.” I’d simply nodded and led the way to our bikes. Most of the guys ended up joining us. I guess they were curious how things would work out.

  I was so grateful that they did work out. Isabel still loved me. She wanted to stay with me. I was so relieved that I didn’t think of the danger she was in.

  “112 Carlson Street in Newton,” Hawk said.

  I nodded and kicked off to lead the way.

  It was still before noon, but I was really worried as the hours added up. I should have found her by now. She shouldn’t have been taken in the first place. What was I thinking leaving her alone?

  I’d never been so scared in my life. Even when an IED blew up next to my Humvee in Afghanistan. That shit was horrific, but the fear was instant and over with before I could even comprehend it. Even the nightmares afterward seemed better than these feelings. This fear was creeping vines in my brain, taking over everything so that I was almost comatose.

  All I could think about was the “ifs”. If Isabel is hurt, if Isabel is raped, if Isabel is… killed. How could I live after any of those “ifs”?

  We came into the Newton neighborhood, and I slowed down to count house numbers.

  “Rem,” Hawk shouted over the engines and pointed down the street to where a motorcycle was parked in the driveway. They can’t be that stupid to leave it in broad daylight, I thought.

  We parked our bikes a block over and approached with caution. We snuck up to the back of the house, and I picked out a spot beneath a small window. Hawk approached the back door. I slowly stood to peer in. The window looked into the kitchen. I didn’t see a table or appliances so it must be unoccupied. Still, we had to check it out. We both go around the house and look in where we could.

  When we met at the back again, I signaled Hawk to make his move. He stayed crouched and reached for the handle of the back door.


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