Burn (Drift Book 3)

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Burn (Drift Book 3) Page 13

by Michael Dean

  Christian turned his head with an evil grin. “And soon it begins.”

  The vision didn’t fade but actually cut straight to black under my closed eyes. Just as I was about to open them, I felt the earth begin to shake under Shade’s bed. I opened my eyes to see pictures rattling against the walls of her room. I could hear things vibrating all around me. It was an earthquake, a mild one, but the tremors were strong enough to shake things off tables and walls.

  I slung the blankets off me and placed my feet on the floor, but remained sitting on the bed. Shade woke up from the commotion.

  “What’s going on?” She flew out from her covers and stood up from the bed, half asleep.

  “It’s an earthquake,” I spoke calmly.

  “An earthquake? We never get earthquakes here.” She wiped her eyes, trying to assess what was going on.

  The shaking sputtered out and everything got still again.

  “I know. It was no ordinary earthquake.”

  “What are you talking about?” Shade came over to me and rubbed my back.

  “It’s Christian sending me a message.” I looked up at her.

  Shade didn’t say a word, she just looked concerned.

  All of a sudden we saw a light get turned on under her door from somewhere outside of it.

  “Shade…you okay, dear?” Richard called out to his daughter as his footsteps neared her door.

  “Oh crap… hide, baby… quick,” Shade whispered.

  Her bedroom door crept open and light filled the room just before Richard turned on her light. He leaned in conspicuously. About the time he flicked the switch on in her room I changed into Shadow and slithered under her bed.

  “I’m fine, Dad.” She walked over to her father.

  “I thought I heard you talking to someone in here. You sure you’re okay?” He looked around her in suspicion as he surveyed the room.

  “I’m okay, just a little startled. I was talking to myself about what the heck was going on.”

  He glanced around the room for another moment or two. “All right. That was a little strange, wasn’t it…an earthquake around here?”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “You sure you’re okay?” He double checked.

  “Yes, Dad, I’m fine. You can go back to bed.” She kissed him on the cheek.

  “Okay, we’ll probably have to clean a few things up in the morning…goodnight, honey.”


  He turned off the light before gingerly shutting the door.

  She waited a few minutes before calling me out of hiding. “I think the coast is clear now.”

  I reappeared back on her bed, sitting on a corner.

  “Christian is strong enough to make the earth shake?”


  “But you just said that you thought the quake was Christian sending you a message?”

  “It was.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Christian isn’t powerful enough to make the earth move, but Hell as a whole is.”

  Shade sat next to me in silence, looking very perplexed, so I clarified.

  “I think is Christian is summoning his army. Hell is coming to claim back one of its own.”

  Chapter 15


  Like always, I headed out before morning, promising to see Shade again later that day. I thought about going back to my spot but realized it was best to go back to Scruff’s so I could check on him and his family to make sure everything was okay.

  I knocked on the front door when I got back and his mother let me in. Everyone was already up, even Scruffy, who was usually a late sleeper, presumably due to the quake.

  “Did you feel that earthquake, man?” Scruffy called to me from his room.

  “Nah…it only surrounded your house, dude.”

  “Very funny. Come in here…I’ve got something to show you.”

  Adhering to his request I strolled into his, or should I say, our room and saw Scruffy, half heartedly, punching and kicking at this wooden dummy looking thing with pads all over it. It looked like he was wearing weight lifting gloves on his hands instead of sparring gloves for punching.

  The dummy he was jabbing had swinging legs on it that waved back and forth every time he made connection with the thing. It had a flat plywood head that he’d drawn a smiley face on with a black magic marker, and a large plywood torso; it even had arms that swung freely like the legs. The arms and legs were just some wooden logs attached to metal rods clamped onto the dummy’s torso.

  The padding was made of pillows that he’d tied around the torso and both arms and legs with what looked like kite string.

  “Where in the world did you get that horrendous thing?” I chuckled at my bobbing and weaving friend.

  “I made it!” He sounded thrilled. “Shade’s pop gave me some pointers and let me use some of his tools and spare wood. I’ve had it buried in Shade’s parents’ garage and worked on it while you were gone. I didn’t want you to see it until I was finished.” He struck it again.

  I approached the punching dummy and raised one of its arms, allowing it to fall and swing. “I can see why you waited to surprise me. It took great effort to achieve such excellent craftsmanship.”

  “C’mon, it’s not that bad. Besides, all I need it for is to beat on, so why would I make it all fancy and realistic looking?”

  “Why would you make something like this period? What’s it for?” I looked at him like he was a sandwich short of a picnic.

  Scruffy stopped throwing hooks at the thing and stopped, placing his hands on his hips. He sucked in air as he spoke. “Well…I figured since all these bad guys keep popping up, threatening people, stealing people, and potentially killing people, I thought it best that I learn to defend myself. Not only that, I could help others that may need to be defended…ya know?”

  All I could do was shake my head at my nutty, but well intentioned friend. “Scruff, you’re no match for these beings…no human is. Your best bet is to stay as far away as possible from them and not get involved.”

  “Well, it’s too late for that now, isn’t it? Thanks to you. Besides, Mom and Dad are getting me mixed martial arts lessons. I’m gonna be a bad ass.” He jabbed a single shot into the gut of the dummy.

  I looked at him in confusion, but yet, I must confess, I was highly entertained by his new hobby.

  “Tell you what. I’ll back your play, my friend. To help you out, so you know what you could be going up against, we can go out later today and you can mount whatever offensive onslaught you wish on me and I can show you some pointers. Sound like a plan?”

  “I’d appreciate that, but you better quit laughing at me, Leo…I might surprise you.” He smiled ear to ear and took two more shots at the dummy. The arms and legs dangled around wildly, so much so that one of the legs raised up just enough to make direct contact into his crotch, which dropped him like a sack of bricks.

  I hunched over in laughter. “I’d quit laughing if I could, but you make it so easy. Man, I bet you couldn’t even whip up on our ladies right now. Sure you don’t wanna get a few lessons in first?”

  “No way! I can take ’em. I know I can at least do that.” He cradled his groin as he stood back up and sucked in air like it was pinched in a straw.

  “We’ll see.” I grinned at him.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He strained to get to his feet.

  “Tell ya what, let’s pick up the girls later, head out to my spot, and let’s see what’cha got.”

  “Hell yeah! I’m game. Bring it!” He went nuts on the dummy with a barrage of shots, this time making sure he stayed out of range of the swinging appendages.

  “This should be very interesting.” I grinned at him and smacked his shoulder. “I’m gonna go hang with your parents…do your little workout, put on a cup, and come see me when you’re ready.”

  Scruffy rolled his eyes and kept up with his “preparation” for about another hour before he finishe
d. We called the ladies up, told them what we had in mind for the day and drove over to my spot. The girls arrived just after us and we stood at the top of my driveway by my tree and took measure of what Scruffy had to offer. The girls sat down and watched us.

  “All right, bro, if you have even the slightest idea about attempting to go at it with a demon, vampire, Goyle, whatever, I’m hoping I can change your mind.”

  Scruffy raised his hands as if he was going to box. The girls started to snicker behind us, encouraging him to mount an attack.

  “Come at me…with whatever you wanna throw, as hard you can,” I dared him.

  “You mean, just hit you…hard?”

  “Yeah…as hard as you can muster. Put some stank on it. I’ll be fine, c’mon.”

  With a nod of reluctance, he came at me with a yell and a cocked fist. As soon as he got within range, I flung out my wings and pimp smacked him with one of them, knocking him on his butt. The girls roared in laughter.

  “Okay, okay, laugh it up you two.” He hopped up and dusted himself off. “That was just my first attempt. I was taking it easy on my boy here, testing him.”

  The girls really started to giggle as they watched Scruffy get back into place so he could come at me again.

  “Don’t be looking at me all smug, Leo. I’m gonna get’cha this time.” He raised his fists back up in front of his face.

  “Try again.” I waved my hands, daring him to advance.

  With a yell, he charged me again. This time I let him make contact with me. When he did, it was like he’d hit a steel pole. He immediately grabbed his wrist in pain, stared at his balled up fingers and moaned like a porn star.

  “Baby, are you okay?” Sandra asked sincerely, although she couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Owww…uh-huh.” He opened and closed his fist gingerly.

  “First thing you must realize is…martial arts, boxing, hell, if you were a ninja, means nothing to an immortal. It doesn’t matter how many fancy moves a human thinks he or she may have, you can’t damage us. Your human skin and bones aren’t strong enough to withstand a single punch from beings like me. Imagine hitting the thickest metal door you can find with your bare knuckles as hard as you can. That’s what it’s like, as you’ve just learned, to strike one of us, except we’re a million times thicker and stronger than any metal structure on your planet. Get it? Now get back in place.”

  “Sure do get it…dang.” Scruffy turned away and walked back to his position and faced me. “What if I had a knife or something? Could that work?” He continued to wiggle and shake out his hand.

  “Human knife or sword…no, not strong enough, but something like this…” I walked off and retrieved the Demon Dagger, holding it up for all to see, “it’s possible…I think.”

  Shade stopped smiling and looked at me with worry. “Leo, what are you going to do with that?”

  “Don’t freak out, it will be okay.” I tossed the dagger over to Scruffy, who of course dropped it and had to pick it back up.

  “What is this?” He turned it around in his hand.

  “A very powerful weapon. It’s the only thing that can kill demon. If you pierce me with it, you might do Christian’s work for him.”

  “What work are you referring to?”

  “You’d kill me. Let’s find out if a human can kill a demon…shall we?”

  “Leo, I don’t like this.” Shade stressed for me to stop.

  “Yeah, Leo, this isn’t necessary,” Sandra joined in.

  I fanned a hand at them to be quiet.

  “C’mon, bro, you said it yourself, you want to be able to defend yourself against something like me. Now you can find out what it’s like. Come at me again.”

  Scruff just stood there and glared at me. I could tell he didn’t want to do it.

  “C’mon, man, this isn’t cool. I’m not going to stab you with this thing. I don’t want to know if it works or not…”

  “Why? Are you afraid, Mark?” I stopped smiling.

  “Well…yeah…of course I am.” He looked confused.

  “Human fear fuels us. Just like anger. If you encounter something like me and I’m not around to save you, what are you going to do? Stand there and tremble while whatever it is dismembers you?”

  He just stood there, stiff as a board, and watched me intently.

  “You’re going to have to strike, without thinking, without…fear.” I walked up to him as a show of force, letting him know I wasn’t kidding anymore.

  “You want to know what it’s like to have to go up against something that has no regard for your life whatsoever, no mercy, no reluctance, just straight maliciousness? Then you must learn to strike without hesitation. That dagger could be the only thing saving you, your friends, and your family members from suffering a fate worse than any serial killer you’ve ever heard of.” I backed away from him again.

  “Come at me again…now!”

  Scruff just stood there with a sheepish grin. “Leo, I-I—”

  “I’m going to kill your family, you human piece of scum!” I pointed over to a worried looking Sandra. “I’m going to rip your girlfriend’s body parts off, limb by limb. Then I’m going to kill you. What are you going to do about it?” I shouted.

  Scruffy’s mouth just opened as he fumbled to find words to speak. He looked over at the girls.

  “Don’t wait for the women to come and save you, Mark. Charge me with the weapon… or die. The choice is up to you.”

  With a brief moment of hesitation, he clenched his jaw and started to run at me with the Demon Dagger leading the way. Just inches away from penetrating me, I snagged him by the wrist, twisted it, grabbed the weapon, and then threw him to the side.

  I strolled up to him and leaned over as he pushed himself up from the ground and turned around.

  “You see, my friend, there’s nothing you can do. We’re built faster, stronger, and more cunning than any human on this planet. You cannot win against us, no matter what training you have. If a moment occurs in your mind when you ever think you can defeat something like me, then that makes you a delusional fool. Do not tamper with evil—you will die.”

  I reached my hand out to pull him up. He kind of stared at it for a second before grabbing it. When he got to his feet, I muttered, “Understand?”

  He responded, “I understand.”

  “I’m sorry I had to go dark on you guys there, but I just wanted you to get a small taste of what it’s like to stare death in the eye.” I walked over to Shade and gave her the Demon Dagger. She quickly put it back in its hiding place.

  “Now, as I recall, we did have another bit of business on the agenda. One of which I’m very curious to see in action.” I pushed to lighten the mood back up to a more playful overtone.

  Scruffy cocked his head in thought.

  “What business is that?” Sandra replied.

  “Your boyfriend here seems to think he can take you. I think after I give you a few pointers, I’m of the firm belief that this isn’t reality. What are your thoughts?” I grinned at Sandra.

  “Oh he does, does he?” She stood up and pressed her hands to her hips and surveyed her now smiling boyfriend.

  “I don’t think it…I know it.” He winked at her.

  “Somebody hand Scruff a shovel because I just heard him dig his own grave.”

  “Whatever.” He rolled his eyes. “Give her any crappy tips you want. It’s not going to help her.”

  Sandra scoffed at him.

  “Okay, have it your way, buddy.” I smiled.

  I walked Sandra off to the side for a few seconds and gave her some advice about what Scruff may do. I knew he would take it easy on her, but I wanted her to give him hell. After we chatted for a bit, chuckling almost the whole time, Scruffy grew impatient and yelled at us.

  “Will you two knock it off and get on with this? I’m ready to show my beauty who the man is around here.” He pushed his luck further in teasing Sandra.

  “Oh, you are soooo dead,
Mark,” Sandra warned him.

  I sat down next to a still giggling Shade and prepared to watch the comedy unfold. Scruffy and Sandra stood just a couple feet apart and Scruff continued to taunt his girlfriend. She remained still and told him to come for her.

  Unlike the way he came at me, he confidently strolled up to her and gave her a gentle slug on her shoulder, then stood there and grinned.

  “Was that too hard for ya?” He snickered.

  “Do it again,” she dared.

  He lackadaisically took another shot at her shoulder and when he did, she grabbed him by the wrist and twisted it, which immediately brought him to his knees. Shade and I laughed out of control as Sandra held him in an arm lock.

  “You like that? Need me to stop, little boy? Who’s the wo-man now?” She humiliated her pleading boyfriend.

  We couldn’t stop laughing as Scruffy begged her to release the hold on his arm. After a few more seconds of whining she gave in and let him go.

  ‘That’s it, now you’re gonna get it, girl.” He got to his feet and pointed at her. “Get ready for the Scruffinator this time.”

  Sandra chuckled at his threatening new nickname. “Bring it on…Scruffinator.”

  We couldn’t contain ourselves as he charged her with a little more force this go around. As he tossed his fist out to hit her on the shoulder again, still being sure not to swing hard at her, Sandra actually blocked it with one hand and then smacked him on the face.

  Shade and I fell on the ground laughing.

  “Damn it! I’m done, no more of this crap, you guys stacked the deck on me.” Scruffy complained while holding his cheek, which only made us all laugh even harder.

  “The underworld is trembling in fear, I’m sure of it. Better get those mixed martial arts lessons soon. Until then, we’ll make sure Sandra is around to protect you.” I couldn’t resist taking some potshots at my bewildered friend.

  “Go ahead, laugh it up, everybody. We’ll see who’s laughing in a few months when I’ve started training.” He kicked out a half smile as he tried to recoup some of his pride.


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