Corrupt Desires

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Corrupt Desires Page 4

by Jennifer Bene

  Bryant grinned, and the look in his eyes promised wicked delights. “I’m going to make you beg, Phee.”

  Oh God. Her mouth went dry and she nodded slightly, gasping against his lips when he kissed her again, and then he was tugging her towards his car.

  They tumbled through his front door. The elevator ride had been ridiculously long from the underground parking garage, but he had kept her busy. His hands moving over her breasts and hips, and as he slammed the door behind her she almost felt the ocean lapping at her ankles.

  “Bryant…” Phee moaned as he lifted her and pressed her back against the front door, her legs wrapping around his hips. He covered her mouth with his again, his hands sliding the hem of her dress up to her waist.

  “I’m taking you to the bedroom.” Bryant grinned against her mouth and then he was walking with her. Her scream of surprise turned into laughter as she realized he was carrying her.

  When they passed through a door, he slid her down his front and she saw a huge platform bed low to the floor. The whole room outfitted in whites and pale grays over dark wood. Shiny, pale tiles lined the entire apartment and she steadied herself in her heels as they clicked to the floor. It was a beautiful home. Huge, and a sharp reminder of the differences between them.

  He touched her chin to bring her gaze back to him. “Think you can stow that smart mouth for a bit?”

  She met his eyes with a smirk. “And if I don’t?”

  “I do still owe you a lesson in manners.” That wicked grin was back, offering a challenge that she wanted to accept.

  Phee ran her hands across his waist, her fingertips tracing his belt before she untucked the pale button down from his slacks. Not waiting for him to get things started, she began unbuttoning his shirt from the bottom and then looked up to find his turquoise eyes flashing with amusement. Biting her bottom lip, she waited until his focus was on her mouth once more before she spoke. “So, exactly how do you plan to give me that lesson?”

  Bryant let her open his shirt and she was surprised for a moment at how muscular he was. He had washboard abs and she couldn’t help but run her hand over them. Why was he so fit? Wasn’t he supposed to be a paper pusher for his uncle? Her thoughts were derailed when he grabbed her face so she had to look at him and not his hard chest. “I think I’d like to drag you over my lap and spank you,”—he paused, a smile moving across his lips as he let her process what he’d said—“think you can handle it?”

  Her whole body buzzed with the idea. It made her shiver, and she wondered if something about her had tipped him off to her particular kinks. Or did he offer to spank all his dates? Either way, being put across Bryant Holbrook’s lap was basically a fantasy come to life, except here he wasn’t commanding the ocean or glistening in the sunlight. Phee smiled sweetly at him as she pushed the shirt off his shoulders. “Is this where you try to make me beg, Bryant? Because I can definitely handle a spanking.”

  Phee stood as tall as she could, squaring her shoulders as she looked up into his intense eyes. She liked to submit, she wanted him to spank her, to make her cry out and whimper as her skin turned hot — but it didn’t mean she wasn’t strong, and she wanted him to know that, to see that in her.

  With a low groan, Bryant pulled her into a kiss, capturing her mouth as one of his hands reached down to start pulling her dress up and over her hips. He broke the kiss to tug it over her head, and the serious tone in his voice sent a delicious rush down her spine. “I just want to make something clear. This isn’t where you beg, Phee. This is where you get undressed and get on my bed before I decide to get the paddle instead.”

  Her heart rate doubled as he gently pushed her towards the bed and his turquoise eyes raked down her body. Cream colored bra and panties, her soft curves, and the damn heels that she realized were still on when she almost tripped on the way to the bed. She slipped off the bra and panties and tried to fight back the blush in her cheeks. For a moment she wished she were tall and willowy like Regan, but then Bryant closed in. Pressing her backwards onto the covers, his hands tracing her waist and hips like he was worshipping her.

  “God, you’re gorgeous.” He leaned forward and nipped her hip before he crouched by the side of the bed and deftly took off her heels. Warm bubbles filled her up like the tide coming in. What girl didn’t like to hear that? Then his hands were sliding up the insides of her thighs and she lifted her hips on a quiet moan. “Oh no, Phee, not yet.”

  He spanked her pussy and she jumped, yelping in surprise. “Bryant!” Lifting up on her elbows, she watched him stand and whatever else she was going to say disappeared as his hands began to slowly undo his belt.

  “Patience is a virtue,” he purred, grinning at her. When she went to close her thighs he shook his head slowly and nudged her calf with his leg. “Tsk, tsk, legs open. I’m enjoying the view.”

  “Do I get a view in return?” Phee teased. Bryant was hot. Impossibly hot. He looked like he worked out four hours a day for fun, and she had no idea why he had agreed to actually take her on a date, or take her home, but she was seriously happy that she had taunted him at the café.

  “Your mouth is going to get you in so much trouble in my bed, beautiful.” Bryant chuckled and dropped his jeans from his hips. He had her mouth watering. He was already hard in his black boxer-briefs and she wanted to reach out and touch him, but he raised a hand and ticked his finger back and forth like a metronome. “Patience. Put your hands above your head, no touching without permission.”

  “Fine…” she grumbled, clasping her hands above her head, and he sighed as he moved to the edge of the bed, his eyes taking her in.

  “Is it so terrible that I want to take my time with you?” Laying down next to her, his fingers traced a path up one thigh, over her hip, the dip at her waist, until he was lazily circling her nipple. Goosebumps rushed over her skin and she squirmed, her arms tensing against the urge to pull them down. He pressed a kiss just under her collarbone and she arched up into his touch. She needed more.

  “I want to memorize every noise you make,” he whispered. As if making a point he nipped her shoulder and she gasped. Chuckling against her skin, his fingers pinched her nipple lightly, and when she only lifted her chest against his hand… he pinched harder. The zing of pain lit up her nerves like lightning on a dark night. Her pussy clenched and she moaned, but he cut it off with a kiss where she could feel the hum of his own moan against her lips.

  Bryant’s hand moved to her other breast and repeated while his mouth plied hers. A light pinch, growing firmer until she was whimpering under him, her hips lifting uselessly and her hands twined in the bedspread. He finally released her mouth and began kissing down towards her nipple, but she wanted to feel him against her. “You are such a tease,” she whined.

  He laughed against her breast before he bit down and she gasped as the pain made her tense with the surge of adrenaline. “In a rush to be over my lap?” Bryant’s hand slipped from her other breast to trail down over her belly, and then he swiped a finger between the lips of her pussy. She knew she was soaked, and he groaned in satisfaction.

  “You did say I needed a lesson in manners, right?” Phee taunted, smiling when he looked up at her, and he shook his head with a quiet laugh.

  “You are unbelievable.” He sucked her nipple into his mouth before biting down hard, holding it until she was squirming and whimpering, and then his fingers began to trace over her clit, circling, rubbing. Phee rolled her hips, gripping the bedspread hard to fight the urge to move. The conflicting pain and pleasure sent her head reeling. Then, he suddenly stopped it all and sat up to look down at her.

  “Fuck…” She groaned in frustration. Bryant’s eyes were turquoise seas heading towards a storm, growing darker as he looked down on her flushed skin. Hunger in his expression, even as he kept his hands to himself. Rolling her eyes, she grumbled. “You are a tease.”

  “That’s it, over my lap.” Bryant moved to put his back against the wall and crooked a finger at her.
“Come here.”

  Phee sat up, eager butterflies coming to life inside her as she looked him over. Muscular, gorgeous, and absolutely expecting her to obey as he raised an eyebrow. If she hadn’t already been soaking wet, and impatient to find out what he’d do, she might have tested him. Next time, if there’s a next time, she promised herself as she shifted towards him on the bed, his eyes tracking the sway of her breasts before returning to her eyes.

  When she got close he slid a hand into her dark hair and pulled her over his lap. “Do you always have such a smart mouth, or is that just for me?”

  “Why would I do it just for you?” she asked, grinning as his fist tightened, sending bright sparks rushing down her spine. His palm smoothed over the round of her ass, squeezing as he positioned her where he wanted her, and she was thoroughly distracted by the hard press of his cock against her stomach.

  “Oh, Phee… I’m going to spank you until I think you’ve got some manners, okay?” Bryant’s voice was a low growl as his hand traced over her skin, a firm squeeze of one of her cheeks before he continued down her thighs. He was so strong, she could feel it in the way his other arm held her around her waist, locking her in place over his lap. This was going to hurt, and in her mind she could feel the riptide tugging at her, wanting to drag her towards the whirlpool that was Bryant Holbrook. All that charm, all that power. She knew that whatever he had planned was going to hurt in all the best ways.

  “Alright, Bryant. Whenever you’re ready.” Phee struggled to keep the desperate sound out of her voice, but he’d have to be an idiot not to know how much she wanted it. Wanted him. Heat pooled under her skin, making her squeeze her thighs together, and then the first sting of his palm colliding with her ass made her jolt in surprise. It wasn’t hard, but he didn’t stop with one, he continued, each measured spank raining down across her ass until the humming warmth had her squirming. Then he smoothed his palm over the warm skin, squeezing and stroking.

  “Now, I’m ready.” There was a dark edge to his voice, and she panted, preparing but still not quite ready as he landed the first real spank on her ass. A sharp pop that echoed off his high ceilings, followed by her yelp. He only tightened his grip on her waist to hold her still and repeated it again, and again, and again. Turning the warmth in her skin to a fire, a tender ache that had her hips shifting with that confusing urge to get away while she held still to see what else he would do. Any time one of her ex-boyfriends had wanted to spank her, pin her down, wrap their hands around her throat — she’d encouraged them. Asked for it. It had taken sex to a whole new level with her. It was addictive.

  And Bryant was definitely addictive. She could feel the itch taking hold already as her pussy clenched, soaked, and she shifted on his lap trying to reach for more. Another fix, a new high.

  After another sharp spank, he paused, his hand rubbing over the heat in her skin that was pooling between her thighs. She became aware of her clenched fists, the soft moans she’d been making, the whimpers as she had pressed her face into the bedding. “Think you can handle it a little harder?” he asked, voice a purr of temptation.

  Phee arched her back in his lap. It was like he’d read her mind. “Yes. I promise I can.”

  “God, you’re hot.” He pinched her ass, the overly sensitive skin making her yelp. “So pretty and pink, but let’s see if we can make you crimson.”

  She cried out on his lap when he brought his hand down again. So much harder, so much sharper, her nerve endings singing and sending a tingling rush up her spine to make her mind fuzzy with all the colliding sensations. Her body jolted, tried to run, but he was too strong for that to happen. Bryant held her exactly where he wanted her, alternating between teasing strokes across her ass where his fingertips barely brushed between her thighs, and spanks that left bruising, hot handprints behind. She had no idea how many more there had been, the marks overlapping so many times that the heat in her skin was blistering, and the tops of her thighs were soaked from how wet she was. A whine slipped from her lips as she tried to pull away again, but Bryant yanked her back, his strength pinning her back down over his lap.

  “I’m not done with you. Be still.” A low growl that cranked up the liquid heat inside her until she was moaning against the bedding with the next hard series of spanks. Her mind blurred that ephemeral line between pleasure and pain until she couldn’t tell if she wanted to ask him to stop, or actually go harder. The whirlpool was bottomless, and she was caught in it, caught in Bryant Holbrook’s grip, powerless and far from her forest of trees. Then his hand slipped between her thighs, palm hot against her skin, cupping her mound with another teasing, too-gentle touch. She whined, and, finally, he brushed her clit. Rubbing as she moaned loudly and tried to shift on his lap again, but he held her firm.

  “Please, please!” The words were out of her mouth before she’d thought about them and he chuckled, low and dark, above her. Then he slipped two fingers inside and she cried out.

  “Beg me again, Phee.”

  “Bryant…” Phee groaned, panting against the bedding as he teased her mercilessly. His fingers curling down to brush against that bundle of nerves inside as his thumb pressed rhythmically over her clit. Continuing until she was gritting her teeth to hold back the flood of pleas that threatened to escape.

  “Either beg me for what you want, or I’ll tie you up and make sure you don’t come all night.” Bryant’s threat made Phee’s mouth drop open, but before she could come up with something smart ass to say he slid a third finger inside her, pumping them in a vicious tease that had her shivering towards the edge of a glorious orgasm.

  “Oh God… Bryant!” Phee bucked against his grip, but he refused to let her move, and so she finally gave in. Let go and let the tug of the whirlpool drag her down. “Please, Bryant, please fuck me, because I’m going to lose it if you don’t. Please, please—”

  Bryant pushed her off his lap and onto her back, and then he was on top of her, his knees moving her thighs apart as she arched up against his chest. “You beg so well, Phee,” he purred, hips dropping between hers, and she was infuriated by the fabric separating them as he ground himself against her.

  “Bryant! Please!” Phee reached down and tugged at the waist of his boxers, and he laughed against her skin as he kissed up her neck.

  “So, you’re saying you want me?” Bryant grinned at her and grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head.

  “Yes! I want you, please, Bryant,” Phee begged, the whine in her voice obvious as she rolled her hips to try and get more contact, to try and get him to give in. Damn his self-control.

  “All you had to do was ask.” He kissed her hard, biting her lip and devouring her mouth in a delirious rush that finally gave her a hint that he felt the same way she did. Lifting her hips, she moaned against his lips, desperate to feel him inside her. Breaking the kiss with a groan, he twisted to grab a condom from the bedside table and she immediately reached for his boxers. Bryant went still, grinning down at her. “Did I say you could move your hands, Phee?”

  Whining, she returned them above her head, and it was torture to watch as he slid two fingers into his mouth. Tasting her like he had all the time in the world as the condom hung in his other hand, and his cock stayed trapped behind dark cloth. Lifting her hips into the air, she was reassured by the way Bryant’s gaze burned down her body to focus between her legs. “Please, Bryant. Please…”

  “You taste so good.” That cocky smile tilted his lips and he gripped himself through his boxers, stroking as he lifted the foil of the condom to his mouth and tore the edge. “Are you going to be a good girl for me?”

  “Yes, I will, I swear!” All pride out the window, she clenched the bedding in her fingers so she wouldn’t move.

  “Next time I’m going to tie you up just so I can watch you writhe like this.” It was a promise she hoped he’d keep, but then none of it mattered because he was pushing his boxers down. He was long, thick, and she wanted to taste him, but didn’t dare move
and tempt him to drag this out any further. He rolled the condom on slowly as he leaned over her. “Spread your legs for me,” he commanded and she did.

  “Bryant,” she whispered, and then he was kissing her. One of his hands enveloped her wrists, tightening to hold them in place as she moaned against his lips, his cock brushing against her in a tortuous tease. She lifted her hips, pleading in broken murmurs, before he finally thrust inside her.

  It was like hitting the ocean floor, the whirlpool an endless height above her, and she arched hard off the bed. He growled his own pleasure, hand tightening the grip on her wrists as he started to move. Each thrust pushing her closer to that tenuous edge of sharp pleasure, and an endless stream of pleas slipped from her lips as he moved his mouth to her neck and trailed kisses down to her shoulder. “That’s right, beg me for it,” he growled, snapping his hips to meet hers. She was so wet, so wound up, riding the high of endorphins from being held over his lap, spanked and teased. “Beg,” he repeated.

  “Please, oh fuck, please, Bryant. PLEASE!” Lightning crashed inside her, the ocean becoming a storm around her, and the whirlpool started to collapse above her as he bit her shoulder and she was tossed into an orgasm that had her screaming his name. Lights popped behind her eyes, spine tightening as ecstasy flooded her muscles, keeping them locked so tight that she could barely breathe. Through the haze of pleasure that stole the air from her lungs, he kissed her again, his mouth conquering hers as he fucked her through the orgasm.

  “Bryant!” she gasped when the kiss broke, tugging at his grip on her wrists because she wanted to touch him, but he didn’t allow it.

  “I love the way you sound when you come,” he growled against her ear, slamming deeper as the world tried to right itself, but there was no way. Not with his lips on her skin, his cock stretching and filling her, every hard edge of his body holding her exactly where he wanted her. It was intoxicating. He was perfect, and she couldn’t even respond as he released her wrists to grab one of her legs. Bending her knee towards her chest, he braced his hands on the bed and she watched as his muscles stretched and then tightened to thrust even deeper in the new position. Her eyes rolled back as the rush of heat coiled around her spine, making her whimper and beg. She would have said anything, done anything, to continue, but he only wanted one thing from her. “I want to hear it again, come for me.”


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