Jane Millionaire

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Jane Millionaire Page 13

by Janice Lynn

“Yep, but that’s not all.” Jeff launched into more tales of his adventures at the daycare. Jill laughed so hard her stomach hurt. Which seemed appropriate as her chest ached from longing to picnic with Rob. To lie on this itchy blanket and spend hours talking with him. Then hours making love with him.

  Her breath caught at the image of her and Rob tangled together under the moonlight sans cameras and crew.

  She snuck a glance and caught a deep scowl on his face. There would be no moonlight picnics between she and Rob in her future.

  With a heartfelt sadness, she faced Jeff, listening to his tales. She laughed again, although the sound came out a tad high pitched.

  Chapter Ten

  God had sent Jane to torture him. That had to be the explanation for why she kept sneaking glances at him.

  Of course, one might argue that he deserved his current state of torment since he’d booted JP and insisted upon supervising the filming of Jeff and Jane’s date.

  What had he been thinking?

  That the crew would hear him this time if he yelled cut?

  And there for a few seconds he’d almost expected Jane to lean over and kiss Dr. Doolittle. He’d seen the curiosity in her eyes.

  And instead of having the cameraman to zoom in, he’d hacked like a hyena with pneumonia.

  “Boss, I think we’ve got it from here, if you want to go back to the castle,” one of the cameramen offered.

  Hell no. “Uhm, I’m fine. Thanks.”

  The man shrugged. “Just thought I’d offer since you’ve got that nasty cough.”

  Rob rolled his eyes and pointed for the man to record Jane and Kensington. “Pay attention to them. Not me.”

  Cause they’d definitely missed something while the man had Rob’s attention. Jane now leaned forward and brushed her napkin at the corner of Kensington’s mouth.

  “There.” Jane patted the drop of sauce from Kensington’s lips, and then dropped her napkin onto the spread blanket.

  The blanket he’d swapped for the nice plush one originally provided for their picnic.

  “I think I’ve got it.”

  “Thanks. I’d have had barbecue sauce on my face all evening. That probably wasn’t a great choice for a picnic.”

  Jill smiled and patted her stomach appreciatively. “It was delicious.”

  “Thanks. I brought strawberries and chocolate syrup for dessert.” He pulled out two more containers from the basket. Rob frowned. How had he gotten all that stuff into that basket? Next thing you know, he’d be pulling out a violinist for mood music.

  On cue, the sound of crickets chirping filled the air.

  Well, hell. Even Mother Nature wanted these two together.

  He turned to the cameraman. “I’ve changed my mind. I’ll be in my suite, as I’m not needed here. Just carry on without me however you see fit.”

  Jane certainly seemed to be doing just fine as she was.

  Damn it.

  # # #

  “What do you think about Kensington’s date?” JP asked the elegant blonde who appeared much as a bird trapped in a cage. Why she had insisted on staying at the castle when it meant not leaving the west wing he’d never understand. Only on a few occasions had she left the castle and then only for short periods of time.

  Well, maybe he did now that he’d started putting pieces of the puzzle together.

  “I do not think about it one way or the other.”

  She lied. He’d made a point to show up during the date just to catch her reaction to Jane and Kensington. That’s why he’d let Rob talk him into accompanying the couple in the first place. Otherwise, he’d never have willingly let Rob go on that outing.

  “You’re the woman Kensington met in Central America, aren’t you?”

  Her gaze lifted. “Why would you ask?”

  “Because it’s the only thing that makes any sense.” JP shrugged. “You know the network had to donate a hefty sum to his mission work to convince him to agree to come on this show? Then someone let your name slip and the report is he started packing his bags quicker than you can say undercover princess.”

  “He did this?” Her eyes glimmered with interest.

  Oh yeah, she’d been playing clandestine princess long before Jane Millionaire came on the scene.

  “Yes.” JP twirled his cigar, wishing he could light the Cuban and take a deep puff. Isabella would have a fit if she knew he’d had more than one puff in his suite and again on the rare occasion in the studio. Still, what the princess didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. “Why do you think hearing about Princess Isabella Jane Strovanik would put the good doctor into a tail spin?”

  “Perhaps he is a man who is excited at the prospect of spending time with royalty.” But she gave herself away by uncharacteristically clenching her hands.

  “Or maybe he thought Izzy Strover, who just happened to be from the same small European country, was really an undercover princess?”

  Her distressed gaze lifted to his.

  “You truly believe he came expecting to find me?” She shook her head and walked across the room. “Why would he think that? I have not seen or spoken to Jeff in over a year.”

  Did she realize what she was admitting?

  “Too much time has past since I volunteered incognito at the clinic he operates in Central America.”

  “Obviously he made an impression on you that withstood however much time has passed. Why shouldn’t you have made just as lasting an impression?”

  She visibly considered his suggestion.

  “Perhaps if my father had not fallen ill.” Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath before continuing. “Perhaps had he not passed on to his creator, things could have been different. However, King George has died and I have obligations to meet. Whether or not, Jeff came here looking for a woman he thought he knew is of no matter. That woman was as much a fraud as the one he currently dines with.” She sighed, staring at the couple on the screen. “I should not have summoned him into this deception I have created within my home.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I think it does matter. A great deal.” JP stuck the cigar back into his shirt pocket and leaned forward. “Why don’t you tell me all about it?”

  # # #

  Four days had passed since Jill’s date with Jeff. Four days in which she’d spent almost all her waking time with the bachelors and had barely seen Rob.

  Was he hiding from her?

  She truly believed he was, which she should be grateful for. So why was she currently in the studio hoping to at least see him for a few minutes? Torture though it was to be so close and yet so far away.

  From the night of her date with Jeff, Rob had accompanied the remaining bachelors as they worked their shift at a local daycare. Meanwhile, Jill spent one-on-one time with whoever remained at the castle. JP had told her that they’d arranged for three men to teach twenty three-year-olds for four hours each and were capturing it on film--all in the name of finding out what kind of fathers the bachelors might make. The children had been hired to create as much havoc as possible for each group--and from all reports they had. No wonder she’d cracked up when Jeff had recounted some of the kids’ stunts from their daycare experience.

  She found herself gravitating more and more toward Jeff. Several of the bachelors were great guys--or seemed to be. But of her options, Jeff interested her the most. Unfortunately, he didn’t make her body throb with just a look, but that response remained limited to one man.

  Rob. He’d stolen her breath during his host gig. He’d been wearing his tuxedo and no man had ever looked finer. He’d glanced at her and smiled at all the appropriate times, but his eyes had never met hers. She’d meant to say hi, to find some excuse to accidentally touch him, to see if he still sent electrical shocks with each graze of his skin against hers. But the gutless man disappeared off the set faster than she could blink.

  Oh yeah, he was avoiding her all right.

  She should be grateful and not think him a coward.

nbsp; But she wasn’t and she did.

  She’d not been sorry when bachelor #3, 7, and 9 had gotten booted from the show. Although, she admitted their obvious disappointment had stung. And two more bachelors would be booted during the next show. JP had told her she’d be sliding Rolex watches onto the wrists of the remaining seven men. The only Rolexes she’d ever touched had been hot or knock-offs.

  If Jeff, or even Bachelor #6, Steve, got booted, she didn’t know what she’d do. She’d really come to enjoy their company. They both sort of reminded her of Dan.

  She’d been willing to settle for a passionless relationship once, why not now?

  But she knew the answer.

  She glanced futilely around the empty studio one last time. Where was Rob? He wasn’t in any of the main areas or the exercise room. She’d hoped to catch at least a glimpse of him today, but so far zilch.

  She eyed the fancy computer equipment with all the monitors. Hmmm, maybe she could find him via the cameras stationed throughout the estate. She’d sat with Rob often enough before the bachelors arrived she should be able to figure out how to operate the system. The cameras were always on, recording. All she’d have to do is figure out how to flip through them and she would know where Rob was hiding.

  “Looking for someone?” JP’s question caused her to jump just as she reached the well-worn chair where Rob often sat.

  “Oh. You startled me.” Did she look as guilty as she felt?

  “Not who you were expecting?” The older man’s face told her he knew exactly who she’d hoped to find in the studio. Was she that obvious about her feelings for Rob?

  “I wasn’t looking for anyone in particular, but I did have a question.” Okay, she was covering and had the feeling they both knew it. She glanced at the monitors and thought fast. “There are cameras everywhere. Including my bedroom. I was wondering, just how much privacy do I have? Gregory told me there were no cameras in any of the bathrooms because of some kind of privacy act. Is that true?”

  “Yes.” JP appeared amused. “Nothing that goes on in any bathroom is recorded in any form. Thank God.” He grinned. “That’s why Gregory informed you to always change in your bathroom rather than your bedroom. No free peep shows for whoever edits the film.”

  “No sound?”

  “Not unless you’re wearing a mike at the time.”

  Oh, she’d have to remember that. Just in case.

  “Planning on needing some privacy?” he teased.

  “Well, a girl does need some time to herself. Besides, it’s nice to know that if I need to escape for a few hours all I have to do is take a long bubble bath.”

  Instantly the image of being ensconced between Rob’s legs in the large tub popped into her head. He could scrub her back. Then she’d do his. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block the images of where all that back washing might lead.

  “Thinking about taking a long soak?”

  She opened her eyes and met JP’s amused gaze. “Something like that.”

  He laughed, wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her to one of two sofas in the room. “Tell me, Jane. If you had to choose at this very moment, who would you pick?”

  “Is this for the record?” she asked as they sat on the closer of the two flowery couches that had been set up for the crew to use.

  JP propped his feet up on the sturdy wooden table angled between the sofas before he answered. “Does it make a difference?”

  “I guess not,” she admitted. “Steve or Jeff.”

  “Why Steve?”

  “Because he can laugh at himself.” She pushed a strand of hair back. “He doesn’t seem to take life too seriously, which is amazing in and of itself with his background. He works as a private investigator in Texas and is ex-military. He didn’t give in to the urge to try to dominate me during our basketball game, and I think he could have won had that been his objective. He’s fun, intelligent, athletic and knows how to take care of himself without being overbearing. In real life, we have a lot in common.”

  JP nodded, as if pleased with her answer. “And the good doctor?”

  She shrugged again. She’d felt a connection to Jeff from that first dance they’d shared. “Jeff’s an amazingly generous man. I like him a great deal.”


  “He’s a wonderful man.” Even if his kiss appealed about as much as a desk job. Why couldn’t he kiss like Rob? For that matter, why couldn’t he just be Rob? Or Rob just be one of the bachelors?

  “But?” JP asked when she didn’t elaborate on her feelings regarding Jeff.

  “I can’t figure out why he’s here. He says he needed a break from his mission work, to meet someone and forego formalities because he’s ready to marry and doesn’t have time for a normal courtship.”

  “And what part of that can’t you figure out?”

  “Why he’s really here. He thought I was someone else and I think that’s the only reason he’s here.” She pulled her knees up to her and wrapped her arms around them as she continued. “He’s gorgeous, smart, witty, and fun to be with. My date with him was dreamy and super romantic.”

  Or would have been had he been the right man and said right man hadn’t crashed the party to remind her continuously that she was with the wrong guy.

  “Why would he go this route to look for a bride? Why would any man?”

  “Adventure? Giving in to an impulse? Fame? Who knows what triggered these guys into signing away a month of their lives?” JP pulled a cigar from his shirt pocket and stuck it in his mouth without lighting it. “Why did you?”

  She should have seen that one coming.

  “I was ready for a change.” True, although she hadn’t known it when she’d flown out of California. She’d thought her life was almost perfect, except for her breakup with Dan and Jessie’s escapades. But, she’d been deceiving herself. She’d been lonely even while surrounded by family and friends. “How long have you known Rob?”

  Oops. Where had that question come from? She eyed JP’s cigar with disgust, but gratitude that he hadn’t lit it. Such a nasty habit, similar to her always having to ask questions she had absolutely no business asking. She squeezed her knees tighter. Nasty habit, indeed.

  “Since he was fifteen.”

  “You knew his wife?” She straightened into an upright position as she stared at JP.

  His mouth fell open and the cigar dangled precariously from his lips. “He told you about Mandy?”

  “He mentioned her,” she admitted, thinking she really needed to learn to keep her mouth shut. “I’m sure it’s on tape around here somewhere.”

  Sometimes she forgot everything was being recorded. Like right now. Although she’d searched for a camera, she never had figured out if the studio was a camera safe zone or not. But she’d dealt with enough high tech surveillance equipment to know that even something that looked like a simple fountain pen could record. It was highly possible that Rob could watch this later. Ugh.

  “Mandy was an older woman who dazzled Rob during an impressionable period of his life. He’d just hit stardom in the box offices. She swept in and had him chained to her faster than you could blink an eye.”

  “She was older than him?”

  “By a few years. Rob was barely eighteen when they married. Mandy had a few films to her credit, but wasn’t the instant success Rob was in front of the camera. Or behind the camera, for that matter. She was a beauty, I’ll give her that. Still is, but if she’d been as smart as many gave her credit for, she’d have hung onto her marriage to Rob.”

  “What happened?” Yep, her propensity to ask questions that were known of her business was one heck of a bad habit. She could have bit her tongue, but JP didn’t look irritated that she’d asked.

  He considered her with his unusually light blue eyes before he answered her with slow deliberation. “Rob’s ex wanted things he wasn’t able to provide at the time.”

  “Funny,” Jill mused, letting JP’s response soak in. “That’s pract
ically what Rob said word for word.”

  Not-so-shameful guilt plastered itself onto JP’s face. Jill’s eyes widened and she play punched him. “You sly dog, you.”

  The sofa springs groaned beneath JP’s laughter. “Well, someone has to edit the tapes.”

  # # #

  Rob stopped halfway through the studio doorway. Fifteen feet in front of him, Jane and JP huddled on one of the overstuffed sofas.

  Jealousy slapped him in the face.

  What were they doing? Why was Jane smiling pretty as you please? She hadn’t smiled at him in over a week.

  As much as it pained him to admit it, he missed her. For that matter, how could you miss someone who was everywhere you looked? Who was the entire focus of your work?

  And how could he be jealous of a man twice his age? One he respected and trusted with his life?

  Stupid. JP might be a big flirt, but he was harmless where Jane was concerned. JP’s career ranked first in his life, always had, always would; just ask any of his ex-wives.

  But Rob wasn’t so sure about himself. Not anymore. He hadn’t questioned his lifestyle until recently, and now that he had, he couldn’t say he was satisfied. He had an expensive house filled with expensive toys. A big house. A big lonely house.

  Was that why it never bothered him to be gone for months at a time on a shoot? Because when it came down to it, he had nothing to go home to except an empty mansion in Beverly Hills?

  He didn’t like the thought any more than he liked how cozy JP and Jane looked. He popped his neck from side-to-side, hoping to ease some of the tension knotting there.

  Both JP and Jane turned at the cracking sound, as he’d known they would.

  “Rob.” She jumped to her feet. She wore casual clothing, jeans and a clingy dark green knit shirt. He couldn’t help but notice how her breasts gently bounced with her quick movements.

  He forced his gaze to her face and his mind from thoughts of peeling her clothes from her body. Not that he couldn’t still see the image plastered in his mind.

  JP’s eyes narrowed, suspiciously. “There you are. Have a good shoot?”

  Had the old man known he stood in the doorway?


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