Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection

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Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection Page 4

by Sierra Chambers

  She found Allett sitting at the kitchen bench, looking distracted as he pushed his breakfast around his plate. He wasn’t eating any.

  “Good morning,” Talia said brightly, giving him a peck on the cheek.

  Allett raised head and smiled at her, though it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  He sighed. “Berrell’s coming tomorrow to take you away. You have to go back to the science center.”

  Talia felt her heart begin to race, and a ringing sound filled her ears. Surely not. In the past few weeks, she had come to assume that he would save her- that she would live with him, pleasuring him and loving him and raising his children.

  He had showed genuine affection for her- surely he wouldn’t let them take her and make her into a breeding whore again!

  Her mind flashed back to her first client. She felt ashamed of the pleasurable tingling in her pussy as she remembered the primitive, animalistic way the bald alien had fucked her. I’m such a slut, she thought. She sighed, trying to banish those thoughts away.

  She was unsuccessful. Even though she did want to live with Allett, a small part of her was curious to find out who her next client would be.

  Would he be strong, like Allett, or have thin, wiry arms and legs like her first client? Would he speak English, or just grunt at her? How big would his cocks be? Was it possible for the aliens to have a different number of cocks? Maybe one of them would have three. Her nipples hardened at the thought of being triple penetrated.

  Allett tenderly brushed his fingers against her cheek, cradling her face and forcing her to look up - to look him in the eyes.

  “I’ll get you back. I’ll find a way,” he promised her.

  Taken by Aliens 3: Release the Monsters

  Talia felt like she might die out of pure boredom. For all their grandeur, the four walls of her room in the research facility felt like a prison cell. And with good reason: they were.

  She wasn't allowed to leave, and she had had no visitors.

  It had been almost a month since she had seen Allett. In the early days, she had held a hope that he would come for her, yet that hope had soon faded.

  A few weeks ago, somebody had slipped a letter under her door in the middle of the night. Talia suspected that it might be from Allett, but she couldn't understand his strange alien language.

  It had looked like hieroglyphics. She could have asked one of the workers at the research facility to read it to her, but something held her back.

  It had been given to her so covertly, that she wondered if something very secret was inside it.

  No, she decided. It was best to keep it to herself.

  The letter was now hidden in the back of her wardrobe, behind a loose plank of wood that she had pried up.

  As she lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, she was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't notice Berrell at the door. He was watching her with those strange black Yarunian eyes.

  She smiled at him. "Hi, Berrell," she said.

  She had grown increasingly fond of the strange little English-speaking alien.

  She wondered if she had Stockholm Syndrome. There was no reason she should like him - he was, after all, prostituting her out to aliens in order for them to breed her - but she couldn't help it.

  He smiled back. "Talia. How are you doing today?"

  Talia frowned. "It's so boring in here," she complained. "I've been here for a month and haven't spoken to anyone in all that time. Except for that handmaid that you keep on sending in. And she doesn't even speak English!"

  He furrowed his brow. "I'm sorry that you are unhappy. Maybe you will be pleased to hear that I am going to send you out again shortly."

  Talia didn't know if the was pleased by that or not. If her new client was similar to Allett, it would be quite enjoyable.

  She missed his friendly talks with her, his passionate kisses, his big house full of weird and wonderful alien technology.

  But she doubted that all Yarunians were like the alien prince. "Who am I to see now?" she asked.

  Berrell hesitated. "Well, you see, it's not quite as simple as that."

  Uh oh, thought Talia.

  "You’re quickly becoming one of our top performing human women," Berrell explained. "You've had two litters of Yarunian children, each with a different man. Around 40 children in total, and all of the children from both of your litters are displaying signs of having special powers. A 100% success rate is extremely rare. In fact, I don't believe that it's ever happened before. This is why we’ve chosen you for a new project.”

  “Oh,” said Talia cautiously. “What sort of new project?”

  “We want to see if the results are transferable. If you breed with other alien species, not Yarunians, will those offspring have special powers too?” Berrell became animated as he talked, clearly excited by the prospect.

  "Think of the potential! We can further the genetic lines of our allies! We can win alliances by promising the leaders of other planets your company, so they can have super-powered children. We could even breed you with primitive alien species and develop easily controlled, super aliens. We could win wars and build our defense force. The Yarunians will never be threatened again!"

  "Oh," Talia said, feeling overwhelmed. It was a lot to take in.

  She was to be passed around and used as a breeding whore by countless aliens, all of different species.

  But they would be nice to her - they'd have to be, right? After all, she was being chosen because of how special she was. Yes, she would be treated well.

  And fucked by countless alien kings and presidents of different species? It sounded thrilling. What an interesting life she would lead. After all, it takes a reasonably advanced species to elect a leader and be able to negotiate with other species of alien. They would likely be educated, like Allett. It was likely that most of them would be able to communicate her.

  The thought of getting to know more kind aliens like Allett was not bad at all.

  She may be able to influence policy. Or make powerful friends. Or even just write a fantastic memoir about her life meeting all these important alien men.

  The Yarunians had two cocks. She wondered what differences these other aliens would have. Maybe long, flexible tongues? Or tentacles that could fill all of her holes at once?

  The thought of being a treasured whore sounded quite tempting to Talia. Her entire life would be a big mystery, waiting to discover the next sexual adventure that awaited her.

  She even found her panties beginning to get damp.

  Yarunians had a very good sense of smell. "I see you're not repulsed by the idea," Berrell said, grinning.

  He hesitated, examining her face. “I want you to have reasonable expectations about what’s going to happen,” he began. “The Yarunians are quite humanoid. We share a common ancestor, after all. When you fuck your Yarunian clients it’s quite similar to mating with a fellow human. From now on, this will not always be the case.

  Some of your clients may be quite different looking, with mating habits you are not accustomed to. Please, try not to show any surprise. This will make them angry. They know the punishment for hurting you, but some of them have quite bad tempers.

  "Okay," said Talia. "Where am I going?"

  "Well... the first planet we're going to may not be much fun for you," he admitted.

  "We're going to a planet called Jax. Jax is famous for its fighting pits. People travel there from all across the galaxy to watch strong alien warriors fight each other. The crowd loves violence. But even more than that, they love sex. In between the fights, there are often half time shows, where females will dance and fuck in front of the crowd. The crowd loves it." Berrell's face was tight and his lips were in a thin straight line.

  He was clearly expecting an explosive reaction. He didn't get it.

  "I'm supposed to have sex with an audience?" Talia shrugged, unconcerned. She had never been shy. And that was before being abducted by
aliens and forced into breeding with them. Dozens of people had seen her get fucked and give birth. Why would it matter if even more people did? Truth be told, the thought of all those eyes on her in the throes of passion actually turned her on a little bit.

  "So, who am I to be performing with?" she asked.

  Berrell winced. "That's the other thing," he said. "Humans are so rare that the producers begged us to make you a bigger part of the event. So you won't actually have a designated partner. You will be in the fighting pit while the warriors are attacking each other, and you will be the prize for each round. In between rounds, you'll be cleaned up, and then sent back in to pleasure the next champion."

  Talia felt a rush of pleasure to her core at that thought. The idea of strong alien warriors fighting over her aroused her. She liked the idea of being fucked by champions.

  "But I thought the whole reason for my popularity was that I was good to have children with," she said. "How can that work, if I'm to fuck many aliens on the same day?"

  "Even without that, you're still a rarity. That makes you desirable," he explained. "And they're fighting for two things - the right to fuck you, and the chance that you will bear their children. You've already proven your fertility. Chances are you'll become pregnant by one of them. We'll stay on this planet while the baby grows inside your stomach, and when it comes out we'll be able to tell who the father is. After we've performed tests on the offspring to check for superpowers, the father will take custody."

  Talia was surprised at how much she loved the plan. The thought of being desired by the best warriors in the universe made her wet. To be taken by the fighters in front of cheering crowds, having thousands of eyes on her as she reached her climax... she shivered wantonly.

  "So... when does the tournament begin?" she asked, grinning.

  Talia looked around the arena with wide eyes, trying to take it all in.

  The fighting pit and audience stands were both huge. They reminded her of a football stadium - there was even a big screen off to one side. It was blank at the moment, but she knew that it would show the game once things began.

  Berrell had told her that the fights were also recorded and broadcast across the galaxy, to be watched by billions of aliens.

  The idea of billions of people watching her have sex filled her with both anticipation and nervousness.

  Commentators babbled in a weird sounding language over a loudspeaker system while aliens began making their way into the stands.

  Talia was sitting in the fighting pit, as close to the edge as possible. The competitors hadn't come out yet, and so she was the only one in the pit.

  She could feel thousands of eyes on her, and she looked up into the audience. She could see the crowd murmuring and whispering as they looked at her with undisguised fascination. Most of them had probably never seen a human being before.

  For today's fights, she was a big part of the attraction. Berrell had told her that seats had gone for around double their normal price, and it was mainly due to her.

  She fidgeted in the white dress she had been given to wear. It was beautiful - it supported her breasts in a way that made them look even bigger than they naturally were. Intricate golden bands hung from her wrists, and another around her stomach. She felt like a goddess. It was a ridiculously uncomfortable outfit, though.

  The commentators began to speak louder and more excitedly, and the cheers of the crowd became deafening. It was about to begin.

  There were two tunnels - one at each end of the fighting pit. One competitor was to come out of each tunnel.

  When Talia saw the first competitor of the first round brought into the ring, she began to regret her eagerness. It was hideous. The strange alien monster walked on all four legs. Its front legs had savage looking hooks protruding out the end of them.

  The creature had a severe overbite, giving her a perfect view of all its yellowed, wickedly sharp teeth.

  Its ears were long and pointed, and a pair of horns stuck out of its head. Its flesh was a tan color, except for its back, which was covered in black spots and long, coarse hairs.

  Its eyes were a strange swirl of red, orange and yellow, and they had an intelligence to them.

  This creature may look savage and simple, but Talia suspected that was far from the truth. Regardless, she didn't want to have sex with it.The sight of its dangerous claws, teeth and horns scared her. The alien looked like it would fuck her like a wild animal, and she thought she might get hurt.

  She tuned out the roars and cheers from the crowd, turning her head around as she tried to figure out where the other competitor would emerge from. She prayed that it would look like a more civilized alien, and that it would be strong enough to defeat the hairy, animal-like alien.

  She breathed a sigh of relief when the second figure emerged. He was humanoid in appearance, at least. Two arms, two legs. One tail too, but she wouldn't focus on that. It skin was a deep red color. Its flesh was strange - it looked as if it were stacked in layers.

  His head was bald and was more ovoid in shape than a normal human head would be.

  The fighting began. The red alien assumed a defensive pose, whilst the animal alien ran straight towards him, teeth gnashing.

  The red alien darted out of the way but wasn't quick enough to escape the slashing claws of the alien. He howled in pain, and a strange white substance began to drip out of his wounds as the creatures continued to fight.

  The animalistic monster began to bellow whilst quickly darting around his opponent. His eyes were wild and crazy, and his claws slashed the air in front of him indiscriminately. The aim was clearly to terrify the red alien.

  Talia didn't know if it was working or not, but it was certainly working on her. Frozen in fear, she felt a genuine thrill of terror at the prospect of being fucked by that savage monster.

  It looked like he was going to win, too, she thought fretfully.

  All of a sudden, the red monster's tail wrapped around the animal alien's body with surprising strength and speed. The animal alien began to gasp for air, and he yelled out a single word.

  The crowd cheered, and the red alien dropped the other alien from his grasp. The animal alien had surrendered. Talia breathed a sigh of relief.

  The victor turned towards her, ready to claim his prize. He approached her, ripping off the light armor he had been wearing, exposing an erect, plum-colored cock.

  The crowd went wild.

  Talia looked up and saw herself on the big television screen.

  There were thousands of aliens in the stadium, and all eyes were on her, either in the flesh or on the screen.

  This day was a once in a lifetime opportunity. How many times do you get to have sex with an alien on camera while thousands of other aliens watch?

  His skin had looked slimy from far away, but as she trailed her fingers down his chest curiously she discovered that it felt much softer - almost like suede.

  The crowd began whistling and cheering, obviously pleased with her willingness to be an active participant.

  Talia found herself becoming aroused by their enthusiasm.

  She wanted to get fucked as much as they wanted her to get fucked. She wasn't scared of the alien. Apart from the color and feel of his skin, and his strangely shaped oval head, he quite similar to a human.

  She ripped off the dress that she had been given and bent down on all fours, exposing her wet cunt to the alien.

  The audience cheered at her brazenness, and the alien rubbed his cock teasingly against her pussy.

  There had been no foreplay, but Talia was so wet that it didn’t matter. Watching the two aliens fight, knowing they were fighting over the right to fuck her had made her very horny.

  As he lined himself up at her entrance, she watched the crowd.

  She could see the faces of the aliens in the first few rows. They were all watching her. Some were smiling, others had their mouths slightly agape.

  As the red alien shoved his length inside her wait
ing cunt, some of the crowd moaned. The alien began roughly pounding in and out of her pussy. Most of the crowd was completely silent. The silence was strange, after all the yelling and cheering that had gone on during the actual fight.

  The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed around the arena with each of the alien's thrusts.

  It was playing over the loudspeaker, too.

  Talia looked at the big screen again and moaned at the sight. The image on the screen was a close-up shot of the alien's long, veiny dick entering her pussy.

  She watched for a few moments and felt her orgasm build. There was something very erotic about watching what was happening to her in real time, from such an unusual angle.

  She looked back to the crowd. Some of them were masturbating now. She could even see a few horny couples fucking as they watched the show.

  One female alien with blue skin in the front row was straddling a man in his seat, and bouncing up and down on his cock.

  Another female alien, this one with purple skin and three eyes, was bent over the seat in front of her and being fucked from behind.

  This position left her head very close to the head of an alien with several tentacles instead of arms who was sitting in the row in front of her. As Talia watched, the tentacled man turned towards the orgasming alien and began to passionately kiss her.

  Talia was transfixed by the erotic sight in front of her, and as she watched the beautiful's face contort in ecstasy she felt her own orgasm quickly approaching.

  She reached a finger between her legs and began stroking her sensitive bundle of nerves as she watched the aliens fuck.

  Meanwhile behind her, the red alien continued his relentless thrusting into her cunt.

  Some sections of the stadium stands were having orgies now.

  Talia saw one alien being penetrated by two cocks at once and a wave of jealousy washed over her, quickly followed by lust and pleasure.

  Talia screamed loudly as she climaxed, her breathing becoming heavy. Her pussy clenched around the alien's cock. This seemed enough to set him off too.

  He grunted loudly, gripping her hips uncomfortably tightly as he unloaded his alien sperm inside her cunt, seeding her womb.


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