Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection

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Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection Page 8

by Sierra Chambers

  Talia swallowed down an angry retort at the casual insult, instead nodding her head coolly.

  Don’t get angry, Talia. Not yet. Wait. Plan, she thought to herself.

  “Oh,” Berrel said. “One more thing, before I go.” He reached into his pocket and withdrew a crumpled up piece of paper. “This is what awaits you if you fail your mission.”

  As he walked away, Talia unfolded the piece of paper curiously. She shuddered when the picture became visible.

  It was a photograph of a hideous monster. The beast was covered in scales, with ten long, curved claws on each of its three hands. Its teeth were even sharper than the claws, and hung out of the creatures mouth in a terrifying way.

  Hands trembling, she folded up the piece of paper and put it in her pocket. It strengthened her resolve to not fail in her mission. To do her best to succeed in her mission, no matter how much she disliked Berrel.


  The rest of the afternoon passed by in a blur. Talia had wandered around the vast hallways of the building, searching for something. For what exactly, she wasn’t sure. A way to complete her impossible task? A way to escape?

  She found neither. The building was impregnable, with flawless security. Nobody could get in without authorisation. And unfortunately for Talia, nobody could get out either.

  She headed to Berrel’s room. He wasn’t there, thankfully, but her cerulean colored ball gown was lying on his bed. She stripped down, removing her bra and underwear. She couldn’t wear anything underneath the dress, as the bodice of the dress was so tight that her bra strap would show.

  She supposed that she could’ve worn underwear if she wanted to, but she didn’t. There was something thrilling about going bare in a dress. of feeling the wetness between her legs every time the soft skin of her thighs brushed together.

  She stared at her naked body in the mirror. She had birthed several litters of alien children, but nobody would ever guess it by looking at her. Her smooth, tight skin showed no sign of how thoroughly her body had been fucked and used.

  She wondered whether her well-used cunt felt looser now. Probably. She had turned into a total whore, fucking any creature with a cock that she could. It made sense that the constant fuckings and birthings had stretched her pussy a little bit. It didn’t really matter though. She certainly hadn’t received any complaints. Besides, alien cocks tended to be larger than human cocks anyway. Outwardly, the only thing that seemed to have changed at all was the size of her breasts. She cupped one of them in her hand, lightly squeezing it.

  They were bigger. They used to be a perfect handful, but now she couldn’t quite fit her hand over the mound. She pressed them together, admiring them. They were quite impressive, she had to admit. They’d probably look great in the ball gown.

  She picked up the gingerly. The material felt so thin -it had the consistency of a tissue- that she was worried even handling it might tear it.

  She put the dress on and did some twirls in front of the mirror. She smiled happily, admiring the way the dress looked on her slender frame. She looked beautiful.

  She tied her hair up into a bun, some tendrils falling out and hanging down in loose curls. Once she was satisfied with the way her hair looked, she applied some make-up. One of the best things about alien technology was the make-up.

  She put on a strange clear powder that analyzed the skin, then changed color to flatter the person’s natural look in the best possible way. It matched her skin tone perfectly and gave her some blush on her cheeks.

  She eyed herself critically in the mirror. She looked lovely, but she looked pretty rather than sexy. She didn’t feel like a seductress. She felt like a princess.

  A frown creased her brow as she reached for the lipsticks. She couldn’t read the swirly alien writing on the tubes, so she had to open every single one to discover the color inside. She stopped at a bright red one. Yes. Perfect.

  She put it on, smiling in the mirror at the instant transformation. The harlot-red lipstick made every smile look suggestive, and drew attention to her perfect lips.

  She made her way back to the giant ballroom. Aliens were starting to arrive, milling about and chatting to each other. The ladies wore fantastic ball gowns that sparkled and subtly changed color as they sashayed from one place to another.

  Talia suddenly felt very inadequate in her plain blue gown.

  She wandered around the room, feeling lonely. She was the only one there who was alone. Everybody else was laughing and talking. She contemplated going up and talking to someone, and looked around the room.

  She saw three females, each of a different species, standing in a small circle and chatting to one another. They looked friendly. It would be nice to talk to another woman. She couldn’t remember the last time she had had a conversation with a creature that didn’t want to fuck her. She started to make her way over to them, but her doubts and insecurities froze her feet.

  What if they didn’t speak English? Would they get offended at her for assuming that they did? Would they reject her? Or laugh at her non-shimmering dress?

  Best not to. She quickly began walking in the other direction, over to the food table. She needed to have something in her hands. That would make her less conspicuous, and she could watch and figure out how to get past the barrier to the Emperor’s throne. She didn’t need to that yet, though - the Emperor hadn’t even arrived!

  She ran her eyes over the different colored drinks artistically arranged on the beverages table. Some were fizzing, and some were smoking, and others were fluoro colors.

  She picked up one that looked like water and took a large sip. She promptly spat out the foul-tasting liquid.

  Ugh! Not water.

  She stood by the table, drink in hand, and watched the party in front of her.

  By the time all the drinks on the table had been drunk, the Emperor still hadn’t made his entrance, and Talia was beginning to feel bored. Not even watching bizarre aliens could keep somebody entertained for hours.

  She breathed a sigh of relief as the lights lowered and drums began to play. Something was happening!

  The Emperor slowly made his way across the room, acknowledging the audience’s rapturous applause with an elegant wave of his hand.

  Talia craned her neck to get a better look at him, but it was difficult. The Emperor was surrounded by dozens of stern-faced bodyguards.

  She watched as they reached the barrier and passed right through it. They all wore identical amulets around their necks, covered in tiny sapphire blue stones.

  Those must be the key to getting through the barrier! Now all Talia had to do was figure out where to get them. She made her way through the crowd, keeping an eye out for people wearing the necklaces. When she was near the north-eastern corner of the room, she began to see more and more people with the special amulets.

  She glanced around, trying to find the source. Her gaze landed on twelve identical aliens positioned in a straight line. They were each standing twenty feet away from their neighbor.

  They were shirtless though they still wore bow ties, and wore black trousers looked great with their blue skin. Each of them was holding a clipboard.

  As she watched one of them, a purple-skinned alien approached one of the men. They spoke for a few seconds, and he consulted the list before reaching into his pocket and pulling out one of the blue necklaces.

  Talia felt a rush of triumph. She had found them! Now all she needed to do was get one.

  She watched the aliens, trying to figure out her next move, when one of them broke position. The alien handed his clipboard to one of the others and began to walk towards the ballroom door.

  She followed him. They reached the hallway. It was startling how quiet it was. Talia had grown accustomed to the constant din in the crowded ballroom. The hallway, by contrast, was almost completely empty. There was a lone guard, but he wasn’t paying attention. He had a tall, green-skinned alien pressed up against the wall and was grinding against her as she p
assionately kissed him.

  Talia decided this was a good time to confront the alien with the necklaces. After all, he could go back into the ballroom or slip out of sight at any moment.

  “Hi,” she said loudly.

  He jumped, startled.

  The kissing couple down the corridor paid her no attention as they continued to grope one another.

  The alien’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as he glared at Talia. “What do you want?” he asked in halting English.

  “Hi,” Talia said again. She smiled and took a step closer to him. “What is your name?”

  “Sorra,” he said.

  “I’m Talia,” she said, reaching out a hand to shake his. He didn’t meet her handshake, instead staring at her hand with a confused expression on his face.

  Oh. His people mustn’t do handshakes.

  She couldn’t just take her hand away. That would be weird.

  She hesitated for a moment, before bringing her hand forward to run it gently down his arm. She gave him a flirtatious smile.

  He shivered at her touch, but didn’t respond in any other way. He stared expectantly at her.

  Talia found herself wishing that she had thought up a plan before approaching the alien.

  Should she rob him or seduce him?

  The bulge in his pants answered her question.

  Talia had found that all men (including alien men) tended to be much more agreeable with her lips wrapped around their cocks.

  She had always loved giving blow jobs. She found there was something incredibly arousing about the fact that her touch alone had the power to bring men to orgasm. The ropes of cum that they would spurt into her mouth offered tangible proof that she was desirable (and a champion cocksucker).

  The fact that her sexual partners were now aliens from several different species added an extra element to the experience: the taste of jizz forced down her throat could now vary significantly.

  Talia had never minded the taste of human cum, but it was merely tolerable - certainly never delicious. Alien cum, on the other hand, was another thing entirely. Some of the aliens she had had sex with had such pleasant tasting cum that she would happily drink gallons of it. She would willingly suck them off not for their own pleasure, but for a taste of more of their delicious nectar.

  That’s not to say it always tasted good, of course. Some aliens had foul tasting jizz that she had to struggle to swallow down. However, that didn’t detract from the thrill of anticipation she felt every time she got the opportunity to suck alien dick.

  Talia sank to her knees, grateful for the plush carpet of the hallway. As she knelt in front of the confused alien, she yanked his pants down. His stiff cock sprung up to greet her, brushing against her nose.

  She wrapped her mouth around the dark blue cock, reveling in the grunt of surprised pleasure that the alien guard made.

  He quickly took control of the situation, gripping her hair and holding her head in place as he roughly fucked her mouth.

  She relaxed her throat, and his long shaft began to plunge deeper inside her oral cavity. He let himself get engulfed by her warm, wet mouth.

  He groaned lustfully as she reached a hand up and began gently massaging his ball sack. She felt it twitch in her hand as he emptied his balls into her mouth. Talia fought the urge to gag as the strange, citrus-tasting liquid ran down her throat.

  Ropes of cum continued to spray out of the tip of his cock. She swallowed three times, wondering how much more cum the alien could have.

  He grunted in satisfaction, running a hand through her hair. She looked up, and found him staring at her intensely. Talia made a show of licking her lips as she released his cock from her mouth.

  “What’s it like, being a guard?”

  “It’s okay, I suppose,” he said neutrally.

  Ugh, thought Talia. This is going to be tricky.

  “You must get all sorts of special privileges,” she prompted.

  He shrugged modestly. “A few, maybe.”

  “Like what?”

  “ I get to go into the Emperor’s inner circle and guard him for a while later on.” That's exciting.” He didn't sound excited.

  “How do you get past the barrier?” she asked innocently.

  Sorra pulled one of the necklaces out of his pocket. “These allow the wearer to pass through the barrier,” he explained to her.

  “Oh,” she exclaimed, pretending that she had never seen one before. She ran a finger gently across the smooth surface of the blue stone set within it. “It’s beautiful,” she murmured.

  “Part of my job is to give these to guests,” he said proudly.

  “Is that a hard job to get?”

  “It’s very prestigious. I was given the job because I speak over twenty different languages. It’s important to be able to communicate with as many guests as possible.”

  Talia was still kneeling on the hallway carpet, her head near Sorra’s exposed cock. Her knees were beginning to hurt, so she shifted her position slightly.

  “Would you be able to give one of the necklaces?” she asked.

  Sorra looked at her disbelievingly. “What? You want me to give you a necklace?”

  “Please,” she said, pouting slightly as she batted her eyelashes at him. She kissed the tip of his cock gently. “I’d really appreciate it.”

  “I could lose my job,” the guard stammered.

  “I wouldn’t tell anybody. It’d be our little secret,” she promised.

  The guard hesitated, and Talia knew he was wavering. She had won.

  She fought to keep a smirk off her face, but couldn’t quite manage.

  His face turned angry in a second. “You manipulative bitch,” he said, slapping her across the face.

  He pulled up his trousers, fumbling with the buttons. He gave her one last glare before storming away back to the ballroom, leaving Talia on her knees in the hallway. Her lips were still coated in his cum.

  He would likely warn the other guards about her, so she wouldn’t get a necklace from them either.


  Time for Plan B.


  After cleaning herself up, Talia walked back into the ballroom, being sure to stay far away from where Sorra was stationed.

  She looked around at the VIP guests that were wearing necklaces. She found that she was able to pick them before even focusing in on their neck. Physically, they couldn’t be more different - they were different heights, weights, skin colors and they all had a different number of limbs. They all had one thing in common - the way they walked with an air of self-importance and smugness.

  They were very important, and they knew it. Talia was struck by a wave of insecurity at the thought of talking to them as equals and their potential reactions to her. She was trying to figure out the best way to approach one of them when a man bumped into her.

  Talia’s heart skipped a beat. He was human! His skin was the same color as hers, and he was shirtless, revealing a sculpted and very human-looking chest. He was very handsome, with his hair dyed a bright shade of green that matched his piercing eyes perfectly.

  It was only on second glance that she noticed that his hair likely wasn’t dyed -his eyebrows matched his hair- and that he had three eyes. He was also wearing one of the necklaces. The color clashed terribly with his bright green button-down robe.

  He mumbled an apology in an alien language that she had never heard before, then he saw her face. His eyes lit up in recognition

  “You’re the girl from the fighting pits show,” he said. A long, reptilian tongue slithered out from his mouth, and he licked his lips while waggling his eyebrows at her.

  Talia fought to hide a shiver of revulsion that ran through her body. “Yes,” she said, winking at him. “Did you like my show?”

  He nodded enthusiastically. “Best episode there’s ever been,” he said. “You took those cocks like a pro. After I saw it I ordered my personal assistant to hire an earthling for me, but he couldn’t find any
for sale. You guys are quite rare, you know,” he said conversationally.

  She pouted at him. “Yet you didn’t try and hire me personally? I’m hurt,” she said playfully.

  “Oh, but I did! Your keeper… what’s his name? That strange Yarunian. Berry? No, Brandon. Wait... Belrol? Anyway, whatever his name was, he told me that you were fully booked for the next two years. I didn’t want to wait that long.”

  Talia blinked. Two years? She was fully booked for two years?

  It seemed like there was an endless line of cocks stretched out in front of her, all patiently waiting their turn to spill inside her.

  She felt herself getting wet at the thought, and her pussy clenched in anticipation. She felt the desire to have sex, to be filled, rush through her. Fortunately, she had a willing candidate right in front of her. And he had two things she needed: the other being his amulet. She’d probably get an opportunity to get that too.

  “Well, how would you like a turn now?” she purred.

  The alien raised his three eyebrows as he nodded eagerly.

  She led him out of the ballroom, to the same hallway where she had sucked the guard’s cock earlier.

  The couple that she had seen kissing earlier were gone, the only hint that they had ever been there a discarded hair ribbon.

  She and the three-eyed alien were all alone.

  His eyes had a hunger in them as he looked at her in anticipation.

  Talia reached forward, capturing his mouth in a deep kiss. As he wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her flush against him, she reached her arms around the back of his neck.

  As she began to grind her hips forward, rubbing against his erect member to distract him, she unclasped the amulet and discreetly tossed it away.

  It skidded along the floor, coming to rest behind a statue.

  She heaved a sigh of relief when the alien seemed none the wiser. She had done it. Now she could enjoy herself. It had been too long since she had been fucked.

  She brought her hands to his hair, running her fingers through the bright green locks. His hair was amazingly soft. She wondered what shampoo he used.


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