Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection

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Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection Page 14

by Sierra Chambers

  Humans had protested at first. There had been demonstrations, picket sign protesting, and people writing to Congress stating that they didn't want their planet overrun with foreigners. It didn't work.

  It had started off slowly - a few big companies underhandedly getting visas for alien workers due to the fact that they'd accept a lower salary than humans.

  Then it had been discovered how much stronger and more efficient most species of alien were. Humans had big brains, but that meant that they hadn't needed to evolve as much physically - they had just created tools to supplement their weaknesses.

  The end result was that they were now outmatched by many alien races in terms of strength.

  Soon enough, nearly every employer discriminated against humans. Immigration increased even more, and according to the latest census, the human population on earth was now approximately equal to the number of aliens on earth.

  Humans struggled to find jobs, with aliens being able to do most tasks better and with more efficiency.

  Humans were inferior in nearly every way, and the few jobs that they could do better than anybody else were completely flooded with applicants.

  One way that enterprising young women had found to get by was by renting out their bodies. Having a half-human baby was considered extremely desirable by many species of alien, due to the humans’ large brains and beautiful outward appearance. It was now a booming trade.

  Aliens traveled from across the universe to find a suitable young woman. Baby tourists, they were called.

  Jen had never thought that she would stoop so low, but after two years of job hunting, her savings were running out. A girl's gotta eat.

  So far, she had been pleasantly surprised at the process - she had expected a lot worse. The woman who owned the establishment was kind, and the building itself was comfortable, and filled with luxury furnishings.

  Inside the mansion were rooms just like the rooms one would find in a house, except for one thing- one of the walls was a giant one-way mirror, so that everybody walking down the corridor of the house could peer inside each of the rooms.

  The display room that Jen was sitting in now had a very comfortable seat, a plush white rug and a tray with food and drinks in case she should get hungry.

  There was a bookcase in the corner, and a fully-functioning teleprojector - with cable.

  She was supposed to just be herself, and ignore the fact that she was being ogled by hundreds of aliens as if she were a creature in a zoo.

  She was all alone in her room, but knew that dozens of other human women were in similar rooms in the building. This gave the alien customers choice. They could select a woman they liked the look of.

  Lost in thought, Jen gave a small start when the door to her room suddenly flew open.

  The Madam who owned the building stood there, her hair piled high in an elegant bun on top of her head.

  "This way, Jen. You have some potential customers who wish to speak with you," she said, briskly walking from the room.

  The alien couple were nothing like Jen had expected. For starters, the man and woman clearly came from different species of alien.

  The woman had a long, slim, giraffe-like neck that led to an oversized head. Her eyeballs were even more disproportionate - they were the size of tennis balls.

  In spite of these flaws, the alien woman somehow still managed to look attractive. Her dyed red hair clashed with her blue skin in such a shocking way that it drew attention away from her other odd features. Her fringe and hairstyle were immaculate, and her body was adorned in countless pieces of gold jewelery that clanked together as she breathed.

  Jen imagined that she might sound like an entire band when she walked. A terrible one.

  The hulking alien man was nearly twice as tall as his wife. He wore black pants that were loose, but still couldn’t fully conceal the impressive bulge in his pants. His chest was bare, revealing his ripped chest, and strange stone colored skin. She wondered how much time the alien spent lifting weights, and how much of it was genetics. He was built like a stone golem, and looked just as tough. The chair he was sitting on trembled beneath his weight. It was just a matter of time before the spindly legs of the chair snapped in two.

  She wondered how the mechanics of sex worked for the couple - he looked like he could easily crush the small woman by accident.

  Jen conjured up dirty images of the bulky man rapidly pumping his hips, shoving his huge cock deep inside the blue alien woman. Her jewelery would clank together, marking every thrust, and her already huge eyes would widen even further in pleasure as the big man showed her exactly what he was capable of.

  She forced her mind to focus on the task at hand. She had to try and impress this couple, not fantasize about them fucking.

  "Hello," Jen said, smiling warmly. "My name is Jen."

  The alien woman nodded her head. "Hello. I am Mali, and this is my husband, Stemp."

  Stemp waved at her, smiling happily.

  "It's lovely to meet you, Stemp and Mali. How long have you been on Earth for?"

  "Well, I suppose we had better get down to business," Mali said abruptly. "That's why we're all here, there's no use in wasting time asking questions we don't care about the answer to."

  Jen blinked, taken aback by the woman's attitude. "Okay, sure. What would you like to discuss?"

  "Your payment, and what you will be required to do. Our situation is a bit... unusual. In two ways"

  "How so?" asked Jen.

  "Well, firstly, in order to ensure the child can gain citizenship from my home planet, he would need to be conceived there. I require a woman who is willing to spend the entire pregnancy on our planet. This will be approximately six months. If you agree, you will stay in our mansion free of charge. We will pay for all of your food and leisure activities."

  "That sounds okay," Jen said cautiously. "What is the second way that your situation's unusual?"

  "I am infertile, and am unable to have a child. But Stemp and I still want to be parents. I decided that the child's mother should be human, as humans are one of the more intelligent species. I am hoping this will cancel out the stupidity on the child's other side of the family tree."

  Stemp smiled, the same vacant expression on his face. Jen wondered whether he had even realized he was just insulted.

  "The Lazdan race are known for their brute strength, not intelligence," explained the woman. "Stemp is no exception."

  "There is one part of the procedure that is a bit unusual though," the woman continued. "You see, Lazdans have a lot of semen, and it is very potent. Approximately 80 percent of sexual encounters with a Lazdan will result in a pregnancy. However, it has other unusual qualities too. The sperm expires so quickly that it cannot be artificially inseminated into a woman. By the time it is inserted, it is too late and no baby will grow."

  "So what does that mean?" Jen asked, dreading the answer.

  "That you will need to let my husband impregnate you in the natural way. You will have to have sex with him, and let him cum inside you." Mali spoke in a clinical, almost detached tone.

  Jen laughed disbelievingly, running her eyes over Stemp's tall frame. His biceps were the size of her thighs, and his sculpted chest and abs proved that his bulk was all muscle. He could probably dismantle this building with his bare hands if he wanted to.

  "I can't fuck him! He'll crush me," Jen exclaimed.

  "I assure you he won't," the woman said mildly. "But we do understand we're asking you to do is unusual, especially since you will have to leave your home for over six months. This is why we're offering you thirty times your asking price."

  Jen took a deep breath. That was a lot of money.

  And living with a rich alien couple on a foreign planet sounded interesting. She had never been able to afford an inter-planetary trip before. Now there was someone offering to pay all of her living and travel expenses.

  The couple seemed nice enough. The woman was a bit rude, and the man a bit simple,
but they weren't mean.

  This could be the opportunity of a lifetime.

  "How about fifty times my original price?" Jen asked cheekily.

  The woman nodded impatiently. "Done. We leave on the morrow. I suggest you start packing."

  It was the biggest spaceship that she had ever seen. Larger than a hotel, and just as luxurious. Hundreds of little orange aliens in suits walked around, cleaning and working. One of them was sweeping the floor, but he was so small compared to the broom that he struggled to keep it upright.

  Jen took in a deep breath as she walked into one of the several lounge rooms. It really was a fantastic ship. There was just one problem: there didn't seem to be any other guests.

  As she walked around the empty rooms, a sense of foreboding filled her. Why was nobody else here? Was there something wrong with the ship? Or something wrong with the destination planet?

  She had had so little time to pack and prepare that she hadn't gotten around to looking up information about the destination planet, Elendama. Maybe it was at war. Maybe it was incredibly hostile to foreigners, or a hotspot for natural disasters. She could recall from her high school geography lessons that there were some planets that got hit almost weekly by meteor showers.

  "There you are, Jen. I've been looking all over for you." Mali walked up behind her, her usual expressionless voice in place.

  "Mali!" Jen exclaimed, feeling relieved to see a familiar face. "Why are we the only ones on the ship? Why hasn't anybody else bought tickets? Is something wrong?"

  "This is a private spaceship, owned by me. Nobody was invited to purchase tickets. The only ones aboard are you, my husband, and myself. And the servants, of course."

  "But there's got to be more than a thousand rooms here! It's designed to be a hotel!" Jen said.

  "And?" Mali looked bored by the conversation.

  "I don't know. You could make money by selling tickets or something. There's so much room, after all."

  She laughed. "I have no need for more of that. Come. I will show you to your room."

  It took nearly five minutes to walk from where they were to where Jen's room was. They walked in uncomfortable silence. Occasionally, Jen would ask a question or compliment some part of the ship that they were walking past, but every comment of hers was shut down with a brief, curt answer.

  Considering how relieved she had been to find Mali, Jen found it amusing how relieved she was when they made it to her room so she could get away from the woman.

  "Will I see you on the journey again?" Jen asked.

  "The trip will take nearly a month. There seems to be a high probability that we will see each other again."

  She wondered whether she could get pregnant now that they weren't technically on Earth. It would mean that she could go back to Earth a month earlier. And she'd be able to stop dreading what having sex with Stemp was going to be like.

  She had no idea how to broach the topic with Mali, but decided that straightforward was the way to go. "So should Stemp and I have sex now?" she asked bluntly.

  "No!" Mali said quickly. "It has to happen on the planet. Otherwise the baby's citizenship may be denied. They hate inter-species relationships and will do anything they can to try and sabotage them. You cannot even see Stemp before we arrive on the planet, otherwise questions may be asked."

  “Oh. Okay.”

  "Goodbye, Jen. Your belongings have been unpacked into your room by the servants. I suggest you ensure that the way they have been arranged is to your liking. It's a long journey."

  She walked away with her back and giraffe-like neck unnaturally straight.

  The next month was fantastic, even though Jen spent it completely alone. The strange orange servant aliens couldn't speak English, and she didn't see Mali again.

  Sometimes a paranoid side of her wondered whether the alien could be avoiding her on purpose, but in the end she decided that it wasn't that much of a stretch for two people to just happen to not see each other when they were on a ship this big.

  The little orange aliens had turned out to be surprisingly cute. When they weren't doing the cleaning tasks that they were trained to complete, they acted quite like dogs. They would lie in the artificial sun rays, run around in crazy circles, and get excited when they saw her.

  Sometimes she played games with them, like throwing them a round ball-shaped object she had found in one of the ostentatious living rooms.

  The time passed quickly enough, but Jen found herself getting pretty lonely. She was relieved when she heard the announcement from the captain that they were a day away from their destination.

  She felt a shiver of excitement race through her at the thought of exploring a whole new world.

  To her disappointment, Jen saw hardly any of the planet during her arrival, due to the fact that Mali’s house was so large it had its own spaceship dock.

  “There will be plenty of time for that later,” Mali had told her dismissively when Jen asked about the planet. “You can see it for yourself, though I can’t understand why you’d want to. First, I need to show you the house and get you settled in.”

  Like the spaceship, the home was extravagant and very large. As Mali showed Jen to her room, Jen wondered whether she’d ever be able to find the front door again without help.

  Through an uncomfortable conversation with Mali, she also discovered that she wouldn’t actually have sex with Stemp for another week. Apparently space travel could upset the body’s chemical balance, and she needed to drink several disgusting smoothies over seven days to get back to normal.

  She spent the afternoon resting in her new bedroom. She hadn't thought that she was tired, but the moment she lay down it had been near impossible to keep her eyes open. She wondered whether it was due to space travel being tiring, or some sort of strange alien bed technology.

  Her thoughts began to race away, and she was too tired to bother chasing them.

  Jen was awoken by Mali rapping on the door, telling her it was time for dinner. She was grateful for the escort – she doubted that she would have been able to find the dining room by herself.

  She opened the bedroom door. Mali was standing just outside, wearing a red silken dress covered in sequins. It fit her body perfectly, and Jen noticed for the first time that the alien had three tits. She tried to not stare.

  “You look lovely,” Jen said politely. “Should I change into a more fancy outfit too?”

  “Don't be silly. You look fine. Come,” she ordered.

  Jen trailed behind her, feeling very under-dressed in her jeans.

  It was an uncomfortable meal. Stemp and Mali ate in total silence, not even looking at each other. They didn't seem angry with each other, they just didn't want to talk.

  And the meal itself was terrible. Jen had to force down every bite. She didn't want to appear rude or ungrateful, though she prayed tomorrow night's dinner would be less foul.

  There were a few other beings in the room also. From the way they were standing around, seemingly waiting for nothing in particular, Jen guessed that they were servants.

  They weren’t the same species as Mali, nor of Stemp - Jen had never seen any aliens looking like them at all.

  They were humanoid, though quite a bit shorter and with narrower shoulders. Their large ears ended with pointy tips, and their wide, round, eyes were an impossible shade of green that seemed to change from moment to moment. One second they would be the bright green of grass under sunlight, the next they were as dark as forest pines.

  From their long hair and their feminine faces, Jen guessed that they were the women of whatever species they were, though she didn’t really know for sure until another one walked into the room, entering through the door behind Mali.

  She could tell that he was male immediately. His shoulders, whilst still narrow, were much broader than that of the others.

  He was short like the others, yet he somehow seemed to tower over everyone else in the room.

  He had the same pointed
ears as the other servants had had, but he was missing the subservient attitude. He was glaring at the back of Mali’s head as if she were the most hated person in the universe.

  His hair was a shocking white color that almost seemed to glimmer like silver, and his angular nose looked almost like a beak on his face.

  Whilst still glaring at the alien woman, his lips curved into a small smile. Jen wondered what sick daydream was playing through his head.

  Mali turned around, and the servant’s face immediately lost all emotion. He stared dully at the ground before her, his face a blank slate.

  Jen wasn’t fooled by his sudden display of subservience. She had seen the hatred in his eyes.

  She spent the rest of the meal stealing glances at the strangely handsome alien servant, whose brooding presence seemed to fill the room.

  Jen ran into the servant again several days later. She had been wandering around the house, and passed him in a corridor.

  “Hi,” she said shyly to the man. “My name’s Jen. It’s nice to meet you.”

  The alien looked up, startled, and his eyebrows knitted together when he realized that Jen was speaking to him.

  Then their eyes met, and she felt a spark of electricity run through her as she stared into his soulful eyes.

  “Fezren,” he responded briefly.

  She hoped it was his name and not him cursing at her.

  He didn’t seem inclined to continue the conversation, but Jen stubbornly refused to let it go. This handsome alien was the first person other than Mali whom she’d spoken to in over one month. “So, do you work as a servant for Mali?” she asked.

  He laughed humorlessly. “That’s one way to put it.” His English was crisp and clear, and unlike Mali's, without accent. Whoever this man was, he was very well educated.

  “You don’t seem to like her very much.”

  “What’s not to like?” he deadpanned, and he and Jen shared a smile.

  “So, what's your job here?” Jen asked him.


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