Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8)

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Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8) Page 18

by Stephanie Hudson

  I knew this was all done as a show of strength to his people, one that couldn’t be shown for real considering if they saw Draven in his true form then they probably would have thought him to be the Devil. So, this was his way of dominating over his mortal realm, as fear of the wrath of a king was sometimes what was needed for his rule to remain as strong as it was. And there was no doubt in my mind that Draven was a good and fair ruler, one who put his people’s needs first.

  You could see that from the lack of poverty and all the riches of the land. Of course, you still had slaves but that happened all over the world in this time and unfortunately wouldn’t change for quite some time. It was a hard fact to face and one I would be putting behind me along with the past, the second I got out of here.

  So, taking Pip’s advice, I decided it was best not to let him wait any longer as I braved the steps needed to take me to him. It felt strange like this, as though I was being led closer toward punishment rather than to a man who loved me. For when we were alone it was easy to be with Draven as a man, but like this, well there was no way of getting around the fact that he was King.

  In fact, it was very much the same with Afterlife. Just sat in the VIP you could almost convince yourself he was just a businessman in charge of a nightclub. But when he had been down in the Temple, I had encountered my first real taste of what Draven really was…a ruler over his kind.

  I continued to walk towards him, feeling as if my legs weighed twice as heavy as they usually did, as they no doubt filled my muscles with dread. I don’t know why I was so scared, it wasn’t as if he was going to hurt me, but one look and it was like he knew. I was starting to panic and I looked both left and right, as if trying to find my escape from it all.

  “Easy, Toots, you’re nearly there,” Pip whispered to me, gripping onto my arm as if she too knew I was about to bolt. Draven watched the action and frowned before something seemed to click into place for him. The next thing I knew two things started to happen simultaneously, as I took my first step away from him, he in turn was up out of his seat. The crowd gasped at the sight of their King meeting a woman head on, instead of having her pay the right amount of respect and presenting herself to her King. But he didn’t seem to care for this, as his only concern was getting to me.

  I felt Pip’s hand leave mine as she took a step back. I first looked down at my arm and then at her before her eyes told me where I needed to be looking…head on. I raised my head up just as Draven was nearing and before I could take a step back he had me in his arms, yanking me to him before kissing me passionately in front of hundreds of his people. Thankfully, they all cheered once it was finished and the second I was up in his arms I felt my body relax into him. It had been all that was needed. He didn’t say anything to me as he walked us both back to his throne. I looked side on to see Sophia was smirking and Vincent outright laughing.

  Draven ignored both and turned to face his people who all got to their knees and bowed in perfect sync. He nodded to them and then sat with me still nestled in his arms. They all rose and the evening for them continued as before. I was still speechless and I jumped when I felt Draven run a finger down my cheek, of course it didn’t help it was by the gloved hand. He didn’t hurt me but the cold metal was enough to bring me back to the room.

  “Ssshh, calm yourself for me, my fearful little lamb, you are safe in my arms,” he told me bending his head to my level so that he could speak next to my face. I took a deep breath and tried to control the hammering of my heart.

  “That’s it, now you can tell me what had you ready to take flight, little bird?” he asked me and I sighed back against him.

  “I don’t like being the centre of attention,” I said making him tap a metal clad finger on my cheek to prompt me to look back at him.

  “I find such a thing astonishing to hear.”

  “Why?” I asked frowning in confusion.

  “Because sweet girl, it is rare to see someone with your beauty shy away from the world’s eyes rather than…”

  “…Taking advantage of it and using it as a means to gain?” I finished off for him, shocking him enough to shift back as if he wanted to look at me better. Then after obviously seeing what he wanted in me he gave me a tender look and smiled.

  “I believe just then you granted me a glimpse of your soul and it was near blinding in its beauty as well,” he told me and this time I really did blush, making him chuckle.

  “Thank you,” I whispered softly before I decided it was safer to look back at the crowd or I felt my flesh would melt from the bone, as was my usual reaction to Draven’s compliments.

  “You are most welcome to the truth in my heart, Nāzanin,” he answered behind me and I couldn’t help but close my eyes, wishing in that moment I had heard my real name coming from his lips. Had this been what it had been like for Katie back when she had control over my body? Had she encountered the same inner turmoil every time Draven called my name? I didn’t know without asking her but I think I had I good idea as to the answer, for this felt like torture. In fact, I wished that he would just call me endearments like ‘little lamb’ or ‘sweet girl’, for that way I could at least pretend that he knew me as I knew him.

  “My girl looks deep in thought.” Draven’s voice brought me back and I said,

  “Um?” I heard Vincent laughing as it had been obvious he had been speaking to me.

  “Oh, I am sorry, what did you say?”

  “I simply wanted to inform you of your sister’s wellbeing,” he told me and suddenly I felt like a selfish bitch for it not being the first thing I had asked.

  “Oh yes, how is she? Is she alright? Has she slept or eaten? I can imagine she must have been hungry after…” I stopped when I saw him laughing and felt Draven doing the same behind me.

  “I fear you ask too much of my brother to answer all but one question at a time,” Draven told me and I bit my lip.

  “Sorry, it’s a bad habit of mine,” I told them both. Draven pulled me tight to him, hugging me from behind and whispered,

  “Cute and endearing, yes always… but never bad.”

  “In answer to many of your questions, your sister is well and is currently still resting. I thought it best for her to be close to you, so situated her in one of the rooms next to your own, after my sister suggested so.” Hearing this I looked to Sophia and she winked at me when no one was looking. So, I bowed my head to show my respect, making her smirk.

  “I cannot thank you enough for the kindness you show her,” I told him making him bow at me as I had done to Sophia.

  “But of course, and I in turn cannot thank you enough for not only bringing her back to me but also for granting me with your trust when communing with me about her past, for I will now take things at her pace, not my own,” he told me and I gave him a beaming grin in return.

  “Careful little one, for you will find a jealous king at your back if my brother is able to put a smile like that upon your face, where tonight, I have not yet accomplished such a task,” he warned getting a little possessive. I turned around to face him and decided to be sexually brave and tease,

  “Yes, but it is only you who can make me wet at just the sight of you.” I knew this had worked when his eyes flashed purple and he growled low down at me, before playfully nipping at my ear, warning,

  “Behave kitten or I will control the minds of all that are here and take your delectable little body with or without a controllable audience…in fact, I think I am due a little play,” he told me purring the words and making me shift on his lap just to control the sexual urges now inflicting my body. At first, I thought he was just teasing but then I soon realised two things, one the reason for his interference with my wardrobe choice and second, my sexual bravery had backfired.

  His gloved hand snaked inside my dress from the high cut slits up the sides and I flinched at the feel of cold metal against my naked skin. It felt so dangerous yet erotic at the same time, it made me want to moan and writhe against him, which
made me even more vulnerable to his actions.

  “Ahah, take care now and be still for me, for my talons are sharp,” he warned making me yelp against him.

  “Then why…?”

  “A test…I want to see how good you can be for me, ready for later in my bed,” he whispered this last part as a promise of things to come and I sucked in a sharp breath, knowing the time was nearly here. I had no idea what his reactions toward me would be if he could finally read that my soul wasn’t from his time, or if Pip could hold on to masking that long enough. But I guess time would tell for I didn’t have long now to wait.

  And well it was a good job, given that Ari was finally in place and in the next room,

  For tonight, time would change…


  Chapter 16


  After this sexual bombshell dropped I tried not to panic about what the night would hold for me. What exactly awaited me once we finally became one, I couldn’t say but I had a feeling it would be explosive and I would…finally be exposed.

  He started off slowly, taking great care with my body and the sexual high that surprisingly, I got from knowing something this close to hurting me was against my skin was confusing me. Then he started using the backs of his long talons to caress along my ribs and I tried to keep my breathing as steady as I could.

  “That’s it, deep, easy breaths for me,” he praised before shifting me closer so that he could sneak his hand in further. My hand automatically went to stop his and I hissed,

  “Someone will see you.”

  “Your body, it belongs to me…yes?” he asked sternly. I nodded and started to say,

  “Yes but…”

  “Good, now remove your hand,” he ordered so as I did as I was told and tried to take comfort in the fact no-one seemed to be watching us.

  “Now relax back against me,” he told me and with a sigh I did as he instructed again, knowing he was getting off sexually with my obedience. Well, that was if the giant erection was anything to go by that was currently poking me in the back.

  “That’s it, now let me take care of you,” he cooed and I took another deep breath before he continued to stroke my skin with his dangerous hand. He rested his other arm across my torso no doubt to hold me still this time, as he took my wrist in his hand. Then he left my ribs and flattened a hand against my stomach, tapping his talons against my skin. It didn’t hurt but it was enough to know that they were certainly there as if someone was pressing the tip of a blade against you. Then ever so lightly he dragged his claws down, grazing my now hypersensitive flesh, creating little goose bumps along the way.

  I shuddered against him, trying to hold as still as I could. It was more a mental torture than of the physical sense. Although, I had to admit that it was also shamefully hitting the right spot because I was near panting from it and could feel myself getting wet.

  Had Draven just tapped into a new kink of mine? I couldn’t say for sure but I knew how I felt and when he started scraping one talon directly under my breasts I suddenly wanted to be naked. I wanted him to be doing the same teasing around my erect nipples. I wanted him to take hold of my throat as he thrust into me, holding me still so that he could take me under his command.

  Jesus! What was wrong with me, I was very nearly ready to come from the onslaught of erotic thoughts I, myself was placing there in my mind to play out.

  “Now I am intrigued as to where your mind is heading to sweet one, for you are getting very hot and flushed,” he commented and I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning.

  “Tut, tut, do you think it wise to keep such things from me, when I hold such delicate, pale flesh at my mercy…come now, be good for your captor.” His softly spoken dominant words added to the sexual euphoria he was creating and I was only left gripping his arm, shaking my head and telling him without words, to please accept my silence. Of course, he wouldn’t.

  “Tell me, what I am doing to you in your mind?” he asked again and when I shook my head, I felt him apply a little more pressure with a single finger under my breast. I released the smallest of little yelps and jolted in his hold.

  “Now tell me, for I will not ask it of you again,” he said, this time it was a strict command, one I knew not to push.

  “I…was just…” I started to speak but he squeezed my wrist, one still held and said,

  “Remember, for I will know if you lie and you remember your punishment from earlier, for I know you do after speaking of it so fondly to your little friend,” he said reminding me both of my shame and the forced orgasms he had controlled. So, I decided it was better to grant him his wish and add even further to my shame.

  “I…I wished I was naked,” I told him, deciding to start off with the tamer side of my fantasy.

  “Go on,” he ordered and I swallowed hard before doing as he asked again.

  “So that your talons could play more freely, circling my breasts, my…my nipples.” Hearing this he moved his face closer to my neck and breathed deep and said,

  “Would you then wish for me to sooth the sting I inflict with my tongue, taking the pretty little bud into my mouth to suck?” he asked and I took a deep shuddering breath at the erotic images he started to paint. I nodded but like most times, this wasn’t good enough for him.

  “Words, give me your fucking words Nāzanin, for they are only mine to hear,” he said holding me tighter and growling the swear words in my ear. He was getting off on this, just as I was, the deep rumbling in his voice told me as much.

  “Yes, Arsaces, yes I want that,” I told him and was rewarded with another tap of his talon in between the lower parts of my breasts where they met.

  “What else would you have me do?” I swear it sounded as if his Demon had asked this of me. So, I decided to give him it all and see how much strength his will really had. I knew it was a dangerous game I was playing but my sexual need just wouldn’t let me stop.

  “I would have you clasp my neck in your metal hand and hold me down as you thrust your cock deep inside me, making me come, quivering around your full length, at the first feel of you connecting to my body, making me yours in all ways possible.” As soon as the words were out I felt almost crushed as he pulled me impossibly close to him. He then gripped the back of my neck with his teeth so that no-one could see and I moaned as pain flooded into pleasure. I felt his fangs lengthen against me and for a moment I thought he would bite me. I could feel his laboured breathing behind me and I knew he was fighting himself for control.

  Finally, after long minutes of not knowing what would happen he growled against me one more time before letting go of his prey.

  “I can smell your need for me and I want nothing more than to make a meal out of you but for now, I will take what I can of you,” he said snaking his bare hand up to my face, and turning my head so that he could kiss me deeply. His tongue duelled with mine and suddenly I had the dirty craving to taste my own desire from his lips, after he devoured his ‘meal of me’. I think in the end our kiss was getting a little too heated as Vincent started to clear his throat, making Draven growl low when I pulled back from him.

  “I think gossip will reach new heights with you two nearly making love on your throne and there is only so much protection I can provide brother,” Vincent informed him sounding amused and also letting us know that he had been controlling the room’s minds enough to protect our lustful ways from view.

  “And I thank you for it Vardanis, for I fear my little lamb likes to push my limits,” Draven said once again scraping his talons down my belly, making me arch against him and moan. I then sucked in a deep breath on a gasp, as he reached lower and started tapping his fingers against the inside of my leg before scrapping his metal nails across my covered mound. He chuckled and told me,

  “I adore how responsive you are to my touch and the trust you show me now, is one I will never reward with pain…do you understand of which I speak?” he asked, his voice thick with lust.

��Yes,” I replied on a breathy moan.

  “I look forward to the moment I can tear this dress from you as I fear I can think of nothing else,” he said as he removed his gauntlet from my hidden skin and instead dragged one finger across my cleavage, making me shudder against him. I had to smile to myself at the idea I was driving him wild.

  “Half of me wishes I had you dressed in something more revealing so that I could play more freely. But then I look out into the sea of lustful gazes and I know I made the right choice, for this body is and always will be mine, for no other holds the right to your beauty.” As soon as he said this I couldn’t help my reaction, as I turned my face into his chest and moaned. I felt him chuckling before he raised my face up with a talon under my chin.

  “Why, may I enquire, are you hiding?”

  “Because I think I have turned the colour of a beetroot!” I told him and he raised an amused brow down at me.

  “I know not of this ‘beetroot’ of which you speak.”

  “Think tomato, only redder,” I said, making him laugh.

  “You think my words affect you so?” he asked and now I was the one laughing as I replied,

  “Ha! You know they do as I see the anticipation in your eyes as you wait for my response.” I called his bluff and he feigned shock.

  “I would never do such a thing, upon my word, am I not considered a gentleman, even from your own land?” At this I burst out laughing and had tears quickly start to form. I could see him smirking from making me laugh as much as he did. Even Vincent watched us as if very intrigued to see how funny his brother could obviously be, and he looked a little more than surprised by it.

  “That depends, do you usually chain up your concubines, bite them in the bath, make them unwillingly come on horseback or sexually tease them with a deadly gauntleted hand?” I asked him and he looked taken aback by my brazen comment. Oh, and there was that bad boy grin I adored so much.


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