Amanda's Dominant Daddy

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Amanda's Dominant Daddy Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Let’s see,” she said, turning the handle. “Oh, wow, a bonus room,” she declared, seeing the descending stairway.

  “You’re kidding. I wasn’t told about this.”

  Braxton’s dungeon immediately sprang to mind, and flicking on the light switch, she started down the stairs.

  “Holy cow, take a look at this.”

  The space was huge, and the owners had turned it into an English pub, complete with a pool table, a jukebox, a dartboard, and a mirrored bar. Amanda’s eyes began to glaze over as she imagined the erotic furniture filling the room.

  “I can’t believe they didn’t mention this,” Jack mumbled. “They might not have gotten the proper permits to do this, but if there’s no bathroom down here they might not have needed any. Huh. I’ll have to ask about this.”

  “Jack,” Amanda said soberly, slowly turning to face him. “I have to have this house. I don’t care if we have to go over market, I have to have this house.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Late the following morning, after a long sleep-in and a decent breakfast, Amanda was driving through West Hollywood, the small suitcase she was taking to Braxton’s safely in the trunk so she wouldn’t have to return home. She had allowed plenty of time to do her shopping, have a light lunch, then go to the gym. The store she was headed to was a place she’d wanted to visit for years, and it wasn’t just her fear of embarrassment that had prevented her from visiting the scandalous store. With no one special in her life, she’d thought it would be a frustrating experience. The name of the shop was The Pleasure Chest, and it was famous for its appearance on the hit television shows Sex and the City and Entourage. It carried a vast selection of sex toys, BDSM supplies, and salacious clothing, and as Amanda pulled into the parking lot she was grateful that it was almost full. She could lose herself in the crowd. Feeling slightly trepidatious, she pulled her credit card and driver’s license from her wallet, slipped them into the back pocket of her jeans, then headed inside. In spite of seeing the store on television and having some idea of what to expect, she was still overwhelmed by the array of products on display, and as she wandered through the titillating inventory, she found herself wishing she were there with Braxton.

  “I’m here to buy a sexy outfit,” she said under her breath as she stood staring at a display of floggers. “I need to focus.”

  Turning around, she walked the length of the store and entered the apparel area. She knew exactly what she wanted, but there was so much on offer that she ended up with the beguiling garment of her dreams and several others as well, including a little girl’s dress and a glossy leather skirt that had no seat. Following the sales assistant to the counter, she forced herself to keep her eyes looking forward. The walls were covered with all manner of tempting offerings and she felt like a kid in a candy store. They reached the cash register, but as she pulled out her credit card, a loud exclamation of pain made her spin around and dart her eyes behind her. To her shock she saw a young woman bent over, resting her hands on her knees, and a young man standing to her side holding a riding crop. He calmly put it back on the rack and pulled out another, swishing it down on the girl’s backside. Amanda couldn’t pull her eyes away, and she felt an unexpected wave of moisture between her legs.

  “Excuse me, would you sign here, please.”

  The man behind the cash register had placed her receipt on the counter. Totally embarrassed, though she wasn’t sure why, Amanda turned back around and hurriedly scribbled her signature. Grabbing her bags, her face flaming, she walked briskly out of the store, only to discover it had begun to rain. Running to her car, she scrambled into the driver’s seat, but as she leaned back, all she wanted to do was drop her fingers against her sex and rub herself to a climax. The salacious shop and its risqué contents had totally aroused her, and seeing the young BDSM couple at play had been the final straw. Her pussy was aching for attention, and on an impulse she called Braxton.

  “Hey, your timing is perfect,” he declared. “I just got home.”

  “Braxton,” she said breathlessly. “I, uh…”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, no, I’m at The Pleasure Chest, and, uh, I’m…”

  “Go on,” he said, his voice falling into a sexy rasp.

  “I bought some outfits, and while I was paying there was this couple, and the guy, he was, uh, testing riding crops on his girlfriend’s backside right there in the store. It’s made me so…”

  “Hot? Are you hot, Amanda?”

  “God, yes, and I can hardly stand it.”

  “I’m so glad you called. Put your fingers into your panties right now,” he ordered. “I’m going to join you. I’m unzipping my slacks right now.”

  “What? I can’t. I’m in the parking lot,” she quivered.

  “It’s not a request,” he said sternly as he began to massage his stiffening cock. “Do it, do it right now, put your fingers against your clit and rub yourself to an orgasm.”

  “Oh, my gosh!” she whispered, scarcely believing what he was instructing her to do. “I don’t think I can. I mean—”

  “If I have to tell you again, my own crop will be swishing against your naked bottom tonight. Tell me your fingers are against your clit.”

  “Ooh, good grief,” she whimpered, hurriedly unzipping her jeans and pushing her hand inside her panties. “Yes, yes, they are.”

  “Close your eyes. Forget where you are, forget everything. It’s just you and me. Are your eyes closed?”

  “They’re closed,” she moaned, grateful that the rain was pounding against her windows, offering her at least some degree of privacy.

  “You’re such a naughty girl, Amanda, so naughty. I should drive out there and take you into that store, bend you over, and spank you in front of everyone. I’d blindfold you so you wouldn’t know how many customers were watching.”

  “Braxton, I’m so close!”

  “You’ve just earned an extra swat for not calling me sir,” he breathed.

  “Ooh, sorry, Sir,” she said hastily.

  “Tonight, in my dungeon,” he continued, his voice a deep whisper. “I’m going to inspect every part of you.”

  “You are?” she gasped.

  “I am.”

  “Sir, I’m there!”

  “Ask nicely,” he managed, rubbing himself furiously.

  “Sir, please may I come, please?”

  “Right now,” he demanded.

  The spasms clutched her, but not wanting to attract attention, her wails became a series of throaty mewls. Sitting on his couch, urged on by her utterances of pleasure, Braxton erupted into a delicious orgasm of his own.

  “I can’t believe I did that,” she whimpered breathlessly, leaning her head against the window of her car.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Braxton panted. “I really am.”

  “I can’t believe it did it,” she repeated. “It was amazing.”

  “It was,” he sighed. “Are you okay?”

  “Beyond okay,” she said softly, fluttering her eyes open, “and I’m really glad it’s raining.”

  “I’m sure,” he grinned, imagining her hiding behind the blurry rain-soaked windows of her car. “Where are you headed now?”

  “My plan was to have a bite to eat somewhere, then go to the gym.”

  “Let’s meet up now at the juice bar. We can have one of their protein shakes.”

  “I’d rather have a hug.”

  “Happy to oblige,” he said warmly, “a bear hug, then the protein shake.”

  “That sounds perfect, though I’m not sure I’ll have much energy to work out.”

  “You’ll get a second wind.”

  “Probably. Okay,” she sighed. “I’ll see you soon. I can’t wait.”

  “Drive slowly and carefully,” he said firmly, “and no phone calls.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, and smiling happily, she ended the call, took a deep breath, zipped up her jeans, and started her car.

  * * *r />
  Thirty minutes later Braxton was sitting at a table in the juice bar watching Amanda walking toward him. He also saw the heads turn in her direction, some with expressions suggesting they weren’t quite sure who she was. With no heavy makeup, with her hair, usually pulled back in a chignon at the back of her head, falling in gentle waves around her shoulders, and wearing jeans and an off-the-shoulder sweater, she looked ten years younger. The spring in her step added to the overall affect, and as she neared he rose to his feet and opened his arms.

  “It’s so good to see you,” she said gratefully, falling into his embrace.

  “You too,” he purred in her ear. “You look amazing.”

  “I do? I was going to ask why everyone is staring at me. I thought maybe my zipper was still undone.”

  “Because, as I said, you look amazing,” he repeated, pulling back and staring at her.

  The soft pink lip gloss made her mouth look full and eminently kissable, the natural blush in her cheeks brought out her cheekbones, and for the first time he noticed a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose.

  “I don’t know why, but I still feel flustered,” she sighed.

  “First time in a parking lot,” he whispered. “I’m not surprised. Sit down. Tell me what you’d like to eat?”

  “A sandwich, I think, a pita sandwich,” she replied as he pulled out a chair for her. “The number five, tomatoes, cheese, lettuce, and sprouts with the lemon dressing.”

  “That sounds good. I think I’ll have the same. Anything to drink?”

  “Hot tea, please. I feel a bit chilled. I didn’t wear the right clothes. It wasn’t cold and raining when I left my house.”

  As he walked across to the counter to place the order, she noticed a couple of attractive young women staring at her, then across at Braxton. She felt a delighted satisfaction. The hunky actor was with her. They were much younger, with bouncy boobs and flawless skin. Noticing she had caught them staring, the girls dropped their eyes and scampered away.

  “You look like the cat that ate the canary,” Braxton remarked as he sat down.

  “I do?” she said innocently.

  “You know you do. What’s going on?”

  “Some members of your fan club were gawking at us.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  “I’m sure they were wondering what you were doing hanging out with me, instead of enjoying their young, bubbly company.”

  “If they were to ask me why, do you know what I would tell them?”

  “You like my house?” she quipped.

  “I’m going to ignore that,” he said casually. “I’d tell them it’s because I’m crazy about you, and I can’t quite believe that a woman who is so amazing and so beautiful would give me the time of day, let alone drape herself over my knee for well-deserved spanking.”

  He’d lowered his voice to a whisper, but it didn’t stop a fresh flush from crossing her cheeks.

  “It’s all true,” he grinned.

  “Honestly, the things that come out of your mouth,” she muttered, trying to ignore the heat flaming her face.

  “Like I said, I’m just speaking the truth, and here come our sandwiches.”

  “Great, I’m starving,” she declared, glad of the diversion as the tray was placed on the table.

  “Me too,” Braxton remarked. “I was running around all morning.”

  “Oh, that’s right, you were going to look at that house. How was it?”

  “Unbelievable, I absolutely loved it. Candy is writing up an offer. We went back to her office after we’d finished to go over the pictures of my place. They’ll be up on the Internet very soon. What about you? Did you have any luck last night? I would have called you, but after I finished my pizza and wine I literally conked out. It had been such a long day.”

  “Pizza and wine?” she smiled. “I love pizza and wine. I was going to call you too, but I ended up in an endless conversation with Jack, then Jeremy called with an emergency on a set and I didn’t get home until after ten.”

  “So, was Jack right? Was it worth the drive through the Friday night rush hour?”

  “Absolutely, but I don’t want to talk about it. I’m superstitious about stuff like that.”

  “Oh, I understand, you don’t want to jinx anything.”


  “You wolfed down that sandwich,” he said, staring at her empty plate.

  “I’m almost afraid to tell you this, but I didn’t have any dinner last night. It was just one thing after another.”

  “Bad girl,” he frowned, “but you did have breakfast, right?”

  “I did, but apparently it wasn’t enough. Mind you, after my trip to The Pleasure Chest,” she whispered, “and what you made me do afterwards, I’m not surprised.”

  “What you told me about the couple in the store,” he said, leaning across the table. “I think I might make good on my threat and take you back there one of these days, and do the same thing to you.”

  “No,” she rasped in shock and disbelief, “no, you wouldn’t, you couldn’t.”

  “There’s a reason it turned you on so much,” he smiled, “and I don’t think it’s because you’re a covert voyeur.”

  “I would die!” she protested.

  “Don’t worry, I know a way to provide you with a dress rehearsal.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ll find out, but I think it’s time to start working out. Come on, I’ll spot you in the weight room.”

  As he rose from his chair and reached for her hand, Amanda stared at him in disbelief. The thought that she would be bent over in the exotic store while Braxton tested implements on her backside was almost too much to fathom, but she couldn’t deny the scintillating heat firing through her body, and as she followed him out of the juice bar, she couldn’t recall a time when she’d felt happier or more alive.

  “I do,” she muttered under her breath. “I feel so totally, wonderfully alive.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Amanda had followed Braxton back to his house, and after he carried her shopping packages and overnight bag into his bedroom, he hugged her tightly and instructed her to take a long soak in a hot bath for as long as she wished.

  “When you’re done, dress in whatever scandalous outfit you’ve brought for tonight and present yourself to me in the living room. I’ve decided we’re going to visit my dungeon now.”

  “I’m so glad,” she smiled. “I can’t imagine sitting around waiting for the time to pass. I think I’d go batty.”

  “It’s just the way things have worked out today,” he winked. “Go and relax in a lovely tub, and remember, take all the time you want.”

  Holding her face between his palms, he kissed her softly, then turned and left the room, and as she stared at the paper sacks full of seductive garments from her shopping spree at The Pleasure Chest, she felt a fresh thrill through her body. They promised many salacious nights ahead, and picking up the bag that contained the outfit she wanted to wear, she pulled off the tags and laid it out on the bed. Moving into the bathroom, she turned on the faucets and poured in some foaming gel.

  “This is like some incredible dream,” she murmured, returning to the counter to clip her hair up.

  Waiting until the tub had filled, she turned off the water then stepped in carefully, closing her eyes as she sank into the relaxing, aromatic foam, glad of the time by herself. It was only a few minutes before her mind began to drift to the decadence awaiting her. Would he flog her? She couldn’t imagine it. What about the blindfold? She longed to be blindfolded, and as she floated in a state somewhere between waking and sleeping, sinfully wicked, disjointed scenes glided through her thoughts. Finally opening her eyes, she found the bathwater had cooled, and she stepped out of the tub, dried herself off, let down her hair, and nervously began to dress. She’d selected a shimmering corset with a matching thong and stockings, and slipping her feet into glossy high heels, she gazed at her reflection in the mirr

  “My gosh, is this really me?” she mumbled. “I’ve been waiting my whole life for something like this.”

  Adding some lip gloss and a touch of mascara, she tried to calm her churning stomach, then walked from the bedroom, down the hall, and into the living room.

  Hearing the tapping of her heels against his porcelain tile floor, Braxton turned around to greet her and was stunned at what he saw. Amanda was dressed in a red satin corset, red stockings, and shiny black high heels. The vision he’d imagined in his dungeon had come alive. Completely shaken, he remained seated, and as she stopped in front of him, he reached out his hand and smoothed his palm down the inside of her thigh, dusting the gusset of her thong with his fingertips. She let out a low moan, and as he lifted his gaze, he saw the hunger in her eyes.

  “You look absolutely delicious,” he murmured, slowly rising to his feet. “Follow me.”

  His cock was already surging in his trousers, and her heels clipping behind him seemed to be keeping time with his heart. Opening the door, he paused, turned around, and looked at her.

  “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she nodded, her voice quiet but resolute. “I think I’ve been ready my whole life.”

  He smiled back at her, then started carefully down the stairs, taking them slowly so she could keep up in her stilettos, then walked to the center of the room and stopped.

  “Stand here and keep your eyes lowered,” he said firmly.

  Amanda was trembling, and she was aching for him to hug her, or kiss her, or even just to touch her. She could hear him moving around the room, and when the lights unexpectedly dimmed she felt her legs turn to Jell-O. Moments later, hearing his approaching footfalls, she realized she was holding her breath.

  “Close your eyes.”

  Letting out a breath, she did as he said, and as the silky fabric slipped over her eyes, she mumbled a ‘thank you.’

  “I know it’s something you’ve been waiting to experience,” he crooned, kissing her neck.

  “It is,” she managed, “and I love it.”


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