Sapphic Cowboi

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Sapphic Cowboi Page 15

by K'Anne Meinel

  Ariana’s hands hadn’t been still as she began to make love to Maggie feeling the fine body beneath her own hoping to arouse it as much as Maggie was unconsciously arousing her own. Slowly again she pulled back to ask “do you want this?” breathily, whispering, and mentally crossing her fingers.

  Maggie wasn’t sure what she wanted but she didn’t want to stop whatever it was, she needed to know what these feelings were, what Ariana was making her feel, distantly she heard the echoes of her arguments that this was unnatural, wrong, and she suppressed them as she felt Ariana move against her, how good it felt, and answered Ariana with a simple nod.

  Ariana smiled down at her lovingly as she petted her hair back and began to make love to her in earnest. The house coat she began to slowly unbutton and as she realized Maggie had nothing on underneath she nearly groaned aloud. Maggie’s breathing had begun to come in little pants that were really arousing to Ariana. She took Maggie’s hands from their surrender position and encouraged her to touch her. Maggie hadn’t been sure she was allowed to but she wasn’t shy once she knew she could touch Ariana as intimately as Ariana was touching her. The caresses, the petting, the exploration was bringing Ariana to a fever pitch, she had wanted this woman for so long, had suppressed it all for so long, the thought of having her, of being her first was driving her wild. She also knew that being Maggie’s first was a responsibility, she didn’t want to frighten her, and she wanted it to be wonderful. She tampered down her own needs, her own desires as she realized how quickly she was becoming aroused and focused on Maggie.

  Slowly, agonizingly slow she unbuttoned the robe that seconded as a housecoat and was thrilled to find the body beneath it, hidden among the ugliness of the coat. Maggie’s finally sculpted body, muscle, sinew, grace, and unconscious style appealed to Ariana on so many levels she was intrigued, aroused, and attracted all at the same time. She wanted to ravish, to touch, and to devour but held back as she sensed Maggie feeling unsure of herself, fear of the unknown, and the desire she could sense coming from her as well. She kissed her senseless and used her own senses to become aware of Maggie’s unconscious yearnings to be touched, fondled, pleasured….

  Maggie couldn’t understand this strange kernel in her center that wanted to explode, she was hot by turns, and perhaps she had a chill from the previous night’s rain… She felt things she couldn’t explain, it felt good, it felt too slow, she wanted more but was afraid to demand and Ariana seemed to know what she was doing. She knew she didn’t like Ariana having her own robe on while Maggie was open to view, to her exploration, to whatever she wanted of her… She began to unbutton Ariana’s own robe and push it from her shoulders before she was done, those elegant little shoulders needed to be kissed and she inhaled Ariana’s unique scent tinged with the soap she had used to wash her the night before, she fingered her long black hair wincing at the snarls in it now and wondered at the softness under her calloused fingers. Her breathing seemed to become labored at Ariana touched her, kissed her, even wonder of wonders, licked her. The first touch of Ariana’s lips on her exposed and erect nipple had Maggie gasping in pleasure. Her breasts had been nothing but nuisance since they formed in her early teens, getting in the way of working with horses, hurting at certain times, but right now they felt hard and erect and oh so wonderful as Ariana played with them, touching them, fondling them, making Maggie feel things she hadn’t known existed.

  Ariana shrugged out of the robe with the buttons only half done but only because the feel of Maggie’s lips on her neck was oh so exquisite. Her untutored attempts to kiss, touch, and fondle were arousing Ariana’s already over-heated body to a fever pitch. She was enjoying every bit of it.

  Soon they both had the robes off and were rolling around on the bed together, rubbing each other’s bodies against the other, living in the moment, enjoying the feel, the touch, and the gasps brought on by each other. Maggie was a quick study and Ariana an avid teacher. As she kissed her way south Maggie arched back to offer herself to her in supplication. Ariana worshipped her body over and over again; Maggie’s gasps were a pleasure to her ears as she headed down her body. She caressed her long and muscled legs, they had fascinated her beneath the dungarees, the trousers of the Spanish outfit, and the tuxedo, she had wondered what they looked like and seeing her in the feminine gown and stockings had nearly melted her, seeing them now, unfettered, in their naked glory, smooth and delicious, she couldn’t help but touch, the hairs not bristly beneath but silky and soft. The muscles were incredible on this woman who worked with horses and used her legs constantly to hold on and control the beasts. She was an unbelievable woman and Ariana wanted to take her, make those catches in her breath become moans, perhaps screams of ecstasy. She made herself go slow though; she wanted a lot from this woman, and not just what she could do to her sexually. She wanted her first time to be special, to be emblazoned on her mind forever, and to be hers and hers alone!

  Maggie was dying; she had never known such physical pleasure in her life. The first time she rode bareback it had been exhilarating, the first time she had been kissed hadn’t come near to what Ariana was making her feel and they had gone long beyond a simple first kiss, the feelings and emotions she was experiencing didn’t allow coherent thought. She just felt…. Ariana’s hands were doing things to her body she didn’t know existed within her, it couldn’t be wrong, it felt soooo right. She sighed into the kisses when Ariana returned to her mouth, she caught her breath as Ariana touched places she didn’t let anyone, even herself touch, she moaned at the first touch of Ariana’s fingers at a place between her legs.

  It was like ambrosia to hear that little moan as she touched Maggie’s clit, the little nub of flesh was standing up like it waving, I’m here, I’m here and it was waiting for Ariana’s touch, Ariana’s kiss… she moved down Maggie’s body being sure to rub her own over-heated body against it, feeling the pleasure it gave her. Maggie reached out to touch her but went limp once Arian’s mouth closed over something between her legs. Ariana used her shoulders to part Maggie’s limp legs and settled in between them. They came around her naturally and she felt the well-developed muscles that thrilled and excited her by turns against her back and sides. Parting Maggie’s lower lips she took another lick and watched and listened to Maggie’s gasping response. She tasted delicious, had no idea of the power she had over Ariana, how she would slave for her, do anything to make her feel this good, how much she wanted to possess her….

  Maggie only knew that there was a fire building within her, the kernel hadn’t exploded but it felt like it would any time, it was the size of a fist and it was expanding, a delicious warmth was creeping throughout her body starting at her toes and the tip of her head and threatening to meet in the middle as Ariana kissed her down there, as her fingers came into play Maggie nearly jumped off the mattress from the sensation but Ariana firmly held her in place so she could play, so she could hear the delicious pantings and cause the moans coming from her.

  Ariana gently parted the folds of skin and began to probe with her first two fingers of her left hand, her nails were short from working with the horses and she didn’t worry about accidentally poking too hard as she gently went in. She had figured out long ago that Maggie was a virgin, not only to women but to men as well, she was proud to be her first, not only woman but no man would ever know her either if she had anything to say about it. When she got her finger in to the first bend she pulled out slightly to rub and was rewarded with a gasp as though protesting the removal but when she returned Maggie moaned ever so slightly. She added a second finger and the combination went a little deeper as she curled them inside and Maggie arched off the bed with a louder moan. Ariana smiled as she leaned down to kiss her and lick at the erect clit in front of her. Over and over her fingers performed inside of Maggie causing her endless pleasure and a further building of the kernel within her that was becoming too large to contain. The combination of Ariana’s mouth, her fingers, and the delicious body against her was d
oing something to her and she had no idea what. Her body broke out in a sweat. When Ariana reached up with her free hand and began to play again with the erect nipples and hardened breasts she was in ecstasy, the thumb rubbing across them, the fingers pinching them slightly, the warm palm against them… She lost it and her body went along as she began to convulse and grind down on Ariana’s face and hand.

  Ariana was thrilled as she felt the ripples rip through Maggie’s body, she tightened excruciatingly on her fingers and she wished she had room for more fingers but contented herself with the thought there would be other times, she would make sure of that. The legs wrapped around her tightened unbearably, giving credence to the fact that Maggie used them endlessly, and she rode Ariana’s tongue and fingers into her first orgasm. Slowly Ariana wrung every bit of it out of her sweaty body trying to prolong the feeling and make it memorable for her. Slowly she came down and relaxed which was a bit of relief as her legs had squeezed Ariana’s ribs painfully, her muscles inside had made Ariana’s fingers numb and she gently pulled them out and saw their pruny whiteness. She rose up Maggie’s body and rubbed against it giving her own pleasure as her aroused body demanded release. She kissed up Maggie’s body to get some of her essence off her lips, face, and tongue. She stopped to pay homage to the still erect nipples before continuing on to Maggie’s lips that were now demanding of her, kissing her back, having learned before how much she could do, how to do it, and wanting to show her gratitude for what she had just experienced.

  Maggie rolled with her until Ariana was beneath her and began rubbing her body thinking she must do the same things to give Ariana the same pleasure. She hesitantly kissed and licked at Ariana’s engorged nipples. Her hands explored the exquisitely feminine body, not realizing until this moment how much she had wanted to, never having thought she would have the opportunity and now realizing the utter freedom it gave her.

  Ariana was too far along to stop her, she wanted, she needed her too much. If she would just get there already but she couldn’t rush her, she couldn’t frighten her, she didn’t want to instruct her but if she would just touch her there…she would explode and they could explore more later. The first touch of Maggie’s callused hand between Ariana’s legs nearly had her exploding in the palm of her hand but she petted the soft curly hair thinking how different it was to horse hair or even Ariana’s head of elegant black hair, she petted it not realizing how she was affecting the woman beneath her. She thought about kissing her there and didn’t know if she was up to it, not yet. Ariana couldn’t wait any longer, she needed the release, her body was thrumming in painful need and she grasped Maggie’s hand, stopped it from petting and began to grind against her, her body taking over as she used Maggie’s hands and fingers to get herself off, the climax causing wonderment in the novice’s eyes.

  Maggie stared in fascinated pleasure as she watched Ariana’s nipples harden as she came over and over again, her body dancing in a dance she had never seen. She wondered if she looked like this when she had cum, she wondered if it felt the same without the fingers inside that Ariana had done for her. She let Ariana use her body as she enjoyed every moment of it and lowered her lips to Ariana’s erect nipples to give her some of the same pleasure she remembered.

  It wasn’t the best orgasm she had ever had, it was only clitoral and not vaginal but it did help relieve the pressure that had been building and making her lose her mind. The pleasure she had given Maggie soothed her soul, the orgasm had just been a need fulfilled. There would be more of them later she was sure of that at this moment. Right now she needed to just feel, to know that Maggie was with her in this time and place, against her body as she intertwined their legs together and lifting Maggie’s face from her nipples leaned down to kiss her carefully and deeply.

  Later, much later Maggie said carefully “are you okay now?”

  Ariana chuckled at the incongruity of the question but then remembered the nightmare and the screams. She didn’t remember anything about getting home or into bed. “I think I’m okay” she stretched feeling Maggie’s body against her own and felt arousal again. She tamped it down for now, regretfully. She didn’t want to jeopardize this new relationship with Maggie. “How about you? Any regrets?” She looked at the head nestled on her shoulder waiting for a response.

  Maggie lifted her head to look down into the beautiful face that was Ariana’s and smiled “I didn’t know all that was inside me” she blushed a little and glanced down “thank you for showing it to me.”

  Ariana chuckled again and used her finger tips to caress along Maggie’s jawline and lift it “I’m grateful you let me.” She waited a couple of heartbeats before she added “I love you.”

  The instant joy in Maggie’s eyes was wonderful to behold, she smiled broadly making a pretty face beautiful as she asked “you do? I’ve loved you for so long I didn’t dare hope…I couldn’t dream…” she went to hide her embarrassment against Ariana’s delicate shoulder and Ariana wouldn’t let her.

  “I’ve loved you a long time too and I couldn’t tell you, I didn’t dare to think that you might return that love or that we would have this” she moved a leg that brushed her thigh slightly against Maggie’s lower curls. “I never thought either…” she revealed her own insecurities.

  Maggie wanted to tear up and cry at the emotions that were overwhelming her. She had thought her feelings were wrong for so long, that what she was feeling for this beautiful woman was wrong, to realize they both felt the same, the relief, the other things she had just felt, she couldn’t believe it was possible that Ariana felt the same. She smiled tremulously and because she could she reached out to kiss Ariana delicately and gratefully.

  Ariana realized immediately what the kiss meant, it was a seal of the bond they now had. After several minutes of ‘bonding’ they sat back to talk. “What happened last night, the last thing I remember was two men coming in out of the dark…” she trailed off as the same panic that had occurred then returned to her stomach and having a naked woman in her arms wasn’t really the time or place for such a feeling.

  “You just went into shock, you were awake and yet you weren’t…” Maggie explained that she had packed them up, got Ariana on a horse, and led her throughout the night to get her home. “You moved and followed instruction but you weren’t there” she explained about getting her into the house and into bed.

  “You bathed me?” Ariana said incredulously wondering how she had missed that. She grinned suddenly to lighten the mood; after all they were in bed together, naked. “Wish I had been there.”

  Maggie laughed; it hadn’t been a laughing matter at the time but look where they were now. “Do you remember nothing?”

  Ariana shook her head as she tried to remember, “all I know is when I saw them come in out of the darkness I was terribly afraid.” She sat up, “you scared them off with your gun?”

  Maggie sat up too pulling the sheet up to her breasts and grinning at the disappointed look on Ariana’s face at hiding them. “Well Sampson helped too, he wasn’t tied up you know.”

  Ariana shook her head again, the temptation to pull that sheet down and bare Maggie’s upper torso was there but she also wanted to find out what happened to a block of her time that she couldn’t remember, which terrified her to not know. “I don’t remember any of it” she said duly as she tried to remember.

  “I think you were just that afraid” Maggie said wisely.

  Ariana nodded but then said “I think I was more than afraid.” Just then her stomach rumbled. She laughed and said “and now I think I’m more than hungry” although she eyed Maggie as though she were a delicious entre.

  Maggie laughed at the look on Ariana’s face and when she sobered she said “I never knew it could be like that between two women.”

  Ariana reached out to touch her gently along her neckline “it can be” she said softly, lovingly “and more.”

  They got up to feed themselves, Maggie much more modest than Ariana. Each took turns in t
he bathroom washing up and getting dressed before heading out to outhouse. Maggie was ready first and began to make breakfast. Ariana came in and helped having learned a lot about cooking than when she first got there. They discussed future plans and both realized they had the world before them, no one to answer to, whatever they wanted to do together they could be together.

  “We can stay together forever” Ariana stated and then asked “that is if you want…”

  Maggie put down her plate, she had been about to clean off the table and she came over to where Ariana was sitting and pulled her up. “I want you in my life forever if that’s what you want.”

  Ariana kissed her because, well, she could….

  Maggie loved learning how to kiss and would become very adept at it in time.

  Later as they worked on the farm doing their chores while the sun shone, working with the horses and introducing the new Quarterhorse to the herd, keeping her in a separate paddock while they called to her and enticed her to play as much as she could with a fence separating her. Perseus showed off for her, realizing she was a mare and a potential for his harem. The geldings were chased away for while they were no threat they still annoyed him. Those up and coming youngins that hadn’t been gelded yet were nipped and harried to keep away or else.

  Maggie was in the best mood and showed it to Ariana, giving her impromptu hugs and squeezing her hand whenever she could. Ariana brushed against her, smiled with her, and gave her a kiss now and again.

  “We are going to have to be careful so that no one knows” Ariana warned her.

  Maggie nodded wisely “we will always be friends but they would think us odd if they knew we were lovers.”


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