Hemingway, Ernest, 37
Hepburn, Katharine, 41, 44–47
Hero’s Island, 76
Hero Street, 97–98
Heston, Charlton, 17, 113, 153
Higdon, Robert, 65
Higgins, Colin, 1
High Noon, 34
Hinckley, John W., Jr., 26, 31, 180
Hispanic American heroes, 97–98
Hollywood film industry:
1980s films of, xvi, xxiii–xxiv, 5, 17
actors strike in, 44
adult themes in, 150, 179, 214, 216
Communism in themes of, 152–72, 177
evolving political influence of, 156
film rating system in, 167
iconic roles in, 192–97
lack of acknowledgment for Ronald Reagan by, xx, 109–11, 114
liberal stance of, 28, 88–90, 111, 166, 221
Mob attempts to infiltrate, 205–8
redemption themes in, 91
represented at N. Reagan’s funeral, 235
Ronald Reagan and Tom Cruise’s comparison of, 183–84
Ronald Reagan honored by, 111–14
Ronald Reagan in, see Reagan, Ronald, Hollywood career
Ronald Reagan’s friendships from, 18–19
Ronald Reagan’s ongoing interest in, xv, xix–xxiv, 28, 80–81, 116, 151
Ronald Reagan’s rebuke of, 231–32
Ronald Reagan’s resentment of, 224
salary disparity in, 149–50, 183, 229
traditional films of, see “golden oldies”
tv actors eschewed by, 20, 224
violence in films of, 166–68, 170, 204, 216
WWII stance of, 62
see also specific films
Hong Kong, 38–39
horses, horseback riding, Ronald Reagan’s love of, 28, 35, 55–56, 62–63, 100, 106, 158, 170, 182
Howell, C. Thomas, 152, 166
Hudson, Ernie, 129
Hudson, Hugh, 55
Hughes, John, 211, 214–16, 220–22
Huntsman, Jon, Jr., 235
Huston, John, 77
Hutton, John, 199–200
Indiana Jones series, 33
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, 67
International Money Fund, 187
Iranian hostage crisis, 146
Irish Catholics, 195
Irons, Jeremy, 56
Israel, 69–70
Jackson, Michael, 156
Japan, 228–31
“Jerusalem” (Blake), 57, 68
John Paul II, Pope, xv, 230
Jones, Jeffrey, 215
Jordan, 70
Jorgensen, Earle and Marion, 137
Journey’s End, 62
Juran, Nathan, 223, 227
Justice Department, 207–9
“Just Say No” campaign, 8
Keaton, Diane, 152, 164
Keel, Howard, 48
Kennedy, Caroline, 234
Kennedy, Edward, 86, 120
Kennedy, John F., assassination of, 28, 48
Kerkorian, Kirk, 77
Keyworth, Jim, 43
Khachigian, Ken, 133
Killers, The, 37–38
Killing Reagan (O’Reilly), 32
Kilmer, Val, 173, 178
King, Larry, 218
Kings Row, xxii, 109, 223
Knute Rockne All American, xvii, 187, 192–97
Korean Airlines Flight 007 crisis, 98–99, 104
Korean War, 71, 97
Kroger, John, 209–10
Kuhn, Jim, 101–3, 110–11, 143, 144, 150, 189, 201
Laffer, Arthur, 221
“Laffer Curve,” 221
Laurel Lodge, xvi, 99–100, 172, 174, 182
Laxalt, Paul, 120
Leadon, Bernie, 42
Lebanon, 70
Lee Kuan Yew, 153–54
liberals, liberalism, 28, 41, 43, 88–90
Liddell, Eric, 56–57, 63, 66, 67
Lincoln, Abraham, 85
Lithgow, John, 93
Li Xiannian, 142
Lloyd, Christopher, 139, 145
Lockwood, Charles A., 225
Los Angeles Times, 89, 167, 206
Lucas, George, 87, 89
Lundgren, Dolph, 152, 159, 164
Lynn, Diana, 115, 123
McAuliffe, Christa, 82, 154
McElroy, Sally, 29
McGillis, Kelly, 173, 178–9
MAD (mutually assured destruction), 92
Mamet, David, 202
Margaret, Princess of England, 65
marijuana use, 7–8, 42
Marine One helicopter, xvii, 14, 115, 126, 142–43, 169–70, 175–76, 191–92, 200, 213
Marquand, Richard, 84
Martin, Dean, 114
Marvin, Lee, 37
Mason, Duke, 76
Mason, James and Pamela, 76
Mason, Morgan, 76–77
Massey, Raymond, 35
Mayo, Virginia, 236
Mayo Clinic, 106, 199–200
Meese, Edwin, III, 169
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 141
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) Studios, xxi, 43, 77
MGM/UA Entertainment Company, 168
Middle East, US foreign policy toward, 69–70
film viewpoints on, 180–82
Reagans’ appreciation of, 181–82
Ronald Reagan’s service in, 228
Milius, John, 152, 166–67
Mitchelson, Marvin, 77
monarchy, British, 62–63
Mondale, Walter “Fritz,” xv, 21, 127–28, 133–37, 169–70
Montgomery, Robert, 206
Moomaw, Donn, 23
Moore, Charles, 59–60
Moranis, Rick, 129
“Morning in America” slogan, 140, 205, 222
Morosco theater, 46
Mulroney, Brian, 225, 234
Murray, Bill, 127, 129, 136
Nakasone, Yasuhiro, 228
Nancy (N. Reagan), 227
NASA, 73–74, 82
National Football League, 110
National Geographic Society, 118
National Lampoon’s Vacation, 214
National Organization for Women (NOW), 9
National Review, 43, 91, 130–31
National Sheriffs’ Association, 119
Naval Support Facility (NSF) Thurmont, 181
Navy, US:
Fighter Weapons School, 177
as film subject, see Hellcats of the Navy
in making of Top Gun, 178–79
Reserve, 175–76
Nazis, 34–35, 77
Nebraska, University of, Ronald Reagan Wing of hospital at, 114
negative campaigning, eschewed by Ronald Reagan, 136–37
Ness, Eliot, 202–4, 207–8, 210
New Republic, 132
Newton, Wayne, 216–18, 235
New York, 220
New York, NY, 46, 141, 171, 207, 209, 236
New York Times, 5, 108, 128, 136, 162, 171, 200, 221
New York Times Magazine, 208–9
Next Voice You Hear, The, 232
Nielsen, Brigitte, 153, 159
Night into Morning, 232
9 to 5, xvi, 1, 5–12, 94
Nitti, Frank, 204, 205, 206
Nixon, Richard, 89, 220–21
Nofziger, Lyn, 29, 30
Noonan, Peggy, 83, 235
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), 94
nostalgia, 146–47, 219
Notre Dame University, 192, 193, 195
nuclear weapons:
codes for launching, 10, 115, 176
films about, 93–96
opposition to, 43, 88
reduction in, 67, 168
threat of, 85–86, 92–94
Obama, Barack, 99
Obama, Michelle, 234
O’Brien, Pat, 187, 192, 194–5, 197
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 10, 27, 74
Office of Management and Bu
dget (OMB), 175
Oh, God!, 16
Oh, God! Book II, 13, 16–18, 22, 26
Oh, God! You Devil, 18
Olivier, Laurence, 62
Oller, Dale, 212
O’Neill, Tip, 120
On Golden Pond, 41, 44
plot of, 46–48
themes of, 47–50, 52–53
O’Reilly, Bill, 32–33
organized crime:
as film theme, see Untouchables, The
Hollywood infiltration attempts by, 205–7
Ronald Reagan’s initiative against, 205, 207–10
Osborne, Kathy, 49, 103
Our Lady of Czestochowa, National Shrine of, 170
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 70
Parker, Ray, Jr., 128
Parton, Dolly, 1, 5, 6
Peggy (chimp), 115, 123, 126
Plante, Bill, 155
Platoon, 182
Playgirl, 88–90
Polish Americans, 170
political debates, 133–34
Powell, Colin, 186
Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, 190–91
Presidential Scholars, 118
President’s Commission on Organized Crime, 208–9
President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, 185–86
political impact of, 92–93
Ronald Reagan’s relationship with, 155, 169–70
at state occasions, 116–18
Prosperi, David, xvi, 29
prostate cancer, 141
Purple Rain, 135
Raiders of the Lost Ark, xvi, 27, 33–35, 38–39, 46
Rain Man, 184
Rambo, 154, 162, 164, 180
Ramis, Harold, 127, 129
Rancho del Cielo, 23, 28, 43, 63, 105, 182, 224
Reagan, Doria, 158
Reagan, Jack, 91, 195
Reagan, Maureen “Mermie,” 148
political involvement of, 9–10, 112, 190, 225
Reagan, Michael, xiii–xiv, 148
Reagan, Nancy Davis, 95, 109, 112, 125, 137, 146, 175, 176, 181, 231
antidrug campaign of, 8, 118–20, 235
appearance and personal style of, xiii, 3, 100
author’s close relationship with, xi–xvi, 71–72, 106–8, 125, 141, 189, 219–20, 232, 233
childhood of, 11
death of, 233
declining health of, xi, xiv, xv
First Lady duties of, 116, 119, 153, 225
friendship between British royalty and, 64, 66
funeral of, 25, 53–54, 218, 233–35
Hollywood film career of, xviii–xx, 43, 45–46, 105, 223, 226–28, 232
and K. Hepburn, 44–46
marriage of Ronald and, see Reagan marriage
official portrait of, 21–22
as politically astute, 192
popular misconceptions about, xiv, 30–31, 32
religious faith of, 25, 147
safety concerns of, 28, 33
as target of blame, 189
TV special on, 105
Reagan, Neil “Moon,” xxiii
Reagan, Ron, 22, 89, 157, 233–34
Reagan, Ronald:
Alzheimer’s disease of, xiv
anger of, 149
Anglophilia of, 62
appearance and personal style of, xvii, 143–44
birthday of, 190–91
California ranch home of, 23, 28, 43, 63, 105, 144, 182, 224
death of, xii, 25, 66, 140, 233
diary of, 70, 71, 88, 228
elusive nature of, xx–xxi
film collection of, xv, 237
film expertise of, 162–63
football experience of, 195
funeral of, 66, 68, 140, 218
grandchildren of, xiii–xiv
health issues of, xiv, xviii, 106, 139–42, 198–200, 211–13, 222, 233
hearing loss of, 49
on Henry Fonda, 53
honorary British knighthood of, 63–64, 230
as humble, 36, 122–23
marriage of N. Reagan and, see Reagan marriage
military service of, 228
as outdoorsman, 28
parenting style of, 43, 51
parents of, 91, 195
popular misconceptions about, xi, xxii, 4, 5–6, 32–33, 51, 111
as realistic optimist, 191–92
religious faith of, 22–23, 25–26, 66–68, 147, 170
sense of humor of, 11, 19–22, 48, 60, 75–77, 87, 95, 113, 122–23, 134, 140, 146, 157, 170, 171–72
sense of joy and fun of, xx, 36–37, 39, 116, 121, 123, 133–34, 143–44, 158, 175, 199–200, 228
stamina and vitality of, 116, 133–34, 143
thoughtfulness and kindness of, 2, 4, 23, 32, 72, 103, 172, 184
as true to his word, 188–91, 229, 231
Reagan, Ronald, Hollywood career:
critical dismissal of, xx, 109–11
declined opportunity to renew, 151
and Errol Flynn, 35–37
film roles of, xv, xvii–xx, 37–39, 115, 120, 187, 223, 225–26
importance to Ronald Reagan of, xviii–xxiv, 16, 80–81, 154, 174, 175, 181, 227, 236
inaugurations of, 216–17
Mob infiltration attempts during, 205–7
onset of, 16
personal pride in, xx, 105, 109, 111, 123–24, 193, 197
in SAG, 44, 206
waning of, 19, 37, 121, 224, 228, 232
see also specific films and roles
Reagan, Ronald, political career, 18, 140, 149
affirmational and positive message of, 38, 147, 151
age issue in, 5–6, 20–21, 31, 47–49, 143, 150, 213
anti-Communist stance of, 15–16, 84–85, 91, 169–72
approval rating of, 184
assassination attempt on, 5, 28–33, 51, 70–71, 141, 155, 180
bipartisan relationships in, 120
Challenger tragedy in, 81–83
communication skills in, 38, 73, 166
decline in popularity of, 72
economic policy of, 220–21
elections campaigns in, see elections
films as representative of aspects of, xxiii–xxiv
first White House state dinner of, 59–61
glamour and formality in, 59–60
as governor of California, xiv, 19, 51, 119, 126, 216
international honors for, 230–31
liberal opposition to, 87–90
political style of, xxi, 6–7, 171, 225
postpresidential years of, xii, 6, 48–49, 65, 105–6, 111, 125, 151, 173–75, 182–85, 193, 228–31, 236
pro-military stance of, 180–82
public image in, 155–56
public relations controversy in, 228–31
rigorous presidential schedule of, 116–20, 142, 224–25
and Thatcher, 58–62, 68
value of acting skills in, xxi–xxiii, 73, 119, 166
vision of American destiny in, 140, 147, 151, 205
weekly radio address of, xix–xx, 98–102, 104, 135, 170, 172, 174, 225
“Reaganbuster” T-shirts, 129
Reagan marriage, 10, 80–81, 87, 148, 226
auction of possessions of, 235–37
Bel Air home in, xi–xii, xiv–xvi, 106, 108, 173, 232, 235, 236–37
closeness of, xii, xiv, xvii, xxiii, 1–3, 9, 18, 25, 31, 53, 75, 77, 121–22, 136, 139–41, 147, 158, 174, 200–202, 227–28, 232
Hollywood in, xx–xxi, xxiii, 226–28, 232
Nancy’s protectiveness and support in, 6, 9, 28, 33, 106–8, 133, 142, 144, 150, 211–13
occasional tension in, 105–6, 122
“Reaganomics” (supply-side economics), 220–21
Reagan Presidential Library, N. Reagan’s funeral at, 234–35
Reagan Revolution, 145
Red Dawn, 152, 162, 166–71
Reds, 152, 164–69
Reed, John,
164, 165
Reeve, Christopher, 87–90
Regan, Donald, 122, 189–91, 198
Reitman, Ivan, 127, 131
in films, 56, 66–68
Ronald Reagan’s stance on, 22–23, 25–26, 66–68, 147, 170
religious right, 22
Rentschler, Jim, 59
Republican National Committee, 9, 218
Republican National Convention, Dallas, 133, 136
Republican Party, 9, 46, 122, 124, 125, 134, 144–45, 154, 170, 220, 221
Resolute, HMS, iconic presidential desk made from, 103
Return of the Jedi, 84, 86–87
as political metaphor, 89–90
Revell, Dennis, 190–91
Rex (dog), 176, 179–80, 213
Reynolds, Burt, 113
Ringwald, Molly, 214
Robards, Jason, 93
Roberts, John G., Jr., 164
Rockne, Mrs., 197
Rockne postage stamp, 193–94
Rockwell, Norman, xiv, 22
Rocky IV, 153–64
anti-Communist message of, xxiii, xxiv, 152, 155, 156–57, 162
political implications of, 154–57
Soviet response to, 162
Rocky series, 158, 192
Rogers, Will, 22
Rollins, Edward J., 77
Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home museum, 199
Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, 235
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, xii
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 85
Rossovich, Rick, 178
Rowny, Edward, 168–69
Royal Institute of International Affairs, 66–67
Ruck, Alan, 211, 214
Ruge, Dan and Greta, 95
Russian Revolution (1917), 164–65
Ryan, Fred, 48, 175, 183, 193
Rydell, Mark, 41
Safire, Bill, 221
Salon, 131
Sandpiper, The, 76
Sanford, Terry, 122
Santa-Cali-Gon days celebration, 224
Santa Fe Trail, 35–36
Sara, Mia, 211, 215
Schembechler, Bo, 110
science fiction, 69, 81, 86
Scott, Tony, 173, 179
Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 44, 206
Secret Service, Presidential Protective Division, 86–87
Selleck, Tom, 153, 235
Sellers, Peter, 103
Senate Judiciary Committee, 192
Service, Robert W., 64–65
Shaw, George Bernard, 37
Sheen, Charlie, 152, 166
Sheraton-Washington Hotel, 217
“Shooting of Dan McGrew, The” (Service), 64–65
Show Boat, 48
Shultz, George P., 71–72, 169, 199
Shuttle Student Involvement Program, 82
Sidey, Hugh, 142
Sigur, Gaston, 199–200
Sinatra, Frank, 112, 114, 116
Sirota, David, 131
Sixteen Candles, 214
skin cancer, 212
Slezak, Walter, 115, 123–24
Smith, Charles Martin, 203
Smith, T. Burton, 213
Smith, William French, 207
Southern California, University of (USC), 193
Movie Nights with the Reagans Page 26