Her Invisible Soldier: A Military Romance with a Twist

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Her Invisible Soldier: A Military Romance with a Twist Page 8

by Grace Risata

  For her sake, I hoped it wasn’t anything that might upset the girl. She just looked so…exuberant. There’s really no other word to describe it. I don’t think a dude ever made me that giddy before. Well, except last night in bed with Dixon. Now that was a wild ride.

  “Do you think he’ll propose?” I asked. While that would be great for her, I can’t imagine going to work every day and having bridal magazines thrust in my face. Being asked to choose cake flavors and wedding dresses and color coordinated tuxedo vests and…I can’t even imagine what else. That would throw me right over the edge. Too many decisions. I’m just going to elope or never get married at all. Marriages don’t work out like seventy percent of the time anyway and divorces are pretty messy. No thanks, I’m not interested.

  “I highly doubt it, but you never know,” she replied. “My parents got married at thirty, had me at thirty-two, and each of my three brothers every few years after that. I hope to follow in their footsteps and do things a bit later in life. I need more time to see the world before I settle down.”

  Interesting. The girl was sweet, but clearly she had a good head on her shoulders and took the time to make solid life plans. I respected that.

  “What about you, Alyce? You haven’t mentioned anything about your love life. Are you seeing anyone?”

  Nina visibly hesitated before asking, as though she wasn’t sure if I would share personal information. It was a simple and non-prying way for her to find out more about me, but I really had no proper answer to share.

  “That’s sort of complicated,” I explained, pausing to think about it. “I actually met someone last week, but he’s a giant pain in the ass and we get along like oil and water. He’s…um…unique.”

  That about sums it up. Nina is somewhat of a goody-goody, and a co-worker, so I don’t want to really admit to the fact that Dixon is my new booty call. Not that he called me or that I know for sure it will ever happen again. Shit. Why the fuck do I need to start withholding information to pretend like I’m someone other than who I am? I’ve never done that before and I’m not starting now.

  “To be honest with you Nina, the guy is a total wild card and extremely unpredictable. I went to his place last night and we had the most mind-blowing sex that I’ve ever had in my entire life. Yes, it was kind of soon and I don’t know much about him, but it was totally worth it.”

  Let’s see what she did with that confession.

  “Good for you,” she replied with a broad smile and nod of her head. “Everyone needs to get freaky once in a while.”

  Noticing the look of shock on my face, the woman continued in a whisper, “Don’t be so surprised. I’m not as sweet as you must think I am. I have a drawer full of toys at home that keep me company when my boyfriend isn’t around.”

  My expression turned to one of extreme agony at her over-share.

  “Thanks for that visual picture that’s stuck in my head now, but it’s way too much information.”

  “Oh, come on! This is a girls’ day out and we’re having girl talk. Nothing is off limits!”

  I casually strolled down the soup aisle looking for beef broth and instantly changed the subject.

  “Do you have any good recipes for hearty meals, Nina?”

  “Not really, I’m an awful cook. I suppose I have to learn one of these days so I can make sure Ben is well fed and happy. A man appreciates a lady who knows her way around a kitchen.”

  Yeah, unless he spits on your brownies. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought of Dixon and how he was such a dick. Why did I like him?

  “You’ve gone all dreamy-faced, Alyce. What are you thinking about? A certain special someone?”

  “NO!” I insisted, looking away and wiping the smug grin off my face. “I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell Kennedy about it, either. He’s not anything that needs to be turned into public knowledge.”

  If Nina told Kennedy, who then told Kassie, who actually figured out that I fucked Dixon, that might be disastrous. I’m not sure if there was some sort of unwritten policy that prohibited volunteers from nailing their veterans. There could be dire consequences if Dixon got kicked out.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” Nina promised, holding her hand on her heart. “Not that I really know anything other than the fact that you had sex with a guy. That’s hardly front page news. I won’t tell anyway. I’m kind of disappointed in Kennedy. She lied about her plans this weekend in order to blow off shopping with us.”

  “Really? What makes you think that?”

  “I had intended on talking to both of you and asking if you guys wanted to hang out today as kind of a group thing to get to know each other better. I spoke with her first and invited her to lunch, but Kennedy immediately said she had to help a friend move. I never even got to explain that I was going to ask you too, in case she thought I was being rude and not including you, Alyce. I thought nothing of it, until I heard her on her phone later that afternoon. It must have been her sister, because she listened for awhile and said something about twins dating twins and that she was free all day and all night on Saturday. Kennedy also called dibs on the smart one and laughed loudly, not even bothering to care that someone might overhear her. Someone that she lied to mere hours before.”

  Nina seemed extremely frustrated at Kennedy’s behavior. While I can understand how she might be annoyed, it’s not like they really know each other at all since the new girl has only been working with us for a week. I guess it’s best that she sees Kennedy’s true colors right away.

  “Kennedy is basically a decent person,” I explained, “but she’s known for flaking out on plans when a man is involved. Although she’s a hell of a lot more stable than Kassie ever was, they can both be a bit unreliable.”

  “Really?” she asked in surprise, clearly not expecting me to speak negatively about the woman. “I thought you two were best friends?”

  “No, nothing like that. We hung around in the same group in high school, but we lost touch after graduation. I worked for a chiropractor for awhile, but he retired and I found myself in need of a job. Kennedy saw my post on Friendbook complaining about my lack of employment, and she messaged me to come work with her. I’ve been at Conway Dental for about two years, and we reconnected since I started working there. But it’s not like we hang out every weekend or spend hours on the phone. I’m kind of anti-social.”

  “Well, I’d say we’re getting along pretty well today. I like you already, Alyce. Maybe if I haven’t gotten on your nerves too much, you’d be willing to teach me how to cook something? That’s an awful lot of stuff you’re piling into the cart.”

  I suppose I should explain why one person needs so much food, thereby ruining my badass reputation.

  “Every Sunday I spend all morning making meals for my grandpa to eat the rest of the week. I freeze them in Tupperware containers and drop them off at his house while we feast on pizza and catch up with each other. I’m the only family he has left, and we’re pretty close. So the food you see will get turned into beef stroganoff, tater tot casserole, and other dishes that he eats for lunch and supper.”

  Just as I expected, Nina went on and on for the next four minutes gushing about what a good person I was to do that and how my parents must be so proud of the daughter they raised. I shut that shit down at the first mention of my parents.

  “Nina, I’m not trying to be a bitch, but I would appreciate it if you never brought up my parents again. Sore subject. Move on to something else.”

  “Okay,” she stammered. “We can talk about anything you want. Do you know of a good sex store nearby?”

  I began choking on the fried mozzarella stick sample the grocery store demonstrator had just given me and nearly died from lack of oxygen. Nina pounded me on the back and asked if she needed to perform the Heimlich maneuver.

  “No, just don’t ever do that again when I’m eating. Why are you asking about sex stores? Damn, that was quite the subject change.”

  “Well I’m
certainly not going to talk politics. Boring! Besides, I need to find some new outfits for Ben’s visit next weekend. He’s seen all my special undergarments and I need to freshen up my stockpile.”

  “There’s a store on the edge of town by Denmont’s bowling alley. They have lingerie clad mannequins in the window, so I assume you could find something suitable there.”

  I’d never gone into the place, but I always wondered what items they carried whenever I drove past. Just out of curiosity.

  “Can we go there after the grocery store?” she asked hopefully, an eerily determined look in her eyes.

  “Nina, this was supposed to be lunch only. It’s three hours later and now you want me to take you to the sex shop on our very first girls’ day out? Don’t you think you’re kind of pushing me past a safe and comfortable boundary?”

  “Life is more exciting when you jump off the deep end instead of wading into the pool, Alyce. Live a little!”

  I would have flat out refused had I not had sexy fun times with Dixon a mere day before. I had a feeling that wouldn’t be our last encounter and I needed to jazz up my wardrobe of kinky items…specifically since I had absolutely nothing to start with.

  “I will go under two conditions,” I demanded, much her to utter joy and amazement. “Number one, we do not shop together and you do not even think of modeling anything that goes into the dressing room. Number two, I don’t want you using my real name. This is an undercover mission and I’d like to stay under the radar.”

  “I will do whatever you say,” she promised. “What name should I call you? You know, in case the roof starts to collapse and I need to shout your name in order to warn you of your impending death.”

  I had to give her credit for thinking ahead and wanting to save my life. That’s loyalty right there.


  “What?” she asked in disbelief. “You expect me to shout, ‘Sapphire, run for your life!’ without bursting into laughter? I don’t think so.”

  “This is non-negotiable, Norma.”

  “Oh, heck no. You do not get to have a fancy stripper name like ‘Sapphire’ while sticking me with a name like ‘Norma.’ That is totally unfair.”

  “You snooze, you lose. I can’t help it that I’m quick with the names and you didn’t call dibs before I came up with something first. Either Sapphire and Norma are going to the sex store, or Alyce and Nina are going home. Which will it be?”

  “Norma is ready, but she is not happy about this!”

  We broke out laughing and I really, really started to like Nina. She was definitely a good sport.

  Chapter Ten

  Today was a Monday, yet it felt highly enjoyable for some reason. Perhaps I was still giddy over the amazing weekend I’d just had. From hot Dixon sex to fun shopping with my new buddy and ending with a successful new recipe to add to my collection, it was a winner all around.

  Of course, it could all go downhill in a hurry depending on what kind of mood my favorite grouchy tatted stud muffin might have today. He would either be glowing after the workout he got on Friday, or I would be totally ignored as though nothing had happened at all.

  I did anticipate the latter of the two reactions, so I brought another present to melt his icy exterior.

  Eager to deliver my gift, I breezed past the unmanned welcome desk and continued right along to find Dixon.

  Hmm. He was still facing the window, but his desk was pulled all the way up to the wall and he was leaning against it like it was hard to hold his head up. I’m guessing I’m not going to be greeted with a giant hug and a sloppy kiss.

  “Hey,” I said casually as I approached. “How are you today?”

  He turned to face me, scowl firmly in place, and turned back to the window without a single word. I should also add that he wore a pair of silver aviator sunglasses that made him look extremely sexy, but covered his eyes so I couldn’t see any emotion they might hold.

  “I’m fine, Alyce,” I replied on his behalf in a deep, manly voice. “How are you?”

  I had no qualms about carrying on a conversation with myself this way. Just because he wasn’t talking didn’t mean I wouldn’t try to get a rise out of him.

  “I’m great, Dixon, thanks for asking,” I said in my normal voice. “I had a lovely weekend as a matter of fact. I tried a new beef recipe that went remarkably well and I’m going to add it to my repertoire of favorites. Don’t worry, I didn’t bring you any leftovers so you don’t have to work up a giant phlegm loogey to spit on it. I also went shopping with my new co-worker, Nina. We got along like besties and even went shopping for naughty panties together. She spent way more money than I did, but I still picked up an item or two.”

  Wow. I expected that revelation to generate some kind of response, but I didn’t even get a raised eyebrow.

  “I also spent a few hours on Sunday making you a present,” I added. This was really the only part I needed him to pay attention to since he was directly involved. “It’s another suggestion from the website of a veteran coping with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I guess music calms him down and drowns out some of the background noise that gives the man an anxiety overload. So…here. This is for you.”

  I dug into the pocket of my jeans and pulled out a tiny MP3 player. This was one of the first ones I ever got and it was far from fancy or modern. Hell, it didn’t even tell you the names of the songs that were being played. I think the features consisted of play, stop, on, off, repeat, or skip. But it had held up pretty well over the years and still worked once it got a decent charge.

  Setting it on his desk and backing away, I waited for him to grab it. He did no such thing. Instead, the man slowly pulled down his sunglasses to reveal some seriously bloodshot eyes.

  “Do you want to know how my weekend was, Alyce?”

  I held my breath and nodded, relieved that his pupils didn’t appear to be dilated as if he were high on something. Honestly, Dixon seemed extremely tired. I’d say he was bordering on exhaustion. But why?

  “I slept like a baby on Friday and ended up paying for it later. Someone in another apartment building must have been having a hell of a fight with his girlfriend on Saturday because I heard shouting and then police sirens when the cops got called. Between the screaming, sirens, flashing lights, and commotion that happened directly outside my bedroom window, I got no sleep at all and have been ready to rip someone’s head off ever since.”

  “Let me get this straight,” I confirmed, “You haven’t slept since Friday and it’s now Monday? How is that possible?”

  If I didn’t get at least seven hours of sleep, I was a zombie the next day. Not the brain-eating kind, but the type that stumbles and can’t form coherent thoughts. This chick needs her ZZZs or she’s worthless.

  “Go away, Alyce. Take your K-pop music with you. I’m not interested.”

  K-pop? Really? Did the stubborn ass have no faith in my musical tastes?

  “Here’s what’s going to happen,” I ordered, hands on my hips in a show of authority. “First of all, you’re going to realize that there is not one single Korean pop song on that MP3 player because I have a very discerning palate when it comes to music. Secondly, you’re going to put in the ear buds, press ‘play,’ and close your eyes. Let the music relax your body and lull you to sleep. I’ll stand watch while you get some shut eye to make sure no one tries to take advantage and rolls you for your wallet while you’re in dreamland. Deal?”

  He took off the sunglasses entirely, if only so I could see his over-exaggerated eye roll, and then placed the ear pieces in his ear.

  “If I don’t like the first song, I’m stomping this thing under my boot.”

  Like I’d expect anything civilized from him at this point? I merely sat down on the floor next to him, waited, and watched. I knew the first song was some rage-filled ballad by Halestorm, followed up with a quirky jazz tune that got my toes tapping. It turned pretty eclectic after that and I honestly forgot all the songs I downloaded for him.
I’ve always had a thing for finding different music and storing it on a giant external hard drive lest my computer crash and lose my collection. I like being the DJ.

  Dixon’s playlist included several of my favorites ranging from angsty ballads to straight up rock and roll, and even included some old school gangster rap. I think I covered every genre. Obviously I had to add Pearl Jam. Eddie Vedder’s luscious voice soothed my broken heart on more than one occasion.

  Of course, I was careful to avoid anything about war. That forced me to leave out a lot of Metallica.

  “The lead singer of Halestorm is kinda hot,” Dixon mumbled, closing his eyes and leaning back against the wall in an effort to get comfortable. “So I’ll give you a pass on the first song and not smash this right away.”

  I’m assuming he never knew if he enjoyed the second song or not, because the man began to snore loudly after about a minute and a half.

  Yes, I watched him sleep with a sense of accomplishment in a job well done. Had it not been for me making a play list to lull him into going nighty-night, the temperamental monster would be having a fit right about now.

  Hadn’t he said something about sleeping like a baby on Friday night? That was the night we had sex. I wonder if my stellar performance was the cause of his happy slumber. Perhaps I’m good for something after all.

  Thankfully, Monday was the late night at the Veteran’s Center and the building didn’t close until nine o’clock. I sat on the floor playing with my phone for a solid four hours while Dixon slept peacefully, snoring at a level somewhere close to ‘hurricane’ but less than ‘sonic boom.’

  Just as I was completing an extremely difficult level of ‘Candy Crush,’ Debbie came over to gently let me know it was closing time.

  “I think you’re a ‘Dixon Whisperer’ or something, Alyce,” she proclaimed in wonder. “He paced all afternoon, finally slumping down in the chair about an hour before you showed up. After listening to you for a few minutes, the man suddenly leans back and falls asleep like he doesn’t have a care in the world. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were a witch capable of casting magic spells. I’m impressed.”


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