The Chronicles of Outsider: Humble Beginnings

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The Chronicles of Outsider: Humble Beginnings Page 77

by Justin Wayne


  Thom led Natalia through the woods as quickly as they could manage in the current weather and knee-deep in snow. His darkvision was nowhere near that of a dark elf's as they were born in darkness, and weaker than a dwarf’s who spend most of their lives in dark caves and mines, but twice as good as a human's. Using this, he pulled her along as best he could with great care to avoid low hanging branches he might simply walk under but leave her to hit.

  She kept up valiantly with her longer strides but more than a few times tripped over a root or thicket of thorns she hadn’t seen. Picking herself up stoically and finding Thom’s warm hand in the dark, she hurried him on and followed without complaint.

  The pair made good time considering the conditions as they followed a straight line to the bright light thanks to the impervious darkness of a northern winter night and soon crested a hill that gave them a clear view of their destination.

  A great wall of rock like a small mountain stood before them just on the other side of another league of forest. It was mostly devoid of snow near the base where it was narrowest and they soon realized it was bowl shaped with the top extending out much further in a circular structure. Daunting as it was, Thom was determined to repay his debt to the brave elf who had saved him.

  “I’m still in if you are, Natalia.” he told her and his voice sounded sure and unwavering; something of a revelation to the jittery hobbit. She looked down at him in the dark and gripped his hand tighter.

  They slid down the hill easily on the ice and got to their feet running without losing their momentum. They charged through the last copse of trees and brush, panting and winded but forced their legs to carry them further. When one fell the other helped them up with words of encouragement; thoughts of the looks they would see on Outsider and Cuke’s faces when they showed up to help driving them.

  An hour later, the league was behind them and the mountainous bowl looming overhead. Thom’s nimble mind searched the rocky face for a path of handholds to take to the top while Natalia walked around a wide area of the mountain’s circumference. He leapt up and grabbed a shrub jutting from the cliff with both hands and pulled himself up.

  Hooking a short leg around the branch he hauled himself up and steadied the swaying of the shrub by latching onto the rock. Shakily, he stood, expecting the branch to snap at any second, until he was fully stretched out and able to reach a small ledge. He gripped it with his fingers and scrambled up the side with his feet running against the rock quickly until he managed to sit on it.

  He peered down and shuddered at being possibly nine feet off the ground. He held his breath and leaned against the wall. He’d always been quick enough to climb and did so when necessary for an escape, but he’d never had a head for heights and soon felt the nausea rising in his throat.

  With a groan he retched over the side and shuddered as he heard the splashing a second later. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and spat a few times then noticed Natalia standing off to the side.

  He froze and thanked the heavens it was too dark for him to see his face. “Been there long?” he blurted a moment later then blushed as she shook with laughter. “What’s so funny?” he demanded and crossed his stubby arms.

  “I found a tunnel nearby,” she smirked and nodded her head in the direction of her find. “Thought we should just take it instead.”

  Thom’s eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms tighter about himself.

  “Okay I’m sorry, just hurry and get down here!” she called and stuck her bottom lip out in a tantalizing pout. He remained stationary and didn’t budge an inch. “Please Thom, I apologize!”

  Thom shuddered again and hung his head. “I can’t get down.”

  Several tense minutes later and they were within the tunnel. Thom led her along in the darkness as before only this time they moved slower and more cautious. They had yet to hear or see any sign of life but nonetheless they would remain prepared.

  A steady hum vibrated the floor and the walls thrummed with energy. Natalia placed her hand against it to steady herself over a small drop and could feel it shaking minutely. Alarmed, she looked to the hobbit.

  “What do you think it is?”

  He shrugged. “Dunno, but I’d bet my last cent whatever’s making that light is also making that noise.”

  With a loud gulp, she ducked low over a small overhang and they delved deeper into the mountain until the hum was loud enough to rattle their teeth in their skulls. Thom’s feet shook against the stony ground and Natalia likewise trembled. She gripped his hand tighter and he squeezed back supportively.

  “Careful, there're some slippery rocks here.” he warned and stepped his way around them. But Natalia had no darkvision and a moment later tripped and fell over them. Thom fell with her and crawled around on his hands and knees. “Are you alright?”

  Her face froze and she sat stock-still with her arms beneath her.

  Thom looked her over quickly and held her shoulders calling to her. She shook her head and gestured to the ground around her. “They’re not rocks, Thom.” She held up her hand and dropped it back down. “They’re not rocks."

  He leaned down and looked closer at them then recoiled. “They’re bones!” he cried and pulled her out of them. He could feel her shivering against him and held her close, his head tucked against her side. He looked back at the pile of remains and something caught his eye.

  He walked back over to get it and Natalia held fast to his hand. “What are you doing?” He slipped his hand free and patted the air to calm her then stooped low amid the bones and pulled the item free with a groan.

  He turned back to her and smiled.

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