FORSAKEN: On The Edge 0f Oblivion (Beauty 0f Life Book 1)

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FORSAKEN: On The Edge 0f Oblivion (Beauty 0f Life Book 1) Page 19

by Laura Acton

  Walter nodded. “A sound plan since he lives alone. I will stay with him a while, but I would like you to inform me of any changes after I leave.” Knowing Gibbson would probably find it odd he possessed the next bit of knowledge, Walter realized he must tell the doctor anyway. “Please be aware Broderick may try to sign himself out against medical advice. He has a history of signing out AMA and cannot stand to be in a hospital. Call me if he requests to depart too early, so I can order him to remain.”

  “Alright. Though, I doubt he’ll be in any condition to leave anytime soon.”

  “One more thing. Any medications need to be given either oral or via the IV port. Broderick has a pronounced phobia of needles, and things will not go well if you attempt to administer medication with injections.”

  Dale nodded. “So it was the needle he reacted to in the interview room.”

  “What?” Walter turned to Gibbson.

  “When the medic gave him the migraine meds he jerked away and sought refuge in the corner. A rather unpleasant reaction. Doctor, please make a note, Dan’s been through enough today.”

  The burn scars popped into Andrew’s mind, and his gut soured as he made a connection with the size of the scars and needles. For pity’s sake, that young man’s been through hell. “I’ll make the notes in his chart. We don’t want to distress him further. Although the head trauma is my largest concern, we found two other noteworthy injuries. First, he sustained a hairline fracture of the manubrium.”

  Anatomy, not his strong suit, Gambrill’s expression revealed his ignorance.

  “Sorry.” Realizing not everyone comprehended the structures of the human body, Dr. White pointed to the upper center of his chest. “The uppermost and widest portion of the sternum. From the foot-shaped bruising, it appears he received a kick to the chest one or two days ago resulting in a stress fracture.”

  Walter’s stomach rolled as the full extent of his failure to protect Dan started to come to light. How could Dan have a fracture and Pastore not report the injury? Giving Nick a slight benefit of doubt, he thought perhaps this happened off-shift and Dan didn’t bother reporting the incident or getting himself examined. What else happened to Dan since he joined TRF?

  “Additionally, I found a recent laceration on his lower right side. I’ve seen a fair number of knife wounds … this one appears to have been made by a ten- to twelve-inch bowie knife. Someone cleaned the wound, applied butterfly tapes in multiple places, and covered it with a bandage. However, given the length and depth, the laceration required sutures.”

  “How recent?” Aghast, Gibbson felt awful he didn’t insist Dan be transported to the hospital earlier.

  “From the looks of it … only a few hours old … less than a day for sure.”

  Gambrill shook his head in disbelief. Not a single report crossed my desk. Sergeant Pastore has some serious explaining to do.

  Andrew observed the emotions playing on the commander’s face. The man was quite disgruntled. “If there are no further questions, I’ll be back later to check on Mr. Broderick.” He held out a card.

  “No questions now. I know how to find you if any arise.” Walter pocketed the doctor’s business card.

  “Alright. You may go in and sit with him but remember, he needs rest and quiet.” Dr. White strode down the hallway to the nurses’ station to update the patient’s chart with pertinent information.

  Walter captured Gibbson’s gaze and extended his hand. “Thank you for all your concern today. I’ll take it from here.”

  Dale shook Commander Gambrill’s hand as he stated, “As I informed Sergeant Pastore, no one from Dan’s team is to come anywhere near him. Otherwise, I will proceed with charges on his behalf. The violence visited upon Dan today is assault and wholly unacceptable, regardless of the heated feelings related to the friendly fire incident.

  “Constables Baldovino’s and McKenna’s actions are entirely out of line. Until I can speak with Dan about his wishes regarding the unprovoked attack, I require you to keep them away. I also expect you to take appropriate action within your department or I will lodge a complaint with Chief Carlyle.”

  This whole situation weighed heavy on Walter’s mind. More than the altercation in the locker room will be investigated. The lack of concern being shown for the welfare of a teammate is appalling. One of them should’ve detected and reported injuries such as the ones Dan sustained. I need to discover if this is blind indifference or deliberate mistreatment. Either way, I will not allow such behavior to persist in the TRF. Heads might start rolling.

  His expression resolute and his tone businesslike, Walter said, “You have my word this will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with accordingly.”

  Satisfied, Gibbson said, “If Dan needs anything, you have my number. Please don’t hesitate to call me. That young man didn’t deserve the treatment he received and needs someone to be in his corner.”

  Turning to leave, Gibbson recalled the article in his possession. Pivoting back to Gambrill he fished the item from his pocket. “Almost forgot. I would’ve given this to Sergeant Pastore, but things went to hell in a handbasket. Here’s Dan’s TRF ID. Probably best if I return this to you.”

  Walter took the bi-fold wallet from Gibbson. “Thanks. For everything.” He slipped the case into his pocket as Gibbson turned to leave.

  Why Can’t They Accept Dan?


  September 15

  Mercy Hospital – Dan’s Room

  Walter entered Dan’s room and ambled to the bed. His heart broke for his godson. If the doctor believed something other than a migraine or concussion caused the memory loss, he had a fairly decent suspicion what the reason might be. Dan’s mind took him back to May twenty-sixth … the fateful day he accidentally shot Brody Hunter.

  Perhaps shooting Ray triggered this. The emotional turmoil of two friendly fire incidents in less than four months would be overwhelming for anyone. Walter needed to find out the details of the critical call to be sure.

  He pulled the chair close and sat down studying Dan. He decided to hold off as long as possible before calling William. Dan continued to be an enigma for his father, a wellspring of unlimited pride and yet the general’s greatest fountain of pain. Walter hoped getting Dan into TRF would change things for him. He convinced William that Dan could begin to heal here. Unfortunately, the opposite of what he envisioned seemed to be occurring.

  Furious and disappointed with Alpha Team, Walter wondered what happened to the team he considered his best and brightest. Sergeant Pastore built a surrogate family out of his team. They possessed a rare quality for a tactical response team, a real sense of family. They safeguarded one another both on the job and off. He marveled at the way the six of them operated. Each one brought diverse and unique strengths which the others valued.

  Nicholas Pastore became a guiding force in TRF, devoting sixteen years of his life to the service. The untimely death of Nick’s wife and young son sent him into a nose dive almost a decade ago. He struggled to climb out of a six-month sojourn in a bottle of rye whisky by finding a renewed purpose in the TRF and building himself a new family.

  A master at negotiations and profiling, Nick used his insight and ability to read and understand people to end calls peacefully. Nick’s superlative team had an unsurpassed record for non-lethal conclusions. Due in large part, to his mentoring of every one of his officers while they learned to talk the talk. When the occasion necessitated, Nick handed off mediation to the member with the best chance of making a connection—a formula for their success.

  Jon Hardy possessed the requisite talents for an exceptional tactical leader in addition to superior marksmanship. With exacting standards, Jon drilled them rigorously, honing their tactical skills to create an elite team. Ordinarily even-keeled in even the worst situations, Jon occasionally lost control.

  Although, his displays of anger occurred after-the-fact in debrief when all would be behind closed doors. Fiercely protective of those under his command
, he tended to come unglued only when one of them did something Jon deemed stupid or reckless which put themselves or others in danger. He could also be as stubborn as the day is long, but they had no one better in tense situations requiring tactical execution.

  Bram De Haven, at six-foot-four, was a walking contradiction. On critical calls, he turned into the toughest team member, regularly breaching first when required in hard tactical entries. As a result, he received the most injuries. Like a book, Bram’s cover could deceive. His size and build alone often intimidated subjects. Yet as the book opened, the pages revealed the true gentle and kind nature of a devoted husband and father of four little girls.

  Ray Palomo came from a rocky past but turned his life around. Walter had been surprised when Nick went to bat to bring Ray into TRF. Ray’s history would’ve typically prevented his acceptance, but Nick pushed through his transfer. Nick’s insight turned out to be right. Ray offered a broadminded perspective and quietude which he used to deescalate many situations.

  Dante Baldovino, Loki to everyone, possessed unmatched technical skills and extensive knowledge of explosives. He continually turned down the high-paying government and private sector offers to stay here. Unjaded, friendly, and quirky, Loki openly expressed is emotions and always had a kind word for anyone in need.

  He was also quick to laugh and loved pranks. Lexa nicknamed him for the Norse god of mischief because no one was safe from his boyish tricks. Well, except for Lexa. Loki learned the hard way, with bruises on his bicep, not to mess with her. It boggled Walter’s mind that Loki would assault Dan. The malice exhibited went completely against his nature.

  Alexandra McKenna, known affectionately as Lexa, became the first female to remain with TRF for more than six months. She was now starting her fourth year with Alpha Team and currently the only female member on any of the teams. The previous three female recruits left rather quickly.

  Birgit Reistad, the first woman to join TRF, rivaled Bram in size and combat skills. She lasted three months, and though sad to see her go, they understood her reasons. Birgit left after she became pregnant and her husband was killed in a car crash two days later. Deciding to nurture the only remaining part of him, Birgit would no longer put herself or the life growing within her at such high risk. She transferred to a desk job in the Specialized Criminal Investigations Unit.

  Karin Hauet replaced Birgit, she showed promise and fit well. Sadly, she left the force entirely. Like many of the men, Karin couldn’t handle the pressure-cooker of their job and suffered a mental breakdown after taking her first lethal shot. The inability to cope with taking a life remained the topmost reason for personnel turnover in TRF.

  The third woman, Nelly Schatz, lasted longer. Though, her poor attitude and false accusation of sexual bias against Sergeant Bradley resulted in her dismissal. A meticulous review by Internal Affairs cleared Bradley of any form of discrimination. Nelly claimed she would never receive a fair shake in the male-dominated force and believed IA covered-up to keep TRF all male. Her allegations were ironic since the lead inspector was female. Jenna Dorling maintained an impeccable record for finding, highlighting, and correcting issues of prejudices and discrimination within the entire police department.

  So, when Lexa applied, they had an abysmal track record with women staying. On paper, Lexa appeared a perfect fit, but when she arrived for selection trials, her physical features became an issue for many. The reticence wasn’t that she was a woman, they all understood women could do the job. It was her size. They worried about her safety and ability, given the physical demands of this position.

  Far from the typical imposing TRF officer, Lexa stood only five-foot-two in her boots. She possessed refined facial features and flawless ivory skin which offset her dark auburn hair. Lexa’s appearance brought to mind an image of a princess in need of protection. Nick fought for Lexa as he did for Ray, insisting she was the right choice.

  Walter grinned at his thought. Lexa might look like a petite princess, but she is no damsel in distress. Her talents more varied than any of the other members, she excelled in all aspects, both tactical and non-tactical, proving to be a significant and vital asset. Her marksmanship comparable to Jon’s, the two continuously swapped first and second place in overall TRF rankings for accuracy and groupings.

  Lexa’s small form became a secret weapon for them. She trained with Bram in hand-to-hand techniques and took down much larger subjects before they ever realized what hit them. Lexa’s strikes were quite effective, too. Several of the men, Loki in particular, learned from experience.

  One of the many reasons Nick wanted her, Lexa held dual degrees in criminology and psychology. Another reason, she had something no man possessed, a female perspective. As such, Lexa assisted Nick in profiling and negotiating with suicidal young girls or when situations demanded feminine intuition or viewpoint.

  Nick’s push for Lexa ruffled many feathers, but his decision turned out to be one of the best. Not only did her selection break the paradigm that TRF was suitable for just burly muscle-bound men, Lexa also became the team’s glue. She had an invaluable ability to deal with hard-headed males and efficiently resolved issues with a gentle word or a solid punch—whichever was required. With all he knew about Lexa, he was at a loss for why she would assault Dan.

  None of this makes any sense. What the heck is going on with Alpha Team? Their remarkable abilities are why I believed they would be a perfect fit for him. They accepted each other’s uniqueness and built upon it to create a team which is more than the sum of its part. Why can’t they accept Dan?

  Dan needed to belong somewhere. William had been pleased when Dan connected with Brody in boot camp and then with his unit. William shared with him the unit protected and cared for Dan during his time in Special Forces. Unjustly, when Brody died, the remainder of Dan’s unit turned their backs on him, even though Brody’s death was a horrible accident.

  Over the years, William tried so very hard to establish a relationship with Dan, but nothing was ever the same after little Sara’s death. Walter recognized William only participated from the sidelines of his son’s life. Every time his friend endeavored to come close, they ended up further apart. Regrettably, things were often misconstrued by one or both of them, sometimes with disastrous results.

  Walter missed the bright, happy soul he remembered Dan to be before everything changed. My godson needs help to recover from his loss and to rebuild his life. Wishing to do more, his hands remained tied because he promised William and Dan he wouldn’t reveal their familial association.

  He and William discussed this aspect to death. William went so far as to share with him many of the problems having family connections high up in the military caused for Dan in the Army. Walter felt those issues were not a factor at TRF. However, the shell of a man standing before him on July thirteenth shocked him beyond belief. Any qualms he held dissipated when Dan softly asked him to please keep things professional and their relationship hidden.

  His godson didn’t need to contend with any more issues, so he agreed. Though, many times since that day Walter desired to disclose to Nick what Dan was dealing with to help him see beyond the cockiness Dan used as a shield to protect his wounded soul. But he couldn’t without revealing the link Dan requested to keep private.

  So, whatever he did now, had to be seen as only the actions of a commander. He would investigate the incidents and deal with them as if Dan were any other constable. Although, it was hard to squash his emotions. At this moment, Walter wanted nothing more than to fire both Baldovino and McKenna for their actions and Hardy for his complete indifference towards Dan.

  As Dan began to stir, Walter curtailed his musings, shifting to more pressing matters. How do I help Dan if his memory is still gone when he awakens?

  Dan became aware he was in a hospital the moment he regained his senses. He first heard the incessant, soft beeping of a monitor. His next clue, the stiff plastic pillow under his head. Though, the smell is what confirm
ed his location. The antiseptic mixed with artificial pine a dead giveaway. Dan also sensed someone in the room. He could hear the light breathing and wondered if it was Brody or Blaze.

  Cracking his eyes open the ceiling came into focus in the dim room. His head pounded something fierce, like when he had an occasional migraine or a frequent concussion. Dan drew a blank on how he ended up in the hospital. Whatever occurred must have been bad if he couldn’t remember.

  He turned to his right to determine who sat with him, hoping to discover why he was here. Two things shocked him. One, he realized he was in a modern, civilian hospital. That fact, further supported by shock number two … his godfather was at his bedside. He last saw him at the party Bella threw for him celebrating his graduation from the police academy. What is Commander Gambrill doing here? For that matter, why am I here?

  “Sir?” Dan said quietly, the sound setting off ripples of pain in his head.

  More gently than anyone in TRF would believe possible, Walter said, “Hello, Dan. How are you feeling?”

  Not wanting to appear weak, Dan deflected. “Where am I?”

  Walter understood all too well what the kid did but played along. “Mercy Hospital in Toronto. What’s the last thing you remember?”

  Dan glanced around and concentrated a moment. “Blaze cleared me to fire. Sir, why am I in a Toronto hospital? Where are the guys in my unit?”

  “All in due time. For now, you need to rest.” Walter delayed the inevitable.

  His few words exhausted Dan. He wanted to push for answers, but his body forced him to comply with his godfather’s instruction. Dan’s lids lowered, and he slipped into sleep.

  This isn’t good. How will I tell Dan three and half months passed and his best friend is gone? I don’t want to cause him pain. Should I contact William or Yvonne? No, shifting accountability won’t do. This is the result of things which occurred under my watch. Telling him and resolving the problems are my responsibility. He exhaled deeply. “This is a fine pickle you’re in Walter. You better figure out something fast.” He sighed, picked up the outdated magazine, and stated flipping pages.


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