Robert L. Tignor, W. Arthur Lewis and the Birth of Development Economics (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006).
Notes: Page numbers in italic type indicate photographs or illustrations.
Abramov, Fyodor, The Wooden Horses, 603
Abramovitch, Rafael. See Rein, Rafael
Abramovitz, Moses, 306
Abyssinia, 127, 139, 159–60
academia, Hirschman’s perceptions of and role in, xiv, 200–201, 241, 332, 344, 362, 365–66, 417–18, 461, 601. See also intellectuals: H’s place among; teaching
Académie pour étudiants étrangers, 92
accent, H’s, 99–100
Acheson, Dean, 270, 274, 278
action. See man of action
Action française, 128
Actionists, 151, 229
Adler, Hans, 398–99
Adler, Max, 40, 58
Adorno, Theodor, 198, 223, 619
adult reading groups, 498, 580, 590
Africa, 381
African-Americans, 440
agency, in development, 341–42, 400–401, 552. See also voluntarism
Agricultural Bank, Colombia, 305
Akerlof, George, 559
Alba, Víctor, 368
Albert O. Hirschman Chair in Economics, 602
Albert O. Hirschman Prize, 653–54
Albright, Madeleine, 650
Alcalis, 481
Aldor, Eva, 315, 325
Aldor, Peter, 4, 315, 325
Alexander, Christopher, Notes on the Synthesis of Form, 408
Alfonsín, Raúl, 609, 623
Algeria, 328
Algiers, 226–32
Allende, Salvador, 379, 455–56, 469–70, 478, 519, 615, 626
Alliance for Progress, 360–61, 407
Almond, Gabriel, 423, 432
the Alps, 640–42
alternatives, in politics and historical explanation, 6, 116, 340, 381, 412, 435, 438, 452–53, 478, 481, 484, 509, 535–36, 545–47, 552–54, 565, 585, 631, 654. See also change, openness as condition for
Alternatives Economiques (journal), 636
Alvarez Restrepo, Antonio, 282
American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), 573–74, 606
American Economic Association, 223, 281, 547, 560, 561, 570
American Economic Review (journal), 217, 264, 306, 337, 350, 561
American Embassy, 608
American Political Science Association, 521
American Political Science Review (journal), 446, 563
American Prospect (journal), 635
Amherst College, 600, 606
anarchists, 130–34
Andler, Daniel, 636
Andler, Martin, 612
Angeloni, Mario, 133
Annis, Sheldon, 583, 593
Anschluss, 154, 205
Anti-Comintern Pact, 164
anti-Communism, in United States, 270, 278, 289–90, 293, 310, 325, 330
antifascism, 2, 7, 136, 140–42, 146–48
anti-Semitism: in Berlin, 1, 41, 54, 82; Carl Hirschmann and, 41–42, 50; in France, 89, 128, 168–69; in Germany, 177–78 (see also in Berlin); H’s experience of, 41–42; in Italy, 150–52; in United States, 158, 175, 648
anxiety, 341, 348
aphorisms, 6, 115, 140, 145, 206, 236, 344, 364, 393, 400, 435, 450, 526, 610
Apter, David, 433, 494, 501
Aquinas, Thomas, 460
Arasse, R., 93
Arendt, Hannah, 3, 4, 23, 98–99, 106, 172
Argentina, 360, 374–75, 409, 410, 480, 554, 574, 579–82, 589, 609, 623
argumentation, 629–37
Aristotle, 503
Arlington, Virginia, 256
Army War College, 291
Aron, Raymond, 645
Arrate, Jorge, 470
Arrow, Kenneth (Ken), 417, 419, 422, 441, 498, 550, 570–71, 628
art, 42, 652
artisans, 582
Ascaso, Francisco, 130
Ascaso Column, 130, 132–34
Ascoli, Max, 157–58, 162, 181, 361
Asher, Robert E. (Bob), 386, 406–7
Asian miracle, 411
Atlantic Monthly (magazine), 630, 633
atomic bomb, 274. See also nuclear weapons
Auden, W. H., 19
Auerbach, Erich, 80, 110–12; Mimesis, 110–11
Austria, 154
Austro-Marxism, 40, 58, 102
autarky, 142, 159–60, 163, 209, 260
authoritarianism, 476–77, 480, 486
automobile industry, 429–30. See also driving
Autorencolloquium, 618
Avanti! (newspaper), 230, 232
Avineri, Shlomo, 479
awards and honors, 418, 560–61, 569, 600, 606–16, 618–19, 623–24, 645, 695n10. See also reputation
Aylwin, Patricio, 625–26
Azéma, Vincent, 173–74
backwardness, economic, 302–3, 343, 346, 544
Baffi, Paolo, 267
Balan, Jorge, 581, 589
balanced growth, 300, 329–31, 338, 345–49, 351–52, 615. See also unbalanced growth
balance of payments, 268
Balzac, Honoré de, 111
Banco de la República, Colombia, 305
Banco Popular, Colombia, 305, 309
Banco Popular de Bogotá, 308
Bank of Italy, 267–68
Banyuls, France, 173–74, 182–83
Baran, Paul, 277, 416
Baron, Hans, 505–6
Barry, Brian, 448–49
Barzun, Jacques, 384
The Basis of a Development Program for Colombia, 300
Battle of Monte Pelato (1936), 133–34
Battle of Skagerrak (1916), 16
Bauer, Otto, 58, 66–67
Bavaria (brewery), 308
Bay of Pigs, 291, 361
Bazdresch, Carlos, 420, 473
beach, vacations and leisure at, 40–43, 86, 109, 256, 356, 529
Beamish (nickname of H), 171–83, 500, 606, 649, 650
beauty, H’s attraction to, 526–27
Beauvoir, Simone de, 192–93, 249
Becker, Gary, 441, 614
behavioral sciences, 340–41
Bell, Daniel, 8, 569, 606–7, 628
Bell, Peter, 468, 577–78, 583, 594–95, 597, 626, 626
Bellah, Robert, 495–97, 537, 567
Bello, J. L., 482
Benda, Julien, La trahison des clercs, 198–99
Benjamin, Walter, 98–99, 171–72
Benn, Gottfried, 74
Bentley, Elizabeth, 289, 299
Bergedorfer Gesprächskreis (Discussion Circle of Bergedorfer), 646
Berger, Peter, 564
Berger, Suzanne, 541
Berle, Adolf E., 367, 370
Berlin, Germany: anti-Semitism in, 1, 41, 54, 82; Communism in, 71–72; fall of Berlin Wall, 620–21; H’s return to, 499, 532, 603, 616–22; Jews in, 21–28; politics in, 66–67, 78–79; postwar partition of, 275; post-WWI, 17–18; Weimar, 19–21, 66; in WWI, 16–17
Berlin Olympics (1936), 82, 127
Bermuda, 284
Bertrand, Raymond, 269
Biddle, Francis, 367
big push, in development, 300, 322, 330, 333–34, 347, 349
Bildung, 60, 84, 96, 583
Bingham, Hiram, IV, 175, 180
biography, 10–11, 292, 639–40
Bird, Richard, 364–65, 413–14, 418
birth, 16–17
birth certificate, 180
Bismarck, Otto von, 16–17
Bissell, Richard, 263–67, 269–71, 273, 276, 279, 280, 650
Black, Eugene R., 300, 386
black markets, 239, 268, 270
Black Power movement, 439
Black Studies, 428, 439–40
Blanco, Victor, 594–95
Blest, Clotario, 378
Bloch, Marc, 167
Bloom, Fred, 207
Blücher, Heinrich, 105–7
The Blue A
ngel (film), 19
Blum, Léon, 123, 128, 129, 130
Blumenfeld, Alfred, 63, 619
BMW advertisement, 549, 551–52
Board of Economic Welfare, 221, 254–55
Board Room Club, New York City, 628
Bobbio, Norberto, 112
Böcklin, Arnold, 37
the body, 525–30
Bohr, Kenneth, 399
Bok, Derek, 419
Bondy, François, 449
Boneo, Horacio, 480
Boohr, Kenneth, 403
books and bookstores, 143, 146, 152, 167, 190, 195–96, 198, 226, 234, 236–39, 249, 315–16. See also literature; reading habits
Borges, Jorge Luis, 616
Boris, Georges, 123
Bornu Railway Extension, 392–93
Boudon, Raymond, 636–37
Boulding, Kenneth, 444–45, 569
Bourdet, Édouard, Les Temps difficiles, 88
Bourdieu, Pierre, 494
Bowles, Samuel (Sam), 415, 417, 458–60, 462
Bradford, Colin, 364–65
Bradley, Thomas, 429
Brandt, Willy, 71, 103, 137
Brazil, 150, 333–34, 373, 375, 377–78, 380, 384, 402, 407, 409–11, 455–56, 467, 482–83, 574, 623, 626–27
Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP), 467–68, 471, 575–76, 582, 598, 613, 622–23
Brecht, Bertolt, 19, 61, 73, 81, 99, 365
Brehm, Jack W., 435
Breton, André, 172
Bretton Woods, 215, 254, 287, 329, 457
Bringing the State Back In, 602
Britain, 165, 170, 177, 284
British Expeditionary Force, 170, 284
Brodsky, Joseph, 9
Brombert, Victor, 335
Brookings Institution, 386, 400, 406, 546
brothel, 179
Browning, Harley, 489
Brüning, Heinrich, 68, 71
bublichik, 452
Buchanan, Norman, 282, 306, 332, 338, 354–55, 376
Buck, Philip, 215
Budapest Quartet, 197
Bulgaria, 211
Bund (Jewish Workers’ Union), 70
Bundy, McGeorge, 486, 532
Burke, Edmund, 630; “Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol,” 339; Reflections on the Revolution in France, 339, 342
Bush, George H. W., 628
buyer’s remorse, 552
Cabouat family, 86, 169–70
Cagoule, 128
Caja Agraria, 376
Caja de Crédito Agrario, Colombia, 312
Calhoun, Craig, 654
Cali, Colombia, 312
Calkins, Robert D., 386
Calvin, John, 507, 550, 558
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 408, 416–17, 420, 427–28
Cambridge School, 505
Campos, Roberto, 333–34, 368–69
camps. See concentration camps; detention camps
Camus, Albert, 228–29, 237, 529–30
cancer, 642, 644, 657
Cancogni, Manlio, 239
Cannadine, David, 542
capitalism: in Germany, 71, 103–4, 421; historical role of, 58, 69; H’s study and interpretation of, 15, 412, 415–16, 463, 478, 503–24, 547, 553; laissez-faire, 238; in Latin America, 333, 477–79, 484–85; in Nazi Germany, 69; Olson on, 533; opposition to, 350, 354; reactionary defense of, 630; the Right and, 411, 421; Third World development and, 297, 392
Caporaso, James, 604
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 9, 409–10, 421, 467–68, 470–71, 473–76, 480, 483, 486, 501, 543, 606, 607, 610, 626–27, 635–36, 639, 647, 652, 695n10; Dependency and Development in Latin America, 412, 476
Cardoso, Ruth, 483, 610, 627, 639
care packages. See remittances and care packages
Carnegie Corporation, 386–87, 468
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 164
Carr, E. H., 645
Carroll, Donald, 173
cars. See driving
Carter, Jimmy, 555
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 529
Cartón de Colombia, 312
Caruso-Koch band, 231
Carvajal, Alberto, 313
Carvajal, Manuel, 312
case studies, 337–38, 374–75, 436. See also empirical fieldwork
Cassirer, Paul, 27–28
Castro, Fidel, 360–61, 366–67
Castro, Raúl, 367
Castro Borrero, José, 312
Catherine, Saint, 240
Catholicism, 79, 128, 234, 377, 378
Cavalcanti, Roberto, 482–83
Cavarozzi, Marcelo, 480
CEBRAP. See Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning
CEBRAP (journal), 635
CEDES. See Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad
Center, political, in Germany, 68, 72
Center for Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 422–24, 431–32, 439
Center for Developing Societies, 597
Center for Entrepreneurial Research, Harvard, 308
Center for International Studies, MIT, 308, 321, 330
Central America, 314
Central Bank, Colombia, 312
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 7, 291, 321, 361, 467
Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES), 579–81, 598
Centro Interno Socialista (CIS), 113, 147, 150
CEPAL. See Economic Commission for Latin America
cerebral hematoma, 644
certainty: H’s suspicion of, 12, 39, 71–72, 106, 111–12, 145, 146, 238, 403, 450–51, 469, 487, 599, 631–32, 655 (see also alternatives, in politics and historical explanation; theory: H’s suspicion of); and uncertainty, 116, 397, 450
Certeau, Michel de, 567
Cervantes, Miguel de, 11, 344
Chagall, Marc, 172; The Birthday, 652
Chalmers, Douglas, 472
Chambon Foundation, 649
Chamley, Paul, Economie politique et philosophie chez Steuart et Hegel, 502–3
Champaigne, Philippe de, 610
chance, 3, 112
change, openness as condition for, 3, 13, 112, 401, 404, 452–53, 509–10, 514, 535. See also alternatives, in politics and historical explanation; conservatism; possibilism; reactionary response, to social crisis; reform; revolution, social change through
Chapiros (in-laws), 192–94, 197, 207, 225, 252, 254, 256, 281, 317, 323, 326, 356
Charité Hospital, Berlin, 16
Chateaubriand, François-René de, Memoires, 549
Chenery, Hollis, 322, 350–52
chess, 38, 97, 228, 254, 408
Chevalier, Haakon, 200, 288
Chevy Chase, Maryland, 256, 276–83
Chicago, Illinois, 189–90
Chicago School of Economics, 469, 478, 485–86, 598, 599
childhood and youth: anti-Semitism in, 41–42; art in, 42–43; cultural influences during, 18–19; education in, 45, 49, 53–64, 74–75; financial circumstances in, 42, 47–49, 75; music in, 42; nannies and tutors in, 42, 73, 85; parent-child relations in, 30–33, 45, 50, 60, 73–75; place of residence, 27–28, 47–49; religion in, 22–25; romances in, 43–44, 70; vacations in, 36, 37, 40–43, 48–49, 61; in Weimar Republic, 22–52
Chile, 375, 378–80, 407, 409, 420–21, 455–56, 463, 469–70, 472–73, 478, 485, 487, 515, 574, 579, 589, 591, 600, 623, 625–26
China, 274, 299, 390
choice, 3, 112, 423, 436, 438, 442, 447–48, 534, 551. See also decision making; public choice economics; rational actor theories
Christian Democratic Party (Chile), 379
Christianity: H’s sense of, 25; Jewish conversion to, 21–24
Christmas, 26, 30
Churchill, Winston, 226
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 558, 562
CIEPLAN, 487, 598, 626
Circle, the. See ORG
CIS. See Centro Interno Socialista
Cité Internationale Universitaire, 90
citizenship: concepts of, 50
8, 514; consumerism and, 443–44; H’s American, 33, 219; H’s application for French, 158; H’s German, 221; H’s Lithuanian, 176, 220, 221; of Jews in Germany, 21, 23–24
La Ciudad Futura (journal), 636
civic humanism, 505–6, 515
Clark, Paul, 345
classics, H’s return to, 502–24
Clayton, William, 263
Clearing Office for Foreign Transactions, 257
Clerc, Denis, 636
Cleveland, Harold van B., 266, 271, 272
clothing, 365, 491, 530
Coase, Ronald, 122, 614
Coatsworth, John, 646
coffee, as export crop, 364
cognitive dissonance, 436, 439
Cohen, Arthur R., 435
coinage, of phrases, 210–11, 438, 630, 633
Cold War, 275, 278, 280, 297, 594, 599
collective action, 533–34, 554, 587
collectivism, 237, 239–40
Collège Français. See Französisches Gymnasium
Collier, David, 475–76, 480–81, 501
Colombia, 281–83, 295–324, 360, 434, 473, 539, 560, 579, 589, 593; development in, 298–314, 676n6; family life in, 314–20, 319, 323–24, 372; political context of, 295, 298, 309, 320, 371–73, 376–78; travel in, 304
Colombian Institute for Agrarian Reform (INCORA), 376
Colombian Land Reform Institute, 373
Colorni, Eugenio, 80, 108–17, 125, 131, 136, 139, 140–41, 143–49, 151, 156–57, 195, 200, 214, 229–32, 236, 242–44, 263, 275, 288, 297, 441, 508, 526, 545, 609
Colorni, Sylvia, 139, 140, 151
Coltejer (textile plant), 308
Columbia University, 336, 362–67, 382–84, 427
Comintern, 71, 72, 101, 136, 138
Comité français de l’Entraide universitaire internationale, 93, 118
Commissariat général du Plan, 636
common interests, 515, 523, 535. See also public life
common monetary authority, 272–73
Common Sense (magazine), 606
Communism: criticisms of, 100–102, 105, 107; expansion of, in 1940s–1960s, 262, 274, 278, 328; in France, 97; H and, 13, 88, 98, 103, 105–7, 138, 199–200, 285–87, 290–91, 293, 619; Nazis vs., 71–72; in Spanish Civil War, 132–38, 150; Ursula and, 87–88, 101–2, 105–6, 114, 292; in Weimar Republic, 64. See also anti-Communism
Communist Party, American, 199–200
Communist Party, French, 112, 129, 262
Communist Party, German (KPD), 65, 68, 71–73, 76–77, 79, 103
Communist Party, Italian, 262
Communist Party, Spanish, 129, 132, 134–35
communitarianism, 515, 517, 568
community spirit, 646–47
community tax, 22
competition, 204, 422–23, 441, 443, 447
Comte, Auguste, 339
concentration, indices of, 204, 217
concentration camps, 80. See also detention camps
Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman Page 83