Welcome to Lake Ventures (New Haven Book 2)

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Welcome to Lake Ventures (New Haven Book 2) Page 7

by Dawn Doyle

They went back up to their floor and Emily went to her desk to look through the work she’d be doing. She switched on her computer, an iMac, and saw that there was an email addressed to her. Everything must have been changed for her already.

  “Oh. I almost forgot, Mr. Lake has been called to LA for some business and he won’t be here this week, but if you need anything, he’s just an email away.” Diane called. “But don’t worry, if you need anything, I’ll just be here.”

  “Thanks, Diane.”

  Emily opened the email and saw that it was from Mr. Lake.

  Hello Emily.

  I’m happy that you are joining the company.

  Unfortunately, I’m in LA for the week so I won’t have the pleasure of seeing you until next Monday.

  If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask Diane, my secretary. She’s great and will be able to help you find your way around.

  Just be careful though, she speaks her mind and has a sharp tongue. Don’t tell her I told you that!

  If you need anything else, just send me an email and I’ll get back to you right away.

  See you Monday.

  Emily smiled at the amusing email that her new boss had sent. What she thought was strange was that he hadn’t put his name at the bottom.

  It had his company name and address, as expected, but people usually put their name at the bottom. Maybe that was just his way though. You knew who it was from because of the ‘from’ at the top of the message.

  She decided to reply, even though he said he would see her soon.

  Hi, Mr. Lake.

  Don’t worry, I won’t tell!

  Diane has shown me around and introduced me to the other staff.

  Do I say thank you for hiring me? No, too arse kissy.

  Emily couldn’t decide what to reply with, that didn’t sound like she was kissing his feet and thanking him.

  I look forward to meeting you too.


  She hit ‘send’ and smiled. Just enough to say ‘Hi’ and not enough to think she was a brown nose.

  Emily got to work and opened a few of the files that she would be working through for Mr. Lake. Craig, the previous assistant, had organised the files efficiently, which Emily was happy about, and she flicked through each one to get an idea of what she could expect in her time there.

  It seemed like she hadn’t been working for long when Diane came up to her desk.

  “Lunch?” she asked with a smile. Her silver framed glasses perched on the end of her nose.

  “Oh. Yeah, I didn’t realise the time.”

  Emily shut down her iMac and went to lunch with Diane and Julie.


  Nick was sitting in his hotel room when his Macbook made a sound, alerting him to an incoming email. He’d forgotten to turn off the alerts in the notification centre and change it back to banners.

  He opened the email and saw that it was from Emily.

  He smiled as he read her reply.

  She looks forward to meeting me. I doubt she’ll be happy about it on Monday.

  Nick laughed to himself. Even though he couldn’t wait to see Emily’s face when he walked through the door the next week, he actually did want her to work for him. She had the qualifications, experience and she also didn’t take shit from people.

  Especially him.

  He couldn’t help laughing again as he remembered their meeting outside Riss’ house a few months earlier.

  He was pissed that the club owners had called him on Saturday morning. They’d found some premises and they wanted him to take a look at it. He didn’t want to go but he didn’t want to leave it to them to make the decision without doing a thorough check through the building first.

  They’d made that mistake last time.

  They were about to sign off on a building that had unstable foundations and the walls crumbling. It was a good job that his Dad had taught him what to look out for. He’d stopped the deal going ahead and found another building, less expensive, and was newer. Doing some research, and getting his Dad to do a thorough check, they’d signed the deal and expanded the club. It was doing well. Luckily, this time, they’d called him before they’d agreed to anything.

  Nick got up and got himself ready for his meeting with Johnny and Ray, the club owners. He couldn’t resist sending Emily another email before he went out.

  I hope your first day is going well and Diane is being nice to you.

  Don’t let her sweet smile fool you. She can be a real dragon when she wants to be. :)

  Nick knew she’d probably be at lunch so he set the alerts on his phone so he’d know if she replied. He didn’t know why he cared so much but he put it down to wanting to see her reaction when she sees who she’s really working for. He had an excited feeling in his stomach and he couldn’t wait to get back to Seattle, which was a first for him.

  Usually, getting away was what he thought of the most. If his company wasn’t there, and a lot of people weren’t relying him on him for their jobs, he would have left.

  When Nick got to the new premises, in Downtown LA, he looked around and saw that the property looked ok at first sight. He called his Dad to book a flight and to come and take a look around and check the building. He liked what he saw and he wanted to make sure everything was structurally sound before he gave the go ahead for the deal.

  His phone beeped with an incoming email and his stomach flip-flopped with anticipation.

  It was from the accounts department and his stomach dropped instead. They wanted to make sure that he got the details from the last week’s financial reports. He had. He just hadn’t bothered to reply yet. He sent a quick ‘Yes I have them, thank you’ before returning his phone to his pocket. Instantly, his phone beeped again. He thought it was the accounts again but his face broke out in a smile when he saw that it was from Emily.

  My first day is going great, thank you. Diane is being really sweet. Does she know you call her a dragon?


  I never said she was a dragon, I said she can be a dragon.

  P.S. Don’t tell her I said that. She’ll kill me. :)

  Nick received a reply straight away.

  Too late. She’s looking over my shoulder and read what you said.

  P.S. You’re in trouble.


  Oops. :D

  Nick laughed to himself. He knew Diane wouldn’t do anything. He’d called her a dragon plenty of times. She knew he was only kidding with her. She was a sweetheart really.


  Stop flirting with your new assistant! And… How dare you call me a dragon? You want to see a dragon? Well, I’m going to breath fire ALL over you when you get back, young man!

  Di the Dragon.

  Awww Di, come on, you know I love you. I’m just playing.

  How’s Emily’s first day? Is she settling well?


  She’s doing exceptionally well.

  I introduced her to the other departments. They like her already. Also, I think Mike, at the front desk, has taken a shine to her too. He kept staring at her and smiling when Julie and I took her to lunch.


  Nick wasn’t happy. He knew Mike’s reputation and, unlike his own, the rumours were true. He’d bed a woman and then push her aside for the next one. He’d seen him in action.

  Don’t let him get a hold of her.


  Don’t worry sweetie. I don’t think she likes him. The colorful words that came out of her mouth painted that picture quite nicely.


  That’s my girl. Wait…What?!

  Nick paused for a moment as that thought ran through his mind.

  “Are you ok, Nick?” Johnny asked when Nick stopped walking.

  “Yeah, just got an email from my secretary. Nothing bad, just made me stop to think about it. I just need to reply and then we’ll get back to business.”

  Good. I know how the words sound and it’s not good.

r />   How do you know? You haven’t met her.


  My brother’s friend’s fiancée is from the same area. I’ve heard her cuss and it’s really something.


  Ok. Well, get back to work and take care of yourself.


  I will, Mom. x


  Nick got back to work with Johnny and Ray, he received a text from his Dad, saying he would be arriving in the morning with some of his equipment, and when he was done, he even had time to use the hotel gym.

  Getting into bed that night, he checked his phone for any emails from Di or Emily. He’d had a few from the other departments, the usual end of day ones, and one from Di.

  Emily is really great. I’m glad I was wrong about hiring her. You did a good job with this one.


  Nick smiled widely before the sleeping pills started to take effect. He put his phone down before he fell asleep.

  The next afternoon, Nick and his Dad went around the new premises and Dave had given the all clear for the building. Ray and Johnny were pleased and they started on the plans they’d come up with for the place. Nick, the guys and Dave, sat down together and went over all of the details of what could and couldn’t be done.

  “You need to have the permits in place before any work can go ahead.” Said Dave. “We’ll also need to see the detailed plans and work the new drawings from there.”

  “No problem, Dad. Is there anything you suggest that we steer clear from?” Nick trusted his Dad implicitly. If he said not to do something, then you listened.

  Dave explained that he needs to take away the plans, a list of things they wanted and come up with some design suggestions. As the building was plain and square shaped, it was pretty much a blank canvas for him to work with.

  “So, how have you been keeping, Son?” Dave asked when they went for lunch together.

  “I’m good, thanks. Keeping busy.” Nick replied trying to sound happy.

  “That’s wonderful. Look, Nick. About the other day, your Mom’s just concerned for you…”


  “No, let me finish. She doesn’t mean to go on about you settling down and having kids. She’s just worried that you spend too much time alone.”

  “I like my own space, Dad. I’m happy that way.” He was. As long as people weren’t interfering in his life, he was perfect.

  Sort of.

  “Well, alright then.” Dave said with a smile.

  “What?” Nick knew his Dad had something to say and he was uneasy at the look he was giving him.

  “Nothing.” Dave said with a shrug. “It’s just that you’ve checked your phone a dozen times since we’ve sat down. That’s something new.” He continued to grin at Nick.

  “So? You know my new assistant started yesterday. I’m half expecting some questions.”

  “Isn’t Diane there?”


  Where are you going with this, Dad?

  “Well I’m sure she can help him with whatever he needs.”

  Nick could tell by the smirk on his Dad’s face that there was more he wanted to say.

  “She. My assistant is a woman.”

  “What’s her name?” Dave asked with a glint in his eye.


  “And where’s Emily from?”

  “What does that matter?”

  What the hell is going on?

  “Does she happen to be from the UK, by any chance?” Dave asked trying to hold back a chuckle.

  Ryan. That little shit!

  “So?” Nick folded his arms in front of himself. He knew he was acting like a stubborn teenager but the last thing he wanted was for his Dad to get the wrong idea about him and Emily.

  “I thought she was just ‘some wacko chick’?” Dave said holding his fingers up in quotation marks.

  “What did Ryan say to you?” Nick scowled. Ryan had told him that Emily had gone to Riss’ house to tell them she’d gotten a job. With what she’d said, Ryan had assumed she was talking about Nick’s company and had texted him, asking if it was.

  “Not much. Just that you’d hired Holly’s sister. Is that wise considering what happened the last time you met? I wouldn’t have expected her to take the position. You must have offered her something incredible to say yes.”

  After the initial shock of what he’d done to Holly, Ryan spilled the whole scene of Nick and Emily to his Dad. He’d found it hilarious.

  Nick shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  “She doesn’t know I’m her boss.”

  “What?” Dave burst out laughing and Nick scowled even more.

  “I told Diane to interview her and offer her the job. She’s highly qualified and has more experience than a lot of people I know. I know she wouldn’t have taken the job if she saw me. I told Diane not to say my name, just Mr. Lake.”

  “And you think she’s going to be pleased you tricked her into working for you? If she’s anything like Ryan told me, then you’re going to be extremely sorry for that.”

  Ryan, you fucker!

  “I think she’s good for the company. I’ll work it out with her when I get back, Dad. It’ll be fine.”

  “Just the company?”

  “Dad, don’t start.”

  “Ha! You didn’t deny anything. That means there’s something.” Dave said as he pointed at Nick.

  “Yeah, my foot up Ryan’s ass for spreading a rumour. I’m not interested in Emmy.”



  “I meant Emily.”

  “Sure you did.” Dave chuckled. “Don’t worry, Son. I’ll keep this a secret from your Mom. Even I know not to mention any of this to her.”

  “Fuck, Dad! There’s nothing between us! But yeah, don’t tell Mom that you even think there is, because she’ll start planning weddings and shit.”

  Ryan I’m going to fucking kill you!

  Nick got back to his hotel when his Dad had finally left, and threw himself down on the bed. Ryan had told his Dad about Emily working for him and he thought it was amusing how he’d not wanted Emily to know he was her boss just yet.

  Nick, Ryan and their Dad were alike. They all liked to joke about and get a rise out of people, but it wasn’t good being on the receiving end this time. Nick could usually come back with something better, as he often did, but now he got defensive. He’d even called Emily ‘Emmy’ out loud. He hoped his Dad kept to his word and wouldn’t say anything to his Mom. She’d be all over it like a rash.

  Nick got out his phone. It was time to send a message to his little brother.

  N: Had an interesting conversation with Dad today. Care to tell me why you thought it necessary to inform him about Emily?

  R: Hey bro! It just came up as we were talking about you. He asked if you’d gotten somebody to replace Craig and I told him you had. Why, what’s the big deal?

  Nick could practically feel the grin across Ryan’s face from nine hundred fifty miles away.

  N: Thanks to you, he thinks there’s something going on between us.

  R: Is there? The last convo you had was so romantic. :)

  N: I pissed her off on purpose, does that sound fucking romantic to you?

  R: Well you know what they say, boys are mean to girls they like…

  N: Fuck you!

  R: I’m just kidding! Man, take a fucking chill pill! Does she know you’re her boss yet?

  N: No. She’ll find out on Monday.

  R: I’d love to be there when she does. She’s gonna go insane!

  Nick smiled to himself. Even though he was still pissed at his Dad and brother, he was still looking forward to seeing Emily’s reaction.

  N: She’s gonna freak the fuck out and then probably try to kill me. It’s gonna be awesome. Have you told anybody?

  R: Just Riss. She won’t say anything. She said that you’re an ass and you deserve whatever Emily’s going to do to you for setting her up like that.

p; N: Whatever. Just keep your mouth shut and don’t think about starting anything with Mom and Dad. I’ve had enough of the both of them to last a fucking lifetime.

  R: No sweat, dude.

  Nick calmed down knowing that they were just pulling the stupid shit on him as they all did. Strangely, he felt a little guilty for tricking her. He swore under his breath at his Dad, for putting that into his head. Fortunately, he knew how to get rid of those thoughts.


  Unfortunately though, he couldn’t drink if he was to take his pills. He’d gotten drunk a few times and knew not to take sleeping pills, but he wasn’t going to do that this time. He had an appointment the next day and he didn’t fancy going with a hangover.

  Nick’s phone beeped, alerting him to incoming emails.

  He skimmed through the ones he could get back to and he saw that he had one from Diane.


  Emily’s doing a great job. She’s had her head buried in files all day.

  I thought I should give you a head’s up, Mike asked her out today.


  Nicks heart hammered in his chest.

  Not Mike!


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