Welcome to Lake Ventures (New Haven Book 2)

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Welcome to Lake Ventures (New Haven Book 2) Page 10

by Dawn Doyle

  Chatting with you has made my day.

  I can’t wait for our next discussion, Emmy.


  He quickly, but quietly, ran to the door to listen to her response from his message.

  “Gobshite.” He heard her say when she opened her mail. His own iMac alerted him to his mail.

  A displeasure as always.


  Nick laughed again.

  She’s amazing. What?! What the fuck’s wrong with me?

  Nick was thinking about Emily more and more. The fog obviously hadn’t cleared and he found himself wondering what she was doing when she wasn’t there. He put it down to him still feeling bad about what he did, but the way things were going he knew it wouldn’t be long before she got her own back on him.

  He was both scared and a little nervous about what she’d do.

  Now that he hadn’t got much else to do that day, he decided to take a trip to the accounts department. Emily didn’t look up from her desk as he left, but Diane gave him a huge warm smile, as always.

  “Hi, Louise.” Nick greeted the accounts receptionist as he neared her desk.

  “Oh, Hi Nick.” She replied, smiling wide, sitting straighter in her chair and, not so subtly, pushing her chest forward. “It’s nice to see you again.” She added, with a flutter of her eyelashes.

  “You too. Is Jerome still around?” he asked. He wanted to get away from Louise and he kept his feet moving as he spoke.

  “Yes, he’s still here. Emily came to see him earlier though. I didn’t realize you’d hired somebody.” Louise sounded like she was accusing him of something.

  “Yes. Didn’t you meet Emily when she started? Diane introduced her to everybody.” Louise was walking alongside him now.

  “I was on vacation that week, so I didn’t see her. She’s…interesting.”

  Nick stopped suddenly and turned to Louise.

  “Oh…Um…I just meant that she’s… different. You know… the way she talks. I haven’t heard that accent before.” She said nervously.

  “I see.” He said as he continued on his way to Jerome’s cubicle.

  All of his accounts staff had individual cubicles, not like the cramped ones you see on a lot of TV shows. They were spacious and had plenty of room to work in. “Can I help you with something?” Nick asked when Louise was still walking with him.

  “Uh… No…Sorry. I’ll get back to my desk.” She said with an uncomfortable laugh before walking away.

  “Jerome, hi” Nick said as he approached. Jerome was a short man, in his late fifties with dark hair, which was receding, and a paunch. The way his white shirt, with red and blue stripes, was tucked into his black trousers and tightened with a belt underneath his stomach, it was obvious he didn’t move around very much.

  Jerome’s face paled when he saw Nick.

  “Nick, hi. Oh God, I’m so…” he began to say before Nick cut in.

  “Jerome, it’s fine. I just came down to see how things were. I know you made an honest mistake, Emily assured me of that, and I’m sure you know that it could’ve gotten very serious if she hadn’t noticed.”

  Jerome agreed and told Nick all about Emily’s visit.


  “So how did you get on with Nick in his office?” Diane asked as she perched on the corner of Emily’s desk.

  “He asked me what I’d done with Jerome’s figures for the Amantes account.” Emily told Diane about the conversation in his office. Even down to offering to open the window for him.

  “Oh, my Lord! You never said that!” Diane giggled with a hand over her mouth.

  “I did. The cheeky bastard just laughed.”

  “It’s a good thing he likes you. I don’t think anybody else would have gotten away with that.”

  Emily’s eyes snapped to Diane.

  “What do you mean, he likes me? He doesn’t, and I don’t like him.” Emily said, defensively.

  “Well, sweetie, he sure looks at you an awful lot. But I didn’t tell you that.” Diane winked as she smiled.

  “He’s just plotting what crap he’s gonna pull on me next, that’s all. Probably waiting for me to make eye contact so he can see it when he pisses me off.”

  “I don’t know honey, he was talking to me at my desk but he was looking at you almost the entire time.”

  Emily was about to say something when the lift doors opened and Nick walked out.

  “Ladies.” He said in greeting, with a grin across his face.

  “Hello Nick.” Diane replied without moving off Emily’s desk.

  “I’ve just had a very interesting chat with some of the staff in the accounts department.” He said as he looked at Emily.

  She averted her eyes and looked towards the monitor instead.

  “It seems like you’ve gotten yourself a little fan club, Emmy.”

  Emily clenched her fists.

  It’s Emily, dickhead! Now please move away, you smell too good and I’m trying to hate you!

  “What’s going on?” Diane asked innocently, like she hadn’t just spent the past ten minutes talking about it with her.

  “Just that Emmy here was nice to somebody. So much so that the others think she’s a real sweetheart.” He smiled but Emily could hear a mischievous tone to his voice.

  “I’m an angel. I just save up all of my bitchiness for you.” She replied, still not looking at him. She knew what would happen if she looked into his eyes. Her stomach would turn and her heart would beat faster. It confused her because even though she hated him, the reactions she had, didn’t feel like she did.

  “I’m sure you are, Emmy. A beautiful angel.”

  Emily looked at him and she saw that he was holding back a grin. He was referring to the FaceTime at Holly’s school when he’d said ‘hello again beautiful’. Yes, she remembered that conversation, and the one before that too.

  “I want to smack you so hard.” She muttered under her breath, not caring that he may have heard her.

  “Emmy, I already told you. I’m not into that stuff.”

  “What?!” she squeaked and Nick couldn’t contain his laughter any more.

  “Your face… So funny. Anyway this has been wonderful but I have work to do.” He said, walking to his office.

  Emily glared at his back as she watched him.

  Unfortunately, her eyes wandered a little further south.

  To his arse.

  His perfectly toned backside that looked fabulous in his pants.

  Oh wow.

  No, no no! You hate him! He’s not good looking, his eyes don’t see into you, he doesn’t smell great and his arse is horrible!

  She dropped her head down and took a deep breath.

  “That young man is a terrible tease.” Giggled Diane. “But I still think he likes you.”

  “Di, please don’t.” Emily pleaded.

  “I’m just saying honey. Pay more attention, and you’ll see what I mean.”

  Emily groaned, shook her head and got back to work, but not before reminding Nick about her name.



  I know. I just like to call you Emmy.




  I call Diane, Di. So Emily becomes Emmy.


  Or just Em, like everyone else.


  I’m not everyone else and you’re Emmy to me.


  There’s no telling him!

  Emily gave up, for that day anyway.

  Chapter 5

  Good morning, Emmy. I have a business lunch today, with a potential client and I need you to go with me.


  The email on the screen had just made Emily regret getting out of bed that morning. It had been three days since their last conversation and she was still mad that he’d turned her words into a sexual innuendo. Luckily for her, he’d had the brains to leave her alone after that.

  Is it necessary?r />
  Did Craig accompany you on business lunches?


  Occasionally, yes.

  But Craig isn’t here any more, you are, so you have the pleasure of that task now.



  Shovelling pig shit would be more pleasurable.


  Well, I don’t know of any working farms in the city, but I’m sure I could find one on Google maps. I’ll take you there afterwards and you can shovel until your little heart is content. :)




  Emily could hear Nick’s laughter through the office door.

  “How am I going to cope with him today?” she said out loud to herself.

  “Well, you’re going to take a deep breath, count to five and smile.” Diane answered, making Emily jump.

  “Di! I nearly jumped out of my skin then!”

  “Sorry, Honey.” She chuckled. “You were so deep in thought you didn’t hear me. So, what’s all the stress for?”

  “Nick wants me to go to a business lunch with him today, to meet a potential client.”

  “Now, that’s not bad. It’s a good thing because you get to see what goes on outside of the office. Just think of it as experience.”

  “I’ve had all of that experience, Di. I don’t need anymore.”

  “I meant ‘Nick’ experience. You see how he acts with us, now you’ll see what he acts like with his clients.”

  “Oh, Yeah of course. I suppose so. Well, he better behave himself that’s all I can say.” If Nick did anything to irritate her, she would let him know regardless of who was around. If he could serve it, he could take it.

  “I’m sure he’ll be the perfect gentleman.” Diane said with a warm smile before returning to her desk.

  He better be.

  “Are you ready for lunch, Emmy?” Nick asked from his office doorway.

  Emily had to look at her clock to double check the time. It had gone by so fast.

  “Yeah.” She spat out her one word answer as she picked up her bag.

  “Ok then. Let’s go.”

  They walked together to the lift and got in. As soon as the doors closed, being in the small space with Nick, Emily suddenly felt claustrophobic. She could feel her legs quivering and her hands began to shake.

  He was silent which only added to the awkwardness.

  Emily blew out a breath when they reached the ground floor. The doors opened and people, who worked for other companies in the building, were trying to get in as she and Nick were getting out. Emily felt a hand, Nick’s hand, on the small of her back, guiding her out. He’s had also angled himself so that his body was blocking anybody from knocking into her.

  Where his hand touched, she felt tingles and heat.

  Lots of heat.

  As soon as they were clear, he let his hand drop, and Emily felt the loss.

  “Are you ok?” he asked as they continued forward.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You were frowning. Like something was bothering you.”

  I liked you touching me. That’s what was bothering me.

  “No. Just thinking about stuff.”

  “Stuff?” Nick smirked.

  “Yep. Stuff.”

  Oh God, I’m a divvie now!

  Emily cringed internally at her reaction.

  From the corner of her eye, Emily saw Nick stiffen as they walked towards to from doors. She glanced at him to see why and that’s when she saw him looking towards the security desk.

  He didn’t look happy as he stared at Mike.

  She wondered what had happened, but she wasn’t about to ask him about it. He might think she was concerned.

  Which she wasn’t.

  At all.

  Ok, maybe a little.

  When Nick turned his head, Emily snapped her eyes to the front so he didn’t catch her looking.

  “Cock head.” She heard him mutter under his breath, which surprised her as it was something she would say.

  “Did you just call Mike a Cock’ed?” she asked as they exited the building.

  “You heard that?”

  “Well, yeah. I’m right next to you, you know.”

  “I know. I just didn’t think I said it that loud.”

  “Well you did. Are you scared he heard you?”

  “What?! No. Why would I be scared?” Nick asked and the corners of his mouth turned up into a smirk.

  “Because he’s built like a brick shit house.” Mike was huge and looked like he weighed a tonne.

  “The bigger they are, the harder they fall, Emmy.” He said, turning in the direction of the carpark.

  “Hang on, we’re not riding on your motorbike are we?” Emily was suddenly very nervous. One, she wasn’t dressed appropriately for that, and two… she’d have to hold onto Nick. Her stomach fluttered at the thought, which made her even more uncomfortable.

  “No!” Nick laughed. “I don’t ride my bike to work. I have a car.”

  “Oh, good.” She blew out a breath of relief.

  “Why, did you want to ride on my bike with me?” Nick was pursing his lips as if he was stopping a grin from spreading.

  “God no!”

  Nick got his keys out of his pocket and pressed the fob to unlock his car. Emily followed the sound and saw a BMW 640i convertible in metallic deep sea blue. It was gorgeous, but Emily wasn’t about to show how excited she was about his car. He’d never fit his head through the door.

  Like a gentleman, Nick opened her door for her and waited until she’d gotten in and then closed it for her. He walked around and got into the drivers seat.

  “I didn’t expect you to drive something like this.” she said as she looked over the interior.

  Everything was black. The trim, the seats… everything. Just how she liked.

  “What did you expect?” he asked, intrigued.

  “I don’t know. Probably a Bentley or a Bugatti. You know, something that screams ‘look at me!’” she said with her hands up in exaggeration. “And probably a driver too. Isn’t that what company owners usually have?”

  “Actually, I’m not a Bentley kind of guy and Bugatti’s are ok, I guess. Terrible over speed bumps though, the spoilers would get broken. Also, I prefer to be the one in the driver’s seat.”

  Emily didn’t know if she was being paranoid but she thought she detected an innuendo in his tone. She wasn’t about to call him on it though. Just in case.

  Nick was smiling as he was watching the road and Emily took the opportunity of his eyes being elsewhere, to look at him.

  Really look at him.

  Trying not to make it obvious, she turned her head as little as she could so only her eyes were on him, and stared at his profile.

  The front of his hair was pushed back, after he’d ran his fingers through, but had fallen down to his cheekbones, the tips brushing his skin. The strands at the back slightly hung over the collar of his shirt, too long to curl up. He had thick, long eyelashes, which were darker than his hair and his lips were perfectly proportioned to each other.

  The stubble on his face looked sexy and Emily wanted to reach out and run her fingers over the coarse hairs on his jaw. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed and Emily’s eyes followed it before moving down to his shoulders.

  Nick had broad shoulders and looked like he worked out a lot, but she couldn’t tell because the first time she’d seen him, he’d worn a biker jacket and now a suit jacket but his arms, that led down to his hands gripping the steering wheel, looked like they had the shape of a well toned physique.

  When Emily looked at his hands, she noticed the faint lines of scars across his knuckles, like he’d been in a few fights a long time ago. Which wouldn’t surprise her really, he’d probably pissed off the wrong person.

  Emily scanned further down at his legs. His pants were tight across his thighs as he sat and then she knew that he definitely had a good body underneath his suit. The shap
e of his muscles were visible under the material.

  Get a grip, Emily. He’s an idiot. Stop looking at him!

  “Why are you staring at me?” Nick said, suddenly without taking his eyes off the road.

  Emily felt the heat rise in her cheeks as she’d been caught looking him over.

  “I wasn’t staring.”

  “Yes you were. I could see you from the corner of my eye. You were staring.” He glanced at her before turning back to the road, with a smug smile on his face.

  “I was wondering how, even when your mouth is shut, you still manage to annoy me. I think it’s a gift you have. Pissing me off without saying a word.”

  Emily scowled when Nick laughed.

  “Why do I annoy you so much, Emmy? It’s not like I was serious about anything I said to you back then. I would never take you over my knee. I told you, I’m not into that kinky shit. If you are, then that’s up to you.”

  “What?!” she shouted as her head snapped in his direction. Her heart hammered in her chest and she felt her temper rising.

  Nick laughed loudly.

  Fuck you and your cute laugh!

  “I’m kidding, Emmy! God you should see your face.” He laughed again. “When you came out of Riss’ house, you were so mad and I just added a little fuel. It was funny to watch you trying hard not to attack me in the street.” He chuckled.


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