Welcome to Lake Ventures (New Haven Book 2)

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Welcome to Lake Ventures (New Haven Book 2) Page 18

by Dawn Doyle

  She groaned and turned over, burying her head under pillow as the events of the previous night came flooding back.

  Oh God! He’s gonna have a field day with this.

  It was going to be worse because she knew what Nick had done for her and exactly what she said to him. Her Mum was the queen of innuendo’s and Emily knew she sounded just like her with what she’d said to Nick. Her Mum would have blown a gasket in laughter if she’d heard her.

  Emily didn’t want to go to work, but she knew she had to face him at the office sooner or later.

  Reluctantly, she got herself out of bed, and carefully made her way to the bathroom for a hot shower.

  Emily took a cab to work, after drinking the night before, and was relieved to find that Nick hadn’t arrived.

  “Here she is!” Diane giggled. “Come and see, Em.” She beckoned holding up her phone.

  Emily felt embarrassed when she saw what was on Diane’s phone. Photos of her, on stage with Lee. He was sitting in her lap, holding her arms around him. She saw her fists were clenched and it was obvious she didn’t want to touch him.

  “That poor guy did everything he could to get your attention.” Diane said, still giggling.

  “I didn’t want his attention in the first place, Di. I wanted him to get off me.”

  “He worked so hard to get you into the moment.” She continued as if she hadn’t heard what Emily had just said. “What was he saying to you?”

  Emily recounted the ‘conversation’ between them on the stage and exactly what she’d thought of him.

  “Oh, honey.” She put her hand over her mouth, holding back another laugh.

  “It’s not funny Di. It was creepy and uncomfortable. Especially when he was about to get his bits out. I wasn’t about to have his bare danglies resting on me. Ew.” She scrunched her nose in distaste.

  “How was your car journey home?”

  “Dull.” Nick had questioned her reasons for helping him. She was a little drunk but she wasn’t about to spill everything.

  He would just laugh at her.

  They’d been working for a couple of hours when Nick walked out of the lift. He walked past them both and headed straight into his office, not saying a word about the night before.

  Emily and Diane looked at each other.

  Nick’s door was open and Diane walked to the doorway.

  “You were a gentleman last night, Nick. Making sure Emily got home safe.” She said, glancing to Emily.

  “Nah. I was just making sure she didn’t drunkenly phone the dancer for a booty call.”

  Emily was gobsmacked.

  “What did you just say?” she asked in disbelief, rising from her chair.

  “Well, that would’ve been hard considering the number he gave her was torn up and lying in the bottom of a glass of melting ice.” Diane added.

  Nick looked up from his desk and his eyes went from Diane to her.

  “How dare you say that!” Emily spat, her hands fisted at her sides. “I didn’t even want…” she paused. She wasn’t going to bother explaining it to him.

  Not after what he’d just said.

  Emily felt hurt by his words. Not just what he said, but the way he said it. Like he meant for them to hurt her… and they did.

  She turned and walked away; grabbing her bag, she headed for the lift.

  “Emmy!” She heard Nick shout as she pressed the button to the ground floor. She looked up and gave him the middle finger as the doors closed.

  That’s when the tears began to fall.


  “Fuck!” Nick shouted as he walked back to his office.

  “What the hell did you say that for?” Diane scolded him.

  “I don’t know!” He groaned as he sat with his head in his hands.

  “Well, you best get fixing it, young man, that poor girl didn’t deserve what you implied there.”

  Nick felt disgusted with himself. He’d only said those things out of jealousy and now Emily was mad at him.

  He didn’t know she’d ripped up his number until Diane told him. He didn’t know why he thought she’d kept it.

  Diane explained what happened, what Emily said about Lee looking ridiculous and the conversation between them on stage. He understood why he got off her so quick. He didn’t want to get his dick ripped off.

  I’m an ass! No… worse. I’m a fuck head.

  Nick put himself at the top of Emily’s shit list, that’s how bad he felt.

  Diane was right. He needed to fix it and fast.

  He tried calling her but her phone went to voicemail after two rings. She was cutting him off.

  He sent her a text.

  N: Emmy. I’m sorry. Please answer your phone.

  Nick waited a few minutes and tried calling again. She cut him off.


  Nick asked Diane to call her and see if she was coming back. He was worried that she’d left him because of is idiotic jealousy. Not that she knew he was jealous, of course. He wasn’t about to admit that.

  “Em, sweetie. Are you ok?” Diane said into the phone.

  Of course she would pick up for Diane.

  Diane turned and gave him a murderous glare.

  “Uh huh… Yeah… Emily! Ok I’ll tell him.” She replaced the receiver.

  “Emily’s very upset, Nick. She sounded like she’d been crying.”

  He may as well have been sucker punched to the gut because his breathing stopped with the pain he felt for what he’d done.

  “She had a few choice words for you, I’ll tell you that.”

  “What did she say? Is she coming back?”

  “She’s taking a little while to calm down and she’ll be back. Make sure you apologize to her.”

  “I did. She never answered me.”

  “I meant in person, and make sure she believes you.”

  Nick paced in his office for over an hour before he heard the doors to the elevator.

  Popping his head out of his office, he saw Diane hugging Emily by her desk. He would wait until she reached her own before approaching her.

  “Emmy.” He said gently as she sat down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said.”

  Emily slowly looked up at him, before rising out of her chair.

  Oh shit.

  “You can go and shove your apology up your arse. I don’t give a fuck if you’re sorry. If you didn’t mean it, you wouldn’t have said it in the first fuckin’ place, you nob! Don’t you ever dare accuse me of being a dirty slut again!” Her tone was menacing and her eyes bore into him like hot pokers.

  “And…” she continued. “To think I was going to apologize for taking the piss out of you for owning strip clubs.”

  “What do you mean?” He knew she said not to talk to him, but he wanted to know how she’d ‘taken the piss’.

  “The stuff I said to you, about gettin’ on stage and shakin’ it, and the stuff I said that sounded dirty. All a piss take. I didn’t mean a word of it.”

  He’d been punched again.

  If she’d meant any of it, it meant she may have had some feelings for him. Now she was saying it was all a joke. It wasn’t good being on the receiving end of a joke.

  Especially one so cruel.

  “I guess we’re even then.” He barely said before turning to his office.”

  “Di, here’s thirty-five dollars for the jar.” He heard Emily say

  Nick closed his door and sat on his sofa.

  He didn’t know how long he’d been there but when he finally got back up, the girls had gone home.

  “Nick’s a good guy, Em.” Oli said as they sat drinking tea.

  “You’re supposed to be on my side.” She complained.

  Emily had been talking over what had happened with Nick and the club. Oli seemed more sympathetic to him and it was annoying her.

  “I am, princess. It’s just that I’ve gotten to know Nick very well over these past few months. I’m sure that he really didn’t mean what
he said. I think it’s best that you talk to him. See why he behaves that way with you. I’m sure it’ll work out fine.”

  “I’m not talking to him, Dad. Not today anyway. I can’t, besides I have an apartment to look at in Belltown. I best get going.”

  Diane had taken Emily home after work, so she didn’t have to get a cab back.

  She drove through Belltown and arrived at the apartment building.

  Walking through the glass doors, she saw that the navy blue tiled floors were very clean and the white walls were adorned with art work ranging from glass sculptures to painted canvasses.

  “Hiya I’m here to look at the one bedroom apartment.”

  The lady on the front desk, Patty, accompanied Emily to the fifth floor, and they stopped at number two-oh-five.

  “Here it is.” Patty said. This is only apartment we have left.”

  They went inside and Emily looked around.

  Immediately to the left was the kitchen that fitted around the room in a square. There was a half wall, that separated the kitchen and living room.

  It was spacious for a small apartment, which Emily was pleased about. That led into a huge open living and dining area, the large rear windows allowing lots of light in the room. To the right of the entry was the utilities, followed by the bathroom, which was spacious too. The white suite wasn’t cramped together, like the others had been, which was a bonus.

  Next, was the bedroom.

  Emily hoped it would be big enough for everything she had, which wasn’t much, but she hated having to shimmy around a bed just to move.

  She was happy when she saw it was. There was even a set of french doors leading to a small balcony.

  There was plenty of room for her throughout and the whole place, having just been repainted white, with new wooden flooring put down also, it was a blank canvas for her to do anything she wanted. With permission, of course.

  “I’ll take it.” She said, happily.

  They made their way downstairs and Emily gave all of her documentation to Patty.

  Diane had been kind enough to give her a reference, as well as getting her employment details from Julie, and Oli had given her a reference too. With their different surnames, it wasn’t obvious they were family. Him being a lawyer was a massive bonus.

  Emily felt excited butterflies in her stomach as she handed over her card to pay the deposit and the first months’ rent up front.

  Emily was elated to be, finally, getting a place of her own.

  Chapter 9

  It was nice to get out for the day, even if it was alone. Emily had gone shopping and visited the underwear shop Holly had told her about.

  “Hi there!” A man from the front called to her. As he got closer, Emily read ‘Justin’ on his name tag.

  “Hiya Justin.”

  “Ooh that accent. You wouldn’t be related to Holly, by any chance?”

  “Yeah, she’s my little sister.”

  Justin’s eyes widened with excitement before he told her all about the fun that he’d had with Holly and Dev as they messed around with Alex and Ben with the underwear.

  “Oh gosh, that was a great day. I hadn’t had so much fun in ages! So, what can I do for you?” He asked.

  Justin was sweet. Emily could tell he liked Holly and Dev a lot and they liked him too. That was good enough for her so she decided she liked him also.

  “I’m just after a few bits. Nothing fancy.”

  “Oh honey. Don’t you want to surprise your guy with a sexy little number?”

  “I don’t have a guy to surprise, so no. I do need some new things though. A treat for myself for getting my own place.” She smiled, still ecstatic about moving out.

  When Emily had told her Mum, the day after signing for it, her Mum began to cry. Oli was happy that she was doing what she wanted, but Emily hadn’t seen Holly to tell her as she’d stayed over at Alex’s again.

  “Oh good for you! I bet you’ll have a lot of fun there.”

  Justin walked around the store with Emily, picking out a few items that she liked.

  “Oh you must tell Holly about the new lines we have. They’re coming in next week and she asked me to let her know.”

  “I will, thanks Justin.”

  “You’re very welcome, honey.” He said as he rang up her purchases.

  She’d bought a white lacy set, with red bows between the cups and one on the front of the thong. A pink set with white bows and a black set that had white ribbon woven into the lace around the edges of the cups, fastening in the front, where a bow would be. The thongs had the same detail but the ribbon turned into ties at the sides, much like bikini bottoms. She’d even chosen a couple of teddy outfits, as suggested by Justin. Not that she’d be showing them off any time soon.

  Happy with her purchases, Emily called Holly.

  “Hiya baby girl!” She chirped. “Guess who signed for an apartment yesterday?”

  “Oh my God Em! That’s amazing! Well, not amazing because I’ll miss you but I’m happy for you. Where is it and when do you move in?”

  “It’s in Belltown. The place is Belltown Heights. It’s really nice Hol. Plenty of room for me.”

  “Belltown heights… That’s where Ryan and Riss have moved to. What number?”

  Emily had a bad feeling.


  “Bloody hell! Theirs is Two-Oh-Four! You’re neighbour’s. Wow that’s incredible!”

  Great, just fucking great.

  Emily had unknowingly secured the apartment right next door to Nick’s brother and his girlfriend.

  Well, now they were neighbours there was a good chance that Emily would run into Nick when he visits Ryan. But, then again, the brothers didn’t see each other that often and Emily didn’t have to be there when he did.

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Em? Are you still there?” Holly asked down the line.

  “Oh yeah, sorry babes. Can you do me a favour Hol? Don’t mention it to anyone except Alex.”

  “Why don’t you want them to know?”

  “Because Ryan will tell Nick, I know he’ll find out eventually, but I don’t want him knowing just yet. I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “Well, ok but that’s not going to change anything when he does know.”

  “It will. He’ll probably turn up when I’m moving my stuff, just to annoy me.” She said, then desperately wanting to change the subject. “Oh, I’ve just been to that underwear shop you told me about, in Northgate. Justin said the new lines will be in next week.”

  “Great. He said they’ve got some gorgeous things coming. Also, Cora wanted me to remind you that her party is tonight.”

  “What?!” Emily didn’t remember anything about a party.

  “Her eleventh birthday party? I asked you about it last week. She told me to tell you she wants you to come and you said you would. She’s made up. Don’t tell me you forgot!”

  “Hol, I don’t even remember you asking, let alone agreeing. Oh fuck. Nick’s gonna be there and we’re not talking.”

  “So? It’s not like you have to hold hands around the room, Em. It’ll be full of ten and eleven year olds and some parents. Plus all of us too.”

  “Ok” she breathed in defeat. “Where is it again?”

  “The Grand Queen Hotel, where Alex and Dev had their eighteenth. It starts at seven and don’t forget a present.”

  Ending the call, Emily went looking for a gift for an eleven year old girl. Plus a moving in gift for Riss and Ryan.

  What she was going to get, she didn’t know.

  “Are you two ready yet?” Emily asked through Holly’s bedroom door.

  If they were getting busy, again, Emily was going to go insane.

  “Yes. We’re ready.” Holly said, opening the door looking flushed, Alex wearing a stupid grin on his face.

  “For goodness’ sake.” Emily shook her head and walked down the stairs.

  “What? No swear words?” Alex asked as they f
ollowed her down.

  “I’m trying to stop. Diane’s put a swear jar in the office and I’ve already paid out over a hundred dollars this week, and most of it was from yesterday.

  “Good luck with that.” Holly giggled.

  Getting into the car, Emily drove the short distance to the Grand Queen Hotel. It was a tall building in the centre of Seattle and it had ten floors.

  The black granite floors were shiny and spotless, with tiny speckles of silver in them which reflected the light from the crystal pendant lamps that hung from the tall ceilings.

  The glass art and paintings that hung on the walls were similar in style to the ones in her apartment building and she wondered if the owners of the hotel owned that building too.

  Walking through the lobby, Emily felt a pair of eyes on her as they approached the glass doors to the function room. Turning, she made eye contact with a guy who was getting up, and heading towards her.


  Her heart pounded and her breath quickened as the adrenaline, fuelled by anger, coursed through her veins.

  Why is he here?!


  “Fuck off, Jeff.” She said and carried walking. “Leave me alone.”

  Jeff tried to get her attention by rushing to catch up.

  “She said leave her alone gobshite. Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage? Go and do-one back to whatever rock you crawled out from under and fuckin’ rot.” Holly spat.

  “I see you still have your sister’s temper.” Jeff mocked her.

  Alex blocked Jeff from advancing further.


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