Harley (West Coast Rock Star #1)

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Harley (West Coast Rock Star #1) Page 7

by Michelle Jo Quinn

  Her fury did not subside. Cade tried and failed to focus on the band’s songs, but her ire would not lift. Crimson red, as dark as blood, was all she could see. Zee had given her a stern look a few times whenever she glanced his way. She was grateful Harley hadn’t noticed. The eight-year-old sat with JP’s children, all of them glued to their own iPads.

  When the band paused for a needed break, after four hours of Jax leading, stopping, and restarting, Beth sat beside Cade. “We’re having a BBQ for Dante’s birthday in a couple of days, you know, before the big concert. You should come.”

  Cade looked at the little boy, asleep in his mother’s arms. “If Harley is going, then I’ll be there.” Cade hoped she didn’t sound ungrateful. “I go where she goes.” She tried to smile but it felt odd with what was going on inside her.

  “Yeah, but I’d like you to come as a guest.” Beth reminded her of a sweet country girl. Comfortable in her own natural beauty. Living an uncomplicated life. Happy with motherhood. She reminded Cade of how her mother had been. Despite Cade’s father’s surly attitude toward her, he had never been mean or unpleasant to his wife. At least, not that she remembered. Her father reserved all the anger and vitriol for Cade.

  Cade nodded. “I’ll be there.” When she smiled, she felt more at ease. If the band had cared at all about the rumour about her and Jax, she imagined Beth would be off with her, maybe a little indifferent. Cade wished she knew what the rest of the group thought of Fiona. She’d never met the woman, but she could tell she was a great pain in the behind. Seemingly, Fiona would be a thorn in her side too. She looked at Zee. How could she not listen to the man? He’d been around celebrities many times, an expert who had fielded photographers, overzealous fans, and spurned exes. What he had seen all those years as part of a celebrity’s security detail would be enough to fill volumes.

  JP walked over to them and crouched down to give Dante a kiss on the forehead. “You coming for his birthday?”

  It took Cade a second to realize the question was meant for her. “Oh, um, yes. Harley’s going, so I’m going too.”

  JP stretched his lips into a huge smile. “Perfect.” He stood and faced the center of the room. “Hey, guys, she’s going!”

  Marco and Luke both hollered and whistled. “Yeah!” Marco pumped his fist in the air, and Luke winked.

  Cade shook with laughter. The antics of rock stars weren’t any different from any regular Joe. Then she caught the look on Jax’s face, and the laughter died in her throat. His eyes burned into hers with such ferocity it intoxicated her. She was held there, incapacitated by his gaze. Her stomach flipped and her heart raced. Did he blame her for Fiona’s threat?

  Cade was saved by Harley.

  Little arms wrapped around her as the girl jumped. “You’re going to the party too? That’s so awesome!” Cade focused on the girl, widening her eyes at how ecstatic she was. “Dani said they have a huge pool! I get to go swimming outside!”

  “You’ve gone swimming before, haven’t you?” As soon as she asked, she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of childhood Harley had.

  Harley shrugged. “No. Fiona had a pool in her house but she never let me in it. She said I was too sick.”

  The blood drained from Cade’s face. She made a mental note to consult the great Google for any contraindications on Harley’s condition, or ask Zee, maybe even Jax, if she really had to. But in that moment, she chose to join in with Harley’s excitement, forgetting lies and rumours and Harley’s irresponsible mother.


  The air was thick with tension when they boarded the elevator. Jax hadn’t said a word since leaving the studio. He stood in front of the doors beside Zee, who, if possible, was even quieter than usual. Harley had kept her earphones on while she watched a YouTube video. Cade stared straight at the back of Jax’s head. The top of a tattoo peeked out of his shirt collar. Right under the smooth line of his hair was a small, heart-shaped birthmark. Her hand itched to trace the outline of the dark patch of skin. His broad shoulder tightened and twitched every now and then. She could guess what he’d been thinking, but would he give up easily to Fiona’s demands?

  Cade’s phone buzzed in her pocket as soon as she stepped off the elevator. She snuck a glance at the caller ID and stopped walking when she saw her grandmother’s number. “Um, Zee.” She lifted her hand, which clutched the phone. Zee nodded and placed a hand on Harley’s back to guide her to the end of the hallway where their suites were located.

  As she swiped the screen, she sent a surreptitious glance at Jax and blushed when she found him staring back at her. “Gram, you okay?”

  “Oh, I’m fine, dear.” Her grandmother’s voice was sweet as sugar. She missed her grandmother, missed the home-cooked meals, the hugs that were always available, and the shoulder she could lean on. “I just wanted to see how you’re doing. How’s the weather in Los Angeles?”

  Cade scratched the back of her head, feeling a prickle of heat. “It’s nice. A little on the hot side.” She couldn’t help but notice Jax stayed around, fiddling with his own phone. Was he eavesdropping on her conversation? she wondered. “How are you doing? Did you get Sheila’s son to show you how to work Skype? We can test it out later, if you want.”

  “Yes, and he showed me this game with the gems and some card games I can play on the line.”

  On the line? “Online?”

  “Yes, that’s what I said.” Cade snickered. Her grandmother might not know the lingo yet, but as soon as she could figure out how to work the new MacBook that Cade sent her, Gram would be taking over the World Wide Web. Watch out, gamers!

  “Just be careful. Don’t click on any links.” God forbid she ended up on a porn site.

  “I know, dearie.” Cade could almost feel the mental eye roll.

  “I have to go, Gram. I’ll call you later so we can Skype, okay? I love you.”

  “I love you too. You take care.”

  When she ended the call, Cade smiled at Jax. Why did he stick around? Perhaps he wanted to talk to her about the rumour.

  “My grandmother. She’s by herself in New Jersey. She’s just discovered online gambling,” Cade explained to Jax as she neared him.

  Jax smiled back and nodded. “Nan was addicted to those things too.” He stuffed his hands inside his pockets. Cade couldn’t help but think how adorable he looked just then, and how sexy…with the bulging arm muscles pressed against his chest. She turned away and started walking. “Do you miss your grandma?”

  “Yeah, I do. You? I mean, I know she’s not your grandmother but—”

  “I miss her a lot,” Jax answered, glancing her way.

  His steps were slow, and she kept hers slow too. There were things that needed to be discussed, but who among them would open up first?

  “Listen, about this morning, about what I said…” Cade began, and stopped when Jax pulled her hand, forcing her to face him.

  “Please.” He lowered his eyes as he circled his thumb on her skin. “Don’t apologize about that. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have done it. You should know that nothing really happened last night with those girls,” he explained.

  “You don’t have to tell me anything. It’s your life.” Cade ignored the goosebumps his touch produced.

  “Yes, it is, but I’m telling you nothing happened.” Jax released a tired sigh. “We all drank a lot, got high, but nothing else. I passed out and when I woke up, those girls were there. I don’t even know their names, or who brought them to the suite.”

  Why did she suddenly feel relieved? Jax had spoken so low that she didn’t realize how close she’d gotten so she could hear what he was saying. When he looked up, she saw the same fire in his eyes she had seen earlier in the studio. His fingers heated up her skin. Desire lit a flame in her core. His eyes dropped to her lips. Jax inched his head forward, tilting it to meet hers.

  Cade’s breath faltered. She shouldn’t be…feeling these sensations. Jax was her client, employer, the father of her charge, a sweet, i
nnocent girl who could get hurt. It would complicate matters if she got involved with him. But with the way he stared at her, the lust present in his dilated irises, the way he smelled of sandalwood and mint, and the heat his body produced whenever he was this close—maybe she could have just a little taste.

  The elevator dinged and the doors whooshed open. The hallway filled with chatter and laughter. Cade pulled away from Jax, breathing as though she had forgotten to during their moment. The rest of their group appeared, minus Beth and JP’s children. They had agreed to meet at this hotel for dinner and a quick meeting about rehearsals and the upcoming concert.

  Cade began walking down the hallway, rushing her steps so that she could get away faster from what almost happened.

  “Hey, Jax!” Luke greeted, swinging an arm over the frontman’s shoulder. “We’re going to Club 88 tonight. Get drunk, go dancing, and forget about our sorrows?”

  Jax eased his face into a wide grin. “Sounds good.”

  Cade heard quick footsteps behind her. Marco appeared beside her with a huge smile. “You should come too, Cade. It’ll be fun.” He waggled his brows at her.

  She sent him a polite smile. “Oh, I don’t think so. I have to stay here with Harley.”

  “What? No way! It’s okay, I know your boss.” Marco turned and walked backwards. “Jax, can Cade come too?” Cade didn’t hear any words from the rock star, but Marco supplied her with the answer. “Yes! He said yes. You can dance with me, Cade. Unh-unh.” Marco pushed his pelvis forwards and back in a comical fashion.

  “Hell no! Cade’s dancing with me first, right, sweet cheeks?” Luke jogged on her other side, then stopped in front of her, stuck out his buttocks and shook them at her. Cade couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, baby, she likes it.”

  “You guys are morons. Immature morons!” Beth said from behind. Cade looked over her shoulder, wiping a tear that had escaped from her right eye while she laughed at Luke and Marco. “No worries, Cade. I got your back.” Beth winked at her.

  “Thanks,” Cade said. Then her gaze found Jax, wondering how he danced. Oh, what would that sight do to her twisting gut? She had to look away before he could tell what she’d been thinking. Excuses to skip the club ran through her mind. She would be mad if she let herself get closer to Jax…again. But would she be crazier if she didn’t?

  Chapter Ten

  How long had it been since he had felt this kind of connection with anyone?

  Being around Cade felt right. He wanted to do more than touch her hand. He craved that jolt he had felt when he’d kissed her. When they’d kissed. It wasn’t just him. It was them. Him and Cade. If she tried to ignore it, that undeniable chemistry between them, there could only be one reason. She worked for him.

  Jax had to know if she would be willing to look past it. He intended to find out tonight.

  The morning hadn’t turned out too well, what with Cade catching him in the hallway saying goodbye to those women. But even as she’d yelled at him for doing something he hadn’t done, he’d seen the fire in her eyes. He had wanted to pull her inside her room and show her that he wasn’t willing to extinguish that flame, but rather fuel it. But it was always duty first for Cade. Once Harley was awake, she’d turned into the tough woman in charge of his daughter’s safety. Not that Harley was in any real danger.

  When Fiona had called and screeched over the phone that she wanted to drag Harley back to live with her, Jax had fumed. Being with Fiona had been a circus, and it continued even after they’d separated. Now, Fiona was aware of another woman’s presence in Harley’s life, and she’d warned Jax about her intentions.

  “You’ve signed her over to me, Fiona. Harley lives with me now, and she will live with me until she chooses otherwise. She’s not a pet. She’s not one of your self-serving friends. You can’t just decide to ditch her, and then take her back because you’re having a tantrum. It doesn’t work that way!” he’d screamed back.

  Fiona had freaked out even more and threatened to find out who the woman was in his life. If he told Cade about it, would it serve as another wedge between them?

  Jax shut off the faucet and stepped out of the shower. If it was a battle Fiona wanted, he was ready to face her. But the uncertainty between him and Cade took precedence at the moment. If Jax had to fight for Cade too, he would do it. But first, Cade had to know what was at stake.

  There was a knock on the bedroom door as he dressed for the night.

  “Come in.” He pulled a shirt over his head.

  His own bodyguard, Zee, walked into the room. “Got a minute?”

  “Yeah.” Jax picked up the towel he had dropped on the bed and dried off his hair with it. “What’s going on?”

  “I think it’s a bad idea to take Cade tonight.” Zee was never one to sugar coat anything, and that was why Jax trusted him. He had expected as much from Zee.

  “It isn’t against the rules for her to come to the club with us, is it?”

  “No…but you know what’s against the rules.” Zee stood by the closed door, large arms crossed over an even larger frame.

  Jax ignored what he said. He threw the towel onto the bedroom floor and sat on the bed, pulling his boots on. He couldn’t help but wonder if Cade would say the same thing. She didn’t argue with him about their kiss, nor did she push him away earlier in the hallway. Would she use the same reason why they should not be together?

  “Why her, Jax? Why Cade?” If Jax didn’t know any better, he’d think that Zee had designs on Cade, but he was privy to an information not many knew. The big guy was in a serious relationship.

  Why Cade? Such a valid question. “Why not her?”

  Zee shook his head and raised a hand to pinch the bridge of his crooked nose. “Harley is her first assignment. She’s never been around your type of people.”

  “What type of people am I, Zee?” Jax couldn’t contain the annoyance in his voice.

  “She could get hurt.”

  Jax narrowed his eyes at his bodyguard, and took a few seconds before he said, “I wouldn’t do that to her.”

  “No, but Fiona would.” Zee cleared the space between them. Jax stood to face him, mano a mano. “You’re putting Cade in the line of fire.”

  “She’s a tough girl. She can handle it.” Jax had to admit he might be pushing Cade into a precarious position.

  “No. You’re wrong. Cade is different. Yeah, she’s tough, but there are things you don’t know about her.”

  “Then tell me,” Jax challenged. “Is she hiding anything? Is there something I should know that could possibly put me in a bad position? Or Harley? Is she unstable?” Zee pressed his lips together into a firm line. A muscle jumped on his jaw. “You’re not going to tell me or it’s nothing. I’ve made my decision.”

  Zee backed away and walked towards the door. “Then you leave me no choice but to take actions,” he warned before opening the door.

  Jax sat back down on the edge of the bed, with his hands running through his hair. His body shook in frustration. If only he knew exactly what Cade felt about him. There seemed to be other factors to consider. What actions would Zee take? He stood, muttering an expletive, and letting out a heavy exhale. Tonight, he’d find out if Cade did want more from him. He’d find out what she would be willing to sacrifice, because he knew what he would be willing and unwilling to give up.


  “Ready to go?” Jax walked into the living space. “Where’s Beth?” he asked JP. What he would like to know was why wasn’t Cade back. He also noticed that Harley wasn’t in the room.

  Luke spoke first. “Beth and Harley went across the hall. They didn’t like what Cade was wearing. If you ask me, she looked damn fine.” Luke was lazily strumming on a guitar, unaware of the sneer Jax sent his way.

  “What was she wearing?” Annoyed by what Luke had said, Jax directed the question to Marco and JP.

  “Whatever she was wearing earlier. You know how women are…well, other women. Cade said she didn’t bring anythi
ng different…whoa!” Marco straightened, and brushed his hair back with a hand when Cade reappeared.

  Cade’s eyes widened as all the men in the room went quiet. All focus went to her. Jax fisted his hands at his sides, then he lifted one to pull at the neckline of his shirt. His temperature shot up to a dangerous level. Cade affected him that much. Instead of the usual plain suit and white shirt, she had on a pair of jeans, tight enough to appear painted over her skin that highlighted her curves, a plain white top, and an unzipped leather jacket. What made her appear even more appealing was her hair. Instead of being contained in a bun or a ponytail, she’d let it down. The style was completed with studded black boots.

  Beth popped in behind her with Harley. “So what do you guys think? Hot, huh?” Before marrying JP, Beth had been an aesthetician and a makeup artist. She’d also seen herself as a fashion guru.

  Cade stood, looking stiff and nervous, when Beth wrapped an arm around her waist and squeezed. Marco and Luke pushed off their seats, clambering to get to her first. Cade stepped back, and raised her hands.

  “All right, we’re all here. Let’s go.” Jax shrugged into his jacket, ignoring his annoyance at his friends. He couldn’t very well kiss Cade in front of everyone, could he? Claim her to be his? He might as well drum his fist over his chest like an ape. Cade wouldn’t appreciate that much.

  He gave Harley a quick hug. “Don’t give Tina a hard time. Watch a bit of a show, read, then bedtime. I’ll check on you when I get back.”

  “Yes, got it.” Harley surprised him by pulling Jax into a tighter hug, then she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Before he could say a thing, Harley did the same thing to Cade, telling her, “Have fun!”

  Jax and Cade looked at each other and smiled. The woman had a clear influence on his daughter, and it seemed to be helping him out. Zee was in one corner of the room. To anyone else, he seemed like the usual statue of a bodyguard, but Jax could tell his stance had changed. What actions was he going to take? Jax hoped the big guy would reconsider, if not for him, then for Harley.


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