A King's Caution (The Eternal War Book 2)

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A King's Caution (The Eternal War Book 2) Page 18

by Brennan C. Adams

  Raimie hesitated-he was supposed to watch the kid after all-but leaving him here wouldn’t do much harm. A wealth of allies surrounded the house, warding off danger. He was just as safe here as he would have been training with the Zrelnach. He'd allow the teenager space.

  The first floor’s second room looked exactly as Little had described it. No surprises waited here. Doldimar had left his victims dangling from the ceiling by their wrists. Several dozen captives hung in neat rows.

  He could save these people. Open cuts and slashes decorated their naked skin, but each one was superficial, enough to expose what lay beneath but no deeper.

  When he moved further into the room, Raimie accidentally brushed against the nearest prisoner, swinging the man. Pained eyes fixed on Raimie.

  “Please…” the prisoner rasped. “Let me down.”

  How long had these people hung like this? Blue fingers brushed the ceiling above prisoners’ heads. Their captivity must have been lengthy for necrosis to set in so deeply. If they had any hope of retaining their hands, he’d need to quickly release them.

  Hugging the legs of the man he’d brushed, he lifted rope-bound wrists up and over the hook. The prisoner deliberately shifted his weight, causing Raimie to lose his balance. They landed with a whump.

  Raimie desperately sought the air knocked from his lungs, that search impeded by the unexpected forearm across his neck. Weakly driving his arm down, the freed prisoner feverishly grinned. Combined with the fall’s shock, the feeble pressure might have been enough to keep Raimie pinned if not for his primeancy.

  He blasted the man from him with Ele, the resulting flight to the far wall causing more prisoners to swing. Desperate pleading and screams rang out, and Hadrion surged into the room.


  “Keep back!” Raimie shouted.

  The freed prisoner attempted to stand, but another Ele burst flipped him onto his back.

  “Stay down!”

  The prisoner refused to listen, unsteadily rising to his feet. Before the crazed man could collect himself, however, arms wrapped him in an embrace. He attempted to break free, but the grip was tight and insistent.

  “Quickly, Raimie!” Hadrion cried. “I can’t hold him for long!”

  What do I do, Dim? Raimie demanded. I know, draw Corruption from him. That seems intuitive. I need specifics.

  “I don’t know how else to explain it!” Dim protested. “All of mine simply force Daevetch into and out of the body. There’s no finesse!”

  I don’t want to experiment with this! If I get it wrong, I kill him!

  An urgency from within demanded Raimie’s attention, and Bright’s attempt to explain faded as he focused on his other half.

  Nyl? You’ve a suggestion?

  Exasperation furiously rose in response.

  You want control? You know you can take it whenever-

  The world snapped, and Raimie lost the strings which controlled his body.

  Are you paying attention? Nylion demanded.

  He didn’t wait for an answer, simply called for the Daevetch within the man who squirmed to break from Hadrion’s embrace. The prisoner screeched long and loud until he lost consciousness. Even still, black tendrils streamed from the limp body to their hand until the threads sputtered and died. Upon their cessation, Hadrion dropped the prisoner.

  “Did it work?” he asked breathlessly.

  “What do you think?” Nylion replied. He pointed at the man’s perfectly smooth skin, free of Corruption.

  “Wow!” Hadrion exclaimed. “You can reverse the process!”

  Huffing, Nylion turned to the next prisoner in line.

  We cannot release them before they are cleansed, despite your desire to do so, he told Raimie. If they fight us, cleansing them will take far too long, and our body will soon need sleep.

  I agree, Raimie conceded. Hadrion can lift them from their hooks once they’re unconscious.

  Can you handle this job on your own? Nylion asked.

  Let me attempt the process once so I know how to accomplish it in the future, but if we’re concerned with time, you should do the remainder, Raimie replied. You’re better with Daevetch than I, apparently. When did you learn to control the dark energy?

  I do not understand what you attempt to communicate. Self-confidence and then uncertainty? Do you desire control once more or not? Nylion asked.

  Yes, I-

  Raimie stumbled from the force of Nylion’s departure. Why was his other half so irritable lately?

  Have I upset you somehow?

  Such hostility and rage awakened in answer to the question that Raimie knew Nylion cursed at him. He’d truly failed in some regard if his other half was this angry. Maybe they needed to talk face to face. They hadn’t done so since shortly after their arrival to Auden. He’d visit their shared mind space when he slept this night, but first another, more monumental task required completion.

  “Do you plan to heal all these people?” Hadrion asked, wide-eyed.

  “It’s not healing,” Raimie mumbled. “I’m not taking on their wounds. I’m merely removing Daevetch. Now hush, Hadrion. Cease your distraction for now.”

  Swallowing his fear, he felt for the Corruption entwined around his first subject’s wet tissue. First, he carefully unlatched each of Daevetch’s holds before sucking the energy to him. The familiar feeling of invincibility clamored to take over, but Raimie held it at arm’s length.

  After what felt seconds, the last of Corruption fled the woman’s system, and he opened his eyes. Hadrion sprawled on the floor, covering a yawn. He grinned at Raimie’s startled look.

  “Is she human?”

  Raimie ran his eyes over her body, whatever desire he might typically feel for her naked flesh suppressed by her wretched state.

  “I removed Corruption,” he confirmed.

  “You did it without her screaming too!” Hadrion exclaimed. “Took a while though.”

  “How long?” Raimie asked.

  “Hmm… Maybe five times as long as the first one?”

  Raimie groaned. See what I mean? he asked. If you’re so concerned with time, then you-

  “Why do I have to do everything?!” Nylion demanded.

  Control ripped from his grasp, Raimie frantically reached for his body, for what Nylion had unexpectedly stolen. When had his other half taken over? Their relationship wasn’t supposed to work like this!

  Cease your panic! Nylion exclaimed. You invited me earlier. I only seized control like this because time is indeed of the essence.

  I didn’t mean you could emerge whenever you like! I didn’t mean-!

  Hadrion scrambled to his feet. “I’d love to help, but I’m not sure what you need,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  Heart of my heart. Cease. Panicking, Nylion forcefully injected into Raimie’s thoughts. We cannot be detected, so please. Remind me of how I am to act with this one.

  Friendly. He’s Ren’s kid brother, Raimie answered.

  Nostalgia and longing. He is related to Ren? The pretty one we want to bed? Nylion asked.

  You keep your thoughts from her!

  Anger? Their head cocked. Why are you jealous? We are one, the same. I desire what you do…

  Keep. Away.

  I do not understand, Nylion remarked, but I will act appropriately with the teenager.

  Don’t think we’re finished discussing how and why you took control so unexpectedly. I know I invited earlier, but… You can’t do that, Nyl. I need some warning.

  Their head shook, and Nylion faced Hadrion.

  “I apologize. I was not specifically speaking to you, but if you like, you could help me by releasing those with whom I have finished.”

  “Of course!” Eagerly seizing the woman, Hadrion lifted, easing her to wood slats.

  Nylion moved to the next in line. He didn’t bother releasing Corruption’s holds, simply yanked its energy to him. After a minute of shrieking, it was done, and Nylion shivered. Raimie coul
d feel the power arcing through their body, and while he recoiled from it, Nylion fully embraced it.

  Stepping to the next in line, he repeated the process. After the fourth one’s cry quieted, Nylion shoved the next prisoner into a swing, chuckling at their pained yelp.

  “Release the portion of the whole you’ve accumulated, Nylion,” Dim pleaded. “Don’t let madness take you this soon.”

  Concern at his other half’s antics morphed into surprise at Dim’s offer of advice. Raimie shouldn’t be surprised Nylion had a splinter, considering he could manipulate Daevetch, but he was a little shocked it was his splinter. Yes, they were two halves of a whole, a singular entity split in twain, but their personalities couldn’t be more different. They should have attracted distinct splinters.

  “I shall do as I please, Chaos, and you shall shut up and watch,” Nylion cackled.

  Ripping more Daevetch from his next victim, he shot a tiny bolt at Dim. The splinter didn’t move, a disapproving look fixed on his face, and the bolt passed harmlessly through him.

  “You’re being foolish, Nylion,” he commented. “Don’t take on-”

  “I said SHUT UP and WATCH!” Nylion screamed.

  Dim’s mouth snapped closed, and he clawed at his throat. Raimie winced. He knew how much the Daevetch splinter despised commands, hence why he avoided using them, but Dim distracted from an important goal with an urgent timeline. He couldn’t blame Nylion for doing what he must to remove said distraction.

  His other half moved further down the line, drawing more and more Corruption from the prisoners. Halfway through the room, he began humming a strangely uncanny melody, something so discordant it nearly became harmony.

  An ecstasy of power pounded through their body, and Raimie choked on it. Nylion, however, thrived. He skipped from body to body, less intent on the task of returning humanity to these near-Kiraak than on the Corruption held within them.

  Without Daevetch's interference to distract him, Raimie heard the door open behind them, instantly absorbed with discovering who’d come inside, but Nylion didn’t investigate who’d disturbed their workspace, too intent on his current victim. Steel clashed on steel, and Raimie turned cold.

  NYL! HADRION! he shrieked.

  Finally, his other half spun. A black-eyed Enforcer casually defended against Hadrion’s attacks, an amused smile distorting her features. Nylion sprinted for them, releasing a minuscule portion of the power he’d accumulated at her face.

  Deflecting the bolt with a shadow coated hand, the Enforcer dragged an off-center Hadrion against her chest, sword at his throat. Nylion spun his arms to keep from careening to the ground due to a sudden halt.

  “Good. I wasn’t sure you’d care for this one, considering how much Corruption I felt you consuming,” the Enforcer commented.

  Nyl, let me out! Raimie demanded. I’m better at-

  “Let him go!” Nylion commanded.

  “So you can kill me?” she asked. “No, thank you. Instead, let’s play hostage exchange! I’ll need someone more important than this weakling, someone who my master would very much like to add to his collection. Perhaps someone he won’t have to coerce primeancy on, who can already draw Daevetch.”

  “Do you speak of me, bitch?” Nylion growled.

  The Enforcer’s teeth gleamed through her gleeful grin.

  Do it, Nyl! We can always escape her clutches later!

  “Why would I do as you ask? Me for him seems a highly uneven exchange.”

  Nylion! Good gods! This is HADRION! Ren’s little brother! Go with the woman! If we can’t escape, we’ve Kheled watching out for us. Nothing will stop him from rescuing us, not even death.

  “I thought you cared for this one, but perhaps I was wrong.”

  Tightening her grip, the Enforcer pushed her blade into Hadrion’s neck hard enough to draw blood.

  “No! I will-” Nylion started.

  “Don’t do it, Raimie!” Hadrion grunted. “She’ll kill me any-hrrk.”

  “That’s better,” the Enforcer said, shaking the hand she’d used to punch the teenager’s Adam’s apple.

  “What did you do to the rest of my men?” Nylion demanded.

  What are you doing?! Drop your weapons, and give up!

  “They’re fine. I shade melded past them. The poor dears think all is well in here.”

  The teenager will work up the courage for escape soon, Nylion told Raimie, almost as an afterthought. He will try to knock the woman’s arm away or some such nonsense. I stall for the correct moment to move in.


  “I will give myself into your custody as soon as Hadrion is as safe as those outside,” Nylion informed the Enforcer.

  “Why should I trust you?” she laughed.

  “I am not like your master. When I give my word, I mean to keep it!”

  His mock outrage was almost comical.

  “You can’t give up, Raimie,” Hadrion declared. “You need to remain free to see Doldimar dead. Tell Ky I said I’m sorry.”

  And now I step in while he makes his move-

  Quirking a sad smile, Hadrion used the Enforcer’s blade to cut his throat.

  “NO!” NO!

  For a brief instant, two people controlled one body, completely in concert with one another, and the world slowed. Hadrion slipped the Enforcer’s grasp, uncaring of the sharp edge peeling away skin. Behind the woman, the door banged open, revealing Kylorian’s anxious face, and the Enforcer’s eyes widened.

  Screaming their rage, Nylion and Raimie shot Daevetch at the woman’s legs, and everything below her knees disappeared. She dropped, and they leaped on her, vaguely aware of Kylorian sprinting past. They swung Silverblade in curves above their head and into her flesh over and over and over and over and over…

  When the average pace of time resumed, the Enforcer was meaty paste between Nylion’s boots, and their throat was rubbed raw.

  This is my fault. I should have seen- Raimie’s other half started.

  No, it’s mine. I was supposed to protect him…

  The sobs behind them could only be Kylorian, and they let his grief speak to their sorrow.

  We always do this, don’t we? Raimie asked. Assume responsibility for others’ faults. Neither of us is to blame for… this. She is.

  Nylion kicked the little bit of the Enforcer’s head still intact, and it skittered away across the floorboards.

  “What happened?”

  The threatening tone twirled Nylion like a top. Kylorian hovered over his younger brother with sword drawn, and his cold eyes seemed to bore straight through Nylion and into Raimie.

  “She took him hostage while I worked on a Kiraak,” Nylion explained, “and before I could remand myself into her custody, he cut his throat on her blade.”

  “And why would he do that?” Kylorian asked, taking a step forward.

  Nylion swallowed. What do I say?

  Tell the truth. It’s what he needs.

  “He believed it important for me to remain free so I can fulfill the foretelling and defeat Doldimar.”

  “So, it is your fault,” Kylorian declared, sword point lifting. He advanced on them like an approaching storm.

  Cautiously raising Silverblade, Nylion backed away. “I did not ask him to do what he did!”

  “You were supposed to protect him!” Kylorian roared.

  Nylion stiffened. “I never promised anything of the sort, and the fact that you assumed I would keep an unspoken assurance is your problem!”

  Whoa, Nyl! Maybe let me-

  “I’ll kill you!” Kylorian cried.

  He attacked with a ferocity that startled Raimie, but his other half countered it with ease. Kylorian jabbed, and Nylion blocked. One swung, and the other dodged, but as usual, Nylion had the upper hand. Landing a glancing blow along Kylorian’s ribs, he gleefully hissed.

  Nyl, I think you should let go now.

  Snarling, his other half rained a flurry of blows on Kylorian. The other man dodged and evaded most c
ompetently, but he rolled his wrists too far on a final parry. The sword flew from his hands.


  Nylion triumphantly shouted as he kicked Kylorian’s feet from under him. He swung his sword down on the other man’s face.


  Raimie barely stopped Silverblade from cleaving Kylorian in two. Rolling away, the other man retrieved his sword and warily waited for the next attack. Instead, Raimie flung Silverblade away.

  “You’re right!” he cried. “I was supposed to protect him, and I’m sorry I couldn’t. But I didn’t kill him. That’s on her.”

  “You shouldn’t have killed her,” Kylorian hissed.

  “I should have left that for you,” Raimie nodded, “but ultimately the blame for Hadrion’s death lies squarely at his feet. He decided to die rather than pose a liability, not trusting I could save him or myself, and now, we have to live with his decision.”

  “How dare you!” Kylorian screamed. “He did it for you!”

  “And it was very noble, but it was also a mistake.”

  For a moment, Raimie thought logic might have won for once, but then, Kylorian rushed him. He sprayed a cone of Ele at the man’s chest, slamming him into the far wall and pinning him there. Now, Raimie simply needed to maintain the energy until…

  Oswin and his best friend burst into the room. They started to take in the carnage, but Raimie couldn’t wait for them to process the scene.

  “Khel!” he shouted. “A little help please!”

  His friend’s head jerked up. The Eselan flicked a thread of Ele into Kylorian’s eyes, and the man lost consciousness. Raimie gratefully released his hold on the white light.

  “What happened?”

  Raimie dazedly stumbled toward Hadrion’s older brother. He wasn’t sure how long he stared at Kylorian before the numbness which had overtaken him slipped, allowing a torrent of pain through. Sliding down the wall next to Kylorian, he huddled in a ball.

  “Khel? Can you-?” he asked without hope, gesturing toward the mess by the door.

  “I’m sorry,” his friend murmured after a moment. “He’s gone.”

  Raimie nodded, head banging against the wall. The sensation felt nice, so he did it once more. And again.


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