Some Kind of Love: An Ellie and Cooper Short

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Some Kind of Love: An Ellie and Cooper Short Page 1

by Jody Holford

  Some Kind of Love

  An Ellie & Cooper short

  We loved with a love that was more than love.

  Edgar Alan Poe

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2018 by Jody Holford. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Author.

  Jody Holford

  PO BOX 255 Sumas WA


  Visit Jody’s website at

  Cover design by Tanya Baikie Cover art from iStock

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  March 1, 2018

  Chapter One

  There’s no reason to be nervous. No matter how many times she told herself that, in her head or out loud, Ellie Wexly could not make herself believe the words. She smoothed down her long plum colored, knee-length jacket for the tenth time, her fingers gliding over the barely there seams of the fancy underwear digging into her hips. Good thing it was sexy because it definitely wasn’t comfortable.

  Standing outside her boyfriend, Cooper’s, door, she raised her hand to knock, then lowered it again. He was expecting her, for goodness sakes—he’d buzzed her into his apartment building. It was ridiculous to stand outside the door, too anxious to go inside.

  Pull it together, Ellie. You’re the birthday girl and that means you get what you want. For the last six weeks, the only thing she’d wanted was Cooper. In every single way possible. While he’d been the sweetest boyfriend she’d ever had, he had a supply of patience that rivaled a monk. Ellie did not. She’d waited for what felt like her whole life to find the man who would be her first. Maybe if it was just that, she wouldn’t be so tense. But knowing she didn’t just want Cooper to be her first, but her last and only, added enough pressure to feel like there was an elephant sitting on her chest.

  You’re not ready, you’re not ready. Are you nuts? You’re so ready. Have you seen your boyfriend? Cooper Walsh was the kind of hot that only existed in the imagination of very good writers. Tall and broad, his job as a firefighter kept him in excellent shape—even with his addiction to In-N-Out burgers. His sandy brown hair was always just a touch too long, which meant Ellie was constantly running her fingers through it, shifting it away from his ice blue eyes. Who knew ice could be so hot?

  Speaking of heat, she was feeling it beneath her coat, piling on top of her nerves. The longer she stood there thinking about Cooper—how sweet he was, how good he looked— the faster the butterflies danced in her stomach. There was something completely poetic about wanting the first boy she’d loved, to be the boy she loved always. You’re going to be another year older by the time you actually knock, you chicken.

  The door swung open while her brain was tumbling around with that thought. Cooper, his full, happy mouth tipped up in a quirky grin, stared at her.

  “I tried to figure out what you were doing out here, but gave up. Seems like you’ve just got a thing for my door,” he said.

  She took a second to look him over. He wore jeans and a fitted, black sweater that made his eyes even brighter. He smelled like cologne and soap and she wanted to step into him and bury her nose in his neck. His words registered. Oh yeah. You’re all kinds of ready.

  “Your door?” Were her legs shaking? Could a thong cut off circulation anywhere?

  “Yeah. You’re just staring at it. You okay, sweetheart?”

  And there went her heart. Cooper’s use of endearing pet names made her feel like he was reaching inside and squeezing her heart. She was more than ready to take things to the next level. So incredibly ready for him. For them. To know. And feel.

  “I’m good. Sorry. Kind of spaced out for a minute.”

  “No worries. Come in. Happy birthday, baby,” he whispered, stepping into her and pulling her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held tight.

  “Thank you.” How did one begin a masterful seduction? She’d tried to let him know several times in the last few weeks that they didn’t have to stop when things started to get more intense.

  His hands flexed on her hips and when he pulled back, he gave her a light, easy kiss. She didn’t want easy and light this evening. He shut the door behind her and squeezed her hand.

  “Let me take your jacket,” he said, reaching for the tie.

  In the entrance way? She almost wobbled on her heels. She couldn’t do this standing up. She gave that some thought. Not the first time, anyway. “No!”

  Cooper’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “Uh, okay. Are you okay, Ellie?”

  Nope. Nope. Nope. Not okay. Yes you are! She could do this. Couldn’t she? They’d spent every moment they could together over the last six weeks. He’d even stayed in her bed, sleeping beside her, letting her absorb his body heat and the feel of him next to her, but they’d kept things far too PG for her tastes. Or maybe just PG enough to make her want more. Was that his plan? All those sweet, slow kisses and the gentle glide of his hand on her shoulder, on her skin. The way his fingers clenched on her hips, digging in and leaving a mark, right before he stepped back when he kissed her goodbye some nights. How he nuzzled her neck from behind, sending lightening bolts of shivery sensation along every millimeter of skin. Even now, just thinking about it—about him, she wanted to lean on the wall for support. Never mind the wall. Lean into him. She refocused on the man who was turning her world upside down effortlessly. She knew he wanted to wait…for her. Cooper was the kind of guy who didn’t know how to do anything other than the right thing. But she didn’t want to wait anymore. Then stop waiting!

  He stared at her, crowding her back against the door and lowering his voice. “Baby? You okay?”

  She nodded, far too enthusiastically and decided to leap before she could think herself into a downward spiral. She untied the front of her jacket and pulled it open at the sides. Cooper’s mouth opened and closed, like he was trying to breathe underwater and realized he couldn’t. Fire zipped over every inch of her as she tried to see herself through his eyes. She’d tied up her long, dark hair so it wasn’t a hassle—though he did like his hands in it so maybe she should let it down. She’d spent a tiny lifetime in Victoria’s Secret choosing the low cut, black, lace corset. Little swatches of pink silk covered her breasts, the lace overlaying it. It molded to her body, down to her waist where it cut off. A smooth patch of her slightly rounded stomach showed before his eyes would find the matching lacy black panties with the miniature silk bow. She really loved the bow.

  She stared at him as he stared at her, gauging his reaction, trying to tell if he was surprised, disappointed…turned on? Oh, please God, let him be turned on. Ellie had never actually tried to seduce a man before.

  Cooper stepped forward and she braced herself, ready for whatever he wanted. She gave him a smile and hoped it was all the further invitation he needed. When he snapped both sides of her jacket closed, over her body, mortification filled her chest and her brain to the point of pain.

  He yanked her close as the tears pierced her eyes. He didn’t want her. He didn’t even want to see her. Not like this. He wasn’t being patient. Cooper Walsh did not want to make love to her. She was such an idiot. How could she be mid-twenties and not know how to read the signs that a man didn’t want her? Men didn’t need fancy underwear and seduction. If he’d wanted to sleep with her, he would have. But no, she’d just let herself think…she swallowed the lu
mp in her throat, not knowing what to think.

  His face was buried in her neck and she tried to shove back. “I need to go,” she choked out.

  Ellie felt him shake his head against her neck. He pulled back so he could see her face, but she couldn’t breathe and she definitely couldn’t look at him. She stared over his shoulder. A crushing weight settled on her rib cage. Her heart beat so hard she knew he could feel it.

  “Don’t say anything. I’m a fool. Please just let me go,” she whispered, wondering how long she could keep the tears from falling.

  His forehead touched hers. “Ellie, you are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever known and if you could see inside my head right now—if you had any idea how much I want you—baby, you’d probably run scared.”

  Confusion warred with embarrassment. And why was he whispering? Even with his breath fanning over her face, she could barely hear him. Of course, it could be her heart was beating too loud to hear anything.

  Still, she stiffened. “Could have fooled me.”

  She lowered her gaze and stared intently at his wide shoulder. She couldn’t breathe with him in her space like this.

  His fingers lifted her chin. “You have to trust me on this. I want you. More than I ever thought possible. Knowing what’s under that coat is very likely going to kill me. It definitely makes me regret inviting your parents, your brother, his fiancé, and my parents for dinner to surprise you for your birthday.”

  Now it was Ellie’s turn to open her mouth only to have nothing come out. She peered around his shoulder. “They’re here? Now?”

  Cooper nodded, his lips pressed together tightly. She could see the regret and tension etched into the lines on his forehead and around his eyes. Her heart came to a complete stop before doing a Tasmanian devil like spin. Oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh. Her family—his family—was here while she was wearing nothing more than a coat and a piece of lingerie that didn’t even cover her butt!

  “Breathe, baby. They’re waiting to say surprise so both of us need to get through this,” Cooper said, his features smoothing out.

  Ellie shook her head. “I can’t…I didn’t…I just wanted,” she stopped, buried her face in her hands. She could already feel heat washing her body in light pink glow. Some seductress she was.

  Cooper’s hands came around her, pulling her close and his lips touched her ear. “I want, too. Never doubt that.”

  She took a few quick breaths and pulled out of his embrace. “I can’t believe I did this. I was so presumptuous—”

  “Feel free to presume all the time,” he said, his lips tipping up in an adorable-make-her-want-to-kiss-him smile.

  She swatted at him. “Stop. I cannot believe I finally worked up the nerve to try and seduce you and this is the result.”

  Cooper leaned closer again. Their bodies were going to fuse if they moved another millimeter. Which would have been okay five minutes ago, but definitely not okay now.

  “Ellie, you just have to breathe and it seduces me. Like I said, that outfit…it might kill me. But I’m okay with going out that way. I take it you’re done with my suggestion we take our relationship slow?”

  “Whatever,” she said, like she was thirteen again and he was the boy telling her she had a nice laugh. Which she was sure he’d only done because she’d had a bad day and he was her brother’s best friend.

  He grinned, poking her shoulder with his finger. “If it helps, going slow hasn’t been easy on me, either.”

  She hissed out a breath, looking over his shoulder again. Her mother always knew when she was up to something. She’d gotten away with exactly nothing as a kid. Her mom probably had x-ray vision and would know within ten seconds that Ellie was dressed like a wanna-be-Victoria’s-Secret model. Without all those curves.

  “Again, could have fooled me We can’t talk about this right now. We need to get this over with”

  Cooper took her hand to lead her down his hallway, but gave her a quick grin. “You won’t be saying that when I get you alone.”

  Great. Now she’d be a nice lobster red when she greeted her family.

  Chapter Two

  Copper Walsh had thought of everything. The perfect birthday celebration for the most amazing girlfriend he’d ever had. The only woman who he’d ever wanted to be more than a girlfriend. The only woman who’d made him think about starter homes and minivans. He’d invited her family and his, made her favorite meal—twice if he counted his first attempt that was now buried deep in his garbage can. He’d picked out a present two weeks ago when he’d been returning a sweater his sister had given him for Christmas. He’d wrapped it himself and bought a card that he hoped told her how he felt. He’d even practiced saying the three words that had been bouncing around in his heart for weeks so he didn’t mess them up.

  But not for one second had it even occurred to him to give Ellie a heads up so she didn’t show up to said dinner in heart-stopping, blood-firing, bring-a-man-to-his-knees lingerie. He dropped the spoon he’d pulled out of the drawer as his mind easily reconjured every inch of smooth, silky skin peeking from behind sexy black lace.

  “You okay, son?” His dad asked.

  Cooper breathed through his nose, grateful his father’s voice doused any evidence of how much he wanted to kick them all out.


  His dining table barely housed them all. His thigh would be rubbing against Ellie’s for the whole meal. He swallowed down a groan. If he could run into burning buildings, he could get through dinner with his girlfriend wearing almost nothing beneath a coat that he wanted to rip off of her. Yup. Sure. He could get through this. He’d just make sure to focus on his best friend from childhood, who—thanks to Ellie, he’d been able to reconnect with. Perfect. Just stare at Tommy and make idle chit chat. That won’t be awkward at all with his baby sister wearing silk sex gear.

  “Seriously, man, you okay? You look kind of pale. Should we be worried about eating what you cooked?” Tommy grinned and put an arm around his fiancée, Becky’s shoulder.

  “Leave him alone. I’d like to see you cook a meal for this many people and it smells delicious, Cooper,” Becky said, swatting Tommy’s stomach.

  Cooper managed a grin as he sat down next to Ellie. All he could smell was her shampoo—some sort of citrus thing that made him crave a lot more than oranges. Ellie gave him a shy, sweet smile and his entire body tensed.

  He looked around the small table that was meant for four, but hosting the eight of them. “Uh, thanks for coming tonight.” He looked at Ellie, swallowed, then covered her hand with his own. “Happy Birthday, Ellie.”

  Mr. Wexly raised his wine glass and the others followed suit. “Happy birthday to my baby girl. Who would have thought so many years later, you’d be the man making her birthday dinners, Cooper?”

  Not him. He never would have imagined this night. Or any of the others they’d spent together. When his family had moved out of their small hometown, away from the Wexly’but it was, he’d been so angry with them. Tommy had been his best friend since kindergarten and leaving him behind had sucked huge.

  Finding Ellie through a routine fire call less than two months ago had not only brought some of his favorite people back into his life, it had changed him completely. Cooper never thought much beyond the upcoming week, but since he’d kissed Ellie on Christmas Eve six weeks ago, all he could think about was her and the future he wanted for them. It was that knowledge, knowing she was his forever, that made him go slow. And it was karma, laughing her ass off in his face right this very moment.

  “Coop?” Ellie whispered, squeezing his hand.

  He startled, realized he’d spaced out. “Not me, sir. Not me. I’m very glad to be the one getting to do so, though.”

  Tommy made a gagging sound and he kicked him under the table, making his friend laugh. He bit back the words he wanted to say because his parents and Tommy’s parents were sitting with them.

  “So touchy,” Tommy said and for a second, Cooper wondere
d if he was all too aware of why his little sister was wearing a trench coat at the dinner table.

  As if thinking of it brought it to light, while others took their first bites, Ellie’s mom leaned over her husband and touched her daughter’s hand.

  “Are you okay, sweetie? Why don’t you take off your coat?”

  Ellie’s eyes widened. She looked at Cooper, then at Becky whose grin definitely suggested she had an inkling as to what was going on.

  “I’m really cold,” Ellie said, her voice too loud for the close proximity.

  Tommy choked on his pasta and Becky patted his back, glancing over at her sister-in-law-to-be. “Hope you’re not coming down with something. And on your birthday, too.”

  Reconnecting with Tommy had been like no time passed. Ellie and Cooper had spent several evenings hanging with him and his fiancée. The next time one of those evenings occurred, Cooper decided he was going to give Tommy a power punch right to the—.

  “This is really good, Coop,” Ellie said quietly, sending him a shy smile she had no idea was sexy.

  “Thanks, baby.”

  “Working at the hospital is just asking for sickness,” Ellie’s mother said, still sending the trench coat worried glances.

  “Oh, Beverly, don’t worry. She probably has a great immunity because of it,” her father said.

  “Speaking of cess pools, that doctor leaving you alone now?” Tommy asked around a bite full of pasta.

  “Tommy, don’t speak with food in your mouth,” his mother scolded.

  Cooper’s mom smiled. “See, sweetie, you’re never too old to have your manners corrected by your mom.”

  His friend’s cheeks went a shade of pink Cooper enjoyed seeing. “Mind your manners, Tommy.”

  Tommy started to respond, but flinched and glared at Becky. Laughter erupted around the table and though he was still way too aware of what Ellie wasn’t wearing, some of the tension broke free.

  “Which doctor is he talking about, Ellie? Byron?” Becky broke some garlic bread in half and put one piece on her fiancé’s plate.


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