In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series)

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In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series) Page 19

by Lee, Taylor

  Jake barely heard her. He gave a perfunctory nod and braced himself. Peter and Lexie were standing at the edge of the dance floor talking quietly. Peter was holding her hand, and when the music breathed to life he smiled down at her with a questioning glance. At her nod, they moved to the dance floor.

  As Peter moved to take her in his arms, Lexie saw Jake coming toward them. She might have thought the broad smile curving his full lips was genuine—until she saw his eyes. They were a brilliant blue. Like a bright summer sky darkening by the second as rolling thunderclouds heralded the coming of the lightening.

  Jake tapped Peter on the shoulder. His voice was low, silky.

  “Excuse me. Only one dance per customer, Councilman.”

  The muscles on Peter’s neck and shoulders visibly tightened.

  Still holding Lexie’s hand, Peter quirked a questioning brow. When Lexie closed her eyes and shook her head, he gave her hand a little squeeze. Stepping back, he bowed slightly. His tone was casual but his eyes were as hard as Jake’s.

  “If I’d realized there was a limit, Lexie, I would have absconded with you before the dance was done.”

  Jake’s voice was mockingly pleasant.

  “No, you wouldn’t have.”

  Moving in front of Peter, Jake’s eyes narrowed as he gazed at her.

  “Shall we, Lexie?”

  Jake reached for her and she moved inexorably into his arms.

  A soft jazzy tune fired up.

  Jake pulled her tight against him.

  “Mm, hmm. Now this feels about right. “

  His beard shadow grazed her soft cheek. His voice deepened, was low, harsh in her ear.

  “Tell me Darlin’. Why do you look surprised? First I watch you dance with Spellman, then with Brady and finally with Peter. Really, Lexie. Did you really think that I would stand back and allow you to dance with him again?”

  Lexie had to swallow hard to get around the lump in her throat. She was torn. Feeling his strong arms around her, she desperately wanted to lean into him and allow the madness that was creeping over her body flare. But as much as she wanted him, she was infuriated by his arrogance. Her voice was as harsh as his.

  “Allow me? Damn you! You think that you can allow me or not? Fuck you, Jake!”

  She fought against his tight grip but it was useless.

  “Fuck me? Yeah, sweet Darlin’. Seems as though we’re thinking along the same lines.”

  Seeing that the dancers close to them were looking at them with interest, Lexie decided to change her tack. “I’m surprised you noticed who I was dancing with. From what I could see, you were well cared for by the ‘Devil in Black.’”

  Jake chuckled… but there was no mirth in the tone.

  “No, Darlin’. I haven’t been well cared for since you threw me out of your house and your life. In fact, Darlin’, I need a hell of a lot more than ‘care’ at this point.”

  Chapter 23

  Lexie felt Jake’s anger… and his passion. The needy wail of the sax and the rustling downbeat of the drums echoed the sensations coursing over her. Their bodies moved toward one another, drawn by a tidal wave of desire stronger than either of them. In seconds they were clinging to each other, panting for air. All of the hunger, the rage, and the sadness that had tortured her welled up, crying out for release.

  His hands roamed over her bare back, his calloused thumbs scraping away any reservations she might have. He grasped her ass cheeks and lifted her up higher on his body. She gasped at his open possessiveness, his flagrant overtures, but rather than pushing him away she wanted more, needed more. He groaned and the rough male sound coupled with the hard beat of the music drumming in her ears went straight to her core. The smell of his expensive cologne, the rich smoky fragrance of the wine at dinner combined with his unique male smell was driving her to a fever pitch.

  He raked his fingers over the sensitive skin on her neck and throat. He tugged at a loose tendril of hair, jerking her face up to his. His eyes were stormy with desire. “God, Darlin’ I need you. I need you bad, Lexie. I’m aching for you.”

  Her five-inch heels brought his hard thick arousal close to the vee of her thighs. She struggled to angle closer. She wanted more, now.

  She was gasping for air, “Jake, wait, stop. We can’t do this here. People are staring. Oh God, Jake, I… I….”

  When she tried to move back, to put some distance between them, he pulled her up tight.

  His whisper was a cross between a snarl and a groan.

  “Why, Darlin’? Why can’t we let people know how much we want each other?”

  Lexie was shaking, “No, no, I mean not here. I want… I need….”

  But it was though her words opened an unintended water main of hurt.

  He moved her back and glared at her dress. His voice was an accusing rasp. “Did you buy this for him? Did you, Lexie? A golden dress for a special night?”

  She was shocked. “Jake, dear God, what are you saying?”

  He didn’t stop. She gazed up at him trying to understand. Pain contorted with the anger in his eyes, but his fury had the floor. “Do your stockings have lace at the top, Lexie? The kind that I love? Are they the silky stockings that I tear off of you and keep in my pocket for days after we fuck, to capture your smell? Is that what you wore for him? When were you going to show him, Lexie? On the way home? Or maybe you already did. When he picked you up for your big ‘date’? When you got in that fucking car of his, did that slit up the front of your dress reveal just a tiny taste of the sexy lace? Did you give him a glimpse of your soft bare thighs?”

  Lexie froze. Too stunned by what he was saying to respond, she backed against the tight circle of his arms to better see his face. And then it hit her. As though he had physically slapped her, she understood what he was saying.

  “You…you thought I bought this dress for him? For him, Jake? That I didn’t buy it for you? That I didn’t go to three stores to find exactly the lacy stockings you love? Ones that would perfectly match the dress? And—” Her voice broke, but she forced herself to continue, her whispered words choked with tears. “And my panties, they… they… match too… just how you like them.”

  By this time they had moved to the side of the dance floor and were no longer pretending to dance.

  Jake held up his hand. “Lexie, I’m sorry. Stop, Darlin’. I’m crazed. I’ve been so worried about you….”

  She wouldn’t, couldn’t stop. The anger, the agony, her sense of loss poured out in the form of quiet, controlled rage.

  “Be quiet. Don’t say another word, Jake. Hear me out. Do you know why I bought this dress and all this fucking underwear? So that we could have a special night together. To celebrate after I went to the Council. I bought it before you left, before you chose to go, before you decided not to be by my side when I needed you the most.”

  She was shaking too hard to continue,

  His face was white with strain. “Jesus, Lexie. God, I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry? You think you can accuse me of fucking another man? A man I barely know, when you know how much I love you? And you are sorry? Who do you think I am? You? Did you forget? I am the inexperienced one? Remember? I don’t know how to fuck my way through people’s lives and hearts. But maybe you can teach me that too, Jake.”

  Jake’s expression froze. When he spoke, his voice was dangerously soft. “Don’t you ever say that about yourself or about me again. I love you, Lexie. We’re leaving now. Get your things please.”

  She stepped back and stared up at him. She couldn’t believe that after all she’d said, the ugly things he’d said, that he actually thought she would go with him. It amazed her, given the harshness of what they had said to one another, that she’d manage to speak softly, not to scream. Anyone watching them would know they were arguing but no one would believe the ugly assertions they’d flung at each other. She couldn’t believe them either.

  “Yes, Jake. I’ll get my things. But I am going to the ladies room. I am
not going anywhere with you. Do you understand? Don’t touch me. Let me go. Now.”

  She turned and dashed by the table, scooping up her evening bag, and rushed to the ladies room.

  Jake stood off to the side; her words swirling in his head. What had he done? Had he lost his mind? He shoved his hands through his hair, knowing that he couldn’t follow her. She was already furious. But he was too. Goddammit. They needed to talk. To get away from this fucking crowd and be alone together.

  Dalila approached him. “Couldn’t help but notice that you and the lovely one were having words? I guess that sometimes happens when you hump someone in the middle of the dance floor… You know, emotions run high… one thing leads to another—”

  Jake glared at her, “Dalila. Be Quiet.”

  He turned away from her and started down the hallway toward the restrooms.

  Dalila coasted by him and said over her shoulder, “Obviously, you can’t follow her into the ladies room, Jake, but she looked more than a little upset. I’m going to see if she needs help.”

  Before he could answer, Brady was at his side and Delila was gone.

  “Can’t believe I’m saying this but the ‘Wicked Witch of the East’ may be right for once. Lexie looked more than upset, Jake. Damn, man, it’s like I told the little hotshot. Even with the entertainment value, tending to the two of you is hard work. I’m gonna start demanding hazard pay. But hell man, you put on quite a show. I bet there are guys out there who learned more about the art of foreplay than they had in a lifetime of watching late night porn videos. Sure as hell know who they’ll who to come to for advice when the ole pecker starts missing the tree. And if they weren’t already lusting after Lexie—need I say more?”

  Brady was smiling but Jake saw his concern and tried to lighten the moment.

  “I hear you Brady. I’ll consider your request for hazard pay. We do have a tendency to put you in the middle, don’t we?”

  “Hey, Jake, I consider an honor. But this time it’s getting serious. You know I only give advice five or six times a day. But take this one to the bank. Grab that woman of yours, and go someplace where you can fuck each other’s brains out. Somewhere private, please. Where there aren’t four hundred eager observers. And don’t call me before you’re done. Which if I know you two will be several weeks from now.”

  A glimmer of a smile creased Jake’s cheek.

  “Interesting advice, Brady. For once I don’t need it. That is precisely what Lexie and I are about to do. If I have to barge into that ladies room and drag her out kicking and screaming, we’re leaving now.”

  “That may be a challenge, Jake.”

  Jake turned at the sound of Peter’s voice. Assuming that Peter was going to insist that he be the one to take Lexie home, Jake took the initiative. He didn’t miss the fact that two of Peter’s cold-eyed men were standing close by. He felt rather than saw Brady’s acknowledgement of the standoff. Jake pasted a casual smile on his face knowing it didn’t fool Peter for a moment.

  “Not a challenge, Councilman. Just the way it needs to be.”

  Peter’s expression was grim as he stepped forward.

  “I regret to say that Alexis chose to leave. Apparently without saying good bye to you—or to me.”

  Jake moved forward, closing the space between the two of them. Peter held his ground without as much as a flinch.

  “What the fuck are you saying, Peter?”

  Brady put a restraining hand on his arm. But Jake angrily brushed it off. His voice was low, it was the voice that had led men into battle, and had scared the shit out of wrongdoers.

  Peter’s expression was as cool as Jake’s was hot.

  “She left, Jake. She gave one of my men a note. Said she had a nice evening and that she would call me in the morning.”

  Peter was clearly angry, but in a quiet, subtly dangerous way. Apparently Peter was not any more accustomed to people “disobeying” him than Jake was.

  Jake glared at the stoic Asian man beside Peter. The guy had Kkangpae written all over him. He was so confident in his skills, he didn’t need to signal that he was armed. Why the hell would he, Jake thought. Men like this guy and he and Peter shared a code. It didn’t matter what their native language was, they all spoke this one. And it didn’t require words.

  He looked up to see several of his men casually making their way across the ballroom. They spoke the language as well.

  A slight smile crossed Peter’s face. He shrugged.

  “Dalila underestimated Alexis. She may be young but she is more than able to deal with bigger, more powerful people such as you and me, Jake.”

  Jake ignored him. Knowing that Peter’s goons would never have let her get out of his reach, he turned to the man beside Peter.

  “I presume you have a trace on the cab?”

  Peter spoke for him.

  “She took her car, Jake. She left on her own. I regret to say that none of my men saw her leave.”

  “What the hell? She had her car here?”

  Peter’s expression was as impassive as his voice. Only the glint in his rock hard eyes betrayed his anger.

  “She insisted on driving herself, Jake. She called shortly before I left to pick her up this evening to indicate that she didn’t need a ride.”

  Jake reared up. Only Brady’s warning nudge kept him from exploding. If anything his voice dropped lower.

  “And you let her, Peter? You let her come here by herself? In her own car that is literally her trademark? Known by every lowlife in this city?”

  Peter held his gaze. “You of all people know that when Alexis makes up her mind to do something, no one can stop her. I don’t have to tell you that, Jake. And I don’t have to tell you it was not the way I intended to start the evening.”

  Mere inches separated the two men. The tension between them was electric. The question to any unaffiliated observer was who would throw the first punch or more likely pull the first weapon.

  Jake’s voice was soft, dangerously so. “Peter, you know that Lexie is in danger. You are not stupid, nor are you ignorant of the level of that danger. So help me, God, if anything happens to her on the way home, I will hold you personally responsible.”

  He turned sharply and strode to the hotel garage, not content to wait for a valet to bring his car.

  Peter watched him leave, then turned to Brady. His expression was calm, his words were not.

  “Your friend is out of control, Lt. Colonel. He’d be well advised to watch his step. And his back.” He took a deep breath and then glaring at Brady, added, “He may be in greater danger than he imagines for Alexis.”

  Brady nodded as if thinking of a response. His tone was as casual as usual, but there was no hint of humor in his tight smile.

  “Couple of points, Peter. One, Lexie is in danger and we both know it. And, two. A point of clarification. May I assume you were threatening my partner?”

  Peter shrugged dismissively.

  “You are welcome to make any assumptions you wish. Good evening.”

  Brady watched as no fewer than eight men of various races, appeared seemingly out of nowhere to follow Peter through the lobby.

  Brady spoke quietly into his comm.

  “Don’t lose them. Any of them. And let the big guy know to watch his six.”

  Chapter 24

  Lexie pounded down the hallway to her quarters. When she got to her bedroom she slammed and locked the door behind her. Not that Master Wan or Madam Juen would ever enter without knocking, but she needed to slam something tonight. Something hard. The door worked. So did sailing one high-heeled shoe across the room, followed by the other. Her evening bag was next. It hit the wall with a crash, scattering an array of cosmetics on the carpet. She leaned against the bedpost, sucking in deep gulps of air. Angry gulps of air. She was not normally a drinker. Certainly not alone, and not as a response to stress. For a short moment she considered heading to the dojo. The thought of burying her fists in the punching bag was appealing. But
not as appealing right then as a shot of Jack Daniels straight up.

  She tossed back the whisky, choking slightly then reveling in the burn. Anything to take her mind off the horrible evening she’d endured. She knew it would be bad. Why, she railed, had she put herself through it? God, why didn’t she just call Peter and tell him she was sick, or tired or… anything. But she knew why. She’d wanted to see Jake. She’d wanted him to see the beautiful dress she’d bought to surprise him. Then Goddammit, he insisted she’d bought it for Peter. How could he think such a thing? To be fair… she stopped herself. She didn’t want to be fair. She wanted to scream and pound her head against the wall.

  She could almost handle the things Jake had said. He was wildly jealous of Peter. If they were together lying in each other’s arms holding each other tight the way they always did, she knew he wouldn’t have acted like that. He’d be annoyed. And he’d tease her about one more guy wanting in her pants. But he wouldn’t act like a crazy man. He was scared. She’d seen it in his eyes.

  But how well did she really know him? According to Dalila, not nearly as well as she thought she did. Remembering the scene in the ladies room, she did pound her head against the wall. A sob broke from her throat. She welcomed the din of anger that jammed her ears. Anything to drown out the memory of Dalila’s words. She’d known when she came out of the bathroom stall that Dalila had been waiting for her. She should have known the cunning woman’s concern was a freaking act. But she fell for it. She was hungry for support. Someone who might understand the riot of emotions swamping her. She let the bitch comfort her. God, she’d almost told Dalila what happened. Fortunately Dalila broke her cover and revealed her shrewd self. She’d put her arm around Lexie and handed her a tissue.

  “Poor, baby. You really are an innocent, aren’t you, Alexis?”

  Lexie had tried to tell her that no, she was far from innocent. In fact, she bet that she’d seen more in her first sixteen years than Dalila had seen in her thirty-five. But Dalila had an image of Lexie that she wouldn’t let the truth invade.


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