Beyond Love Lies Deceit

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Beyond Love Lies Deceit Page 6

by Melissa Toppen

  “Sorry to interrupt.” I flick my eyes to Allie whose cheeks are a deep crimson, her eyes focused downward as if she’s afraid to meet my gaze. “I was looking for Dad. I thought he would be here tonight.” I continue, turning my attention back to Ryan.

  “Well as you can see, he’s not.” Ryan gestures around.

  “No matter, you can help me.” I smile, seeing the fury that continues to grow behind Ryan’s eyes.

  He thinks that I am doing this purposely and while that’s not entirely true, a small part of me is greatly enjoying taking a jab at him. It’s not like he’s not doing the exact same thing to me by being here with Allie.

  “I’m kind of in the middle of something here brother. Can’t it wait?” He asks, darting his eyes to Allie who is looking anywhere but at me or Ryan.

  “Actually, I should probably go.” Her soft words pull both of our attention to her as she turns towards Ryan.

  “You don’t have to do that.” He insists, clearly not ready for her to leave.

  “I know, but I really should be heading back.” She insists, stepping past him to grab her small wristlet purse from the table before crossing the space back towards us.

  “Well at least let me call you a car.” He reaches out and tucks a stray strand of her hair away from her face, the action winding me, like a punch to my gut.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  “No need. I can call a cab.” She says, leaning forward to lay a brief kiss to his cheek. “We will talk later.” She tacks on, patting her palm lightly against his chest before turning towards me. “Luke.” She nods, blushing again the moment her eyes meet mine.

  “Miss Reynolds.” I nod in return, addressing her professionally.

  She quickly passes me, her eyes once again meeting mine for just a fraction of a second as she does, and then she’s gone, disappearing into the darkness.

  “What the fuck Luke?” Ryan’s voice completely changes the moment he’s sure Allie is out of earshot.

  “What?” I play innocent, crossing the deck to where the two clearly had dinner.

  Picking up the half empty wine bottle, I put it to my mouth and take a large drink before turning back towards Ryan.

  “Pulled out the big guns did you?” I ask, looking at the wine label. “How does Dad feel about you drinking his private stock?” I ask, setting the bottle back onto the table.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” His eyes are wide like he can’t believe my nerve. “What the fuck was that Luke?” He gestures to where Allie just exited a few moments ago.

  “Well since both you and our father refuse to answer your phones, you really left me no other choice.” I finally answer him.

  “This has nothing to do with anything other than Allie. You’re pissed that she was here.” He accuses.

  “I actually had no idea that you were out with Miss Reynolds tonight.” I answer truthfully. “I told you, I came here looking for Dad. I have a few important details I need to discuss with him about the Cyntech buy out.”

  “Dad never comes here and you know it.” He bites.

  “Well considering I had already checked his house and the office, I thought it was worth a shot. As I said, I have some very important information on Cyntech.”

  “And it couldn’t wait until morning?” He spits, clearly finding my timing suspect.

  “Actually no. I mean, unless he’s okay with us being cut out by Thomas Harding.” I answer casually with a shrug.

  “What the fuck does Harding have to do with anything?” He bites.

  “Only that his company made a play to outbid us under the table. I have a contact at Cyntech that strongly advised we close in and make a better offer before they sign tomorrow morning. I need to draw up the contracts and have Dad get in touch with them to close this deal before Harding pulls the rug right out from underneath us.” I explain.

  “Who knew Harding had such a backbone? I’m actually kind of impressed.” Ryan nods in appreciation, my news somewhat distracting him from his anger at me for interrupting his date. “I’ll get in touch with Dad.” He nods, crossing the deck to retrieve his phone from the table.

  “I will draft another contract and leave the numbers blank until I hear from one of you. And Ryan.” I turn, pinning my eyes directly on his. “Don’t fuck this up. I need a phone call in the next hour if you expect me to have time to cover all the bases before you make the proposal to Cyntech.”

  “I’m not stupid Luke.” He doesn’t try to hide his displeasure over my comment. “Dad is working me into the CEO position for a reason.”

  “Then maybe you should start showing me what those reasons are because for the life of me, all I see is an immature spoiled brat who can’t prioritize business over getting some.” I spit, quickly exiting the yacht before Ryan can reply.

  I try to shake off the image that seems embedded in my brain; the sight of Allie and Ryan locked together still so fresh in my mind. While I disapprove of my brother’s antics with women employed by ScoTech, I have never really cared before now. There’s something about this woman. Something that makes me want to spare her the wrath that follows a relationship with my brother. But even I know that’s not all there is too it.

  My stomach tightens at the thought of what might have happened here tonight had I not shown up looking for my father. Would she have slept with him? Would she have willing entered into his bed after everything I told her yesterday?

  It just doesn’t make any sense. She seems completely uninterested in Ryan and yet, she continues to go out with him. I can tell by the way she looks at him that her hearts not in it. She doesn’t look at him with the same intensity that I see in her eyes when she looks at me. He doesn’t evoke the rush of blood to her cheeks the way I do or cause the nervous ticks that in just two short weeks have proven capable of bringing me to my fucking knees.

  I know there’s more to this, though I am fearful that a part of me is just looking for a way to justify her actions. Maybe Ryan is truly who she wants and I am so blinded by my own lust for her that I am just seeing what I want to see.

  Either way, one thing couldn’t be clearer; I have got to get Allie Reynolds out from under my skin.




  “Miss Reynolds.” I hear Luke’s voice behind me and turn just in time to see him step inside the small employee break room that sits at the end of the hall.

  “Mr. Scott.” I nod, turning back around to finish making my cup of hot tea.

  Dropping a teaspoon of sweetener into the small white cup, I try to seem completely unaffected by his presence. It’s only awkward if I make it so, right?

  “I didn’t know you were a tea drinker.” He steps up next to me, giving me no choice but to look in his direction.

  Like so many times before, the moment those crystal blues hit me a jolt of electricity shoots down my spine, causing me to shiver slightly.

  “I find it soothing.” I answer weakly, looking back down to my cup of tea as I stir it.

  “Is there something you need soothing from?” He asks his question laced with an underlying statement.

  I know without a doubt he’s referring to Ryan even though his tone remains smooth and unaffected by emotion.

  While neither of us has spoken about what he witnessed Saturday night, I can tell that it is very much at the forefront of his mind, even if he doesn’t say so. I can feel the tension between us, a heaviness that has always been there but has grown steadily more apparent throughout the course of the day.

  “Just a long day.” I sigh, not sure how else to respond.

  “Monday tends to be that way around here.” He agrees, waiting until I turn towards him, cup in hand, before continuing. “I wanted to let you know that I will be going out of town for the next couple of days.” He starts.

  “Oh.” The word falls from my lips unintentionally and I can’t help the disappointment that seems to settle over me at the thought of being here wi
thout him.

  I know it sounds weird that I would feel this way after such a short period of time but Luke is somewhat of a safety blanket for me. He has this way of grounding me and keeping me calm, even when everything else seems to be spinning out of control. And he does it without doing anything. Just being near him seems to give me peace. It’s the oddest feeling for someone like me who has found very little peace over the past eight years.

  “I was hoping that you would be able to accompany me.” He adds on, pulling my gaze back to his face.

  “What?” I blurt, not sure how to react.

  “We are trying to close a deal with a small tech business on the East Coast. The CEO and primary stock holder is proving rather difficult to sway due to other competitors advances. I could use someone with your talents to help me make sure when it’s all said and done, he ends up on our side of the playing field.”

  “Talents?” I question, not sure what to make of the comment.

  “Sometimes it takes a woman’s touch.” He gives me a sweet smile which immediately brings one to my own face as well.

  “Is that so?” I laugh lightly.

  “It is. Grumpy old men tend to have a hell of a lot harder time saying no to a pretty woman then to someone like me.” He shakes his head on a light laugh. “Do you think you could make it work?”

  “You’re the boss Mr. Scott. I will do whatever you need me to.” I respond. “When would we be leaving?”

  “The private jet will fly us out tonight.” He says, laughing when my eyes go wide.


  “In three hours to be exact.” He laughs again. “You’re welcome to go ahead and wrap up whatever you are working on and head home to pack. I will have a car pick you up at seven sharp.”

  “Actually, can I just meet you there?” I ask, knowing that if he shows up where I claim to live, he will find that I don’t actually live there.

  While I succeeded in fooling Ryan on my place of residence, I doubt I could manage to get to my real home, pack, and then be able to make it to the Regency by seven considering it’s nearly five now. Not to mention there is something so different about deceiving Ryan than there is Luke. Luke is different and while I know lying to him is inevitable, I don’t want to do it when it’s avoidable.

  When this all blows up, because it eventually will, I would like to contain the blast radius as much as possible. People are going to get hurt, one way or another, but if I can keep Luke from being one of those people, then that’s exactly what I am going to do.

  “It’s actually a private air strip and gaining access is not as easy as you might think. However, if it’s easier, you can just meet me back here once you’ve had a chance to pack and we can head over together.”

  “Okay, that should work.” I agree, knowing that my actual apartment is much closer than the Regency and I should have no trouble getting there and then back here in time.

  “How should I pack?” I ask, having no idea what type of attire is going to be required for this trip.

  “We’re meeting with the board of Cyntech first thing tomorrow morning; your normal work attire should suffice. I would suggest bringing at least two professional outfits as we may be there for a couple of days. Tomorrow night we have reservations at Sachkets for drinks. I would suggest a nice cocktail dress or something similar. Our time there will hinge on how everything goes.”

  “Got it.” I nod, my stomach already swirling at the thought of spending two days alone with Luke on the complete opposite side of the country.

  “Meet me in the lobby at seven.” He instructs, pushing away from the counter and crossing the small space towards the door. Turning just inside the doorframe, my stomach twists tighter when his eyes once again meet mine. “And thank you.” He adds, a half smile pulling up one side of his mouth.

  “For what?” I ask, confused by his comment.

  “For agreeing to accompany me. Typically I would do this alone but something tells me I am going to need you.” His smile widens causing a fluttering sensation to swarm my chest.

  “Of course.” I force a smile, despite the weakness that seems to have formed in my knees at his words.

  It might just be my imagination but I swear he put an emphasis on the word need and as he throws me another nod and quickly disappears down the hall. It takes everything I have to reel in my nerves and shake off the feeling that thought leaves me with.

  I know better than to get involved with Luke. Even if he wanted it to, I could never deceive him that way. I could never let myself be with him knowing every single thing he knows about me is actually a lie. Hell, he doesn’t even know my real name.

  And while it’s easy to get lost in the fantasy of what this situation could be like, I know that at the end of the day it’s just that; a fantasy. Luke Scott could never want a woman like me. And since when have I cared if someone wanted me?

  Therein lies my real problem. Luke stirs something in me, something that makes me feel almost normal. When he looks into my eyes, I am no longer this person. I am no longer part of this reality. I am simply a woman; a woman who longs for the man staring back at her, a woman who dreams of experiencing the ultimate fairytale; the handsome man swooping in and rescuing her from her damned fate to ride her off into the sunset where they will live happily ever after.

  Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and push the thought away. For the first time in a very long time I find myself wanting something beyond my revenge. I think that’s the most unsettling part for me; knowing that the person capable of making me feel this way is tied directly to my road to vengeance.

  There’s no way I walk away from this situation a winner. No matter the outcome, I’ve already lost too much to ever consider myself victorious. But the thought that at the end of this I might have a chance at a normal life is something I have never considered before.

  At least not until Luke.

  He makes me long for a life I thought was out of my reach. He makes me want so much more for myself and yet, I hardly know him. It’s not about what he has done but rather, how he makes me feel. It’s in the simple everyday actions that I find this to be the truest.

  Just being in the same room as him, feeling his eyes on my face, is enough to show me that beyond all the hatred and anger, the lies and deceit, there is a woman that still longs for the one thing everyone wishes to find; love.




  I can’t believe I’m actually here; New York. I knew coming here would be emotional, considering this is where Sean died, but I was absolutely not prepared for how good it feels being so far away from the West Coast, almost like existing in a completely different world.

  I cross the space of my large hotel bedroom, which is included in the penthouse suite, to the massive set of double windows that sit along the back wall. I can’t imagine what a room like this cost but considering its location in the heart of the city, I would say staying here one night is more than I make in a month. The thought is a bit nauseating really.

  What is it with rich people throwing their money away on unnecessary things? Would it be so bad to just stay in a normal hotel room like a regular person? Even still, I can’t deny the beauty of my lush surroundings or the amazing view of the city that stretches out before me. The view is breathtaking and completely intimidating at the same time.

  When Luke first mentioned the trip, I just assumed I would be staying in my own room. I never imagined we would be staying in a hotel room that looks more like an apartment or that I would be sleeping in a room just feet from where Luke will be staying. The thought makes my stomach twist tightly; mainly because it excites me but more because that excitement terrifies me.

  I hear a light knock on my door, jumping slightly as the noise startles me.

  “Yes.” I manage to croak out, my voice breaking at the end.

  “Hey.” Luke gives me a sweet smile the moment he steps into the half open doorway.

“Hey.” I smile, turning inward to face him.

  “I have a few things I need to work on before our meeting tomorrow. I’m going to head down to the lounge. I just wanted to make sure you have everything you need.” He glances at the view behind me before meeting my gaze again. “It’s incredible isn’t it?” He gestures to the window, not allowing me to answer his first question before asking another.

  “It really is.” I agree, turning slightly to look back out over the city.

  “I remember when I used to come here with my mom as a kid.” He says, pausing.

  I tense when I realize that he has not only entered the room completely but is now standing just two feet from me, sharing in my view of New York.

  “She would always make sure whenever we came here with my father on business that we got the highest room she could find in the city.” He continues. “After the sun would set, we would sit next to the windows and look out over the city. Each time she would pick a building and then she would tell me a story of how it came to be. She loved history.” He gives me a side glance, answering my question before I can ask.

  “She was part of a group in California that restored historic buildings. She said it was so important to understand and appreciate the past so that we never forget what came before us, what made us who we are today.” Despite the incredible view below me, I can’t keep my eyes from the side of Luke’s face as he speaks.

  It’s clear to see he loved his mother very much and I immediately think back to the reports I read on her death. Heart Disease I believe. As I study Luke’s profile, it’s easy to see that he is still haunted by the loss.

  I can’t help but feel like this is a side of Luke Scott few people see. It’s strange really, seeing such a powerful intimidating man let down his guard. There’s something so beautiful about his vulnerability.

  “Anyways.” He shakes his head, pulling himself from the moment. “I guess I should go. If you need anything room service will take care of you.” He seems to close down as quickly as he opened up, the sudden change leaving me with a feeling of whiplash.


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