Remnant's Past- The Fall of Stoneholt

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Remnant's Past- The Fall of Stoneholt Page 6

by Beaux Riley

  Illoke dropped next to the broken elf's body. Seeing one of his own killed right in front of his eyes infuriated him. "Dea...I should have done better by you." Illoke placed his hand on the fallen elf's chest and chanted under his breath. Dea's body began to glow and turn to wood. Kimura watched this transformation from flesh and blood to a tree in amazement. Her features were lost in this metamorphosis. The tree grew surprisingly high and as the sun was blotted out, tears ran down Illoke's cheeks.

  "Why would he change her into a tree instead having of a funeral?" Kimura quietly asked in the crowd of soldiers. This question, though directed at no one in particular, was met with an answer.

  "This is our way of showing respect to our people, paladin." The voice came from Caliya. She was clearly sad, just as her father was.

  "I'm sorry. I, didn't understand." Kimura said wholeheartedly as he watched the new tree blossom. Illoke kept a hand on the trunk of the tree. He placed Dea's sword at the base and turned his back to it. With a small chant, he conjured her tree's roots to envelop the sword, as though she would be able to keep her weapon forever.


  The Archivum of Maiden's Point was Lizoke's proudest achievement. The young elf had been recruited at an early age by none other than Grand Secorim himself. The King of Saebel was well aware of the state of the farming community that Lizoke had resided in. She had come from poor upbringings. Many wondered if Lizoke had been abandoned by the Ela'syn, yet Illoke's research could not find her parents and gave his blessing to her adopted parents instead. Lizoke mused on her childhood as she read books about other lands in between her record keeping.

  She had arrived early at the Archivum, just before daybreak. Her hands were on the lock as she was approached by a messenger.

  "Archivist, I bring news from the north." The messenger was female, and surprisingly an elf. She was wearing a plain white shirt and short pants. Her cloak masked half of her face.

  "I have a ton of paperwork to do before the sun even comes up, miss..." Lizoke showed a bit of impatience in her response. The white haired elf adjusted her glasses as she waited for any answer.

  "Marri. This information I bring regards the events that have occurred at Stoneholt." The messenger handed Lizoke the thick envelope. Lizoke was surprised by it and immediately recognized the seal of Dawnsent emblazoned on the Manila paper. It was sealed by a dark green wax stamp that had the letter 'D' in Elvish.

  "I will take this information down as soon as I can read through all of it. Thank you, Messenger Marri." Lizoke opened her door and looked back towards the messenger and saw that the elf was already gone. She took another look at the door to see it closed and to her left she saw a smiling Kilo.

  "Forgive me, My Lady Lizoke. I am a bit late." Kilo giggled as she watched a flustered Lizoke hurry passing Kilo into the dark Archivum. Lizoke was allowed a minimal amount of magic knowledge by Illoke, and was able to brighten a room's lights with a small spell.

  The Archivum was wall to wall with books, tomes, records and notes. Lizoke had been put in charge of this smaller version of the much, much larger Archivum in Saebel. As Kilo locked the door behind them, she noticed that Lizoke had already begun work on a new assignment.

  "Not the usual library work today?" Kilo asked curiously.

  "No, I was brought a special package from the Elf King." Lizoke waved the Manila note at Kilo and then opened it. The file contained the events that happened while Lizoke and Kilo were aiding the Zirris. She read the title, noticing Kilo reading over her shoulder.

  "The Fall of Stoneholt."

  "Depressing title." Kilo criticized. "I'd tell the King of the elves, he shouldn't take up writing as more than a hobby." Said Kilo as Lizoke looked angrily at Kilo, who turned her head away, embarrassed.

  "I am sure I’ll tell him, next I see his Highness." Lizoke shook her head and then continued to read.

  "No blade met another; nor did any elf fight a dwarf. It was also on this day that the threat of the Char and the survival of the Paladine were realized..."

  "Char and Paladine? Interesting. I've never come across those two names before." Lizoke pulled out her personal notebook and took down the names for future research. Kilo tapped the table as Lizoke was writing. Lizoke looked at Kilo, who sitting next to her, smiling. "Do you happen to know anything about these organizations? Either of them?" Asked Lizoke.

  "The Char...No. But the Paladine has been mentioned several times in a town called Worren to the extreme east, right on the borders of Averia. There is heavy religious belief in their "savior", some man named Zahn Kaeott. All I learned were some zealots calling themselves the 'Kaeoth". Said Kilo. Lizoke listened intently.

  "You may be onto something, Kilo." Said Lizoke as she continued to write.

  The two began to read each piece of parchment until they came to the final page.

  "...Stoneholt has been closed off, by the request of those who survived its purging. May this reach you in good health, and let us not forget those lost."

  -King Dawnsent

  The two sat back, stunned at what they had read. Even Kilo, whose maturity, that managed to hide her feelings, was completely blown away by what she took in. Lizoke took off her large glasses and wiped her eyes, as she'd shed several tears.

  "Women, children, every one of them died..." Lizoke said to Kilo. "I understand now, I truly understand why they wanted me to get this archived. The legacy of those dwarves is all but lost." Lizoke took the documents and filed them away in a nearby drawer.

  "Lizzy, can I ask you something personal?" Kilo had a stern look on her face as she watched Lizoke walk around in her usual way every day.

  "But Miss Thou, it is improper for my bodyguard to be doing anything other than guarding me! You must know your place." Lizoke laughed, trying as hard as she could to drown the images of dead dwarves from her mind.

  "Cut the shit." Kilo was serious when she wanted to be, and always persisted in being the funny one. Lizoke hadn't caught on enough to emulate Kilo's maturity. "Why do you do this kind of job?"

  "I like to learn. I feel smarter, to be honest. People from all over Ethra send manuscripts to be filed away in our history. I feel like I am getting a glimpse into their lives." Lizoke said, brushing her hand over a section of books. Not a single speck of dust shown on her hand, proving she read these books frequently.

  "I'd have never guessed. I imagined you did it since it provided a roof over your head." Kilo said.

  "It isn't just the kindness Grand gave me that day, Kilo. He saved my life." Lizoke exhaled slowly. "I was an illiterate farm girl. I had a blanket to sleep on and a potato as a meal. This better." Lizoke began to cry against the wall of books. Her bawling was uncontrollable. Kilo approached Lizoke, who went on to hug her protector.

  "Come on, Miss Librarian, I am sure you have a lot of work to do." Kilo said, shushing her tears.

  "Archivist. I earned that title. You'll call me that!" Lizoke smiled as Kilo wiped her tears. "Also Kilo, sometime this week, I'd like to take a small trip to Worren. We need to get information on these Paladins that are popping up."

  "I'll be sure to put in a request to get you some off time. Angaea and Jaya might be able to come with us." Kilo said excitedly.

  "You don't think they're busy with tending to the bar and local police?" Lizoke asked curiously.

  "Angaea has been trying for years to get into the Zirris and settled as local police in the Point. I am also sure that Jaya wants to see light of day out of her bar." Kilo sat back at her chair, facing the door to the Archivum and Lizoke. "But for now, you get your day started, I have some stories to read."

  Lizoke nodded. She began mentally preparing her vacation.


  Lizoke sighed. It had been several weeks and she was unable to make her trip because of the current occupation of the Zirris. Ever since the new government in Saebel had been established, they wanted to weed out any “Keth” supporters. Maiden's Point was an important trade hub, L
izoke knew this since she was in charge of the Lesser Archivum stationed here. That and now she spent so much time taking in paperwork and new information about the democracy that Teravin Secorim had made. She found it interesting that the prince doffed his mantle in favor of a new form of leadership.

  Most of her in-and-out customers were simply Zirris dropping off notes to be sent out to Saebel or reports that needed to be filed or even citizen records she had to give to officials. Her days were from door open to door close, busy.

  It was right before lunch that Lizoke noticed an unusual woman walk in. She was beautiful. Lizoke noticed she had uncanny orange eyes, which made her stand out.

  Lizoke greeted the woman happily. "Can I help you, ma'am?"

  "I am here for some information, if you don’t mind." The woman said.

  "Sure, the Archivum has it all. Some records are restricted to officials-" The woman flashed the mark of the Zirris and Lizoke nodded immediately.

  "I am here looking for records about the elven attack on Stoneholt." She continued her looking around. She only noticed Kilo, who was reading and paying little mind to the woman.

  "Sure...I got the official notes set aside and written for the archive. Did you need anything specific from it?"

  "The Whole thing would be good to start. We need to find out what happened at that mountain." The woman finally said as she moved her gaze to Lizoke.

  "Just a second." Lizoke got together the ten page report she had made and handed it to the mystery Zirris woman. "Anything else for you, ma'am?" The woman immediately noticed Lizoke's ears moving about, realizing that the Archivist was elvish.

  "Are you Ela'syn?" The woman asked curiously.

  "No, I am actually Saebellian. I lived on a farm-" The woman then interrupted Lizoke's origin story.

  "Thank you." She then walked out and began to run off to the east, heading to the outskirts of town.

  "What do you make of that, Kilo?" Lizoke asked curiously.

  "She is either a new recruit, or an incredible bitch." Kilo replied, and went back to her book.


  "It's all here. The elves spared no expense in detail, sister." Vinesca said, reading Lizoke's notes. Sinesca sat at the small room's table, that in which they had rented out for the week in the outer parts of Maiden's Point.

  "We are back to our starting point now, Vin." Sinesca said plainly. "With the stone gone, we have to find another forge.”

  Vinesca placed the notes of their handy work down and ran a hand down her sister's shoulders. "We came out alive, and we will recover father."

  "I know. What of this hostage we have here?" Sinesca kicked at the unconscious Zirris soldier. Vinesca had taken her clothing and was now impersonating her. Among all the busy work by the Zirris here, Vinesca was having no troubles blending in.

  "We have no reason to kill her. So long as she doesn't cause a fuss, she'll live." Vinesca laughed a bit until, as she was reading, she came across Kimura's name. "Those bastards have chased us here. I thought the barbarians took care of them before that fool sank our old home into the sea."

  "Maybe. But if he is working with the elves, we are facing a new problem. They cannot be harmed." Sinesca replied.

  "He is staying with them to ensure we won't bring harm to the Ela'syn. Clever bastard." Vinesca balled a fist. "Perhaps we can bring that mouse out with some cheese?" She smiled at metaphor.

  "What do you intend to do when you meet him?" Sinesca asked, genuinely curious at her sister's intentions.

  "We'll talk."

  Chapter 5- A meeting in the tavern

  Kimura sat in his small one-windowed room, staring out to the same scenery in Midian. The keepers of Midian were surprised to see that Kimura returned alone. He spent a short amount of time giving the details about how he lost his brother on the mountainside and meeting the Ela’syn elves. Zerick reminded Kimura of their pact for peace and left Kimura to consider the actions he was taking in pursuit of justice.

  It was now that he had time to clear his head and begin to think on new leads to finding the sisters...alone. It was with Aedrius, that he felt safe and secure. His brother had his back. Kimura cursed himself time and time again that he couldn't understand why Aedrius tried to steal the orb from him and then poof, he was gone. Just like that, in a flash, all the family he had left was taken from him.

  Kimura pulled from his back pocket a map of the known settlements, villages and major cities in Ethra. Pointing with his finger, he swirled around the map until he found Maiden's Point. The town happened to be a trading hub, as Kimura saw it. Roads leading to Stoneholt, Ela'syn forest, Saebel and Averia sprouted from all sides of the town.

  Maybe I can look around for any leads there… Kimura thought to himself, still swirling his finger over the map.

  Kimura descended down the long staircase to the stables on the eastern side of Midian. He replayed the moments of leaving for Stoneholt with his brother. In his mind, they both mounted the steeds provided by Midian's protectors. This time, he went alone.

  I can't be the only paladin left. Kimura thought. He recounted the names of the people within the Paladine. Every single one of them, he knew in his head. Every name he struck off mentally, knowing they had died in Vathra’s final battle field.


  Stratus was on his third trip between Saebel and Maiden’s Point now. Diplomacy knew no end, as he learned. The horse he’d been riding went by the name of Esha, and he’d grown quite attached to her. The steed was reliable, never stopping nor disobeying him when he had to travel for hours on end back and forth from one place to another.

  He began to daydream, which wasn’t unusual for him. The road leading back from Maiden’s Point was several miles long, and he had little reason to make the horse go faster than a steady gallop. The forest that once would lead to Vathra sat to his left, and a great plain eventually leading to Stoneholt and Ela’syn forest, to his right. The dirt path before him had been travelled so many times, that there was an indentation in the very ground that was almost a foot deep. It proved he was starting to memorize the pathway’s features.

  Stratus pulled out a small parchment from his uniform’s breast pocket. A missing person report with the name of one of his own soldiers was written on it. It was extremely unlike any of his soldiers to go off without leave, and even less for them to not report in at the beginning or end of their shifts. He planned to have a talk with the girl as soon as she turned up, otherwise a manhunt would occur. The last thing Stratus wanted was for anyone to be lost.

  “Naera, you will be pulling double shifts after this little vacation of yours…” Said Stratus. He paused for a moment and continued along with his horse. The steady motions brought heavy weights to his eyes and he dozed off.

  He heard a voice call out to him. A woman behind him stood in the road. His eyes widened.

  “No…You…can’t be alive. I’ve looked so long for you…Si-” Stratus was entirely too surprised to see the image of his wife standing before him. His horse had turned about and he dismounted it. He stopped as the image of her being consumed in fire and taken from him made Stratus cry out in anger and blasted a great beam of Light towards the sky.

  It was then that he awoke from his daydream. Stratus was still on his horse and still on his way to Saebel. The horse had stopped, however. He looked at his right hand and felt a pain from it. Looking up he saw that he had actually casted the Light out in front of him, leaving a rather large hole in the ground.

  “I have to control this.” Stratus said to himself.

  He had a change of heart at that moment. Teravin could wait a day to hear the same reports. He wanted to go back and relax for once. Perhaps a few drinks would ease the tension.


  "They're looking for me, I know it. You need to let me go. I won't tell them who you are." The voice called out in fear. Naera was worried for her life. She had been bound and gagged for days and kept alive on little food and water. They wanted her weak, whoever
these women were. She felt they were truly evil.

  "My dear, what is it you think you know of your situation?" Vinesca said in a coy manner. The woman could barely move, and her captors were masked.

  "I just want to go home. This is too much. My family will be worried sick. The Zirris will be after me." Naera yelled until she was gagged again by Vinesca.

  "You will wait. Continue to pester me and I won't allow you to survive the night." Vinesca bent down and tapped the woman's nose as she applied a blindfold.

  "Sister, she is innocent. Wrong place, wrong time. I ask you to let her go after we conclude our business here." Sinesca sighed as she sat next to the woman struggling and then crying. Sinesca pitied her.

  "Sin, I'll humor you. After my meeting, you may free her. She'll be of no use to me. I had considered adding her into our fold, but she is clearly a coward." Vinesca straightened her stolen uniform and proceeded to the door of their small room. She looked at the pathetic display of the Zirris woman. "Had she been more like the guard in the library, I'd have made her one of us. I will return at midnight. Be ready."

  Vinesca left the room and began making her way to the Firelight tavern.

  Sinesca sat back, reminiscing about a time long ago. The borders of Lossetta, down the path to her home with her husband.

  My love...I am sorry I broke my promise. I looked for you, hoping you escaped. I searched all over. I rest well.


  "Night has fallen. Double the guard. I want you to inform me the moment we find Naera." Stratus ordered his guards. The Zirris had aided the military police by occupying a small portion of their forces in Maiden's Point. His concern if one of his newest recruits suddenly gone missing, aroused heavy suspicion. The soldiers began making their rounds as many businesses had begun to close shop for the night. Several bars and pubs remained open, as they typically do. Stratus decided to visit his favorite bar at the time, the Firelight Tavern.


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