Remnant's Past- The Fall of Stoneholt

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Remnant's Past- The Fall of Stoneholt Page 9

by Beaux Riley


  The red haired woman stayed up most of the night and a day after trying to perfect Kimura’s shielding technique. She would throw a small ball against the wall, perform the motions to create the invisible resistance and pray that the ball would bounce off. She’d counted at least a hundred times that she failed to produce a shield. Each time that she tried to summon the Light’s power, she would spend a small fraction of her stamina. Over the course of thirty six hours, she would fall to her rear after failing. It didn’t stop her in the least bit.

  Angaea considered how she was performing. The lack of sleep began to get to her. She smelled herself and gagged a bit on the clear smell of sweat and dirt that made her hair cling to her brow. She decided to take a bath and think over her inability. Mastering Light was something Kimura did within a ten year span. She needed to think. Angaea took the time to bathe in a waterfall in the far edges of the enclosure that hid Midian, only about a hundred yards from the great fields of vegetables. A split pathway allowed for a natural men and women’s bath as the waterfall fell from two sides with this wall.

  She sat, neck-deep in the pool of clear water, thinking.

  “A circular motion around the left arm. It is too much movement…maybe if I could condense it…are those motions the only ones that can conjure such a force?” Angaea’s thoughts wandered as she moved deeper into the water, until from the neck up was she visible. The water slowed down her movements considerably. She was able to think, and occasionally fall asleep, which she deemed dangerous, considering her state of sleep in the last two days. She tried making the circular motion and again and again it fail.

  “Remember, pushing through one door means more are open to you.” The words flooded her thoughts. “Could he have meant something so simple?”

  She imagined opening a door, turning left and pushing through this illusion. Turning her right hand she felt extreme warmth enclose around her left arm. She lifted it, feeling the water part ways with ease, as though she were carrying an actual shield. She was in awe until she let her arm go limp. The shield gave way and the water returned to its natural state.

  Angaea was excited by this turn in events. Though being able to repeat it meant more to her. She covered herself and after quickly dressed. Angaea ran through the wheat field, her excitement attracting the attention of several of the monks who were harvesting their daily needs for food. She called out for Kimura as she continued running, her wet hair covering her sight as it bounced with her.

  Minutes passed and Angaea found her teacher, sitting with Asa and Kilo. The three were performing the same technique, though it seemed that Asa was advancing further than Kilo. It could be seen on her face that she wasn’t moving along the same as her counterpart. Angaea kneeled with them and expressed her enthusiasm.

  “Teacher! Look what I’ve learned!” She called out to him. It was at that moment that Angaea passed out in Kilo’s lap. The strange turn of events confused all three of the paladins.

  “I’m going to go out on a limb and assume falling asleep on command isn’t something you’ve been trying to teach her, Kimura.” Kilo said to him. He gave a strange look of concern, shaking his head.

  “I can assure you of this. She’s been at the same thing I’ve been working with you for days now. The girl didn’t know when to take a break.” Said Kimura. He stared at Angaea, who was now in a deep sleep. Her snoring was small and then loud. A tap on Kimura’s shoulder by one of the monks and a whisper in his ear brought Kimura to stand and stretch, feeling his feet asleep. “Asa, Kilo, would you two please escort our tired Miss Riddin back to her room?”

  “Everything alright?” Asa asked.

  “I have a visitor I need to attend to.” Kimura waved as he made his way down the stone stairway. The two paladin trainees looked at one another and helped the unconscious Angaea up. Her body was limp and she was unresponsive. Kilo found awkwardness by trying to lift her as she caught her chest several times, making Asa have fits of laughter.

  Kimura was led by a monk he’d never spent much time with, and was met with a young girl waiting at the base. He came along to a certain step that originally gave him a feeling of dread. He made it a point to avoid this particular portion of the stairway. It was possibly out of habit that some things in this world couldn’t be explained. Maybe it was his paranoia. Either way, he avoided that part of the stairs. He would jump, move to the left or right, but never touch it.

  Kimura greeted the small girl. She had hair that was the same color as the sun. Her eyes, brown and curious, looked up to the paladin as she was only up to his chest in height. She was beautiful for her age, though Kimura couldn’t place it. She had thin cheeks and a smile that made him immediately happy to see her.

  “So you are Zimae?” Asked Kimura. The little girl nodded to him shyly. Her clothing was simple. Dressing like an Ela’syn, though she was clearly a human being, was a bit odd. She had a brown and silver top with a dress that was lined with the same brown and silver pattern. He noticed she wore thin shoes, and she looked a bit dirty.

  “Father said you could help teach me to control it.” Zimae said in a whisper.

  “I can. But controlling it is not a bad thing. It can help you.” Kimura said, trying to brighten her mood. She seemed concerned with the power she possessed. “To see another person like you possessing the power means a great deal to me and my people. I see a great future for you.”


  Angaea awoke after a long twelve hours of sleep. She was in her bed, having been put in some modest nightwear. She yawned and stretched her aching muscles. Angaea's room was dark, being built into a portion of the temple that didn't offer windows. She raised up her hand, focusing her energies inside and created a small orb that brightened the room, more than any candle ever could. She smiled at this small accomplishment. This was the first lesson she had taken on from Kimura. He considered it to be one of the most important things that paladins could learn. Perhaps it was the simple sight of fire than worried him, or reassuring that the Light never forsook him, she didn't know and the thought would escape her immediately after considering it.

  Today would be a very important day for each of them. Advancing to the second stages of combat training would bring her closer to being made into a full paladin. In the back of her head, she didn't doubt that it was something she could fail entirely, but be forced to remain behind if she didn't progress at the same rate as the others. Angaea remembered seeing Kilo and Asa sparring, a feat that was common practice as the two obvious lovers were trying to prove who was stronger. Angaea would eat a small breakfast before the sun rose, seeing the two practicing using different weapons. She'd return to her same spot in the overlook when the sun was highest in the sky and eat lunch, seeing them bouncing orbs of Light off of one another's conjured shields. It wouldn't stop at a simple game of keeping the ball off of the ground. Kimura had the two fighting one another while keeping the orb in the air. Usually the two would be exhausted to the point of passing out by dusk, and would either be in the main hall eating, or arguing about something unimportant. She realized how much she paid attention to the other trainees and how boring she must seem.

  Angaea did have one constant admirer though, Cray Romsworth. The man was rather outspoken and rarely shut up unless told to by Jaya in the garden as he'd nearly step on her roses or with Crowlis, who enjoyed his solitude. The invasive Cray would always sit with Crowlis as he sat in the overlook during midday, talking about stories in the far north desert and of the town he'd come from. Never once would Crowlis say a word, but Cray would continue on for what seemed hours and never once stop to see if Crowlis was even listening. There was something about Cray's attitude around others and his smile that made her like him. She then realized that what Kimura had said about a secret opponent could be. Would their teacher put her up against a veteran, a recent retiree, or an insane hybrid girl with silver hair?

  It shouldn't matter. These exercises aren't meant to be deadly. They ar
e meant to teach us. Why am I nervous all of a sudden? I need to calm my mind… Angaea let her mind wander. She had found herself hyperventilating only moments prior, but she believed that if she didn't go in with a level head, all her effort would be in vain. She got dressed in some simple clothing, not the uniform that the paladins were all given. She didn't enjoy the black and silver dress, even though the material felt great on the skin. She felt it showed off too much of her figure and it would make herself conscious. Instead she chose to wear a loose white shirt and short brown torn pants. Being comfortable and loose meant she'd have a better advantage. At least that is what she thought. She left her room closing the door softly. She leaned against the soft wooden door to her room and began to sigh deeply. She looked at a monk who had been sweeping up their hallway and waved at him. With so many faces here, she did her best to remember every one of them, but it was not easy.

  The bald man greeted her as he swept dust up. His happy disposition made her smile for some strange reason. Perhaps it was her confidence?

  "Good afternoon, Miss Riddin. How are..." He was cut off right then.

  "Afternoon?!" She cried out. Angaea realized that she was late to her duel. She pushed the poor monk aside and apologized as she rounded the corner. She proceeded down the long passageways, making another left turn and then began to serpentine in between residents that she had no interest knocking down. She emerged in the banquet hall, to see Zerick and Lin Kin eating peacefully. She ran as fast as she could, catching the attention of several monks, many of them laughing as Angaea's physique made it rather difficult not to be noticed when she put herself to run fast. She pushed open the doors to the outlook and hurried down the stairway. She didn't see Crowlis moodily sitting alone, nor Cray bothering anyone in sight. She saw several figures standing at the bottom of the stairway, waiting on the grass just before the cavern entrance.

  Kimura looked back to the oddly dressed Angaea, hoping she'd not pass out this time. Angaea bowed to the paladin, seeing Asa and everyone else patiently waiting for her. Her surprise that the rather evasive Lizoke and Jaya were there with Kimura, screamed unusual.

  "I'm glad you finally came. Were this an actual school, you'd gotten a failing grade." Kimura said with seriousness in his tone. "But this is real life. We need to recover from our wounds. We can't always be ready for a fight."

  Angaea was embarrassed once again. Kimura smiled at her and she felt a little at ease.

  “I’m ready.” She said meekly. Angaea stood at attention. The others were either sitting or standing, as Angaea was looking around.

  “Crowlis. You will be sparring with Angaea.” Said Kimura. Angaea’s heart sank as she saw the taller man sitting with his back to everyone. His head was slumped and he didn’t immediately respond. A brief and awkward moment passed with still no response from him.

  “You know, one of these days, we’re gonna have to check and see if the old man died.” Kilo said jokingly. Asa grinned at her quip.

  “Cute.” Said Crowlis as he stood. He turned to Kimura, who right at that moment passed him a wooden sword. Kimura made the same throw over to Angaea and stepped back, making the two able to see one another. She caught the blade, only barely, and held it tightly. Angaea looked about at the others. Asa had two long swords, Kilo obviously a staff, and Cray a pair of daggers. It was clear everyone had a different taste or preference in their weaponry. It was odd to see that Kimura had beside him a wooden shield, obviously meant for Crowlis. Kimura motioned and everyone stood back. Asa, Kilo and Cray to Angaea’s right and Jaya, Lizoke and Pate to her left. She realized it was the first time she’d been around Pate in quite a while, making a mental note to get to know him.

  “The battlefield is an explosion waiting to go off. You can find yourself in situations where you are at a disadvantage…” Kimura began to speak, opening his hands to the small grassy plain between the cavern and the stairway.

  “…And you’ll never know what advantages there are.” Crowlis finished.

  “How’d you learn that? Those were from old Paladine teachings!” Kimura called out to Crowlis.

  “Lucky guess.” Said Archen.

  Kimura threw to each of them a ribbon of different colors. To Angaea he threw a threat as red as her hair and to Crowlis a thread as blue as the skies above. “Place those wherever you believe you can protect them best.” Said Kimura. “Outside the clothing.” He added.

  Angaea quickly tied her ribbon around her leg and saw Crowlis tie his around his left wrist. She felt like she knew where this was going.

  “Your exercise will revolve around defending your possession and taking the others. Use any means to get it, even if it may bring harm to the other. If you do hurt your opponent, you have to nurse them back to health, so…keep that in mind. Begin.” Kimura jumped back.

  Crowlis spared not a second and threw his sword right at Angaea’s head, allowing the wooden blade to spin as it flew through the air. He slid and reached for the shield that Kimura had been near and watched as Angaea swatted the object, feeling the inertia of its force, push her back. Crowlis rolled and lunged at her, as she was off balance.

  Shit! Think! Big guy…what do I…I know! She thought quickly.

  She jumped forward, with her sword pointed at his shield. Their weapons met with a loud cracking sound. Angaea was pushed to the side as Crowlis swatted his shield at her weapon. It cracked the wood at the hilt of her sword as his shield slammed against it. He ran to her and she tried to defend again, but was thrown onto her back. He laughed.

  Angaea decided that a head on approach was a loss. She jumped back and headed into the field of wheat and corn. Crowlis followed her, both disappearing into the field. Moments went by as she kept running. The fields weren’t endless and he’d eventually find her or corner her. She darted right and then stopped. She crouched down and held her breath, keeping still. A minute passed. Then another. She realized she had held her breath too long and let it out slowly. She saw rustling all around her. He was lost…still looking. Did she upset him? She could hear slight cursing and then silence again. She turned around to come face to face with him. He smiled and grabbed at her shirt. She struck at him hard, seemingly dazing the elder. He threw her a good fifteen feet, right at the edge of the field, back towards the other paladins. She backed up and couldn’t manage to stand before he came running at her.

  “If you can’t defend yourself, quit already. I’m twice your age and I’m feeling bad for you.” Crowlis mocked. Angaea glared Crowlis. He wasn’t wrong. He had his size and weight as at his advantage. He took another lunge at her, while she tried to get up and then it was as if time had stopped. Angaea’s hands moved on their own. She feared at any moment that Crowlis’s massive fists would come down at her until a bright Light emerged from her arm. Crowlis’s fist was thrown back by the shear inertia that the Light repelled from him. His entire body was thrown back, surprising everyone. Crowlis hit his head, and was promptly knocked unconscious.

  Angaea was shaking from this turn in events. She stood, shaking and approached Crowlis. He didn’t move. She kept her left arm raised. She couldn’t believe the potency of the Light. Crowlis in any other situation, would have probably taken her down easily. Kneeling down, she touched his arm, and still nothing happened. She untied his ribbon and waved it at the others. Kimura scratched his chin, thinking and smiling. Cray and Pate ran over to Crowlis, whose head slumped down to one side. Everyone around her cheered, showing how impressed they were with her.

  “That proves one very important lesson. Enough practice can provide you protection from the most one-sided match.” Said Kimura. “I am only slightly disappointed it didn’t last longer…”

  “No kidding.” Said Kilo. “I’d waited three hours for three minutes. I expected a bit more.”

  “Not everyone practices all day and night like you two love birds.” Jaya teased.

  “I like keeping my figure. Perhaps if you weren’t always tasting new treats, you could keep up, miss garde
ner.” Said Kilo.

  Angaea approached and knelt down to the old man. She frowned a bit.

  “I can’t help but feel he went easy on me…” She said to herself, still watching him asleep.

  Chapter 7- A long three years

  The early morning was peaceful. The sun was not yet up. A small layer of mist covered the temple grounds as far as the eye could see. Asa felt a slight chill. He and Kilo had been in combat training for the last several days and the countless morning of duels left them tired. Kimura had placed all of the potentials on different methods of mastering the Light, based on their proficiencies. Asa watched the individual practice and progression, his fellow students made. He felt it was much more unique than the years he spent in the Zirris.

  Kilo was a competitive fighter, to say at the least. She held Asa on his guard in both hand to hand combat and with a wide range of weapons. He noticed Kilo grew fond of a polearm that was a little longer than her in height. The practice weapons they'd be using were actual metal and on occasion, they seemed to react to the Light.

  A step to the side and Kilo dodged another of Asa's strikes. Then another and another. She was agile.

  "You are welcome to try, Kilo." Asa taunted as he clearly was trying to get a reaction from her. Kilo, as he came to learn, was easy to get riled up. The look on her face that she gave him made Asa assume he just cursed her whole family and spat on her grave by how quickly she got into position. She stared back with rage. Gripping her staff, she leaped at him.

  She made a frontal assault, forcing Asa to switch from a two handed sword to two one-handed short swords. Their weapons met. Kilo had struck at Asa from above with her pole and had been met with resistance by his swords crossing. He quickly turned the blades, allowing his body to stand beside Kilo's right side and elbowed her in the gut, a bit too hard.

  Kilo went down with the wind escaping her. She gasped, and enraged, she pointed her hand at Asa. Winds surrounded his body and threw him up in a nearby tree. Landing on one of the branches, caused the dew to rain down a refreshing mist on Kilo's face. She laughed as Asa fell from the tree, with leaves and small twigs in every nook of his outfit.


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