Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery)

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Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery) Page 4

by Harte, Jenna

  “We didn't toss…”

  Tess gave him a knowing look.

  “Okay, so it wasn't squeaky clean when we left.”


  “And she called him. He was there in about 15 minutes and didn't push her away when she leapt into his arms.”

  Tess shook her head.

  “I'm sorry, Tess.”

  Tess gaped at him. “You know Daniel, if you think they are having an affair, you're losing your touch and falling into her trap.”

  He frowned. “I know you don't want to believe it.”

  “And I know you do.”

  “That's not true.”

  “Come on, Daniel. Liv Danforth hasn't had any contact with him for nearly a year. Then all of a sudden she calls twice? Right after her husband is murdered? Right after he was the main suspect in another high profile murder?”

  “My point, exactly.”

  “What about her other men? Surely she's been having other affairs?”

  “She says Jack was the last.”

  “And you believe her?” Tess asked.

  “Let's just say we haven't been able to find any other men.”

  “I know you don't like Jack, but you can't possibly think he's that dumb. If he were having an affair with her, you wouldn't have caught them in an embrace.”

  “It could be either way.”

  Tess frowned as she tried to figure out what's Liv's intentions were. “The problem is, Jack is really trying to help her and doesn't see what she's doing to him.”

  “I thought you said he wasn't that dumb.”

  She cast him a 'give me a break' look. “He doesn't think she is a murderer and he feels obligated to her because she helped him.”

  Tess took a sip of her coffee as her mind mulled over the events of the last few days. “She's up to something and I think she's trying to put Jack in the middle of it.”

  Daniel nodded. “Possibly. Or he is already in it.”

  Tess ignored him. “I said I'd keep out of it, but I can see that I need to do something.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You aren't going to defend her, are you?”

  “No. I'm going to prove she's guilty.”

  “Whoa, now hold on. First of all, you're a lawyer, not a cop or a PI. Second, what do you think you can do that we, the police, aren't already doing?”

  “I can go through all the information and see what may have been missed.”

  “I should be offended, except I know your eye for detail. Even so, Carter won't allow it.”

  Tess thought Daniel was probably right. She’d butted heads with the Commonwealth's attorney before when she worked as a defense lawyer. Usually he was upset because her eye for detail got someone out of jail. “Does he have to know?”

  “If you discover or help us discover something that leads to her arrest, he'll want to know how we got the information, so yes, he would need to know.”

  “Wouldn't he be happy to have me on his side for once?”

  “Maybe, but you're a civilian. I still don't see how we could allow it.”

  “Law enforcement uses consultants all the time.” Tess began to get excited about the idea. She could help Jack, nail Liv and have something else to do besides ponder her future.



  “Would you want to be paid?”

  “I'll do this one pro bono. Just give me a letter of recommendation if I do a good job.”

  “I'll talk to Carter tomorrow. But—” he said when Tess' eyes lit up. “Don't hold your breath.”

  “You can talk him into it.”

  “I suppose I could mention that you're living with the suspect's former lover. That might peak his interest.”

  Tess squashed the guilt that rose. “I won't use him.”

  “I understand.”

  “So it’s a deal?” She stuck out her hand.

  “If Carter okays it,” he took her hand, but instead of shaking it, he placed his other hand over it. “Tess—”

  “Daniel, don't—”

  “Yes, Daniel. Don't.”

  Tess’ and Daniel's head whipped around to find Jack leaning nonchalantly against the doorjamb.

  “Jack,” Tess said, guilt lacing in her tone. “I didn't hear you come in.”

  “I guess not. The two of you look quite conspiratorial.”

  Daniel stood. “I should go.”

  “No need,” Jack said moving into the kitchen. He leaned down to give Tess a kiss. “This is Tess' home too. If she wants to visit with you, I'm not going to stop her.”

  “My business is finished.”

  “She's not packed and ready to leave with you, so I guess tattling didn't work?”

  “Jack, stop.” Jack's cool eyes turned on her and she realized that he was angrier than his tone let on.

  “You're starting to sound jealous, Jack.” Daniel said. “My visit was innocent. You didn't find her in my arms.”

  Tess wanted slug Daniel for taunting Jack. Honestly, men could be such jerks. “Daniel, you should go.”

  “I'll call you later,” Daniel said over his shoulder as he left.

  Tess turned away from Jack to put the coffee mugs in the sink and hopefully to avoid the confrontation that was coming. She was caught conspiring with Daniel and could only imagine what Jack was thinking or feeling about it. It would have been better if she'd been able to tell him of her plans to work with the police, not overhear it as if she was going behind his back.

  But Jack wasn't the only one with the right to be annoyed. He had, after all, gone running to his former mistress when she curled her finger. Tess thought maybe they should have it out after all, but before she could turn to him, she was caught around the waist and pulled hard against him.

  “Was I adequately jealous?” he whispered in her ear.

  “That was acting?” she said trying to ignore the hard length of him pressed against her back side. That didn't usually happen when he was mad.

  “Sure. I like to get Daniel all riled up.” He nipped on her ear. She turned to look at him. His eyes held humor and his dimple was at full salute. This was a game to him. She should be relieved, but a part of her was disappointed.

  “So it didn't bother you that he was here?”

  “I wasn't jealous, if that's what you mean.”

  “Not even a little?” She tried not to pout.

  He smiled. “Sorry. Not even a little. And that's because I know you love me. Tell me you love me.” He kissed her then, long and deep.

  “You're okay,” she managed, although with her breathlessness the words didn't have the flat, disinterested effect she'd hoped for.

  “I'll take that. And I'll give you this. My first instinct was to slug him for tattling and then trying to hit on you.”

  “You just said you weren't jealous.”

  “To be jealous would mean that I thought he could win you, and I don't think he can. But that doesn't mean I'm not annoyed with his constant pining.”

  “It is sort of flattering.”

  “I'll flatter you.” He kissed her again, widening his stance and pinning her to the counter so he could go in for the thrill. He worked her mouth until she couldn't help herself and moaned.

  “Flattered?” he murmured.

  “Mildly amused.”

  He laughed. “Now may be a good time to explain to me this deal you negotiated with Daniel. It sounded to me like you were going to become a sleuth of sorts and try to put Liv in jail.”

  “That's about it,” she admitted. She saw the wariness in his eyes.

  “I thought we agreed to stay out of it.”

  “I thought so too, and then you went running to her damsel in distress call.”

  Jack shook his head. “Daniel is such—”

  “Daniel may have had his motives, but it doesn't change the fact that you went to her.”

  “I'm not having an affair and I don't have any feelings for her except friendship.”

  “I know.”<
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  Jack stared at her as if she spoke Greek. “Then why are you upset at my helping her?”

  “I'm upset because she has involved you in a murder case and you don't seem to care.”

  “I'm helping a friend. Daniel is trying to twist it into something because he’s mad that I won you.”

  “No. Daniel may not like you, but any cop would be thinking the same things he's thinking. In fact, this morning Daniel was the only one giving you the benefit of the doubt.”

  Jack shook his head. “I don't see it.”

  Tess held up her index finger. “One, a woman you had an affair with happens to have called you while you were both in the same city within weeks of her husband's murder…”

  “I didn't get the call and you were with me.”

  “Two, she calls you the minute you get back in town and wants dinner a day and half after her husband is murdered.”

  “You came to dinner with me.”

  “Three, she indicates that you were the last person she'd had an affair with.”

  “I doubt that's true.”

  “Four, she calls you while her home is being searched and you show up within minutes. Really, Jack, what would you think?”

  “I'm more worried about what you think.”

  “I think she's setting you up.”

  “She has no reason to do that. We may not have been in love, but our relationship was more than just sex. We cared about each other. She's not a callus person.”

  Tess took a deep breath and tried to resist grabbing and shaking him. “If she killed him, she'd need to make sure there was someone else to blame.”

  “So blame his partners, his son or the butler. It makes no sense to put it on me.”

  “Except that a couple of months ago you were the main suspect in another murder. A highly publicized murder. It wouldn't be hard to have people wondering about that.”

  She could see he was at least considering what she was saying and took the chance to present her deal with Daniel in a positive light. “My working with Daniel will help keep him on the right track, which is off you.”

  “I learned from Asa's murder that people can construe things to look bad. But I'm telling you, Tess, it's not in Liv to kill her husband or implicate me. You met her. I know you didn't like her story, but she's not a bad person.”

  Tess had to admit that Liv didn't behave like a femme fatale. Even so, at that first meeting, the red flags were waving before the meal was served. That meant Liv was a good actress or Tess' instincts were bad. Since she hadn't been working for awhile, Tess had to consider that maybe her liar-radar was off. Regardless of what she thought though, Daniel and the police didn't like Liv's story either, and so she needed to do what she could to protect Jack.

  “If you need to work with Daniel to settle your mind, then do it. I'm not the type of man to ask you to compromise yourself.”

  Tess knew his comment was geared towards Daniel, who had on more than one occasion forced her to choose between him and her values.

  “I'm confident she'll prove you wrong,” Jack continued. “And I trust that even with your bias now, you'll be fair during your investigation. But because I believe she's innocent, I will do what I can to help her.”

  Tess didn't like the sound of that. It was the sound of something in her heart starting to crack. Like he was choosing Liv over her. But not wanting to look jealous, she nodded. “Okay.”

  “And when it's done,” he said pulling her back into his arms. “We will still be together.”

  “What if she is guilty?”

  “Then she'll go to jail.”

  “But you'd resent me for that. She is clearly more than just an old fling.”

  “You're right. I did care for her. But I didn't love her so much that it nearly brings me to my knees. Not like you.” She must have looked pathetic because he gave her quick shake. “People in love can disagree and still be in love. We're doing it right now. And no matter what happens, that won't change.” Tess hoped he was right.


  That night in bed, Tess lay spooned against Jack's warm body. Although they'd called a truce, she still felt shaky about it, and it prevented her from sleeping. Jack didn't have the same problem. He slept soundly next to her. She considered getting up when the phone rang. Jack didn't stir so she reached over him for the phone.

  “Jack,” she said trying to wake him.

  “Mmm, I love sleepy sex.”

  “No. It’s the phone.”

  His eyes stayed closed, but his hand reached over and fumbled for the phone. Relieved, Tess rolled back to her side of the bed.

  “Here,” Jack said handing her the receiver.

  “What? It's your phone.”

  “You're the one who wanted to answer it.”

  Tess grabbed the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hello? Is this Jack Valentine's number?” A woman asked.

  Jack rolled, pulling Tess under him as he nipped at her neck.

  “Yes, who's calling?” Tess asked trying to push him away in annoyance, even though each nip sent shivers straight to her belly.

  “Who is this?” the woman asked.

  Awareness sprang to life. “It's for you,” Tess said to Jack. “It's Liv.”

  His head popped up, looking down on her questioningly. “What does she want?”

  “I don't know. Why don't you ask her?”

  He took the phone and when Tess tried to move away from him, he thrust his knees between her legs. “I'm not done yet,” he whispered to her before putting the phone by his ear. “Hello?”

  Jack was close enough to Tess that she could hear Liv's side of the conversation.

  “Jack? Is that you?”


  “Did I wake you? Are you in the middle of something?”

  “Yes and yes.” He leaned down and caught Tess' lip with his teeth.

  “I don't think I'm safe here.”

  “Where?” he asked. Tess decided to join in the game. Her hands slid down, grabbing his butt and squeezing.

  “At my house. The police completely tore apart my home. I feel so violated.”

  “They're just doing their job, Liv.”

  At the mention of Liv's name, Tess' hand slipped between them, cupped him and gave a hard squeeze.

  “Oh Christ, careful there.”

  “Jack? Who's there with you?” Liv's voice came over the phone.


  “Oh. I see. I hate to interrupt your evening, but something isn't right here. I was hoping you could come over and stay with me.”

  “I can't do that, Liv.”

  Another hard squeeze. He growled.

  “Please. I've never been alone and after what's happened, I just don't feel safe.”

  “Why don't you go to a hotel?”

  There was a long silence on the end. “Can you drive me?”

  “You want me to drive you to a hotel?” Squeeze. Moan.

  “Please. It would mean a lot to me.”

  “I'll call you back.” Jack poked the off button , tossed it aside, and then pinned Tess to the bed. “I can play dirty too.” Making good on his threat, he used his knees to push her thighs apart.

  “Did you hang up on her? Isn't that rude?”

  “Shut up, Tess.” His mouth captured her lips and his body pushed inside hers. She might have thought how strange the situation was; foreplay while Jack's former lover was on the phone, his hanging up to make love, and no doubt calling her back after. A part of her wanted to stop him because it was weird. But when he started moving, all thought was gone, replaced by sensation; piercing pleasure, an exquisite torture building and building until she thought she'd come apart. Only when the pleasure finally sent her soaring, did she feel him let go and join her.

  “I can't believe you did that,” Tess said as she caught her breath.

  He grinned. “You were the one grabbing me. You know if you ever hope to have children, you should be more careful with the equipment.”

  Most women would be thrilled to have Jack Valentine discussing children with them. But Tess could only feel terror, especially now with the issue of Liv hanging over them.

  “I don't mean that. I mean hanging up on her to make love.”

  “I was distracted. Isn't that what you wanted?”

  “Are you going to call her back?”

  “Yes.” But he didn't reach for the phone right away. She saw him study her face, no doubt trying to determine her reaction. She tried to keep her expression impassive.

  “Are you going to take her to a hotel?”

  He waited a beat, but then said, “Yes.”

  Her ability to keep her emotions in check failed. “Even though you'll be walking into whatever plot she has concocted.”

  He sighed. “There's no plot, Tess. It might still look bad, but that's only because you and deputy Dan want it to be.”

  He could be right. But even if Liv wasn't scheming, she was pulling Jack into something that could hurt him, his business, and maybe his relationship.

  “I wouldn't go if I didn't believe she was really nervous.”

  Tess rolled her eyes.

  “Wouldn't you be if someone had broken into your home and murdered your husband?”

  “Yes. But I would have been nervous two days ago when it happened. Not after I'd conveniently implicated my former lover in a murder investigation.”

  His eyes darkened and just like that they were on opposite sides even though he was still seeped inside her.

  “Come with me,” he said. “If you come with me, then there won't be any hint of impropriety.”

  “It’s the middle of the night. And she’s ten minutes from a hotel. It will take us 20 minutes just to get to her home.”

  “If it were reversed, Daniel would be here in a minute. Or you'd be with him in a minute. And despite my feelings about him, I would support it because I know how you feel about him.”

  “It's not the same,” she said. “I never slept with Daniel and he's not implicated in a murder.”

  Jack studied her for a moment, and she realized that she'd just answered a question he'd had about her and Daniel, but never asked. He gave his head a quick shake, and focused on the fight at hand. “Why do you do this, Tess? Why do you have to make everything hard? She's scared, we'll take her to a hotel and be home within the hour.”


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