Lean on Me

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Lean on Me Page 4

by Claudia Hall Christian

  “Hermes!” Troy yelled. “Hector James!”

  Ignoring his bare feet, legs and arms, he threw himself into the blackberry thicket. The thorns tore at his exposed flesh. He reached the center in moments to find the boys huddled together on the ground. They screamed when he touched their backs. He pulled Hector James into his arms and Hermes threw himself at him. With the boys clinging to him, Troy opened the trap door that held his supplies.

  A Green Beret, Troy knew medical issues came before anything else. He checked the boys. They were not visibly injured. He poured rubbing alcohol over his bleeding feet, wrapped them in gauze, and jammed them into a spare pair of socks and boots. He set the boys down for a moment to pull on a pair of camouflage pants and a jacket. He grabbed a gallon of water and two fleece blankets. He doused the blankets in the water. He wrapped the wet blankets around the boys and picked them up. He threw on a camouflage wide brimmed hat to cover his head from the fire.

  Troy’s senses focused on whether someone had followed him. The little boys shivered with fear in his arms. Troy waited until he heard the helicopter approaching before he ventured out of the blackberry thicket. The evergreen trees were burning at their tops. Under the canopy of burning trees, Troy ran as fast as his terrified bundles would allow. He found Jesse on the trail.

  “I convinced Hector to go back into the house,” Jesse said, as he moved along with them. “He was in the house looking for you when I set off the explosives he was wearing. That’s not quite what he had planned.”

  They reached the clearing just as the Pave Hawk helicopter landed. Trece and White Boy jumped out of the helicopter. Trece pried Hector James from around Troy’s neck. White Boy grabbed Hermes. Matthew caught Troy before he collapsed. Caught in a draft from the helicopter blades, Troy’s hat flew off his head and into a burning tree. Matthew and Joseph pulled Troy into the helicopter and Zack took off over the house.

  Their little hideaway had been blown apart. Troy thought he saw a piece of the red silk robe Dahlia had called her Freedom robe hanging on the backyard swing set like a flag. Fire trucks flew down the dirt road with their sirens wailing and a set of Sheriff cars trailed behind the trucks. Troy watched the scene until Matthew pulled him back into a seat. Feeling movement near him, he looked up to see Alex sit down. She put her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. MJ stood in front of him.

  “Injuries?” MJ asked.

  “Feet,” Troy said. “Scratches on my arms and legs. But the boys…”

  “Colin’s got them,” MJ said.

  Troy followed his extended finger to see Colin Hargreaves charming the boys. Their faces and hands still stained purple from the berries, they smiled brightly at Colin’s antics. MJ kneeled and took off Troy’s boots. He cut off the socks and gauze. Standing, MJ used a flashlight to peer into Troy’s eyes. Having done this most of his adult life, Troy leaned back to let the medic do his work.

  “Status,” Alex said.

  “His feet have puncture wounds and tears; legs and arms too. He’ll need surgery,” MJ said. “He’s in shock and filthy. But otherwise healthy. Can I medicate him?”

  “Something to take the edge off but not unconscious,” Alex said. “Colin, status?”

  Colin gave the boys a blue raspberry Dumb Dumb Pop each and took a step toward Alex.

  “They are a little scraped up,” Colin said. “Without a scan, I can’t tell if they sustained neurological damage. They’ve had a terrible shock. But Alex…”

  Colin leaned down to speak in Alex’s ear.

  “They are very small,” Colin said. “These boys haven’t had proper nutrition… maybe most of their lives.”

  “That’s correct,” Alex nodded.

  “I’m going to let them sleep for a while,” Colin said. “We can get them cleaned up at the house and take a better look. Troy?”

  Troy looked up.

  “Can you come with me?” Colin asked.

  The team shifted around the helicopter so that Troy could sit with the boys. With a boy on each leg, Troy nestled them against him. He pressed his face into their hair. They still smelled like baby shampoo, sunshine, and love.

  “Mr. Colin is going to give you something that will make you sleep,” Troy said. “Don’t be afraid. I will be with you the whole time.”

  “And Mommy?” Hermes asked.

  “Mommy had to go some place without us,” Troy said. “She wanted us to be together, to love each other while she’s gone.”

  With round terrified eyes, the boys nodded. Colin injected them with a sedative. Troy rocked them until they were asleep. MJ went back to work on Troy’s feet. He had just finished when the helicopter began the descent into Washington DC.

  “We have to check in with the MPs, Troy,” Alex said. “They’re going to want to take your statement and possibly hold you until the police notify them otherwise. That’s standard procedure in a case like this. I’ve spoken with Captain Gordon and we have our orders.”

  “Right,” Troy said.

  “We’ll be with you and the boys the entire time,” Alex said.

  “Thanks,” Troy nodded but his eyes reflected the nothingness of shock.

  MJ gave him a couple of pills. He took a Klean Kanteen of water from Alex. He was swallowing the pills when MJ held up a hypodermic needle. He held out his left arm and was out. The helicopter landed on the tarmac.


  Saturday morning

  October 24 – 8:15 a.m. EDT

  Bolling Air Force Base, Washington DC

  “Put ‘em on,” Joseph said, the moment Troy passed out.

  The team put on their dark Ray-Ban Wayfarer glasses.

  “Trece did your team take the case?” Alex asked.

  “Yes sir,” Trece said. “A few of our men are on-scene right now. The locals aren’t happy but there’s not much they can do about it.”

  “Good,” Alex said.

  “We were ordered to stay with the children,” Trece said. “Would you prefer that we go to the scene?”

  “I prefer you stay with the boys,” Alex said.

  “Yes sir,” Trece and White Boy said.

  “Who’s with Olivas?” Alex grabbed her digital fatigue version of her Fey jacket.

  “I am,” MJ said.

  “I am,” Matthew said.

  “Good,” Alex said. “Zack told the tower he’s coming in with the Fey Team. There should be a crowd waiting for us.”

  “We have a crowd,” Joseph said.

  Alex looked out to see a growing crowd of service people. Six Military Police, an MP Captain, and the base Colonel stood in front of the Fey Team fans.

  “Lieutenant Colonel? Captain Mac Clenaghan?”

  Joseph nodded and Vince opened the helicopter door. Alex, Joseph and Matthew jumped out of the helicopter. They met the MPs and base command. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Steve Pershing, White Boy and Trece’s boss, moving across the tarmac toward them.

  The MP Captain stepped forward to salute Alex and Joseph. They returned his salute.

  “We need Captain Olivas,” he said.

  “Captain Olivas is unconscious,” Alex said.

  “And why is that?” the MP Captain asked. “Your orders were for Captain Olivas to maintain consciousness.”

  “His medic determined it a medical necessity,” Joseph said.

  “I’d like to speak with the medic,” the MP Captain said.

  Alex turned and made a gesture. MJ hopped out of the helicopter and stood at attention.

  “Captain Olivas is needed for questioning,” the MP Captain said. “You were ordered to provide him for questioning.”

  “That’s very interesting,” MJ said.

  “Watch your tone, Sergeant,” the MP Captain said. “Your orders were to have Captain Olivas ready for questioning.”

  “Sir, I have no higher priority than the health of my team,” MJ said. “I’m the Fey Team medic and Captain Olivas is a member of the Fey Team. It is my duty to insure his hea
lth and well-being before any other directive, sir. I’ve taken the necessary actions his health requires.”

  “Would you like to question our other medic?” Joseph asked.

  “I would,” the MP Captain said.

  Alex turned around and gestured Colin out of the helicopter. The MP Captain went through the same questions. Colin gave the answers he and MJ had practiced. When he finished, Alex snapped her fingers. As they had practiced, MJ and Colin snapped to attention, saluted the MP Captain, and returned to the helicopter.

  “Sir, I understand your priorities,” Alex said. “But you have no authority over us. We are here as a courtesy. We are leaving now to attend to our priorities. Unless you’d prefer that I explain to command why one unconscious soldier is more important than our primary mission.”

  She raised her eyebrows and the MP Captain saluted her.

  “Captain Olivas will be available tomorrow or the next day,” Joseph said. “We will let you know when he’s available.”

  “We will be in touch,” Alex said.

  She gestured to Steve Pershing. They turned in place and returned to the helicopter. Steve hopped in and Vince closed the door.

  “What did your men find at the scene?” Alex asked.

  “The fire was out by the time they got there,” Steve said. “There are two bodies. One body appears to have been protected by an emergency blanket or something. Most of the blast missed it. The other body appears to have had explosives attached to it and was blown apart.”

  “Which body was protected?” Alex asked.

  “Female,” Steve said.

  Alex gave a slight nod. Jesse had covered Dahlia with a space blanket so that Troy would have her to bury.

  “Anything else?” Alex asked.

  “Not that we’ve found so far,” Steve said. “We could use Captain Hutchins’s experience.”

  “You’ve got it,” Alex said. She nodded to Vince, their munitions and explosives expert. He got up from his seat. “Any trouble?”

  “The locals seem relieved that we’re available to assist,” Steve said. “We’re shipping the bodies to Quantico for forensics. The FBI CSI arrived to go through the scene. The ATF was on their way. We found at least one illegal firearm.”

  “I’d like Trece and White Boy to stay with the children,” Alex said. “These boys have been through hell. I’ve spoken with their Social Services case worker. She agreed to allow us to keep the boys. We’ve arranged a meeting with Social Services tomorrow morning. I want the boys protected every step of the way. We don’t know what shit storm is going to come of this. Troy’s father lost his favorite prize.”

  “It’s been less than an hour and he’s already started,” Steve spoke in Alex’s ear. “I’ll tell you this, Alex: the boys and Olivas were not supposed to survive this. Old man Jasper has been talking about how his PTSD-crazed soldier-son killed his girlfriend and her kids. He does not expect Hector to be dead.”

  “Murder – suicide,” Alex said.

  “Wrong son,” Steve leaned back.

  “Anything else?” Alex asked.

  “I’ll let you know,” Steve got up from his seat. Vince opened the helicopter door to leave with him. He turned and asked, “Have you spoken with Ben?”

  “We’ve been out of pocket,” Alex said. “We got back early this morning. Why?”

  “I can’t find him,” Steve said. “Claire doesn’t know where he is. No one seems all that worried because they’re used to him disappearing. It’s just that…”

  “He’s never disappeared from you,” Alex said.

  “Right,” Steve gave her a big smile. “Afghanistan was brilliantly played.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Alex said.

  He raised a hand and got out of the helicopter.

  “I’ll keep you informed,” Vince said.

  Alex smiled her thanks. He followed Steve out of the helicopter.

  “They’re waiting for you,” Zack said over the intercom. “Give them a show.”

  Alex, Trece and White Boy sat down in the doorway of the helicopter. Zack made a slow ascent over the crowd of soldiers. Alex pretended she was watching something on the horizon. The soldiers cheered. She didn’t like the fame, but part of her job as the Fey was to provide soldiers with hope. No matter what happened to them, no matter where they were, the Fey Team would come for them. She waved to the crowd.

  “Ok, that’s enough,” Joseph said.

  He helped her into the helicopter. Trece and White Boy followed her. Joseph closed the door and the team laughed. Alex took her seat and grabbed her headphones.

  “Take us to Sheridan Circle, Zack,” Alex said.

  “With pleasure, my Fey,” Zack said.

  The helicopter took off toward the Sheridan Circle mansion.

  “Did you set up surgery for Troy’s feet?” Alex asked Joseph.

  “Emily is getting ready at the Mansion,” Joseph said. “MJ will assist. John called a pediatrician for the boys; someone he knows from medical school. They are expecting us. John should be there when we arrive.”

  “And lawyers?” Alex asked.

  “I spoke with Emily’s father,” Raz said. “He’s arranging for a civilian defense lawyer for Troy. Insisted on paying for it. I guess he and old man Jasper have some history.”

  “Very bad blood,” Alex said. “I’m glad he’s going to help.”

  “But?” Joseph asked.

  “I need to make some calls,” Alex said.

  “You’ll be there when he wakes up, right?” Matthew asked. “You know he’s going to need you when he wakes up. You’ll be there. Right?”

  “I’ll be there when he wakes up,” Alex said.



  Saturday evening

  October 24 – 6:15 p.m. EDT

  Sheridan Circle Mansion, Washington DC

  “Then we met a nice older boy named Jesse Jr.” Hector James flopped his hands in the warm bubble bath water. Bubbles flew up and Hermes laughed. “He’s named after his dad too. He said his dad was a great man.”

  “His dad was a great man,” Troy said. “He was my friend for a long time, a better friend than I deserved.”

  After sobbing into Alex’s lap for at least an hour, she got him showered, dressed, and mentally ready to be a dad. Emily had cleaned up and stitched his feet and legs. He was in pain, but he could walk with heavy boots on. The boys aced their medical review and then spent the day playing with Trece and White Boy. Maria arrived around three with her children, and his boys made their first friend.

  Troy soaped up a washcloth to scrub off Hermes’s boy muck, including dirt, sweat and more grease than should be produced by a boy. He was working on Hermes’s forearm when he saw berry stains between the boy’s fingers.

  “Are these from this morning?” Troy asked.

  “They have berries inside the refrigerator here,” Hermes beamed. “We can have as many as we want and we didn’t even have to pick them!”

  He laughed as if he had cheated the system in some way.

  “Jesse Jr. goes by JJ most of the time. You know J from Jesse and J from Jr.,” Hector James said. “He’s going to high school next year, so he’s thinking about going by Jesse. What do you think?”

  “I think Jesse Jr. can go by whatever name he wants to,” Troy smiled.

  “Could I go by whatever name I want to?” Hector James asked.

  Hector James had been talking about people’s names for the last fifteen minutes. Trece was named Andy or Andrew but also Trece, which meant thirteen. Troy went by Daddy or Troy but was once called Homer. The Jakker was actually named Zack or Mr. Zack. Auntie Alex was sometimes called the Fey or Alexandra. MJ was Michael Junior, but never Mike. White Boy was called White Boy because he was really, really, really white but his name was Chris. Troy had wondered what Hector James was working up to.

  “Just ask,” Hermes said.

  “I just did!” Hector James said.

  “What name would you like to
go by?” Troy asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Hector James said.

  “He doesn’t want to be Hector anymore,” Hermes said.

  “Ah,” Troy scrubbed Hermes’s ears and gave him the washcloth. Like they had practiced, Hermes cleaned his own private parts. Hermes gave the washcloth back to Troy. Troy rinsed the cloth in the warm water and soaped it up again.

  “You could go by Bubba,” Hermes said. “That’s brother in Texan.”

  “Who told you that?” Troy laughed.

  “I don’t remember her name,” Hermes said.

  “She said she was an Ind’n,” Hector James said. “What’s an Ind’n?”

  “Ms. Margaret,” Troy said. “She is a Native American of the Diné.”

  “That’s what she said,” Hermes said.

  “Diné is a name for Navajo,” Hector James said.

  “Sounds like you had a fun day,” Troy said.

  “I miss Mommy,” Hermes said.

  “Me too,” Hector James said. “You’re sure she’s not going to meet us here? She was really, really excited to come to town and meet everybody. She bought a fancy dress and some pretty shoes and…”

  Hector James began to weep. Hermes sniffled. Troy made quick work of the remainder of Hector James’s bath and gave him the washcloth. Even crying, the boy did what was asked of him. When he was done, Troy plucked the boys out of the bath. Wrapping them like sausages in the fluffy towels, he carried his boys to his bed. He rocked them on his lap while they cried.

  “Hector killed my mommy,” Hector James said. “I hate having his name. I hate him, hate him, hate him, hate him, hate him, hate him, hate him, hate him…”

  Hermes joined the “hate him.” The boys sobbed and repeated “hate him” over and over again. Troy rocked them.

  “He is not a good man,” Hector James said. “He hurt me really bad.”

  “Me too,” Hermes said. “Trece said no one should ever hurt any boy like that. Never ever ever ever. That’s what he said. He was really mad.”

  “White Boy too,” Hector James said. “He’s a liar too! Jesse Jr. told me that I didn’t have to touch boys’ penises for them to like me.”


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