Omega's First

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Omega's First Page 6

by Aria Grace

  Andy immediately tugs the pants off then closes his eyes as if he doesn’t want to see my reaction.

  I’m almost glad he can’t see the primal need in my eyes or he might be frightened. “And your shirt.”

  He peeks up at me then pulls of the shirt and lays completely still, watching me take him in for the first time.

  “You’re beautiful.” I lower to my knees and lean across the bed so my nose is rubbing the short hairs surrounding the base of his hard dick. “And so fucking perfect.”

  Andy whimpers and places his hand in my hair, gently pressing my head until my lips are against his heated skin. I don’t make him beg before kissing the sensitive skin at the apex of his thigh and then dragging my tongue all the way up the length of his cock. “I need your knot, Jude. Please.”

  With him squirming beneath me, I can’t resist any longer. I pull a condom out of my bedside table and quickly tear it open. Andy’s eyes watch me intensely and a tear slides down his cheek before he can swipe it away.

  I stop immediately, not even getting the latex fully in place. “What’s wrong, baby? Do you want me to stop?”

  He shakes his head but won’t look at me as a few new tears escape his closed lids.

  “Andy, tell me what’s wrong.” I lean over so my mouth is right against his ear. My hot breath against his face makes him shudder again.

  “The doctor said I was clean,” he murmurs.

  “I know, baby.” I think about when his reaction changed and try to understand what is upsetting him but come up empty. “I’m not worried about that.”

  “Are you?” he finally exhales and turns to face me, his mouth almost touching mine.

  “Yes, of course. I’ve never had sex without protection.”

  “Oh.” Andy turns away again, but I stop his retreat and force him to focus on me so I can see his face.

  “Is that okay?”

  He shrugs and his eyes flit from my mouth to my eyes. “I just thought you’d want to…”

  “Do you want me bare?” I almost choked on the words, unable to believe he was offering himself to me in this way. I was honest when I said I wasn’t worried about him having anything. The guy he was with really did only have a few seconds with him and there wasn’t any evidence of semen on Andy when I found him. But it was a big decision for him to make…with me.

  He nods and his eyes move back to my mouth. “I want to feel all of you.”

  I press my mouth his, kissing him for the first time and tasting the warm flavors that I’d only experienced through smell so far. As amazing as Andy smells, he tastes even better. I want to devour his lips and tongue but my dick has other priorities.

  After sliding one arm under his back, I lift Andy up a few inches on the bed then slide my knees under his thighs so his hole is open and exposed. I gently prod his opening with one finger but he’s so slick and ready that I quickly loosen him up until he’s begging for more.

  “Please, Jude. Knot me.”



  When Jude finally slides his bare cock into me, the stars align and the world rights itself. Everything that hurt settles down and all I feel is contentment and pleasure. Despite being unsure if his huge cock would even fit inside me, he slides right in as if my body was meant to take him.

  “This is your first time, baby.” Jude pushes all the way in until his balls hit my ass and I feel like I can finally breathe. Even with the fullness I feel, I also feel light and relaxed. All the tension that had been holding me tight all day is gone and the only thing I feel is happiness that Jude is here with me. “Do you feel okay?”

  My grin must look maniacal as I stare up at Jude. “So good. I knew it would be like this with you.”

  He smiles and kisses me. His touch is light at first and then harder as he slides in and out of me. “I had no idea it would be this good, baby. You’re so tight and wet.”

  As if responding to the challenge, my cock releases a fat drop of precome which smears across Jude’s belly as he rubs over it. Every nerve in my body is experience different sensations and I can’t think straight. I need to come or I might burst. “I’m gonna come, Jude. This is too good.”

  He moves faster within me and his breathing picks up in time with my heavy panting. “Come baby. My knot is ready for you.”

  I stop holding back and just focus on his thick cock pressing against a button inside me that has my balls heavy and full. Before I can give him a final warning, I shoot my load between our bellies, coating our skin in creamy come as Jude presses into me so hard that my shoulders are digging into the mattress as he spears me. The fullness I felt earlier is nothing compared to his growing knot locking his body to mine. “Yes, like that.”

  I close my eyes and let the cloudy feeling of being afloat take over as I just bask in Jude’s warmth and protection. And when I feel myself drifting to sleep, I’m only vaguely aware of Jude’s lips brushing over my lips and across my jaw until they’re tickling my earlobe. “Promise you won’t regret this later, baby. I won’t be able to live with myself if you do.”

  My legs wrap around his thighs in a wordless promise and Jude lowers some of his weight against me as I give in to the relief of breaking my heat with a real alpha knot.

  My alpha’s knot.

  I’m probably only out for a few minutes but when I open my eyes again, Jude’s no longer attached to me physically, but he’s exactly where I last saw him, lying on top of me and watching me with concerned eyes.

  “Wow.” I smile and run one hand up his torso. “That was…wow.”

  Jude’s concern quickly turns to relief and he lowers his face to the crook of my neck with a chuckle. “Yeah, it was.”

  “Is it always like that?” I slide my other hand up so I’m holding his back, keeping him tight against me. “I mean, when it’s good, is it usually that good?”

  Jude chuckles again and then props himself up on his elbows so he’s looking down at me. “I’ve never experienced anything like that before. And I’ve done it a lot.”

  I frown and my lower lip pops out involuntarily. I don’t like that he’s done it so many times…but I guess the fact that this was better than all those other times is something for me to hold on to.

  Jude captures my lip with his and sucks it into his mouth before releasing it with a smile. “That’s a compliment, in case you’re not sure.”

  “So, I did everything right?” I ask, insecurity inching its way back into my mind. “I just kinda laid here.”

  Jude slides his hands beneath my back and then rolls us both over so I’m draped across his body with my chin rest on his chest. “You were perfect. In every way.”

  “Are you okay with not using a condom?” I ask, feeling guilty for pressuring to do something that was not very responsible but seemed absolutely necessary at the time.

  “I’m okay with it if you are.” He lifts my right hand and kills the back of it. “Are you?”

  I smile shyly. “I like knowing a part of you is still inside me.”

  Jude’s eyes darken and he slides me up so my mouth is aligned with his. “You were in heat so a part of me could be inside you for the next nine months…”

  I know I should be afraid of that, and maybe even guilty at that possibility, but I can’t hold back a smile from forming. The way Jude’s eyes widen tell me he might not share my excitement but I’m not going to apologize for wanting what I want. “I hope so.”

  “Oh yeah?” Jude’s cock begins to harden against my thigh and a shot of slick coats my channel in anticipation of more. “Well, in that case, maybe we need to do it a few more times just to make it stick.”

  It’s only four am when I wake up the next morning but my whole body is sore and I need to pee, so I slip out from under Jude’s muscled arm and get out of bed. I grab the shirt he wore earlier and slip it over my head as I walk to the bathroom. After getting cleaned up with a wash cloth, I head to the kitchen for a glass of water.

  All my heat symptoms
are gone and that makes me wonder if we really did stop it the way nature intended…by creating a baby. A warm feeling settles in my belly and I realize how badly I want that to be true. I know Jude barely knows me and it’s stupid to get pregnant so young if I’m not mated, but no amount of logic can dampen my excitement. I want a baby and I want it to be Jude’s.

  When I get back to the room, Jude is awake and staring right at me. At first, I can’t tell what he’s thinking so I just stand there, waiting for him to tell me to leave or get in. My heart starts racing as the possibility that he’ll reject me now begins to seem more and more likely. But then Jude glances down at my shirt and raises an eyebrow in question.

  “Do you mind?” I ask, tugging on the hem.

  He nods without taking his eyes off me.

  “Oh, sorry.” I reach for the hem and pull it off. “I was a little cold.”

  Before I can seek out my own clothes to get dressed and leave, Jude releases a deep breath and lifts the covers. “Much better. Now you can get back in.”

  I stop mid-bend and look at his face, wondering what he means. “So, you still want…”

  He reaches out to me with his other hand and when I grab it, he gently tugs me forward so I fall onto the mattress, and into his arms. “You think I’m gonna let you go that easily?”

  I cuddle up against his warm body, seeking the safety I’ve never felt anywhere other than in Jude’s arms. “You looked mad so I wasn’t sure if you were the one with regrets,” I admit quietly.

  Jude closes his lips over mine in a soft kiss before cupping my cheek with his hand. “I’ve never felt more right about something in my life. I wish I’d followed my instincts sooner, but I’m exactly where I want to be. And if you’re forced to be in my life as a result of our night together, I’ll consider myself a lucky man.” He laughs and slides his hand down my body until he’s cupping my ass. “And if you actually want to stay in my life without a forced connection, I’ll consider myself the luckiest man on earth.”

  I don’t have the words to respond, so I respond with my body instead.

  My lips on his mouth.

  My hands on his body.

  My channel cocooning him in all the confusing and wonderful emotions I’m feeling.



  Andy insists on going into the office since he’s no longer symptomatic. That means I have to face Matt sooner than I expected. But when he agreed to let me take Andy home, he knew what would happen. He could see it in my eyes as much as Andy did so even though it puts the project at risk, he wouldn’t have tried to stop me from something I wanted so badly.

  Instead of our usual sandwich for lunch, I take Matt to a sushi restaurant down the street to break the news to him. His obnoxious grin from the moment he saw me is telling. He knows what I have to say, but he’s gonna let me buy him lunch before letting me off the hook. Or letting me go.

  Either way is fine with me.

  Andy loves his job so if one of us has to leave, it’ll be me. I have plenty of other contracts to work on and I want Andy to pursue this field if it interests him. I’ll just have to have a little chat with that Xander dude before I leave to make sure he knows to stay the fuck away from my omega.

  Okay, Andy isn’t technically my omega. Not yet anyway. But he will be. And though I’m not sure if he feels as strongly as I do yet, I think he does. And I think he wants me to be his alpha. It’s probably something we could have talked about this morning, but we were a little busy with more carnal desires to chat about anything heavy.

  There will be time for that later. But if he’s carrying my child, all bets of a slow courtship are off. He’s mine either way, so the sooner he comes to that realization, the better life will be for both of us.

  Matt sits at the table and immediately calls to the waitress that we’ll take a round of sake. I settle in across from him and wait for his stupid grin to die off…but it never does.

  “Fine, you were right. Is that what you’re so happy about?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest with a stupid grin of my own.

  Matt just laughs. “I always am so that’s not a surprise. What is a surprise is how different you are in just twenty-four hours.”

  “What are you talking about?” I give him an incredulous look. I do feel different but not in a physical way that he could see.

  “You’re already hooked.” He just shakes his head. “He must have some magic ass or something because you’re a completely different man.”

  I smile at the memory of just how magical Andy’s ass felt. “It is epic.”

  Matt laughs again as the waitress drops two shots of sake in front of us. “To epic ass.”

  I roll my eyes and take the shot before correcting his assumption. “It’s not just sexual, man. We have a connection…a bond. I don’t know how to describe it but I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

  The smile fades from Matt’s face as he realizes I’m being serious. “No shit? Like actual mates? You’re serious about him?”

  “Completely and totally serious.” I give him a sheepish grin, unable to believe this is actually happening. “I knotted him bare. And I’m happy about it. So is he. When I reminded him he could be pregnant, he actually smiled. I think he’s…the one.”

  Matt’s amused expression does a one-eighty. “Dude, are you high? You barely know him. I’m been with Troy for almost a year, and I’m still not sure he’s the one.”

  I raise an eyebrow and look my friend in the eye. “Then he’s not. I’m sorry to be so blunt but if you don’t feel like a vice is tightening around your chest when you’re not with him and if the idea of having a family with him doesn’t make your whole body light up, you need to keep looking. Don’t settle for just okay. I swear to god, when you find the one, you’ll know it instantly.”

  Although we haven’t had a conversation about declaring our status yet, Andy has spent every night at my place since that first night. He’s gone home every few days to get clothes and to prove to his brother that he’s still alive and not being held in a dungeon somewhere, but he always ends up in my bed at night.

  At first, I wasn’t sure if maybe I was just projecting my hopes and dreams onto this relationship to make it into more than it is. But Andy shows me in little ways just how happy he is with me by just being thoughtful and loving. Like when he cooks dinner when I mention being tired. Or how he gives me a scalp massage whenever I get a headache from looking at the computer screen for too long. And when he kisses me every night with his eyes open so I’m the last thing he sees before falling asleep every night.

  It’s only been three weeks since that day of his heat, but our connection has not waned in the least. In fact, the bond between us feels stronger every time he’s in my arms. And when he’s not in my arms, the pain of longing is distracting as hell. Even now, he’s just in the bathroom while I wait for him on the couch, and that need to be with him has me looking down the hall every few seconds until he finally appears with a strange look on his face.

  Since Andy is always happy or at least content around me, I’m immediately on alert. “What’s wrong, baby. Are you okay?”

  He holds out a plastic stick and bites his lips, waiting for me to look at it.

  The pregnancy test looks like all the ones I’ve seen on TV or in movies, but when the word Pregnant is displayed on the stick Andy is holding, it seems like the most profound and unique moment anyone in the world has ever experienced.

  “That’s yours?” I ask, taking the stick from his outstretched hand. “Ours?”

  “I just took it.” He nods his head and a small smile breaks through. “Is that okay?”

  I pull him into my arms and lift him off the ground. Andy laughs and wraps his legs around my waist. “Yes, baby. Of course it’s okay.”

  He lowers his forehead to the crook of my neck and holds me tight. “Thank god because I think I’m in love with you.”

  My arms squeeze just a little tighter and I carry Andy to the
bedroom, the movie we’d planned to watch forgotten. “I think I was in love with you the moment I saw you, baby. It just took me a minute to man up and go for it.”

  “Are you glad you did?” He presses his lips to mine, not letting go even as I lower him onto the mattress.

  “More than you’ll ever know.” I release Andy and scoot down to rest my cheek against his belly. “And you, little one, will be loved more than any baby ever could be.”

  Happy tears roll down Andy’s cheek as he chuckles. “Does this mean you’re my boyfriend?”

  I narrow my eyes and crawl back up to press my mouth against his in a possessive kiss. “I’m your mate and your alpha. And someday, I hope you’ll want me to be your husband.”



  “Moving in together? Andy, it’s too soon.” Ethan is livid at my announcement but Freddie isn’t surprised at all.

  “I know it’s sudden, E, but I’m happy. I love him.” My brother has been apprehensive since I told him about Jude. He sees the difference in me and knows I’m happier than I’ve ever been, but it’s been hard for him to accept that I’m going to be moving in with an alpha he hasn’t even met yet.

  But that changes tonight.

  Freddie insisted on a double-date at La Fondue, one of my favorite restaurants, for the official introductions. I arrived early to make sure Ethan is going to be on his best behavior tonight but his scowl has me worried the effort was moot.

  “But you’re still in school. You have so much to accomplish before settling down. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  I’m about to answer when I feel the pull in my belly that always indicates Jude is nearby. I turn toward the door and see him watching me from across the room. His jaw is tight, but that’s how he always gets when I’m out in public and he’s not around. After what he witnessed at O-Ring, I’m not surprised he worries about my safety all the time. I just wish his worry didn’t manifest in clenched teeth and lines in his forehead. The man is going to make himself grey before he turns thirty. Although, I’ve always thought salt and pepper was a good look on an alpha…


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