The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV]

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The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV] Page 3

by Robbie Collins

  The High Queen nodded, and they began removing some of the dying woman's pains.

  "What are they doing to her? Let her alone!"

  The young girl was now screaming, wanting to be with her mother, but An'ther'on held her tightly until The High Queen was ready.

  Having been given some relief from her pain, the woman was finally able to open her eyes a little, “Who are you?"

  San'lr'in’ leaned slightly forward and placed her hand on Be'rn's cheek, “I was only a young girl when we last practiced together, Third Master."

  She studied the voice for a moment, examining the face carefully, and raised her head slightly, “San'lr'in'? Is it really you? High Queen?” She was well surprised.

  "It is Me, Great One."

  Her efforts tired her quickly, and she lay fully back down, “Am I dying, finally?"

  The Healer answered, “I cannot heal you, Master. I am sorry."

  "I have known for a long while that I was to die, so feel no sorrow for me. Thank you for removing my pain. It was great pain. My daughter? Is she here? Is she safe?"

  San'lr'in’ nodded, “She is here with us. She is safe."

  The woman moved her arm to San'lr'in's, touching her, “You must take her with you. She is well trained and can be of great use to you. Please let her fall not into the hands of our enemies. We were just now on our way to you. I was coming to you to place her in your service."

  "I give you My vow, Be'rn'. I will place her under My personal care. You have given much to The Realm, and this is little you ask of it in return."

  "You are on your way to El'fs'nd'lle?"

  "We are."

  She nodded her head lightly, resting, as if comforted from the report, “Good. She can help. Please consider her as yours, my student. I die pleased in knowing that she will be in your care. She knows more than she believes, and more than most will be able to understand. I have given her all my powers and strengths. You can count on her, my Queen. She is prepared to give her service to The Realm. She is well trained, for you."

  San'lr'in’ smiled gently at her, “My vow is yours. She will be well cared for, Master. It is sad that another must lose so much to The Realm."

  The woman tried to rise, but couldn't, so grasped tightly onto The High Queen's arm instead, “One turn, Highness. One turn all will be correct because of what we have given for The Realm. You most of all must always know this, as it is you who must give the most. Many fight for you who you know not, my Queen, because of what you give to The Realm. It is you, San'lr'in', who draws our purpose together. The Realm relies on you, Highness. And I now give my daughter to you because of that. Never, my Queen, never give in to the dark thoughts. You have legions of followers who look to you and follow you. One turn, it will all have been worth it. And you will live to see this as so. Unlike all prior, your reign will change the future of The Realm."

  The Healer listened quietly, pleased that someone else other than The High Queen's own forces could tell her of this.

  "Even on your death bed, Be'rn', you tell Me that all has been worth it, when you have led such a life as this?"

  She pulled San'lr'in’ more closely to her, “If I were thirty cycles younger, and knew what my life was to be, I would yet do the same. This is how much I believe in what you now do for The Realm. Be strong, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'. We taught you to never be weak, and this is what we meant. You must be strong in the knowledge that what you do is correct."

  "I have given you My vow, and so shall it be. I am sorry we can help you no more than this, Be'rn', but rest assured in My vow. Your daughter is now in My care."

  Be'rn’ pulled The High Queen to her one last moment, whispering, “Then I die well pleased and most grateful to you. And it comforts my heart to see you once again. But beware, High Queen. There are traitors even within the ranks of those who remained loyal. I have sought them my entire lifespan after the break, but with only minor success. Beware of the Masters. Trust no one. Very few of them remain loyal to The Realm, and even those now hide in their disguises. Another request, my Queen."

  "Anything, Master. All you need do is ask, and I will make it as you wish."

  "She yet knows not that you are High Queen."

  "Worry not over this. She will be informed, and she will be under My care from this moment. Rest in this knowledge."

  "One final item, Highest. Be overly mindful of the Spirit Mothers. Just prior to this illness taking my energies from me, I was watching them. I have great suspicion of their actions at this moment. Methinks they hide much from you and The Realm."

  "I will heed your words, Be'rn', Third Master, and am grateful for your wise council."

  "Thank you, Highness. And remember, High Queen, trust no one of us further, without your own assurance in this. But my daughter will now be the beginning of the new line of Masters. She is trained differently, and never again will they desire the powers so much."

  The High Queen listened carefully, nodded to Be'rn', and clasped her hand to her own for a moment. From Master to Master, they sent their own private thoughts to one another.

  "Master. I am humbled in your gift."

  "Never lose hope, Highness. At some moments, hope is all that remains."

  The High Queen placed her hand on Be'rn's cheek, then rose and motioned to An'ther'on. She brought the young girl to The High Queen.

  San'lr'in’ looked her squarely in the eyes, speaking softly to her, “We could remove her pain only, Young One, but she is now dying. It is the moment for you to say your farewells to her, and for you to be brave. She will expect this of you. She requests your presence."

  The young girl nodded her understanding and went to her mother. The Healer came over to The High Queen, “A sad moment, my Queen. Are you with much grief?"

  San'lr'in’ nodded, her feelings heavy, “It is a deep loss to The Realm, and to Me. A most heavy loss.” She looked back over to Be'rn's daughter, “I sense that it will fall heavy on this one. She has only known her Birth-Mother in all these years."

  Ann'wn had been listening and was surprised, “No other?"

  The High Queen nodded, “The St'en'giln are a small group only, and solitary in their ways. And Be'rn’ has remained in hiding since the Masters split within their ranks."

  They watched from a small distance as the Birth-Mother and the young girl had their final moments together. San'lr'in’ felt sorry for the young girl, and felt sorry for Be'rn', one of the last of the Masters, and one of the few St'en'giln. She watched the sad scene, hating the harshness of The Realm.

  After some moments, the Third Master quietly died. San'lr'in’ watched helplessly as the young girl silently wept. Sam, knowing what it was to lose one's Birth-Mother, went over to the young girl as she saw her rise. She began to place her arm around her, when suddenly the young girl stole Sam's sword from her, pulling it quickly from its sheath, holding its tip to Sam's throat.

  The High Queen watched her movements with great interest, seeing that the young girl was truly trained by a great, great Master. Ann'wn and An'ther'on went forward with their swords readied, “Place down the weapon, Young One. We have no desire to harm you. You cannot win this battle."

  "No, but I can kill her before you kill me!"

  The young girl stood nearly Sam's height and had spent her entire short lifespan living in a harsh environment, fighting everyone who passed her way. And she had been extremely well-trained by her Birth-Mother. In her anger, she wanted, needed to fight against the women she momentarily and irrationally believed had killed her Birth-Mother, even in knowing it not truth. Trained not to fight against one unarmed, she shoved Sam forcefully against the side of the tunnel as she turned quickly to An'ther'on, fighting sword-to-sword with her. The High Queen observed the young girl's movements with great interest. Ann'wn waited, thinking that An'ther'on would take her easily within a short moment.

  An'ther'on had mistakenly assumed that such a young girl wouldn't be any match for her. After many moments of proving herse
lf otherwise, An'ther'on's pride began to hurt as she moved more into her forceful warrior ways, trying to contain the young girl.

  It was certain that the young girl wouldn't be able to win against An'ther'on during the long battle, but The High Queen had seen enough to know of her value, “An'ther'on, place down your sword. Ann'wn, I have need to borrow yours."

  Ann'wn didn't want her Queen to fight this fierce little one, “Highness. This is not necessary."

  An'ther'on knew better than to question The High Queen and placed down her sword. San'lr'in’ simply held out her hand for the sword from Ann'wn while looking at the young girl, “Why do you wish to fight so, Young One?"

  "All of you killed my Birth-Mother, OLD one!"

  With no other option open to her, Ann'wn relented and placed the hilt of her sword into The High Queen's hand.

  The High Queen raised the sword, laughing lightly to herself, “If you like not being called Young One, then perhaps you would be gracious enough to provide us with what it is you are called by before I fight against you."

  "Fighting you will be like fighting babes. You are overly old to fight. But I am called by Ern'seln'."

  "Well, Ern'seln', you offer a challenge. Who is it that has taught you these fighting skills?"

  Ern'seln’ raised her sword to The High Queen, as in the manner of the old Masters. She then bowed her head, as did The High Queen.

  "My Birth-Mother. She was a great swordswoman. One of the greatest. Only two others are greater than her, in the entire Realm. Only two. So you are as nothing, Old One."

  Ann'wn began to step forward, “You are addressing The Hi—"

  San'lr'in’ held up her hand to Ann'wn, silencing her. She turned back to Ern'seln', “You wait for Me to take the first move?"

  "It is as I was taught, but I will give you no mercy, Old One, when the fight begins."

  The High Queen nodded, then hit Ern'seln's sword lightly just to provide the first move. Ern'seln’ moved quickly into her moves, but was surprised when San'lr'in’ countered them easily. Ern'seln’ began to use even more of her Master skills, frustrated in that the one she now fought seemed to know them well.

  "And who has taught you, Old One?"

  It was the moment Ann'wn had long awaited. She listened carefully, now seeing why her Queen had picked up the sword against this one.

  Ern'seln’ made a few moves that surprised The High Queen, long unaccustomed to them. She countered them quickly, amused at this young one's great ability and master of such skilled moves.

  She ignored the question asked of her, asking her own, “Who is it you now fight for, Ern'seln’ of Be'rn'?"

  The young Ern'seln’ began to use many of her powers within their swordfight. The High Queen watched carefully, pleased at her command of them.

  Ern'seln’ responded, “I fight for The Great High Queen of The Realm. What dark evil do you fight for, Old One?"

  The High Queen had seen enough of the girl's skills, so decided to end the fight. She made three quick moves, removing the sword from the girl's hands, catching it as it flew in the air to her, “I also fight for The Realm, Ern'seln’ of Be'rn."

  The girl was surprised at the sudden and forceful sword moves of The High Queen's, “You fight like my Birth-Mother. How could this be? Who are you?"

  To help answer the question, Ann'wn came over, knelt and bowed her head, “Great High Queen of The Realm."

  Upon hearing Ann'wn do as such, San'lr'in’ sighed and closed her eyes briefly, trying to remain with some patience.

  The girl's eyes widened with disbelief, “This cannot be so. The Great High Queen is on her way to El'fs'nd'lle."

  Uthrn and An'ther'on also came over, kneeling and bowing their heads, “Great High Queen of The Realm."

  The girl stood in disbelief, looking quickly from one to the next. When she saw Sle'nel', her eyes widened even further, “Then you must be the Elf.” She then saw Sele', “And you must be the young Future Supreme Sovereign of The Realm.” She turned back to San'lr'in', “Is this so? Are you really The Great High Queen of all The Realm?"

  San'lr'in’ sighed and nodded. She responded softly, “It is truth. I am High Queen."

  Ern'seln’ threw herself upon the ground, kneeling deeply to San'lr'in', and bowing her head, “Great High Queen. It is you who my Birth-Mother said I must search out. It is you who I have been trained to serve. And I picked up a sword against you, Highness. My deepest apologies. Please forgive me. I knew not. Please allow me to serve you, High Queen. All my life has been dedicated to using my sword only for you, Highness, never against you. I am deeply ashamed."

  San'lr'in’ placed her hand on Ern'seln's elbow, making her to stand, “Rise, Ern'seln'. And you also, My warriors, although I should make you remain there for doing My thinking for Me."

  As Ern'seln’ rose, San'lr'in’ could see that she had begun to cry, but fought bravely against it. The High Queen wrapped her arms around her and let her cry for many long moments.

  In a soft voice, she tried to comfort the young one, “All will be well, Ern'seln’ of Be'rn. Your Birth-Mother has placed you in My care, and I have given My vow that I will watch over you in your life. You are now of The High Queen of The Realm. You now fight for The Realm."

  Ern'seln's response was just to cry into The High Queen's shoulders, deeply saddened in the moments.

  All the warriors began to leave so as to give their High Queen some privacy. The Healer walked over to Ann'wn, who was waiting just slightly away from The High Queen, yet guarding her. Neither had spoken to the other since their morn conversations, and were now cautious in each other's presence.

  "What did her Birth-Mother die from, Healer?"

  "A long sickness. If I had been able to tend to it much prior, I may have been able to help, but this has been with her for many long prior moments. At least we were able to allow her to die peacefully."

  Ann'wn looked at The Healer for a few moments, just staring at her, wanting to touch her, to kiss her.

  "Why do you stare at me? Am I unpleasant looking to you?” Shr'dler'in feared Ann'wn was upset with her regarding the morn occurrence.

  "No. Just the opposite of this. You are most beautiful. But I look at you in amazement. It is a great gift you have, this healing ability. I have always just assumed your ability in this without thought, but you are truly the greatest of Healers."

  "I had much training for this, as The High Queen had for her role. From a young girl I was trained to be such a Healer.” The Healer was surprised that Ann'wn thought her to be beautiful.

  Ann'wn watched as Ern'seln’ finally moved away from The High Queen. She saw that Sle'nel’ and Sele’ came up to her, and that Sele’ took her hand. She couldn't hear the words being spoken, but guessed that Sele’ was trying to make her feel better. Ann'wn felt sad for the young girl, but was glad that she now had The High Queen and all her companions. The Healer and Ann'wn waited as The High Queen, Sle'nel’ and Sele’ walked by with Ern'seln', then followed behind.

  When they arrived back to the great room, The High Queen halted, then looked at Ern'seln', “Birth-daughter of Be'rn'. Birth-daughter of the Third Great Master. It is the moment for you to inform The Realm of a Great Master's death. Are you aware of this procedure?"

  She bowed her head, “Yes, Highness. My Birth-Mother prepared me well for her death. She told me of the vow between Masters to do this thing."

  "Are you able to deliver this message, or do you require My assistance?"

  "Thank you, M'Lady, but I am prepared and able."

  "Then do so, and let it be done. The moment is sad enough."

  Ern'seln’ nodded, then closed her eyes and went into her third meditation, delivering the message of her Birth-Mother's, the Great Third Master, to all the other Masters, as was vowed among them. When she was done, she looked sadly at San'lr'in', “It is done, M'Lady."

  "You have done well, Ern'seln'."

  "But I want them not at her funeral. They are traitors."

>   "We know not who will come, but it is their privilege, and is not for you to judge. Did your Birth-Mother not say as such to you?"

  "She did. You are correct. But they are evil."

  "It is the vow of the Masters, no matter our feelings within such vows. At moments, it is not for us to like or to dislike what we must do, but to just do it. If they come, they come to honor her great abilities, and it is this that you should remember. Leave aside all the other, for now. Our battles against each other will arrive soon enough. In its own moments, Ern'seln', and there is never need to wage such a battle sooner than its moment."

  "Yes, High Queen. To your will."

  San'lr'in’ called Caitha and Meera to her, “Caitha, The High Queen's Storyteller and Singer of Songs, and Meera, The High Queen's Warrior, this is Ern'seln', the Birth-daughter of the Third greatest Master of all The Realm. She has just lost her Birth-Mother, and I have now attached her to watch-over our Young One. You would do Me a great favor if you would watch over the both of them this eve. It might be a long eve for you."

  Meera bowed her head slightly, “We are pleased to do this, High Queen. Come Sele’ and Ern'seln'. Let us prepare for the eve."

  Sle'nel’ wrapped her arm through San'lr'in's, “I am sorry, my Love."

  San'lr'in’ responded by placing her other hand on Sle'nel's arm, touching her gently. She said nothing, but Sle'nel’ could see the weight of the death of one of the loyal Masters upon her.

  The High Queen turned to Ann'wn, “We will have a delayed departure, Force Leader. We will need to bury a Great Master in two morns."

  "Yes, my Queen."

  "Would you like something warm to drink, High One, for a moment of rest?"

  "Thank you, Healer. A good thought. I will sit at the fire while I gather My thoughts together. This death feels heavy upon Me."

  Sle'nel’ sat near her Queen, while Sam and Uthrn sat across from them, An'ther'on sat to their side, and Ann'wn sat on the other side. The Healer was busy preparing the tea for her Queen so as to help her relax. When she was done, she handed it to her, then looked around for a seat. The only one available was next to Ann'wn.


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