Box Set: Vampire Love Story Series (Four paranormal romance novels)

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Box Set: Vampire Love Story Series (Four paranormal romance novels) Page 23

by H. T. Night

  Tommy seemed uneasy about what I was saying. “What do you mean by training?” Tommy laughed. “Do you plan on taking me to Vegas to do an act?”

  “Not in the slightest.” I said. “I need to get face to face with you and have you trust me to the point that you don’t attack me.”

  “What if I kill you when you’re trying to Lassie me up?”

  “That’s the part we have to figure out. We’ll need to do the training in stages. Tommy, have you ever heard of werewolves having any kind of control during full moons?”

  “Control?” Tommy thought about it. “The older werewolves might be able to. They aren’t as bloodthirsty as younger ones.

  “Why do you suppose that is?”

  “Cause they’re beat down and tired,” Tommy said plainly.

  “What if…” I said. “It’s because they are more seasoned and they have figured out a way to control it?”

  “Saying, ‘they can control it’ is a big leap. Werewolves are like psychopathic serial killers who have been chained up for twenty years and finally let out on the general population. Werewolves are told from the get go to figure out a way to go into hiding. Most go to caves and isolated areas so there is no temptation to kill humans. I think you might be reaching, Josiah. Werewolves are no better than wild animals.”

  “That’s what you’ve been told, Tommy. What if you could be tamed and you never knew it? The way a lion-trainer tames a lion.”

  “Are you intending to beat me with a whip?” Tommy asked humorously.

  “No, you might enjoy that too much.”

  “Okay, let’s say you do train me. What good will that do?”

  “Tommy, the good it could do is endless. What if we could get you to a point of cognitive thought? What if you could decipher right from wrong?”

  “Cognitive thought? That’s unheard of, Josiah; there is no way it can be done. Werewolves are mindless beasts who know only one thing — KILL. We act on instinct in our werewolf form.”

  Tommy was going to need more convincing. But the more I talked, the more I believed in my heart that I was on to something. “I’m going to put more thought into this,” I said in conclusion.

  “In the end, Tommy,” Yari spoke up, “it won’t hurt to give it a shot.”

  Tommy glanced over at Yari. “You think?”

  “Josiah had a vision,” Yari continued. “We need to respect that. God knows we are all here because we were all given relentless visions. Now look at us. What will it hurt?”

  “It could hurt,” Tommy said. “It could hurt very much, if you let me out and try to train me and it doesn’t work. I could do a lot of damage to everyone. You all will be forced to fight back and someone might get killed. Hell, you all might be forced to team up and kill me.”

  “That will never happen, Tommy.” I said. “I would never allow it. We need to do this in baby steps. We take baby steps first, and see if we are on to something. Let’s first see if I can build trust with you.”

  “I don’t know, Josiah. Give me some time to think about it.” Tommy still seemed unconvinced.

  “One last thing, Tommy,” I said. “Just imagine how powerful you would be if you were self-aware as a werewolf. Imagine how much good could come out of it.”

  I was done talking and I was tired. I did one final look around the room to make sure everyone was on board. I stopped when I glanced over at Yari and motioned for her to follow me out of the room.

  Yari nodded and followed me out to the guest room. “What is it, Josiah?”

  “You knew, didn’t you?” I said.

  “Knew what?”

  “You knew that it was me and not Atticai that was supposed to be in charge of all of this, that’s why you followed me for two years.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yari seemed worried.

  “Look, I won’t say anything to anyone else. But if you are able to see into the future, you must have known.”

  Yari paused for a very long time. She was really struggling with telling me the truth. Then, very softly, she said, “I knew.”


  “Are you mad?” she asked.

  I wasn’t sure what I felt, but I was definitely not mad. Because of all of this, I was able to find Lena. I could never be upset about that.

  “I’m not mad, Yari. Not at all. In fact, I’m honored.” I looked over to her. She was still very stunning and I cared for her deeply, although no longer in a romantic way but rather a protective way. I took her by the hand and pulled her close to me and hugged her tightly.

  “You ready for what is to come?” Yari whispered in my ear.

  “I hope so.” I said. “I sure hope so.”

  Chapter Ten

  There wouldn’t be a full moon for another two weeks. That gave Tommy plenty of time to think about what I requested. It had also given me time to consider how I would try to tame and train the wolf.

  On one of the evenings, Tommy and Yari went out and purchased items at the local clothing store. They bought clothes for everyone. They bought me some comfy plaid pajamas. I’m used to sleeping naked, so wearing any kind of nightwear made me uncomfortable and itchy.

  It was a couple of days before the next full moon. We were all watching Survivor on the tube. Tommy made eye contact with me across the room and mouthed, “I’m in.” I nodded and was very pleased. I turned my head and watched another blindside at tribal council. Damn, I loved Survivor.

  It was the day of the first full moon. I went into Tommy’s room and he was lying on his bed listening to his MP3 player.

  “What you listening to?” I asked.

  “Some old-school Bobby Brown.”

  “Nice.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Tonight is the first night of the full moon.”

  “I realize that, Josiah. This isn’t my first rodeo.”

  “Just so I’m clear. You only turn into a werewolf when the full moon is seen at night?


  “And you shift back to a Carni during the day?”


  “How many days does it last?”

  “Three nights.”

  “Perfect! That will be enough time to do what I want to do.”

  “Are you going to let me in on your plan?” Tommy inquired and looked down at his MP3 player.

  “Yes, but I don’t want you to worry about it just yet. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

  “I sure hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I have a hunch, Tommy. I’m not sure where it came from. Let’s hope it’s from a higher power.”

  Tommy stared at me for a few seconds and shook his head and laughed. “Let’s hope so, Josiah.” He then turned his attention back to his MP3 player. “If you don’t mind, Bobby is waiting.”

  “By all means Tommy boy, that’s your prerogative.”

  “Cute, Josiah.” Tommy put on his headphones and put his ear buds back in his ears.

  I went into the kitchen. Hector, Wyatt, Lena and Yari were all sitting at the table drinking from Styrofoam cups.

  “Good evening, sunshine,” Lena said with a little flirtation in her voice. I smiled in her direction. Our eyes met and we took a moment to allow each other in. I hadn’t tried to get closer to her the past couple weeks. I knew I had feelings, she knew I wasn’t going anywhere. So, why rush into something?

  “Do you ever have cravings, Josiah?” Wyatt asked.

  “For blood? No, not yet. But I did enjoy Goliath’s blood the other night when I got a taste of it.”

  “That didn’t send your cravings into orbit? That doesn’t make any sense,” Yari chimed in. “All Mani have intense cravings, almost from the get go.”

  Yari looked at me with skepticism.

  “What? Don’t you think I’m a real Mani?” I said.

  “The protruding incisors and that fact I get fried in the sun isn’t enough for you?”

  “I just don’t like it that you can still eat like a teenage boy. It isn’t fair.”

  “Seriously, Yari, has any of this been fair to any of us?”

  “You have gotten the better end of the stick, you have to at least admit that, Josiah,” Lena added.

  “Oh, don’t you start with me, little missy. Thanks to Yari, Wyatt, and Hector, I am who I am.”

  “And thanks to Atticai, Yari, and you, I’m who I am, too,” Lena reputed.

  “Touché,’” I said.

  “You two just need to have sex and get it over with,” Yari just came out and said.

  “No one is having sex with anybody,” I said. “Unless that’s how you and Hector roll?” I shot Wyatt a look and grinned playfully.

  “Very funny,” Wyatt said. “I had enough tail in the 1920s to last any man a lifetime.”

  “Hey, Josiah?” Hector spoke up. “Did your ...” Hector awkwardly looked in the direction of my groin.

  “Did my… what?” I asked.

  “You know, did your.... you know?” He eyed my package again.

  “Did my what?” I said again. “Quit looking down at me, you perv.”

  “I think what he’s trying to ask you is,” Yari said. “Did little Josiah get bigger when you became the Almighty Chosen?”

  “I honestly don’t know,” I said.

  “How’s that possible? Yari laughed.

  “I haven’t had an erection since I became a Mani.” The whole room fell apart laughing.

  “It made you impotent?” Wyatt marveled.

  “No,” I said, insulted. “I haven’t exactly been in a romantic mood after having my life turned upside down.” I looked at Hector. “So, to answer your question, I don’t know. Why you need to know details of my member is creepy. Anyway, I have always been a grower not a show-er.”

  Lena smiled at me. “Can we stop talking about Josiah’s package, if that’s okay with everyone?”

  “Oh, you’ll find out soon enough, sweetie,” Yari stated to Lena. Lena ignored Yari’s comment. But she didn’t say she wouldn’t. Hey, every little bit helps.

  “I concur,” I said. “So what are you drinking? Animal blood?”

  “Not exactly,” Yari said.

  “Human blood?” I asked, disgusted.

  “No one that had to die for it, if that’s what you’re afraid of.” Lena laughed as she sipped her cup.

  “That’s good,” I said. “Glad to see we still have our morals.”

  “Don’t worry, I know the graveyard security guy at Running Springs Hospital. He hooked us up last night.”

  “Did you and Tommy get it?” I asked.

  Yari looked at me with a little disdain. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It doesn’t mean anything. I was only asking.”

  “Yeah, Tommy went with me. Is that a problem? Or do you need to keep tabs on me?”

  “Oh, you would like that, wouldn’t you?” I responded. “Yari, I have zero problem with you and Tommy being friends. As matter of fact, you can be more than friends. Go have tons of vampire and werewolf babies.”

  Everyone laughed and Yari didn’t correct me. There was definitely something going on between her and Tommy.

  I peeked in Yari’s cup. The Styrofoam cup was stained red at the bottom. I couldn’t help but gag and Yari saw it. “Seriously, ‘The Chosen’ just gagged at the sight of blood? What is wrong with this picture?” I left the kitchen and went to the living room and closed my eyes and rested a bit.

  Some time had passed and Lena came over to me. “Josiah, you awake?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I answered.

  “Just wanted you to know that it will be dark soon and our little friend is going to go all wolf-boy on us.”

  “Where is he?” I asked.

  “He’s putting extra chains on his cage.”

  “Extra chains?”

  “He thinks the fact that there will be so many Mani close by, the smell might drive him over the top.”

  I got up and went into the front room where Tommy was. He was inside his cage locking chains on top of one another. He would yank on the chains to make sure they were locked in tight.

  “What’s going on?” I asked him.

  “I’m reinforcing the chains, so I will be stuck deep inside and not harm anyone. I’m already starting to itch.”

  “So, that’s why you itch. You always said it was because you were nervous about leaving for the reserves.”

  Tommy laughed. “I had to tell a couple of lies to keep my cover.”

  I walked into the cage and knelt down next to Tommy to see if he needed my help. He handed me a chain while he connected the smaller end to the back bar of the cage.

  “Did my sister know about you?” I asked Tommy.

  Tommy was quiet. My sister was always a touchy subject for him. So, I respectfully waited for him to answer me.

  “Your sister knew.” Tommy continued to work on the chains.

  “Is that all?” I asked.

  “She knew Josiah. She was the only Tandra that knew. She was the one person in this world I completely trusted.”

  “Okay, Tom.” I decided to change the discussion. “I think we should have everyone else leave for the next 72 hours.”


  “I want to do something with you that will take complete commitment from the both of us. It’s got to be about you and me, and you and me only. We need to connect in a way we never have before. I just think it’s in everybody’s best interest if we were left alone.”

  “Have you let them know?”

  “I wanted to run it by you first.”

  “I think you’re nuts for trying this, but I’ll agree to whatever you want to do.”

  “If there is the slightest chance that I’m on to something, this will be well worth it.”

  “Well, you better tell your Mani buddies they need to find a Motel Six for the next three days.”

  “They’ll stay at my house. Krull is only after me. Plus, Yari says our little showdown isn’t going to happen any time soon. I’m worried more about your Carni friends who will be in full werewolf mode during the next three nights.”

  I stuck my head out of the room and yelled, “Can everyone meet over here?” Within a few seconds, everyone appeared. “Come inside Tommy’s lair.” I said. “I would like to speak to everyone.” Everybody stepped into the room.

  “What is it Josiah?” Lena asked, concerned.

  “Tommy and I were talking and we think it would be a good idea if everyone was to leave for the next 72 hours.”

  “What the hell are you planning to do?” Yari asked, insulted.

  “I plan on doing bonding exercises. The less distraction that’s here, the more Tommy and I will be able to connect. It’s going be extremely important for us to do so, if this is going to work.”

  “Josiah, have you ever seen a Carni in its werewolf state?” Wyatt asked.

  “No.” I said.

  “It’s the scariest, most intense thing you’ll ever see,” Lena said, jumping in. “Are you sure you want to do this alone?”

  “It’s the only way it can be done. I’m sure of it. I believe there’s more to the Carni than meets the eye.”

  “What if there’s not? What if they are just crazed dogs?” Yari said intently.

  “Then we’ll know for sure. As long as Tommy is willing to stand and fight next to us, we owe it to him to see what he is capable of becoming.”

  “What about you, Josiah?” Tommy said. “You have talents that you haven’t even scratched the surface of.”

  “My time will come. I believe it in my core. This is what we need to do first.”

  “We all hope you’re right, Josiah,” Lena said with an assuring tone.

  “I believe that there is a chance there is something great inside Tommy. The Triat gave me the vision and this how I’m interpreting it.”

  “So, where should we go?” Lena asked

  “Go to my house,” I said.

  “Do you think it’ll be safe?” Wyatt asked. “We’re not exactly the mos
t liked group of people in town.”

  “I know,” I said, “but I’m sure you’ll be safe. Neither the Carni or Krull is after you. They are after me. If you do run into any trouble, just head to the Flatlands. At least you’ll have friends there.”

  “Is that what you want?” Yari looked at Tommy.

  “Yes, it’s what I want,” Tommy answered back.

  “Then it’s a go.” Yari left the room. She seemed hurt, but this wasn’t her deal. She needed to trust me. Or at least respect the fact that Tommy trusted me.”

  “Here are the keys to my house.” I tossed my keys to Lena.

  “I guess we’re out of here,” Yari walked over to Tommy and hugged him. She let go and walked over to me. “I hope you’re right, Josiah. Your instincts have been right on so far. Please be safe.” Yari leaned in and hugged me tight.

  Lena walked over to me also. “You sure about this?”

  “Yeah, this is going to work.” I said. “I know it.”

  Lena brushed the back of her hand on my cheek. It was a tender gesture, one that gave me goose bumps. “I guess we’ll see you two in a couple days.”

  “I guess so.” With that, all of them left the room and got ready.

  Chapter Eleven

  Everyone had left and made their way to my house. There were about forty minutes until nightfall and then the full moon would reveal itself in glorious moonrise. Tommy and I were in the room.

  “How do you go to the bathroom if you’re chained up?” I asked.

  “That is what the cardboard is for in the corner. Most of the time I can make it.”

  “Oh, this is going to be fun.” I said.

  “Just show me the courtesy of not staring at my junk when I go.”

  “I don’t see that being a problem, Tommy.”

  Tommy paced around the room, stopped and looked out the window. “I think it’s time to lock me in. So, what’s the plan, Dr. Phil?”

  “Well,” I said, “it is my belief that we need to bond in stages, or phases, if you will. Tonight, you will be chained in.”

  “You’re planning on unchaining me at some point?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Josiah, if you’re wrong —”


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